YouTube Is BETTER Than School w/ Maqwell | Chewing Grounds #42

YouTube Is BETTER Than School w/ Maqwell | Chewing Grounds #42

hola a todos bienvenidos al episodio 42 wow 42 episodios no puedo creer que um tenemos un invitado muy especial hoy lo conocí en persona en un juego de charlotte fc y es divertido porque vi sus videos tenía que haber sido antes la pandemia um lo vi vi el video de vanessa y fue la primera vez que lo vi comenté en este video él respondió lo siguiente que sabes es que se está reuniendo con felipe del gerente táctico tv y yo estoy como oh Dios mío, amigo, lo sé y luego resulta que es [__] vietnamita, tenemos mucho en común , tiene 80 000 suscriptores a una edad tan joven también, amigo, acabas de cumplir 21 años. conduciendo gracias por conducir aquí agradezco que vivas bien ¿te gusta la vida allí? es más pequeño, sí, es más pequeño, mi rutina diaria es como estar adentro casi todos los siete días de la semana yendo al gimnasio . como tres de esos días eso es más o menos un a tiempo mis amigos porque todos mis amigos están como en la universidad, están como a dos horas de distancia, así que realmente no puedo hacer mucho allí, oh, realmente vengo hasta que vengan mañana o simplemente conduzco hasta allí y estoy de fiesta por un día o dos. y fuiste a uh, estás en la escuela en un colegio comunitario, sí, comunidad correcta, sí , y es una locura para mí que puedas estar en la escuela mientras te apresuras así porque estás en los números 80 000 suscriptores donde estás cerca de ser solo de tiempo completo como si quisieras alguna vez fue una idea no como ese ha sido el objetivo como siempre quise hacer esto vas a abandonar tus padres podrían estar tan decepcionados no la cosa está bien um, en realidad estuve así el último semestre y solo me concentré en los videos, por lo que mis calificaciones son como basura completa [__], ¿cuál es tu gpa? uh, es al menos un 2.0 oh Dios mío amigo, decidiste que tu familia honestamente honestamente el Sin embargo, la cosa es que me siento lo suficientemente seguro de dónde estoy cuando se trata de cómo El canal continúa y puedo hacer esto a tiempo completo en algún momento, quiero decir, hice un acuerdo con mis padres para ganar esta cierta cantidad de dinero cada mes, sí, puedo hacerlo, amigo , es increíble tener que hacerlo . Preocúpate por un trabajo, eh, pero quieren que consiga ese, eh, como lo llamo, eh, el título, sí, el título, sí, asiático clásico, creo que no sé si eso está sucediendo porque estoy fallando mucho en matemáticas en este momento. m divertido sí soy [ __ ] terrible en batman no lo sé lo sé lo sé no conseguí esos jeans ese es el blanco ese es el lado blanco de ti eso es lo que dice mi papá sí no conseguiste mis jeans o tus abuelos yo era como [ __ ] supongo que solo era [ __ ] desde el principio amigo me puse bien tengo que decir algunas cosas muy rápido bueno primero si ustedes están viendo el video ustedes están viendo mis uñas pintadas yo sí que a veces eh fui había noche emo anoche en este bar era una vibra estoy usando anillo y todo también menos tú quiero decir que cuando te conocí me impresionó mucho y esto es esto es ai me impresionó tu edad y tu ajetreo y nathan que estaba en el último podcast hablamos de ti porque nate conoces a nathan um virtualmente en cierto modo sí y nathan Nathan incluso dijo en vivo en el podcast que él puede saber cuándo alguien lo logrará y tú eras uno de esos y yo tuve la misma sensación porque cuando te conocí, tenías esta adicción . pero como una forma metódica de pensar en youtube porque cuando hablamos un poco en la casa de felipe y recuerdo que estabas como diciéndome como hiciste tus videos un poco y luego las miniaturas y todo eso y yo estaba pensando en tu edad porque luego me dijiste que tenías 21 años y yo estaba como, oh, Dios mío, tienes 21. 80 mil niños en estos días, hombre, es perezoso la primera vez cuando cumplí 21 que en realidad me sentí joven porque, oh , sí, porque aquí está la cosa correcta cada vez que escuchas uh cuando estás como 16 y escuchas que la próxima gran estrella del fútbol sale y tiene como 16. es como, oh, eso es cierto, tiene mi edad , como si hubiera hecho más que yo, pero está bien, solo soy un estudiante de secundaria eso no es problema cuando tienes 21 y un niño de 15 años ha marcado como 10 goles en esta área o algunos [__] eres como ellos , soy tan viejo y cuanto mayor te haces, más sientes que viendo deportes porque te recuerdo , lo señalaste amigo recuerdo que recuerdas cuando estás en la escuela secundaria cierto estás viendo baloncesto estás viendo fútbol o algo estás como oh estos niños son estos tipos son como adultos para ti cierto los ves correr alrededor parecen adultos ellos Todavía se ven como adultos como amigo, hay [ __ ] um dios uh jonathan davis david es como se llame, sí david, dije david um parece que tiene [ __ ] como 30 hermano , se ve tan viejo porque está tan engreído hermano y yo al igual que [ __ ] y luego ahora estoy mirando y estoy como amigo, estas personas son más jóvenes que y yo, oh, hablando de eso, ¿ ves otros deportes? Veo baloncesto, veo juegos de los denver broncos de vez en cuando, de acuerdo, denver broncos, qué cosa tan interesante, bueno, quiero decir que estoy aburrido en colorado, oh, no sabía eso, sí, todo . los equipos aparte de charlotte um, ¿cuándo viniste a charlotte o 2008? Creo que fue en ese momento como que no sé si recuerdas esto, pero esto fue cuando como davidson eran enormes y locura de marcha como cosas, sí, ese era steph curry, sí, steph curry, no sabía nada al respecto, acabo de enterarme, oh wow, ¿cuáles son las probabilidades de eso ? un año de bonificación hey, estuviste vivo durante 9 11. Respetaré eso, sí, es p o pre o post eh, pero eso es increíble, está bien, naciste en 2000 eh en colorado eh denver denver sí sí he estado allí me encanta allí has ​​visitado alguna vez visité hace un par de años real Me encantó, es tal, um, le digo a la gente cada vez que hablo de la cena . Definitivamente se siente de esa manera, también tiene ese tipo de ambiente aburguesado, sí, como si nadie tuviera problemas contigo y todos son muy parecidos a ti . Quiero decir, como nosotros también, sabes, creo que, sinceramente, no, esa era la teoría, estaba bien, una vez que se legalice, me pregunto si es así como Amsterdam y esas cosas, entonces amigo, quiero ir a Amsterdam, mis amigos fueron allí, um, un par . hace semanas de ninguna manera, sí, lo hicieron para las vacaciones de primavera . Yo estaba como si obtuviste boletos para el juego iax, oh, jugando la liga de campeones y son como lo que soy, oh, Dios mío, no son tan grandes fanáticos. quiero decir, incluso entonces tienes que experimentar eso , sí, yo y ellos, esa vibra, yo y mi amigo zorn vamos a volver eh vamos a europa va a ser su primera vez desde que nació y amsterdam es el primer lugar eh realmente quiero ver las vibraciones quiero ver um como todo es tan legal y como si Es como si quisiera ver que conoces toda la experiencia y, definitivamente, vamos a pasar por Venecia, probablemente Siri Serie B en ese momento y luego ver a John Luca tocar , quiero decir. sí, creo que has estado en el estadio, sí, no, no, no, no, el estadio vanessa vanessa, pero mateo, su hermano me cuenta todo, él es como amigo, es el único estadio que está en una isla, sí, como si estuviera físicamente en su propia isla yo estaba como amigo qué y se ve muy bien como si fuera un buen estadio que es lo loco um alguna vez no has estado en el extranjero directo a europa no está bien pero has visto diferentes estadios porque eres tan honesto que sabes mucho más sobre fútbol que yo soy un fanático pero soy un fan casual como tú felipe todos ustedes [ __ ] saliendo con tácticas similares y [ __ ] soy como bruh como no puedo no puedo colgar hermano para ser justos soy muy amable fanático casual también, acabo de obtener las tácticas, la cosa es que una vez que me arrojas tácticas, es como matemáticas, es como lo que estoy mirando, tengo que revisarlo como cinco veces diferentes para que realmente creo que eres un um fanático experto y felipe sería más como un técnico experimentado, sí, en realidad está adentro, pero diría que eres un fanático experto en el que, si haces preguntas a los fanáticos, lo sabrás como mucho, especialmente con arsenal y un muchos equipos diferentes como ese um, volveré al fútbol muy pronto, pero quiero, quería decírtelo, así que pienso en Italia cuando fui allí y vi los estadios de fútbol a los que fui. a reggio emilia uh donde jugaron ese es este estadio de casa para um es como la camiseta verde y negra uh hay y son como un s de nivel medio El equipo de erie ba siria tiene razón y asumirías que los cinco primeros de la liga siria tienen fondos de nivel medio porque en epl en epl la mayoría de los estadios son bastante buenos, la mayoría amigo, este lugar es como un basurero hermano, literalmente sentí que estaba en como el calles de brasil estaba tan asustado con esta área o lo siento, mucha gente se enoja cuando dices que el siríaco es como la mls, la liga mayor de fútbol a la que le importa un [__] la cosa con saria aunque he hablé con mi amigo sobre esto que está en la universidad en italia el modelo de negocio en italia para estos clubes es tan [ __ ] desalentador es tan [ __ ] como las cosas aún peor amigo la cosa es correcta un club que estaba en siria hace solo un año está literalmente a punto de relegar a la tercera división como si fuera tan malo, espera realmente, sí, ¿qué equipo ? ver como principalmente la liga premier veré un par como serie uh ling Los partidos difíciles Los partidos de la liga son realmente solo porque, como mi amigo, es un seguidor del psg, así que apoyaré al equipo contrario y luego los enfadaré . di y luego después de eso sería y dijiste tú, eh, solo te gusta, solo te gustó ver um league leguminosas solo por, eh , solo por mi amigo, oh, así puedo enojarlo, qué equipo le gusta, le gusta el psg, es tal un equipo de banda no, no, la cosa es como si él fuera de París, tiene mucho sentido y tienen bonitas camisetas realmente geniales, tengo, um, la de casa y el hombre, lo único sobre el psg, amigo, que me molesta es que monopolizaron la laguna porque como tú piensas. al respecto nombre un buen equipo en eso como un verdadero psg de primer nivel eso es todo y me siento mal soy como um y luego todo el asunto desordenado como soy soy un poco soy el messi más recalcitrante fan y asi verlo salir asi del barcelona y luego tener que irse al psg i fue como, ah, tengo que ver estos juegos, aunque eso es lo que sucedió cuando eso sucedió por primera vez, el chat grupal conmigo y un par de amigos, incluido mi amigo que apoya a mi psja, simplemente se volvió loco porque porque este hombre estaba como diciendo oh vamos a ganar la liga de campeones y estamos como oh Dios mío el fútbol está [ __ ] arriba primera ronda eliminada primera ronda fue perfecto porque um tengo que hacer el ensayo de video psja que explotó me encanta ese ensayo no quiero y sabes qué es tan [ __ ] divertido amigo y esto es lo que pasa con el algoritmo de youtube hoy en día, a veces veo videos sin siquiera reconocer de quién es y seré como si fuera el video de [ __ ] maxwell, así que hice clic en él porque yo mira psg y sabes que apoyo a messi y entonces quería ver este video y um me ha estado alimentando muchos de tus tipos de videos y así que lo estaba viendo y estaba como esperando porque era yo era oh Dios mío, como si mirara hacia abajo así [__] El video de Maxwell ya lo leí Seguí , oh, felicitaciones, por cierto, ese video está casi en 500k, sí, medio millón, es una locura, eso es [__] increíble, amigo, estoy muy impresionado, amigo, estoy orgulloso de ti . sería después de la liga de siria sería sí diría liga fuera y luego oh espera qué dices es liga sí así es como lo dices como oh hombre soy tan inculto que está aquí diciendo eso correctamente solo soy como en ese mismo barco aprendes muy lentamente por qué no me gusta el francés voy a ser honesto contigo no, voy a ser honesto sé que tuviste esa pequeña historia sobre París que te robaron allí hermano, casi, pero sí, no lo hiciste bien, sí , sí, así que y sabes y también amigo, voy a ser honesto, no sin ofender a tu amigo, um, París está sobrevalorado en este momento y la gente en París me dijo que son como en ese entonces solía ser limpio y divertido, pero ahora creo que algo con el gobierno y la forma en que realmente no solo se ocupan de su capital ya no es realmente repugnante y es peligroso es así amigo p como huele a orina en todas partes hermano es como el barrio chino pero como en todas partes como en términos de olor, maldita sea, sí, y es realmente extraño porque eso es alta moda, está en París, así que caminas y está repleto y todo el mundo está usando [ __ ] louis vuitton como ropa bonita de hacha , pero luego [ __ ] también están siendo robados. Estoy como qué diablos , qué es esto tan confuso allí, pero um, después de que también veas las ligas asiáticas, ¿verdad? um, trato de ver las ligas asiáticas como la liga v, la liga vietnamita, no puedo creer que hayas visto eso, quiero decir que es porque soy vietnamita, sabes, creo que es lo más importante, pero eso es cierto, no, respeto la identidad. pero es solo el hecho de que no es que no me atraiga, excepto por uh internacional, veo internacional ocasional, sí, tuvieron un buen año este año, uno de los mejores años de ellos, quiero decir, como vencimos a chi na y año nuevo lunar eso es pico eso es [ __ ] amigo enfermo y sabes um este es un recuerdo central mío eh estuve en vietnam la única otra vez además de cuando nací allí cuando tenía 10 años. y eh esto fue en realidad cuando la clasificación para la copa mundial estaba ocurriendo para uh sudamérica o no sudamérica um [__] uh áfrica sudáfrica sudáfrica esto es hace mucho tiempo y recuerdo que cuando un juego está en juego, hermano, todo vietnam lo tiene en su televisor, sí, y es como los [ __ ] televisores, no como las pantallas planas, estoy hablando como los pequeños piqueros y todos estamos sentados allí mirando y soy un niño y esto es como si no me gustara mucho el fútbol así en 10 y solo lo estoy viendo [ __ ] moriré por esto [ __ ] como si estuviera hablando como si jugaras porque sabes, oh sí, la gente apuesta y luego, si lo llamaste mal, se van , escapan y desaparecen porque tienen la muerte y [ __ ] como si fuera una locura, pero sí, ¿cuál es tu equipo favorito? cuando se trata de fútbol, ​​bueno, el arsenal es como el mejor, sí, sí , porque miras epl y por qué el arsenal. simplemente me metí en el deporte, la única forma en que había aprendido más sobre él, eh, aprender, aprender más sobre él, fue a través de YouTube, wow, así que una vez estaba en la televisión, estoy como bueno, mi color favorito es el rojo, el equipo que hay . rojo haz lo que sí, eso es todo, lo he hecho antes de saberlo y sabes lo que no puedo ni [__] contigo porque literalmente lo he hecho muchas veces porque sabes que no somos de esto bueno, somos de este país, bueno, eres de este país, pero no te gusta estar apegado a un área de deportes acérrimos, eh, ni nada por el estilo, te gusta ver algo, te gusta, está bien, ahora soy un fan, eso es lo que hice con uh uh tar heels , estaba en un um, hubo una excursión cuando estábamos en la escuela primaria y w Entré a ver un partido de baloncesto femenino en el Greensboro Coliseum y pensé que era Wake Forest o Clemson versus Carolina y pensé que me gusta el azul, me gusta ese color, así que comencé a apoyarlo, es un color genial, es un genial, es como bonito, es casi como, um , el color de new york fc, es así de bonito, eh, azul claro, eh, hablando de eso, ¿ves mls en absoluto?, me he metido más porque charlotte fc, sí, eh, pero todavía no estoy tan locamente activo. Lo mismo quiero ser, pero es solo que es lo correcto. Me encanta ver mucho fútbol. Uso mis noches como si fuera lo correcto. Viviendo en los EE. UU. No puedo usar las mañanas en las tardes para aumentar todo este fútbol para ver durante la noche, solo quiero recostarme y ver otra cosa y la mls siempre comienza por la tarde, así que es como , ¿cómo haces tiempo para youtube? ¿cuánto tiempo de tu semana pasa? hacer muchos videos , diría que me gusta dar un porcentaje me gusta bien, entonces obviamente duermes pero más allá del sueño en el resto de tu tiempo si vamos a hacerlo cien por ciento bien cuánto hay en la escuela apenas tal vez eh diez por ciento uno por ciento no [ __ ] forma en que simplemente no das un [ __ ] si no, la cosa está bien me siento lo suficientemente cómodo como para que me guste lo respeto, sí, esto puede continuar a tiempo completo solía hacer trampa todo el tiempo, lo respeto, respeto al tipo que lo hizo, sí, eres un [ __ ] [ __ ] si lo hiciste como, vamos, amigo, está justo ahí, solo mira, es como si el maestro no estuviera allí, solo amigo, esa fue la razón por la que llegué a la escuela secundaria y la mayor parte de la universidad estaba haciendo trampa. Nunca lo olvidaré. Estaba tomando un examen AP y es una clase que no tendría. Odio la ciencia, esa es tu matemática, es mi ciencia . para mí, este chico negro, mariscal de campo, todo es un genio y yo era un hermano, estoy muy contento de haberlo hecho todo, pero tengo cuatro créditos en la universidad debido a eso y nunca tuve que tomar una ciencia solo por eso, pero sí, eh, retrocediendo, um, solo estamos hablando del porcentaje, oh sí, porcentaje, está bien, ¿cuál es tu youtube? Diría como 85 esta noche 85 de tu tiempo libre como que dedico mucho y luego supongo que otros 14 son como gimnasio y personal jim y bueno, ¿qué pasa con ver fútbol? ¿eso cuenta como youtube o eso supongo que sí? tipo de cuenta un poco, así que sí, como tal vez 75 80, entonces eso es una locura, amigo, ¿cómo [__] haces eso ? Tenía 11 años. Honestamente, me enteré mucho antes, así que cuando YouTube comenzó, no cuando comenzaron , pero había un montón de creadores que vi cuando tenía como ocho o nueve años y solo recuerdo que hubo momentos en los que, como sabes, cuando era niño. solo haces cosas estremecedoras yo era como yo soy así un chico que vi, solo hizo tutoriales como un nintendo ds, está bien, fue un poco divertido porque, como todo lo que hizo, no había grabadores de pantalla en ese entonces, así que este hombre estaba literalmente filmando su ds y cuando era niño, ¿verdad? ver eso también, aunque esa es la cosa porque cuando eras niño en ese entonces eras así, es una locura, especialmente, especialmente si no lo tienes como el nintendo, sí, y estás como viviendo a través de ellos, sí, pero sigue adelante. sí, así que cuando obtuve una nintendo ds um, a veces simplemente no tenía una cámara, pero solo pretendo que estaba comentando lo que estaba haciendo, estás hecho para esto, hermano, así que creo que eso fue cuando Realmente me di cuenta de que sí, eso es increíble, amigo, es una historia increíble y me puedo relacionar con eso porque me siento como mucha gente que hace youtube. Voy a decir solo youtube porque no creo que tic tac ni nada esos tenían esta relación con la plataforma donde ha durado tanto tiempo para cuando éramos niños, lo estábamos viendo y éramos como si algunas personas simplemente tuvieran eso en ellos, donde dicen: quiero ser así, quiero hacerlo porque yo también tenía eso, quiero decir, obviamente, no soy tan exitoso. ustedes, pero yo cuando yo era um cuando yo era cuando youtube comenzó había como nigahiga uh saben los clásicos como uh sexy phil kev jumba um uh en realidad fueron a la universidad con nathan oh sí, tenían clases juntos me dijo que [ __ ] y yo estaba como si no fuera [ __ ] una locura, de todos modos eso se lanzará en el podcast que ya conocían, pero bueno, cuando estábamos viendo esos videos , siempre tienes esa habilidad como oh, bueno, nosotros quiero hacerlo porque yo también lo hice y los videos todavía están disponibles, es tan vergonzoso que estaba en la escuela secundaria haciendo [ __ ] como parodias como con una cámara tipo [ __ ] estaba en la escuela secundaria haciendo aperturas de paquetes y aperturas de paquetes uh fifa sí en fifa o fifa world había como esta versión gratuita n de fifa en ese entonces en la PC que duró tal vez menos de un año ea estaba dispuesto a hacer eso ea lo hizo [ __ ] estaba como que creo que es una locura, así que sí, recuerdo mi video más visto hasta aproximadamente 2020 realmente o 2021 en realidad fue este video donde empaqué el equipo del año messi y el video como si las palabras estuvieran grabadas en mi mente como si pudiera recitar cada palabra de mi locura es genial pero me encanta pero messi en ese entonces qué fifa era esto esto era fifa 15. amigo, eso era como de cualquier lugar, diría 11 no no 11 probablemente 12 o 13 hasta probablemente hasta muy reciente tal vez 20. messi si empacaste messi eres como ahora es más en bape él es como el nuevo, quiero decir, ni siquiera sé para ser honesto, um, dejé de jugar fifa desde que dejé de hacer el contenido, me cansé tanto, estoy como malditos tú y nathan, ambos amigo, nathan era diciéndome lo mismo [ __ ] y siento que Nathan y yo fuimos por el mismo camino porque siguió el camino del ensayo de video y yo estaba como yo esto es genial como recuerdo que hizo este video en uh todo mal con china yo estaba como oh Dios mío esto es tan genial como que quiero hacer esto um lo sé mira un par como si le gustara el anime , así que mira un par de youtubers de anime que probablemente yo también, sí, sí, totalmente, uh, uno de ellos, uh, su nombre es como si usara mucho como lo que hago cuando se trata de hacer estos ensayos de video. son solo videos en general, tomo lo que encuentro entretenido y luego lo pongo en mis propias cosas, tienes que hacer eso exactamente así es como lo haces porque algunos de nosotros y no para no criticarnos a nosotros mismos somos creativos en un De otra manera, no somos creativos en el sentido de que vamos a idear una marca [__] que tomamos de otros y luego la combinamos con la nuestra y eso es lo que tienes que hacer y eh Realmente quiero felicitar a su canal por eso porque es muy entretenido si les gusta li bueno, honestamente, ni siquiera tiene que gustarte solo el fútbol, ​​eh, si te gusta la comedia y el fútbol, ​​como algo ingenioso, como lindo, como chistes divertidos, algo así, eh, eso es lo que disfruté como um y recuerdo bien, comencé con Vanessa donde vanessa no era tan graciosa, era como, uh, más informativo para mí, yo estaba como oh [ __ ] ni siquiera sabía esto como toda esta información, pero luego por eso comenzó a alimentarme estos otros videos con miniaturas locas lo cual debo, eh, los [ __ ] ojos y todo eso [ __ ] me encanta eso también hablando de eso, hablemos de tus miniaturas ¿cómo descubriste el secreto de la miniatura así que sí, honestamente no es lo que fue la primera vez? eres como si realmente ni siquiera lo supiera, así que comenzó como uno de mis amigos, muy buen amigo mío, sí, está en Australia, hace contenido de FIFA, su nombre es uh bchd uh, para ese tipo, sí, grita. mi chico brandon grita mi chico brandon eso es como pero recuerdo como ki Y de enviarle mis miniaturas, sí, y él simplemente [ __ ] en ellas y yo estoy como bien, eh, solo como, por favor, ayuda a mejorar esto, sí, sí, simplemente tomé los pasos de lo que hizo, realmente nunca me lo dijo. lo que hizo simplemente miré lo que hizo en photoshop y dije que estaba bien así que lo haces todo a través de photoshop odio photoshop photoshop estoy bien con photoshop solo tengo que crear miniaturas lo tengo yo si yo Para ser honesto, lo uso solo para eliminar fondos, así que si necesito recortar a alguien perfectamente porque hacen lo mejor, pero a partir de ahí uso canva porque soy tan perezoso canva hace todo por ti, pero pero no es tan único donde no puedes hacer los ojos y ese tipo de [ __ ] así lo haces, quiero decir que definitivamente puedes, pero tienes que hacer más trabajo físicamente como si hubiera, sí, como, lo sé. eso es bastante fácil, diferente, he usado pintura hace mucho tiempo, sí, era gratis, sí, sí, hombre, eso es impresionante Estoy muy feliz por ti. Creo que llegarás a los mil cien mil para el verano , hermano. Dios mío, amigo, he soñado, amigo, eso es lo que estoy diciendo y te he visto viendo a Nathan . el vlog de viajes y es por eso que me gusta el ensayo en video . Podría hacer un ensayo en video con cosas de viajes como esa, pero ya basta de mí. Volvamos a sus equipos favoritos. como este equipo en Italia, eh, llamado car pfc , en realidad ya no existen, no sé si están en la misma región que Sasebo, aunque está bien, sí, entonces eran un área de mierda, pero está bien , estaban en serie. uh, en realidad, creo que carpe es como una ciudad industrial, sí , pero estuvieron en Siria 2015-16 y no conocía todas las locas historias italianas antes de esto, acababa de ir a siria, así que escuché sobre estas historias que se declararon en bancarrota como 15 millones de veces antes de ir a siria, estaba como whoa, esto es tan genial como seguro que no hay 14 otras historias diferentes como esta, pero como esta es la primera, me cautivó un poco, así que dije que estaba bien, comenzaré a apoyar a este equipo, luego wow y um, ¿qué les pasó ahora que no lo hacen? Ya no existen Se declararon en bancarrota Cambiaron Como si fueran un nuevo club Ahora, pero se llaman Carpi Athletic Oh, vaya, qué [ __ ] amigo, Mi objetivo final es tener un equipo de fútbol, ​​realmente sí, lo estaba buscando en Google el otro día dije cuánto cuesta, ¿sabes que quieres saber cuánto me gusta ? mala suposición uh el mes el más bajo creo que fue como 700k algo dando vueltas por ahí y luego me gusta, pero ¿escuchas sobre esta cosa nueva en la que, um, no sé si es el USL, pero creo que podría ser el uso, pero están comenzando a ser profesionales o están considerando, uh, promover el descenso ? escuché un poco de no el mls pero el otro sí eso es interesante ahora qué gracioso sería si la gente comenzara a ver eso más que mls sería la venganza definitiva amigo yo también lo haría el [ __ ] objetivo del fútbol es [ __ ] ser como si hubiera sido ascendido y relegado no me importa y el argumento [ __ ] de todos es el mismo argumento y hablé con mi amigo sobre esto y quiero que sepas tu opinión en realidad así que mi mejor amigo es un fanático de la NBA al tipo le gusta mucho el baloncesto, pero lo que le digo es que me encanta el baloncesto, pero solo me gustan los playoffs porque no hay nada en juego en los primeros 60 juegos, no hay nada en juego, así que realmente no lo estoy. Realmente me gusta ver los momentos destacados, pero cuando se trata de registro profesional, su problema con el fútbol con todo g es que lo que va a pasar con los equipos que no tienen dinero como ese y luego como si lo inventaran y subieran están [ __ ] como con uh porque no tienen el dinero para apoyar a sustain fi luchando contra un equipo que es como nueva york o como sabes, como los equipos con fondos realmente altos, ¿cuál sería tu argumento? Yo también tengo uno. Él tiene un argumento justo porque quiero decir que estos clubes tienen tanto dinero. Son franquicias. son chicos multimillonarios, oh sí, que son dueños de este tipo de clubes, así que sí, tiene sentido si eres como un pequeño club que tal vez vale como un millón o algo así y te enfrentas a eso que es como un millón, sí, como tan pequeño que es está bien pensar en eso, sí, pero como si te estuvieras enfrentando a los fraudes atlanta united, cuyo equipo vale como 81 millones , sí, quiero decir que definitivamente hay una diferencia allí, tú [ __ ] atlanta no [ __ ] como ¿ cómo están ustedes? tan poderoso que están tan calificados que fueron golpeados por nosotros pagaron tanto dinero por este tipo que es como Tiago Amada, sí, sí, y dónde están en la liga en este momento hay rivales, técnicamente, hay charlotte como los mayores rivales, sí, somos como cómo se llama, es como el trap no, es isla traffico porque eso ya es uh no no pero sí um con trapo profesional ¿qué estabas diciendo? sí, quiero decir que definitivamente hay una gran diferencia de dinero que definitivamente podría representar un problema sí, ese es el caso . en general, su forma de hacer premios en metálico y todo ese tipo de cosas , sí, siento que podría funcionar, la cosa es que siento que el mls se ha ido hace mucho tiempo cuando se trata de esto, quiero decir, simplemente no lo entiendo bien, yo entiéndelo, sé por qué lo mismo [__] es lo mismo [__] que la hierba es ilegal porque los de arriba no quieren perder dinero exactamente y mientras los de arriba no estén dispuestos a perder que vamos a ser forzados a esta [ __ ] cosa como si apesta tanto tipo exactamente y me gusta hombre, solo deseo y sé que sé que algunos de los superiores, como los propietarios de los equipos, están abiertos a eso como um, david beckham, obviamente, él lo era, estoy bastante seguro de que no puedo, quiero decir don No me cites, pero estoy bastante seguro de que salió en público hace un par de años y dijo que le encantaría, pero solo era como uno de ustedes, también sabe que es tan rico como [__], así que no da un [ __ ] sabes como si tuvieras como [ __ ] [ __ ] dinero como sí pro disturbios como tú sabes sí pero como oh hombre mi sueño es como imaginar tener un equipo completo [ __ ] equipo justo en Greensboro o algo así y luego llegas a [ __ ] mls o algo así ese tipo será ted lasso oh dios mio hilarante como si no supiera nada en realidad ted lasso se apodera del mundo te voy a contratar filippo nathan todos vamos a entrenar al [ __ ] that's team that's gonna be the coaching stuff who's gonna become uh what's his name the dude who became the villain uh they mean gay uh what's his face [ _ _ ] for nate nate nate yeah who's gonna be the name huh well nathan nate that's a good ass show i really enjoy that show do you watch any other stuff do you have time to watch any others oh yeah yeah yeah i make sure to give myself time yeah that's an outside of like editing because if you're just doing editing and then you just go to sleep what i learned very quickly is that is a horrible idea because you'll end up going to sleep just kind of stressing out completely about i'm thinking about it non-stop exactly no i actually have a story this was uh this was with uh nathan actually he um when i first got like a shout out uh from a really uh nice guy in the uh community he was like the one of the few people in that community to follow me and i was like holy [ __ ] i literally watched this guy that's crazy i remember nathan yeah nathan and this was like all the way back in 2020 before the pandemic yeah wow which is kind of crazy because it feels like it was like 10 years ago yeah you we re like at that time because that's when i found you um right right before the pandemic like right before you ended at that time came out 2021 oh okay never mind so that was after post-pandemic damn i thought why does it seem like it was so long ago so when how many followers did you have at post pandemic like i mean pre when you were talking about this sub 1000 actually oh my god because when i found you're at five or ten i'm pretty sure so then you just yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] happened it's it's been crazy man no it's the hustle man yeah but yeah going back to the thing um i remember like i tweeted um just asian jesus just followed me i didn't really think anything was gonna come out of that i think this is what happened because it was either that no no it was definitely that because then he just messaged me uh like a couple words of encouragement stuff like that yeah yeah um and then just like one time a few weeks later i'm just cooking up some eggs right right and i just get a text from nathan i'm just like this is completely out of the blue what the [ __ ] he's like yo what do you think about editing for this channel i'm just like huh just like this this is crazy to me because i just started this channel literally like a few months ago yeah i didn't even think i was gonna hit like over a hundred yeah so when that happened i was just like [ __ ] say less you know i'll make some money too yeah so the thing is it didn't work out because this was when kind of came in and sponsors were kind of struggling themselves too so nathan and his sponsors it wasn't really working out there because you know everyone was just freaking out they didn't know what the hell was going on so ii still gotta trial with him because with uh with his editors i think he he doesn't trial with them and basically he just told me like replicate everything that has happened in this video and i watched the video i'm just like this doesn't look too bad it took 16 hours to make like to li ke one of his videos was it one of his videos that you replicated or was it a different video uh it was one of his videos yeah so you just replicated that style yeah so replicating it obviously makes it a lot longer and learning all these different ways so let me let me let me process this he gave you the same stuff as that video and then told you to replicate that yeah wow that is so genius i never thought about that no i never thought about that too so whenever i think about getting an editor i might i might try that myself yeah i same that's [ __ ] genius because eventually i would want an editor because i mean i don't i'm not like you guys where i'll be like full-time or anything but ii have work and [ __ ] with the businesses and so like youtube's kind of like i wish i could just have some but that's [ __ ] genius so then after you did that it took 16 hours and you knocked that [ __ ] out but 16 [ __ ] hours yeah and then the funny thing was i thought this [ __ ] was at least 90 9 5 similarity this man texts me like a few days later he's like this is pretty good this is 70 i'm like just like what that's [ __ ] crazy dude the thing kind of going back to like you don't want to do work and then just immediately go to bed especially with this i just had it constantly running through my head i could not sleep because i wanted to get that video done yeah and i it just like it kept running through my mind i was just like i just want to get this [ __ ] done i just want to get this [ __ ] done and i just couldn't sleep so you just stayed up i didn't stay up but i eventually went to bed but it definitely was not a fun time yeah wow that's insane did you do this all within a day or two yeah which definitely also wasn't a good idea yeah not a great idea but that's honestly impressive and the hustle is amazing and you were also you're 20 at the time no and you know what it's that's the asian in you working young working hard and working early um speaking of asian uh you are half vietnamese from your mother's side correct and then half white yes okay just just american or yeah just a minute well i guess like scottish scottish okay cool so you get really red if you drink no i don't really get red to be honest oh you got the good jeans you got lucky um your mom's vietnamese and the crazy thing another thing that we had a common similarity in when we were talking is your mom uh owns the nail salon technically that's and she works nails and my mom does too which is insane and my sister owns nail salon so it's like the same [ __ ] thing and um you you you are you grew up in that household where your mom worked right below right like in the same house or yeah i've seen that before um my one of my friends jason his mom had like in the house had a little separate section where it was just the nail salon it was her and one other person and i think in my head i'm like wow being growing up in that setting there's benefits and cons to that i feel like the benefit is y ou are able to do something like this and thrive because you're so like you're so focused on being at home that you're like you know what [ __ ] it i'm gonna start recording [ __ ] and that gives you that freedom but at the same time don't do do you think there was drawbacks to living in that like environment of like being in the house all the time i mean my social skills are definitely not that great i will say uh to be honest that's like the only thing i could think of like i've always wanted to be more sociable but nowadays like it's just i'm so on that grind yeah that's a cliche thing to say but like it's very much space and i just don't have i just don't have time i remember i remember when we were we met you said something about how like how social i am yeah and like we were talking about that and i'm it had me think i'm not gonna lie i on the drive back i was thinking about that i was like how did i get to this point how do how did you how does a person get to your point my poin t and different aspects of life right were they born with it or was it maybe it's maybelline uh or was it like something that you grow in the environment kind of thing i think you just grow into it honestly yeah and i yeah it's just so crazy to me to think about that but you know it's it's something that can just easily happen though because i feel like when i was in high school middle school i was also i mean i always talked a lot but i wasn't super how was always uh what is the word con uh aware of like other people and like oh what are they thinking of me and all that [ __ ] like uh anxious about that and then i think as you grow older and depending on the situations you're in which is tough because you're in youtube where you're pointing at just the camera but if depending on the situations you get in the more uncomfortable you get all the time the more used to it you get i think that's what it is yeah i remember like high school i would definitely say like my social skills were ac tually pretty decent yeah it's environment yeah but then like once i got into college where i just kind of bunkered into my own room because i didn't really vibe with anyone because i went i went to a college my first semester at a place called steamboat springs colorado okay um whoa everyone like my goal and i wish i could slap myself for this was to go here for like two years yeah and then go to uh colorado boulder which uh also if you know is 60 000 out of state wow i don't know what was going through my mind a semester or a year i mean that's insane so i don't know what was going on in my head but i was just like i want to go the school because it looks pretty cool i will say the women there i will say that's all i'm gonna say that's all i'm saying because i did i went to boulder and when i remember visiting the college and i saw like the fraternity houses and all that [ __ ] but i saw the girls and the guys i'm like dude everyone they're so fit and i was like why and then i asked someone and apparently boulder the city of boulder has a sugar tax where most things don't have sugar in it and uh they're really health-conscious which is so weird because they're in the mountains and i'm just like wow that's [ __ ] amazing so ii imagine if you took that path though you would not be here i definitely the thing is right ii did youtube in like middle school and stuff and then it just got really dull because i was doing like fifa fifa content i was just like which is what's funny yeah yeah and then i was just like i'm just editing the same thing over and over again i'm kind of getting sick of this and then also at the time at the same time i was starting to not be a hermit in my house i was hanging out with people because once i got a car all of a sudden that just unlocked all the possibilities in the world like literally i had like my friends uh we all just like kind of went to like different places we played soccer from time to time yeah um i used my car also to someti mes you know get the [ __ ] uh you know perfect line to be fair it was really just to like uh it was just for them what kind of car ride back home because uh you know no one wants to take the bus what kind of car did you have that was like a ford escape damn it i thought you were going to say something [ __ ] asian it would be funny i mean like i thought he was going to be like toyota corolla that's [ __ ] that's funny though dude and um i'm thinking about it now it's so funny that like fifa is such an easy way for kids to get in i'm thinking about it you nathan i did that no one knows this but my channel i uh you remember machinima yeah i was on there you were yeah okay so this is a funny ass [ __ ] story no one will [ __ ] know this i don't even know the video is still up to me on it's probably not but um i the first type of content i made besides uh comedy bits i had a separate channel where it was just uh gaming right and it was mainly fifa like there was call of duty and fifa and when i did fifa my bread and butter was this uh 10k uh teams like how how to make ultimate the best ultimate teams uh with high chemistry uh with only spending 10k so i would like look at stats and just but people hated me like these would go viral like well viral for a kid i was averaging like 20 30k and like i know right and my top i only made like five of these but my top one hit uh uh now it's probably at 100k but it hit like 60 and that's when i was like oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i'm a kid right and that was the first taste of anything and but back then there was a dislike bar right like the lightsaber right all red bro you know why because i i'm [ __ ] 13 or 12. and i can't [ __ ] pronounce the names they're [ __ ] african people bro how am i supposed to pronounce like other cultures or like french and [ __ ] like i don't know how to [ __ ] i probably said teary uh henry or something like that oh [ __ ] 12. i definitely did the same thing that's what i'm saying and anyways so um what's funny is when when the first few not not counting that really big one the first few were starting to hit ii contacted machinima gaming because machinima of gaming had a fifa department where uh they they had a video where like hey if anyone who makes good fifa content contact us we'll review your videos and if we like it we'll throw one of your future videos onto our platform um and ii did that and they confirmed me i threw one it was fine i threw two the second one and then also [ __ ] machinima cause they totally they they have a platform that just [ __ ] people i'll tell you that yeah it's literally yeah yeah uh you can get some clout and that's it they don't pay you they don't do [ __ ] exactly at all and they get your put you on a contract too that's the thing yeah yeah it's so [ __ ] i didn't get the contract i never got before because my second video was so bad it was like that where everyone was like who the [ __ ] is this kid who can't pronounce this [ __ ] he's a dumba ss like i'm not about to listen to this 12 year old all the [ __ ] like bro it was so funny that reminds me of uh ksi's like first fif i don't know if it was first fifa video but i remember he told the story of it it was like a machinima video i think and it was just so overly obnoxious and [ __ ] like even more than like prime ksi and everyone [ __ ] hated the videos and ii [ __ ] respect him for getting all that [ __ ] and just not caring he has that built in him where like ii don't know if at that age like even ksi's age she was like 15 14 when he started at that age i don't think i was that bulletproof if someone started shooting me i'm gonna feel like [ __ ] you know like imagine of your videos right now if you had all negative reactions how would you feel i feel pretty [ __ ] yeah right like and it's so crazy that some people just don't give a [ __ ] jake paul those type of people like they just genuinely don't even know it's just like a thicker skin you grow it over the years ye ah i need um i feel like i've gotten better with that but like i don't know how i feel if i was at your guy's level and got that because then that's like okay i'd probably be like i need to tweak something all right so like here's one note the first thing like the the main thing that will happen is you'll be called ricegum about like 20 different i mean here's the thing right i hate like the the racist asian comments but like at least when we were called bruce lee that's at least like a respectable guy called [ __ ] rice grump bro okay so i'm assuming you don't like rice government i'm not okay i can't this is a good time and i feel like i love this type of podcast because i don't feel like i have to talk about just your channel or something all the time because sometimes i'll have guests on where like you know i just told you earlier it's like i meet somebody for the first time you want to talk about their content all that stuff we can kind of just shoot the [ __ ] i love that okay i was dating this not dating well casually dating this girl who was uh i won't say names obviously but pretty very pretty girl um really into asians right she's super into asians and she was um man it's just so funny she was uber obsessed with like rice gum and she was saying like uh oh he's so hot and all this [ __ ] i'm like what i feel like i'm what what harry that's what i was like bro this might be your best i'll be honest yeah what would you say bro look goofy at best i mean i was a fan of ricegum too i was not i'm be honest i never was a fan i never i thought he was cringy all the time um i think later in the future i became more like okay i respect his husband he's actually kind of cool and then he did all that [ __ ] with like the scams and then i don't [ __ ] with this kid at all i'm about i gotta go piss give me a second you gotta go pee i'll be all right all right you want any food by the way uh i should be good you sure you don't eat i mean i eat i'm just hungry right now ug h dude i have something to ask you do you oh [ __ ] gotta close this door i have a thing with the open doors okay so do you feel this way too do you watch a lot of people who make your content style not really me and nathan were just talking about that isn't it funny how that works yeah for me it's just like if i want to take a break like a lot of my breaks are just watching youtube videos yeah i don't want to watch the same [ __ ] that i do that's like that's basically my job stuff that's literally it and iii thought i was weird for doing that and then nathan brought it up and then now you brought it i'm like okay so it's a common thing in the youtube world because like i don't know like if you look at my youtube feed the maybe is nothing close to what i do because i do like travel [ __ ] right never rarely watch travel video like i might watch a travel video just to see like what other people are doing that's it like uh i don't know you know strictly dumpling i've heard he's like the top asian travel guy and when i was doing travel videos which soon i will be stopping and i'll be pivoting to that new stuff but um i'll like watch this video be like okay why is he so [ __ ] famous why is he so popular all right i'm done and that's it and then like i never [ __ ] actually sit down and watch it because it gets draining you're like already editing it i don't even watch my own videos after i upload it yeah it's about the same for me i'll go to like good ones like the really good ones yeah but like for the most part there's a couple videos where i'm just like it's kind of [ __ ] but it is getting views so i mean people ask me like oh why don't you watch uh your podcast and i'm like bro that's like an hour i'm in the pocket like i physically i had the whole conversation why would i want to hear it again there are bits and pieces like sometimes i think it's [ __ ] hilarious and i'll like i'll watch like those bits like that's it like i don't i don't know the necessity of h ow good were you at fifa uh it was pretty garbage honestly really yeah ii could at least like play on uh like the max difficulty when it came to like playing against people yeah people are different yeah i get [ __ ] smashed every single time when i was when i was younger um i guess the fifa 15 era like that time uh i was really bad at ultimate team and i was really good at seasons because they used to have seasons i was like really good at that because i would just use like [ __ ] barcelona so [ __ ] you know but like ultimately i was really bad because i didn't get the i didn't get how to get coins and how to build it but now dude i'm addicted to fifa i'm gonna lie that's why i'm scared of doing fifa content ever because then i'm gonna stop like liking it yeah i mean because it gets straining for me how i've seen it is anyone who goes into fifa now in terms of content good luck because it's not sustainable especially like diluted yeah especially career mode where pretty much you rely on search results as i've continued doing youtube for these few search results what do you mean by that with light mode when it came to uh career mode when you do like a series on a specific team you want to do one that's getting a decent amount of search results like people are actually searching that and that's definitely not the way you want to go um when it comes to if you want to be actually successful at youtube ii find it that the only fifa people who start now or like started recently that can blow up is if you're you have a really big twitch presence and then your followers come from twitch i noticed that because ii follow a guy um honestly he's probably the only fifa guy i'll like watch nowadays because ii play fifa i'm addicted to that [ __ ] bragging a lot uh that's my only vice i would say that and drinking but um is uh of recently i used to not when i met you in charlotte i was drinking way less and then ever since then it's so weird it's like i keep getting hit up and t hen there's a spiral i think we've been doing it for like four or five weeks now at weekends but uh i'm actually gonna take a break soon because i need to i need to get back um gear but um uh [ __ ] what is his name uh foot run the foot market oh yeah run the foot market i like his energy and he's a twitch he came from twitch well i mean kind of both but like that's where i'm like okay i could see people that and what you know when you watch people's videos you're kind of like i want to do that a little bit so ii like i get that but then i think about like i would hate fifa just because you and nathan both said like you guys you're gonna be so tired of it and it's not sustainable you're right unless you do twitch which is a lot switch like do you twit you twitch i like doing twitch i want to get more into twitch because the few times i have stream because there's like this kind of joke at the end of every single one of my videos where i just say hey go follow my inactive twitch and um because i only stream like once a month compared to youtube compare it to youtube compared to youtube i would say youtube's harder or like when it comes to like my type of editing me and nathan's type it's definitely a lot harder and it's just a lot more time consuming twitch i'm just a lot more laid back i can just kind of [ __ ] around like that's my thing you can really just [ __ ] around when you have an audience and you drive that audience to twitch they'll just watch whatever you do so do you recommend that you have the audience from youtube first oh hundred percent okay so i'm gonna use that twitch's uh algorithm is dog [ __ ] you will not be found you will not be found if you start at zero you will stay at zero unless you're a girl yeah i know some girls that have like slowly gotten their way just because they're girls it's really weird but um with that i have a that's very vital because i i have thought about getting into twitch i just what kind of content do you make on twitc h i just like the thing is i really just [ __ ] around that's the thing i either like you watch games and like it's like watchalongs and stuff or i will just go on twitch and just start talking to my chat that is it and it's fun it's a lot of fun people sub to you and you get paid for these subs i do wow yeah it's amazing even though like i only stream like once a month how many do you have on twitch followers yeah uh i think it was like 3 000 last time i checked oh my god what the [ __ ] that's from you like completely bullshitting too that's amazing imagine if you focus well that's the thing i want to get into it because i the one thing with youtube is i don't really get to interact with my audience that much the only way i really can is through my dms like i get instagram dms and twitter dms these like nice comments and stuff that's really cool like ii try to respond to every single one of them but i also push them back like a week later yeah i kind of i just want something a little more active and twitch is just much easier for that why twitch uh twitch over youtube live uh so money no it's not really money because i think i think you make more you could make more on youtube i think through like super chats and stuff yeah well if you count super chats and donations and everything yeah theoretically you could yeah with twitch though the one thing that i hate about youtube streaming is that there is like a minute delay between your chat and your live feed oh it is yeah really yeah huh i have always hated why i don't really know why i've tried to find ways to like fix it i don't know if it's like a minute but it's definitely like a noticeable period of time where you just have to like wait yeah if you ask a question it's like all right i'll just sit here and wait i guess wow my goal with this podcast is once i get a thousand subs um i'm pretty good at leveraging like for marketing i know how to hit up small brands and like who to pick once i can get a few and obvio usly get monetized gotta get that thousand um ii think i'm gonna start doing live podcasts every now and then because i think it'd be fun like get a guess in and it's [ __ ] live you know like uh so that's something i was thinking about but then i was like should i do the live podcast on twitch and then upload it after on youtube or should i just do it all on youtube what would your recommendation be i think well for you especially like if you're like a thousand yeah not that i think youtube streaming is better for the smaller streamers okay don't exactly have like a platform following to come to twitch yeah you do have your instagram though i do so i mean there's that's something i want to say i'm so thankful for instagram because i dude it's so great that you nathan even felippo you guys are so much bigger than me and you guys are yet you know willing to do [ __ ] like this this is so cool to me i mean like it's if if someone just comes up to me says like hey in person podcast bro [ __ ] it the thing is right you're cool we've i [ __ ] with you yeah the thing is numbers in terms of like when someone hits me up or something i have never given a single [ __ ] about that stay like that forever because it is so hard to not be like that when you get big the thing is like i did there was at one point where i was because when you get that huge explosion of stops and these are people that you've seen above you and you start kind of surpassing them it's just like oh [ __ ] this is kind of happening and i'm really thankful for one of my friends it was just like yo don't do this you're going down the wrong path i'm like you're kind of right yeah so um i've just stopped doing that just don't like and what i what ii vision and is like when i see you i see nathan i see all this like people who have like common commonalities with me and i'm like the day that it you know i hit the lottery just like y'all i gotta i gotta be like you guys like i gotta emulate in the sense of how yo u guys have just been chill you guys have done no problems i've had that with instagram but even my instagram is not as big as you guys like i got like twenty thousand you guys are out there [ __ ] like like three thousand what i know i'm talking about your guys uh uh youtube is harder than instagram to get subs yeah i guess it is so it's i think if i were to rank the tiers youtube's probably the hardest and then after that may what would you think instagram twitter i think twitter i don't even use twitter i forgot about that you use twitter i use twitter um it's quite like my twitch where i'll just say whatever [ __ ] shit's on my mind and it just gets likes well elon's about to own that hopefully he got declined but i love elon dude i like if i had to go gay for a man that'd be him he's so rich bro i [ __ ] love that guy he he's the soul not the soul reason my sister is the sole reason but the second main reason that i made money because of tesla bro i'm i'm so thankful thank you dad dy elon uh are you into stocks at all uh it was like that one time in february of last year when everyone was going memes and then like uh gamestop and everything like gamestop amc i kind of jumped on it late so nothing really happened one of my friends had dogecoin like way before though and he kind of got a decent amount of money wow good for him like how much like like you don't have to care i can't remember how much it was okay but um that's crazy uh are you ever looking to get in something like that because you're you're 21 you're at that age where we start thinking about [ __ ] like that yeah i mean i don't know [ __ ] about it but like maybe one day i'll learn about it if you ever did just contact me i know i'm not an expert but i know enough to where i've made some good money yeah like my only experience is like failing in the meme stocks and then there was this one time uh on minecraft like back when i was like 14. oh my god there's like this plugin that cause i worked on a se rver like i was a staff member and [ __ ] oh what i know like kids kids kids playing minecraft were like if you were a staff member that's you're you're a legend no you could do anything you're like the king of that like server well you weren't the king almost you were just watching mediating and everything yeah like you were moderating at least in my case if someone said i don't know the n-word or cursed yeah out kick band whatever that was pretty much it though but that's a lot of power that is a long world but like also when you you know do the bare minimum like i did um the owner will promote you to like admin and [ __ ] whoa there's this k there's this thing called uh op where it basically just it's god mode like you can do anything you have access to all the commands and everything so i remember that i used to play minecraft yeah so we had this like uh stocks plug plug-in for like the uh what i think i lost a very considerable amount of money in about two days i didn't know what the [ __ ] i was doing i just saw like i just saw like oh i know what chevron is let me just get this oh apple sounds apple sounds pretty big i'll just shoot the apple one yeah that one would have blown up but that's [ __ ] hilarious dude when i was a kid i didn't know what the [ __ ] stock was and like i think getting into stocks i was in college and i was i think i was your age maybe a little younger i was like maybe 20 and um robin hood had just become a thing so i downloaded robin hood it was free and i had no clue what i was doing but um ii kind of [ __ ] myself because the first one i ever did did successful i was successful so i kept going i didn't know what the [ __ ] i was doing so uh there was this uh robin hood sends out ipos whenever something new comes out and uh beyond meat at the time ii think i might have been 21. you know what beyond me is right like it's like a like vegan meat brand it's like if you go to like a walmart you'll see these like meat patties that aren't m eat they're made from veg vegetable [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] know but i've seen it and i've seen it yeah right or like some it it i've chatted it's not that bad like it's kind of similar like 60 like meat tasting um but i remember seeing i was like all right i'm gonna get it [ __ ] it i was like uh i got at 60 right and it went up to two it's like 200 something and i was like oh [ __ ] rolling deep i had like 100 maybe two hundred dollars in it and um so it like plummeted to like a thousand i was like oh my god oh my god oh my god i was like i'm gonna hold it i'm gonna hold it my [ __ ] dumb ass held it and it went right down i was like oh but i sold it and i still got a profit but yeah [ __ ] like that um but yeah beyond stocks let's let's go back to let's see i don't i don't even know what oh let's talk about charlotte charlotte bro i can't believe they have a team finally yeah do you think they uh do you think the mls be honest and don't be biased do you think they should have picked c harlotte or raleigh as their first team because raleigh originally had a bigger soccer presence that was like so there's kind of a funny story with that there was like um there was kind of a war between yeah those two oh yeah like 2017 yeah like 2017 there was like a community of raleigh yep and then a community of charlotte oh yeah and i remember there was like this uh this rally that charlotte held i wanted to go there apparently it only had like 17 people there and it was just clowned on for the rest of the night on twitter and like for the rest of that week um what that was that was a little bit yeah i was deep into this [ __ ] because i wanted to see yeah because i wanted to see an mls team in charlotte so at that moment i was just like okay well i think we should all just give up here and just give it to raleigh because i think raleigh is the better choice here because raleigh does have a community they've had a community for a long time because um ncfc or i guess the railhawks y eah so and also uh wait are we talking about raleigh ncfc and everything like that on that side and this is an underrated factor that i think a lot of people don't consider when it comes to raleigh think about the best college soccer teams three of the top 50 always is in that area yeah it's like the triangle yeah literally it's nc state it's pretty pretty good they're all right chapel hill is really good duke is also pretty disgusting uh wake forest is fine so like what the [ __ ] but yeah go back to what you're saying yeah yeah so i just at that point i was just like yeah the charlotte bid's done for we're never going to see this [ __ ] again all of a sudden it just kind of reappeared like me and my friends we had been memeing the idea of like a charlotte team for pretty much like the early stages of 2019 like we just came up with this like ridiculous [ __ ] name it was like you know how like teams are sponsored by red bull and [ __ ] we're just like bro what if our team was just spo nsored by monsters some [ __ ] that would be kind of sick it was it was such a funny uh that'd be kind of sick though you know why you know why i think it's sick it follows my idea of their jerseys their [ __ ] jerseys right now are so ugly i'm gonna be straight up bro the color is like fine because it's queen city colors right i get that but why the [ __ ] is it just a replica of arsenal and and a worse version because those colors don't work on arsenal how do you feel about the jerseys well ii made a video on do well ii had it i had we had a group chat where um they're like some of them are soccer fans and so i brought it up i was like why did we not just do uh like blue and then uh have the ideas of like hallmarks i love claw marks something like that like wolverine claws on the three ends kind of and then like this is whatever color black or white you guys pick and then um i also had the idea of like doing an alternative pink jersey because whenever someone does like that wild colo r kind of like psg when they threw in the pink or even vanessa is red like it just is completely like whoa why okay the red is the red is the venetian flag okay that's fair i didn't know that but like something like that where you it's just so like off like from your regular [ __ ] that'd be sick um iii feel like there's an mls scene with a pink jersey that's pretty sick i'm trying to remember someone has an alt jersey that's pink but um stuff like that like claws are cool even dude anything would have been better than the [ __ ] we got right now bro honestly ii would have personally liked if the mint was like the primary color i think mint would have looked so much better as the primary yeah like the away shirt i actually kind of like like i bought that one oh the black the black and the one yeah no that one's fine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what's fine the home shirt though is just it's literally just 20 19 20 arsenal like i have that shirt in red all right let's talk about arsenal for a second you ready to talk about this yeah sure because i i'm if i were to put a scale of one to ten in terms of like soccer knowledge you're probably at a what like an eight or nine maybe a ten yeah like uh like a seven eight yeah seven really i think so okay so seven eight i'm gonna say i'm gonna i'm gonna solid five six i'm in like i know enough to hold my own but i'm not like i'm gonna tell you everything but let's talk about arsenal you guys are such a [ __ ] unique team right now because you guys are so young you're at the top of the table but you're not at the top of the table you're like cruising right what's up with the uh what do you think the future's gonna be you guys every single talent that is good at your team is young so do you think everybody's just gonna stay and grow there or you think you're gonna make some moves like if you were the coach or the not coach uh front office yeah so i think this has been like a long time in the waiting because way way back in like the mid 2010s there was this plan to kind of prioritize the academy and stuff and we're now seeing that like the hail enjoyers are doing their bits um at this point in time i feel like this is kind of where we should make a couple moves like striker position like just areas where we know that our youth academy players or the current players that are on the bench probably not going to be good enough so like striker we've been linked with uh gabrielle jesus as of recent who literally just scored four goals against watford today he's very good he is very good he's so underrated i was gonna say he's very he's such a poised like striker like you don't see him as like a complete athletic threat like that's just gonna [ __ ] you it's more like he's in the right spot he does the right thing he always does the right thing and i hate when there's [ __ ] that are too cocky and they they don't do the right thing because they want to be flashy or something he's just he does his job i like i like i don't like man city but i like him he's a good player yeah the thing with him is he's so underrated just because man city a don't really play him in the right position and they're always stacked out of the ass exactly they just they rotate pep literally rotates the team like every single time literally so and it works for them it does work yeah but there are like i have a friend who is a man city fan he is definitely a bandwagon this time like this was 2018 after the world cup he was so invested in the world cup that he wanted like pick a premier league team all right you know like you could you go for like i don't know like stoke city or something he's like i like man city i'm like anyone who watched epl within the last five not five like maybe eight years probably man city because that's that's when the rain started but if you're a man city friend fan from like 2000s respect i respect because they were ass back then they were so bad and then whatever his name is [ __ ] bough t the team and he's so rich he was just like money here's more money money um i would say with arsenal your guys talents that i think wait who do you think is your most uh your best player or not best player let's let's say your most valuable most valuable pukai osaka easily saka is very valuable he's he's very fast and he's a good uh he's great at he can be winger he can honestly he can grow into a lot of positions he's played left like he started he's gonna sound like left back uh that's not his actual position but he can play that and like now that he's playing at left wing he uses some of those aspects as a left-back to kind of like track back and stuff you know who i really like on arsenal i don't know why i like odegaard i love buttercup i really he's i just appreciate like his technical skills because a lot of times especially in epl uh technicality can get waved because it's so fast paced and it's so like physical sometimes like you're like if you're fast as [ __ ] and you're p hysical with the ball you kind of don't well you do need technical obviously but it's like it can be pushed aside so whenever i see someone in the epo that has really good technical skills i'm like oh [ __ ] like i like arduino i saw you guys um i watched the highlights of not the most recent game the game before that it was against uh it was a really [ __ ] good game it was against chelsea oh yeah that was a [ __ ] like banger of a game dude the back and forth i was just like oh [ __ ] my heart was in my mouth half the time yeah odegaard did some amazing plays that game and that's why i was like i really liked this guy but yeah uh arsenal are my best friends arsenal fan uh you guys also have a great uh asian player as well let's see what got us away the thing is right i had been because spurs were linked with takahiro tomiyasu really like i have always wanted an asian player to actually succeed at arsenal because that's just like that's basically wait it wasn't sanity to me yeah yeah but wasn't there one um uh miyachi back in like 2014. yeah yeah yeah he's not great well you know there was another one though in the early uh mid 2000's i'm almost sure hold on keep keep going i'm gonna search that up i know it's just i don't think he was i think he's the butt of many jokes about wenger's transfers i think yeah you're right but yeah keep going keep going yeah but um i i've always wanted to see an arsenal player or a uh an asian at arsenal and when that happened i mean ii went [ __ ] mental dude i was like holy [ __ ] this guy's really good too like oh this is gonna be great i was not expecting him to be as good as he has been he did just come back from injury so we'll see how that fails and he's young he's very young he's young that that potential that they almost i'm actually if i'm thinking about all your guys top player has not hit their peaks yet like in terms of age like you're supposed to hit your peak physically physically on uh in soccer i think it's 28 yeah i t's around like the around that time yeah and i don't think there's many 28 year olds on arsenal it's like besides the veterans obviously but that's what's crazy about your guys team you guys are so stacked young but because of that when it comes to certain games they they don't got it some some games so it's like we'll see where you guys are what do you think you guys will land at the end of the season uh dude i [ __ ] hope fourth i get into god fourth place that would be fun man do you do you have a second team you support nameko i guess that kind of like a secondary one you watch i had a special place in my heart for bournemouth because i really like the story and i just love the fact that they're stadium like the fans are so close to the pitch i didn't even know that that's that's so cool yeah ii can't wait for bournemouth to come back because ii i've always enjoyed interesting because when they first came into the league it was just like the peak of chaotic football like there wer e score lines of three all um against some teams what one of the most like memorable games for me was when they beat united uh i think it was like maybe one nil i can't remember they also beat chelsea at stanford bridge one time whoa so yeah they just kind of won my heart that way that's crazy um because i i'm like this with a lot of sports i have a team my support but i'm a player fan so i'll watch a team just because of one player so like uh i used to do well ii don't like chelsea but i watched them for pulisic and then a player obviously i gotta watch tonham bro sunny i gotta support my asian brother and dude i love sunny i love stone but but we'll have breakfast first yeah i don't know i get it here's the thing right guys goal that he scores if it's not against us even five goals from time to time i still [ __ ] hate spurs though and i hope i mean that man needs to go somewhere else he's not gonna win trophies okay ii beg that that man please go to like buy-in or something no not b uying uh bayern would actually treat him well i know but i mean you're right but i hate watching german soccer i'm gonna be very honest of all the top five leagues besides well i'm gonna say league well i don't like uh french soccer either so i'm gonna say that they're probably the word but then after that dude both of them are probably like my least watched because the only teams that i find appealing that i'll actually tune into isn't even byron to be honest i'll tune into uh dortmund games because they're fun they're fun because of a holland that [ __ ] beast bro that dude but then he's so injury prone like he's walking on stilts or something bruh like every time he'll beam and ball [ __ ] nasty ass shot then get injured next game yeah just like jesus christ uh do you like german soccer it's so like it's so robotic to me i used to follow it a lot when poolsick was like first yeah getting into the team and stuff with dortmund i've definitely it's kind of fallen off for me like i just watched a classical which i think is actually today i think it just happened oh [ __ ] but i missed it so i don't know i mean brian's gonna would leak anyway so that's the [ __ ] thing about those that's why i don't like those leagues they're so top-heavy okay so here's the thing so top-heavy bundesliga i can totally understand that argument liga i'll be honest with psg and how [ __ ] they have played you like if you're just a french team that is just even the slightest bit competent you can get a result against psg at least this psg version um yeah but then there's zimbabwe that just knocks out like five goals in the next game i mean not really though well i'm pretty wait let me see what's the table right now because i know they're on top but like by how much that's the question by definitely more than they should be the only reason why i agree i agree they're playing like [ __ ] like they should they should be way better than they are yeah but the thing is right there's such a massi ve gap between them and the rest of them because this it's still very competitive around the top five or like like second to about okay i was gonna say i'll get second to what the [ __ ] dude there's ai guess the gap between first and second i mean like it should be higher because yeah i agree i agree you have like the big three big three yeah uh so it's psg and uh i don't know how to pronounce it and i don't want to [ __ ] it up am i saying yeah more say yeah i knew i was going to say it like i was going to say more so i was going to say oh yeah my viewers over here just take a guess take a guess on points difference oh yeah that's right i completely forgot by the way uh thank you to all of maxwell's fans that are watching this because once you if you post this on your feed it's going to be instantly i'm making this the most popular video oh you're going to beat us well your competition will be nathan after this it'll be tough but listen nathan crown's mine all right so wait guess the gap guess the gap well let's play a game it was like 16. you literally just oh wait did i say all right well let's let's do another one then uh let's do um the german league bundesliga that's like nine points i think well okay a game just played so between bayern and deutschland it's like i think it's like nine not bad twelve okay it's not bad today yeah byron did win so i just feel so bad for dortmund man they're always just number two the thing is like dortmund just have like this business model where they have these really good players yeah and they just sell them yeah well i'm gonna say something i don't know who the [ __ ] the staff is for dortmund that does youth but they're [ __ ] geniuses no they are they find all the like the most amazing youth talent and you know it's another team that if you're not into this league you won't know it but they're kind of the dortmunds of this league of syria do you know which team is kind of like that they always find the best young talents a nd then they just sell them off that's like you want to you're like fiorentina yeah this guy is a [ __ ] expert bro i just gave it out there yeah i was gonna say for you in tina dude and um i went to florence and it's it's a literal commonality where if you talk people in soccer there they always say like oh we love this scene like they're diehards of course right but they always hate that they leave because i was there right before vlahovic left right before and i was like damn that [ __ ] sucks because he's a [ __ ] generational talent he's [ __ ] nasty um he's a dick he's like a complete [ __ ] but he's nasty yeah the way he left definitely uh oh no he's a douchebag he's definitely a douchebag like i saw his interview uh for when he he went to juventus and then uh they asked him uh like how does it feel to wear and ronaldo's number to replace him and he was just like this number means nothing to me like he paused right he he left the [ __ ] what he said in his like uh in italian but the fact that he paused i was like you're an [ __ ] i feel like that might be taken out of context you can't just disrespect ronaldo like that yeah dude like come on bro it's [ __ ] wrong i was talking to one of my friends about ronaldo so i don't know if you've seen someone like the ads he's been in like of late but have you seen the sharpie ad no you haven't seen the shop oh i'm gonna pee and i'm gonna pull that out i think so i'm about to pull out the tv so we can watch it also am i holding you from anything no you're good you let me know bro i have nothing i got all the time in the world to talk about this is a lot of fun if you want to get food we can't no straight up we will get last year or during the party nah i'm totally down dude all right oh [ __ ] i didn't think i didn't think we needed it but here we go we're at the live loon reaction yeah for real because i've never seen it i have seen some cringy uh ronaldo ads before i haven't seen this one okay i'm surprised you haven 't seen this one then hooked up and then i just need this and then i hit this okay that's already on all right just pissed my brains out uh so hold up let me pull on anything right over hell is it on youtube yeah okay uh let's hit the screen record yeah so you just look up ronaldo and then i'm definitely gonna get a copyright claim and i'm gonna have to dispute it you'll do that every time what is it called ronaldo ronaldo shoppie so it's like shot why am i on this hold up let me swap this is my old account that i never use anymore i just i got a spiffy little profile picture thanks man i was gonna do finance videos ii i'm addicted to banked on the cpm then oh dude i'm not joking if you're you if you're a person into finance go ahead and make a youtube channel not only are you going to bank on cpm but the niche is so small it's like so small that i made three videos three didn't even promote them like i usually like put them on like reddit and certain things didn't do any of that insta ntly thousands of views like my biggest video there is already at like ten thousand views and i'm like three years ridiculous but i just don't have time i wish i had time i just don't i did this time and then you have the money though i feel like the money kind of it's the thing is i make money from the businesses so i'm like where do i all my time this is this is not for money at all the podcast for me is enjoyment purely i love this [ __ ] i love talking to people all right ronaldo what what uh shop shop and then eee okay so what we're going to do is i'm going to hit the screen record let me go back to the screen quick player what is it is it we'll figure it out yeah all right quick time new screen recording i'm doing this live so i know how to edit this podcast all right we're gonna hit record on display two three two one and we're recording all right so which one is it let's figure this [ __ ] out might be the first one is it no it does no wait why did you someone made a 10 hour lo ok i'm telling you man what the [ __ ] all right let's let's give it a shot this might be the one where they just record the tv though this is it why did he do that to himself so there's another one actually how much did they pay him i don't know but they definitely paid him like the big bucks because why would he ever do that to himself what's the other one so the other one so just look up like i can't believe there's a diana ronaldo like japanese commercials oh i think i've seen this one like the one with the one where it's like in his mouth yes like yeah yeah yes i've seen that one i've seen that one we'll watch it again that [ __ ] is [ __ ] hilarious this one right yeah yep yeah this one's [ __ ] hilarious i haven't seen the shoppy one that's new to me facial fitness dude you know what's funny about this yeah japanese people or asian people [ __ ] love ronaldo kobe bryant uh i don't even know if messi's on that level for asians i don't think they [ __ ] love ronaldo and kobe i don 't know why it's just like kobe you know it's odd no the thing is like what i've noticed with like ronaldo commercials is like there's some where he's like in nike commercials and stuff and then sometimes like actually for the most part really you just do you mean these weird ass commercials and completely different brands that like hey that's never heard in your life that's that money nah it is that money money talks bro i love it it's so funny okay let me turn it off how the [ __ ] oh here we go all right we're off off of that uh but yeah that's [ __ ] crazy that that's a [ __ ] thing i think that's so funny um would you ever sell out how much money you want to take you do a stupid ass ad take it do it like a stupid ass ad i'd do it like i mean it'd have to be a good amount like okay would you ever sell out on not like complete obviously not sell out but like uh if there was a brand that was like not a scam i'm not gonna say scammed because that's od i don't think we would either of that but it's a stupid-ass brand you would never use but they want to promote you they want to be on one of your youtube channels would you ever do it and for how much i do it for like over 10k at least for like right now where i am i think 10k the more i grow yeah it'll definitely go up i'm not gonna lie i've done it i've done it uh being even a small youtuber i've done um i'm not gonna say what brand because i don't wanna call them out but i did i did a brand where i was like this is the dumbest [ __ ] concept but they paid me like a couple hundred bucks and it was for an instagram post and i was like all right let's give me i think it was like 200 i know you got that mcdonald's thing how did that happen yeah uh i don't even know bro i get lucky sometimes uh there was a marketing company that was that covered mcdonald's in north carolina and they had seen my instagram a lot of it most of my brand deals are off my instagram uh i've had very few on my youtube i had the sake box that wa s sick thank you for saki but that's something i [ __ ] with it's a subscription service they send you sake like it's [ __ ] awesome yeah but uh that one the lady found me on instagram through one of the hashtags and like my page like notice i'm from north carolina and she's like hey i managed this branch do you want to work together for mcdonald's mcdonald's let's go um actually am i allowed to talk about this i i'm pretty sure i'm allowed to talk about this especially by the time this comes out my biggest brand deal ever to date has just i just signed the contract for it and uh i'm coming up with content right now it's crest crest toothpaste and it's it's like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna disclose the money like i could tell you after but it's my biggest deal for you it's not it's probably a good deal for you but not like a oh like because you have eighty thousand on so you can kind of leverage that more but for me this amount of money for twenty thousand on instagram is like thank yo u chris thank you uh it's easily my biggest deal it's actually my biggest deal by double because the last biggest deal was not it was still big but it was it was for uh vaccines huh yeah was my second biggest deal ever was uh the green guilford county uh which is this area guilford county um health department and they they were promoting vaccines right after the pandemic yeah so that was my second biggest one yeah that was crazy what's your uh what was one of your biggest so like i probably shouldn't like disclose the price okay no no no you don't have to do that my biggest one so far was the the first deal i i've gotten really yeah what it was uh nordvpn oh dude yo shout out to nord dude yeah shout out honestly shout out to nord bro like that's when you i you know it's funny i watch youtubers and i feel like you're successful once you get sponsored by either a vpn one of the top ones express nord shark or rage shadow legends oh great shots that's something that's like the mean one tha t's the mean one i was gonna say i didn't even think of that one that's a good one because i phil defranco he all the top i was gonna say another one is a seat geek you got a seeking skill you're like i want c geek bro that you you a star also uh an underrated one that even filippo actually got and i was like [ __ ] draftkings if you get draftkings you could get a draftking because you're in the sports world i probably could you could uh if you ever contacted them yeah i i've never the thing is with sponsors i've always just had that mentality of they gotta hit yeah they'll just come to me like really yeah so i started to realize that okay maybe i should start approaching them here's i don't know how the [ __ ] to do that here's something obviously you're in a position where you're i'm like chilling you know but i can hopefully give you an advice in this sense because this is something i'm gonna do with the podcast um i'm planning on doing i have two people who are willing to join the team as soon as i start making money off of this um i'm willing to lose a little bit of money to have these two people on my team but what i'm doing is uh one's gonna be a produce they're gonna be co-producers of the podcast and technically the whole everything that comes with the podcast as soon as i hit a thousand subscribers i'm gonna start doing that because you're thinking a thousand subscribers you're not gonna make any ad revenue i'm not thinking about ad revenue i'm thinking about promos you get a thousand on a podcast you can start getting promos for sure so what i'm doing with them is i'm doing every promo that you guys can bring in you'll get 50 i'll just do the i'll do the script together or we can both do the script who the [ __ ] here is i'll say it and you get 50 because you brought it in and then uh you can do something like that if you have someone who's like willing to make that commit or you find someone like and nathan and nathan said it on the podcast uh if you fin d if you find someone that's a hardcore fan they'll be willing to do it for less obviously because they're a hardcore fan but just something to think about you know like because that's that's a business model of most commission places like uh even insurance i'm a licensed insurance agent i do that as a complete side job but every time i sell something i get a 50 so that's just and then it motivates them you don't have to [ __ ] do anything they're trying to find a deal you're giving them the platform to even make the money because you ha you're do you're the face they can do the groundwork but then after that it's your job to actually put it on your platform because they're not they don't have that platform so it's a it's a two-way thing where they do the work to find it but after they find it and they secured the deal you do the video boom you guys both just made let's say let's say just to make it an easy number a thousand right that person could make you don't have to do 50 if you d on't want to do it right away they made 300 you made 700 off of them just sending out emails [ __ ] right it's it's that mentality of like work smart not hard you know yeah you you hire two three people where they just get paid commission hey every brand deal you get how many could that potentially bring to you sponsor wise i know philip defranco does that because he has a team and you know who philip defranco yeah yeah he has a team and i know he does i don't know i don't know for a fact if he does the percentage thing or if they just get paid a salary but i know he has a team that brings in those sponsors and stuff because obviously when you get to that big you can't do everything by yourself oh yeah once you hit a million like there's no [ __ ] way you know um but yeah that's just something that you you know just think about yeah i mean my dad does my taxes so i'll just stop really i'll just what does your dad do for a living uh my dad's like a financial advisor oh okay perfect uh t hat's awesome man i do mine on my [ __ ] turbo tax but that's that's sick um so you had to start doing taxes filing everything like two years ago well what do you know like this year really because like you have to make like a certain amount of income before oh wow good [ __ ] bro yeah so what do you think your marker will be in centers of subscribers to where you're like you know what [ __ ] it i'm going all [ __ ] in order to be honest i've already done that i did that you're still in school though i mean like yeah but i don't i don't i guess i guess technically once you graduate it's just gonna be this is it once i fail this math class i'm gonna try and convince my parents like please god like i am making enough money what do you think um and this is a honest question because i still live with my family i still live with my sister i'm actually uh buying a house right now but do you think with this income of youtube are you gonna stay with your parents for as long as possible or i'm to definitely take my time i want to move somewhere else because like you know more is because i want to just be somewhere where i can just walk like i've been to chapel hill so many times but what charlotte charlotte charlotte's [ __ ] expensive though it is it's so expensive but i've talked to uh one of my like i've been to chapel hill and like i've talked to all my friends so like yeah like you can just kind of walk everywhere oh yeah oh yeah i love traveling yeah with you wanting to walk and you obviously want to pay less right so you're i would think chapel is a great one chapel is obviously great um but the thing is also yeah also my dad was mentioning texas because it's a goddamn tax haven over there and you pay more because you know it's a self proprietorship yeah basically yeah um so i think right now my aim is like honestly tex i'm not the biggest fan of texas like i [ __ ] on texas all the [ __ ] time yeah i used to live abortions are illegal there six months so really yeah ii didn't but just because of taxes no it was no i'm saying just because of taxes you would want to go there it's also that and the fact that there are so many other creators in that area like i know austin there's a lot of twitch streamers that just have decided to live there because of the taxes so interesting i think it would be a good move there i've also thought it's not a bad move either though yeah florida has low uh state income as well yeah it's also florida it is also florida yeah texas florida i'm thinking of places that people vegas but i mean nevada obviously like people like content creators go to los angeles but i think that's like when you really have made it yeah or if you're really trying to search for like the connections with a bunch of people you know i'm saying because a lot of people go there for collaborations like that's that their primary goal but with that with that comes the issue of are people using you or like you know what i'm saying because like in calif ornia especially la um a lot of people are fake because they're not actually from california yeah they're from other places coming there for clout and four stuff like that and i remember when ii shot in hollywood but i've also been in la a lot like seeing that environment and everything that's been interesting um so if you never did youtube what would have been your path you know i don't think there's any other path i've wanted to do the thing also the mind has been set on this for so many years to the point where it's like there is nothing else ii think of yeah where ii specialize in yeah and that's been the case like i think i didn't really know that when i went through school because to be honest high school i just kind of just did my thing did the very bare minimum and called it a day because i wasn't that passionate about anything but when it came to video editing i mean i don't know it's just kind of like that sparkle in your eye like you just get that inspiration you get that th at kind of adrenaline in some way right yeah that you just wanted to do this you want to find a way to make it work that's amazing bro i'm and you it's some it kind of takes that drive to be where you're at dude in a way the thing is right it has not been a very smooth ride from well like like before that explosion i was stuck at 6 000 up until like october of last year and even like around that time okay that was like when i was transitioning content i think that was like the biggest test to see if this was truly what i wanted to do because i was constantly seeing the views go down i was constantly in transition from what fifo to from fifa football content basically so every single day was just like them this sucks uh but then you know it kind of improved a little bit a little bit more and then all of a sudden just kind of exploded so let me get a little bit of a sense of the timeline wait you couldn't finish what you were saying first yeah but like between that period it just like it sucked and the thing was though i was enjoying what i was creating and i was still having fun and i was still like my passion was enough to push me still that's me and like whatever people ask me like what's like the big thing like the biggest tip for someone to become like a youtuber right right just have that passion because having that passion like yeah you can know all the ins and outs of the algorithm and stuff that definitely helps don't get me wrong and you will learn that once you go into everything like make videos you just constantly learn stuff but when you become like when you want to become a youtuber like the the big first step is to make sure that this is like you are passionate about it you are going into it for like money or something because like yeah sure you can go into it money like financial videos as we said before those make absolute [ __ ] bank yeah but if you're doing something like fifa content where you know success varies you want to be passionate like you need to be passionate about that because yeah you could get past those bumps where it's like the views kind of take a divot and stuff like that but when you have like the pure passion for it like you have that love and that drive well it will drive you over those bumps a lot sooner and i'd say a little bit easier than if you were doing this for like a completely different motivation yeah wow yeah that is that is really good advice and that's a commonality with a lot of popular youtubers that um that didn't i would say popular youtubers that got famous in different niches besides like the clout niches they always say you know you got to have a passion for it and that's that's very true girls you're not going to stick with it and or it's just not going to be the type of content that you want to see um i was going to say uh your timeline it seems like okay when did you start this channel i started this channel in 2019 late fall 2019 2019 and this wasn't your first channel yeah yeah first so 2019 and you started with fifa content uh what so fifa 20 fifa 20 yeah so fifa 20 you're making what type of videos at that time cause like career mode okay career mode uh what type of views were we getting in this time so like from that fall to about the end going into 2020 definitely not great yeah but i gained over 100 subs like i think it was november and october i think it was around i ended the year i think at like 300 i think oh that's pretty good so like looking back that is pretty impressive for a guy who like started at ground zero yeah i wanted to ask so when you were uploading your very first videos okay uh what was the uploading process did you just title thumbnail upload yeah i just kind of copied like one of the titles from like one of the more successful youtubers and then i just kind of did my own thing with it so then okay 2019 we're going into 2020 when when was the shift you at 6 000 subscribers so when was that 6 000 was in 2021 so 2012 wow so you went a whole year under 6 000. yeah it was pretty tough because i mean it's fifa content like it doesn't do that well but i got like multiple breaks multiple shout outs um one of the youtubers he's like huge with football actually like he was the funny thing is like i talked to him about this i emailed like a bunch of career mode youtubers all the way back when i was like sub 60 subs i i was expecting like maybe one or two people to answer me um or like smaller what were you emailing them about just basically like tips like how can i grow and stuff the funny thing is right i think the first person who responded was nathan wow so he he didn't know about me like up until like the twitter stuff but like i knew about him wow so that was pretty funny but it's amazing the other guy um his name is darren or his channel is fng he does football content yeah fng um oh wait you're i'm about to blow your mind fng right yeah uh youtube let me make sure let me make sure this is the same guy is he is he like um w hat does he look like he's like nigerian yes like yeah nathan is buddies with him and they yeah and they went out together in like uh everything that that's crazy it's not neron's a really cool dude wow what are the odds of both of the guys who are homies were the ones that contacted me exactly like i emailed him and he answered me he was at like i think 200k so like wow i had never experienced something like that before in my life yeah so i was just like yo what the hell and like back then when i was doing the youtube stuff like late fall during my first semester in colorado yeah i was severely [ __ ] depressed so something like that just brightened my day yeah it was it was crazy when that first happened wow but i would i mean like he just gave me some tips and stuff and he also subscribed to the channel that was another thing that happened i'm just like what he didn't the thing is like he didn't really watch any of the videos after that because he was also himself transitioning at t he time like he was doing like fifa content yeah he transitioned he went to football content yeah um nathan told me about that yeah so a few months passed i just ask him randomly like this is just complete like shoot my shot moment right like hey could you maybe give me a shout out on like twitter or something and then he [ __ ] did it i'm just like yo what the [ __ ] and this is what when you were at how much this was when i was at like maybe 600. wow uh i have a lot of respect for you shout out to you because this man wait nate did this or fng fng okay okay fng is near yeah i just should call it oh darren okay i got it yeah so niren's shouted me out like at least three times like i've asked three times and he's done it three times i don't know why he keeps doing this what a guy really respect him for that yeah well you can always feedback in the future yeah when you're huge you'll be like yo you're [ __ ] no exactly that that's the thing like i vowed that like what niren did for me i could never pay him back for so what i'll do is what i've always wanted to do is help other smaller creators that's amazing well thank you you're helping me right now yeah yeah that's amazing dude um and nathan was the nathan which is um uh b-minus in the last podcast he had really showed me that i should shift my content like well like to not be afraid to and talking to you further that and i want to finish the timeline thing because it's helping me learn a lot too so at 6 000 subscribers in 2020 um 2021 actually you went over a year with that lower mark and then you shift your channel so you fully went from fifa to this new this is how scary was that first of all dude i was terrified that was so funny i'm [ __ ] scared i'm not gonna lie because like it was like it genuinely felt like i was throwing everything away yeah that's how i feel right now because you have you feel like okay obviously when i talk to uh sorry to cut you off sorry when i when i talked to nathan you know he was saying like you know that's not a lot of followers but to me my 5 000 that i've gotten like oh that's so much to me you know what i'm saying and then you might fear losing it right so go ahead i will say like if you are like transitioning with like a lower number it definitely is easier i guess like in your perspective yeah of course of course for someone like me who transitioned for like 6 000 when you work up that number especially and you just kind of throw it away it's just like them you know um it was terrible it was terrifying man like there were just days where like ii genuinely wanted to just cry because like the views like as i said they just kept going down like it actually started promising because my first football video i think it was just because it was a one-off like or at least people thought it was just a one-off so i got like 2 000 views on it that was like pretty much around the same amount i got for a normal car okay but then you slowly took a div yeah it just slowl y kept going down there were times where like i struggled to get 300 daily views like it was it was really scary man wait daily views yeah daily whoa i can't even like career mode wise you don't really get that crazy daily views because i mean obviously the podcast isn't big but even my main channel i'm like 200 is low even like from i'm just thinking i'm like that's crazy and you just stuck through it yeah i just i just said did you lose followers at the beginning i definitely lost like there was a one period where right before the explosion ii try and like measure out like every week how many subs i gained right before was just 40. that was the lowest i'd ever seen but the views were going up for some reason but the subs were just kind of like falling off still so and now my final question with the channel before we move on to whatever is at that period from 2021 your channel shift to now this very day your uploading process has it been the same and what kind of things you focus on b eyond the thumbnail and title or is that it to be honest it has been the same with career mode it was like a few little scripts here there just to kind of note down what i wanted to say and stuff like that i still really do the same thing in all honesty i do it more now because i mean i'm i have a memory of the goldfish like i will not remember what to say all right ted last night so um with like just the normal videos that really aren't video essays i'll note down quite a bit for the video essays obviously it's like whole last month yeah you gotta have to yeah um but okay so you you make the video essays you uh you film it of course uh you edit you add the b-roll you add whatever you need and then also another thing i forgot to ask nathan this which is great that i have you here how do you find your b-roll to not get copyrighted you just kind of play around the system in all honesty so how does that work so i talked to another guy his name is football iconic shout out to him okay he t old me rule of thumb was like especially for the more recent clips because you could use older football clips and kind of get away with it like vanessa right especially since it's like second division footage not really gonna give much of a [ __ ] right oh so you so you are taking the risk of the fact that these are technically are copyright content yeah okay but it's still fair use it is very much still that's what my arg i was confused about that because technically you're commentating over it so this is your own so like a great example would be like champions league right champion league is notoriously known for striking everything how would you fight against something like that or do would you just avoid it so you they don't really like strike you god i hope they don't in the future not strike but like they claim there's like an automatic system right that goes through every single video yeah yep you know does this happen yeah i've dealt with that how i get past it is you zoom into the footage like you distort it to the point where it's like they probably won't be able to recognize oh you do all [ __ ] genius and then you just like you make sure that you can still kind of you ever color correct i don't color correct okay just zoom yeah that's your main thing so i just kind of make it so especially with like the newer stuff like the more recent stuff i'll just zoom in and have like a couple players in the frame and then just track the ball genius would do you ever do uh so if you're using b-roll beyond soccer games like for instance the vanessa or any when you're using b-roll that's like um of the city or of that stuff where do you find that or do you just go on youtube i just kind of look it up on youtube wow and you're not getting copyrighted for this that's insane that's awesome this is a great that of all the things i've learned that is such a big like you don't understand that's a big lesson for me because i didn't know that yeah you very much will learn lik e the skills of bypassing the copyright systems and the content ids as you create videos because it's like ii had to learn this too what's your field too being in a written style using b-roll you have to learn yeah that's amazing i never [ __ ] knew that i'm like actually but mind-blown now my final thing to finish that out is so after you've done the script after you've done the b-roll after you've done the editing now you're on to uploading you you pop it on to the youtube create video you throw your title you do your thumbnail right and then from there do you do anything with the description or tags or you say [ __ ] it just throw it on there honestly i really don't do much for the description for the video essays i try to add like a little bit of detail just to give like the general viewer an idea yeah of what's happening for the other videos i've put the stupidest little captions and it does you even do uh do you um timestamp your videos or no i timestamp the uh the video essays o kay it's so like the the chapters you mean yeah yeah yeah okay everything else now so tags pretty much useless i'm learning this as i go on tags i think are useless if you don't do them right because i think people what they do especially like the smaller creators is they go for the very broad tags like i was talking about this to one of my friends um he was putting in tags like world cup everyone looks up the world cup there are like 16 bajillion results of the world cup yeah that is not gonna help you if you go a little bit more specific right say like world cup qualifiers like usa versus panama you'll definitely be a little bit more favorable in the algorithm i'd say okay especially so it is a little bit useful if you niche but it's not like it's not crazy like i think it's cr it's more important if you're in a field where it just relies on mostly search results yeah so like um [ __ ] i forgot the term but like trending topics yeah type of thing huh because i learned a lot i have i have a thing called tubebuddy and yeah i love tubebuddy i have that yeah and you'll see like some of the videos there'll be like a million views and [ __ ] yeah and you'll see the tags and it's like three words maybe and they might not even go along with this people don't tag their videos like that so like i've always thought to myself like do tags really matter i don't know but i just do them because why not i guess that's what i do and ii used to think like i had this like distorted perception in my head growing up and doing youtube the tags were so important because you would watch those videos like oh how to make your video get more views and that was always on it was just like oh you gotta focus on your tags and then i think felipe was the first person i met when in person when i talked to him in the car ride uh before was it no uh going to some point where you weren't there because i remember it was at a point where you weren't there and you were going to meet up with us or somet hing and i asked him the same question kind of i asked him like what's your uploading process because that's that's something i'm genuinely curious in oh on like bigger creators and he said that tagging wasn't important to him at all like he literally does not give a [ __ ] about that and that was the first time i acknowledged that talked to nathan about it he's like yeah it's true like it's more about thumbnail title and then now you've fully confirmed it yeah confirmed illuminati really confirmed i just do it because okay what if susan does a little bit of magic and changes the algorithm one day oh i don't have to go back in my videos it's already there but aside from that tags are just if they're very useless if i once once you know and i'm filming this uh okay so i have this is just a little bit on me i uh i have one two two or three videos and backlog that i need to edit uh a vlog content and i have one more i'm filming um and the only reason i'm filming it is because i promise th ese restaurants because i have restaurant deals when i do this food tours where they pay me and stuff in charlotte i'm actually doing it next weekend i'll be in charlotte um yeah and after that those four videos i think that is it i'm not filming any more vlogs i'm officially that's the after that charlotte one goes up it's a it's i'm switching to kind of video essay style i'm gonna do these video essays i'm gonna start with travel stuff because i don't want to do a complete 180 on everybody and they'll be like what the [ __ ] but like i do slowly want to do something more liberating where you can do you i mean it's niche but it's not niche you know what i'm saying like i can pick other stuff like uh nathan is a great example how he did the soccer stuff but then all of a sudden he has this china video that blew up yeah like that's nothing about soccer and like i want to have that liberation of like that's why i love this podcast i'm able to talk about any [ __ ] subject i want oh yeah that's just me ii did that like i did the thing is right that's so fun about gaining an audience like you gain more loyal viewers that'll just watch whatever the [ __ ] i did a video on nascar like it was a whole ass video essay that i put like on and off six months of work into because like that's something that was like that was what shaped me as like a kid as a person really and that has twenty thousand views it's insane it i didn't expect it to be a twenty thousand i thought i was going to get like maybe five thousand at best yeah it was like ten thousand the first day i'm just wow all right so yeah i i love doing like these one-off things i'm doing like promotion for your videos like when you upload is there anything you do after or you're just like [ __ ] so i'll just use my twitter to tease the fact that there's a video if it's a video essay i'll promote it on my instagram story and my twitter but that's it aside from that now when you are a smaller creator way too much i'm doin g way too much no you are drinking too much coffee that's that's what it makes you piss that's what i did no no no i meant i'm doing way too much in a sec with that too but i'm also saying i'm doing way too much when it comes to uploading because when i upload i do like a bunch of [ __ ] dude and now i'm thinking i'm like dude maybe i should take a minimalist look like if you're a smaller creator do what works right do what i don't know if this gives you the best results okay okay i've been doing like finding any outlet like from reddit to [ __ ] uh it's my snapchat to [ __ ] like everything to just put it out there and now i'm thinking like maybe i should just focus on putting as much content out not caring about promo just upload it we'll move on to the next one i don't know it's things that i'm learning no ii do have a question though go give me yeah so with your vlogs right i watched your paris one and like i do this thing especially because like i whenever i watch vlogs yeah i app reciate you yeah um when i think about doing a vlog i instantly think about like what the [ __ ] like people are gonna be looking at me as [ __ ] because i was watching your video and i saw people like looking at you and [ __ ] i'm just like how the [ __ ] do you do this yeah so i'm just like how the hell do you just do this so this this kind of connects to it's just what your question is is a specific question about a broad topic it's um you're asking me that small small situation but to answer it it's so it's a broad answer because it's actually a broad topic and it comes back to the um like being an extrovert and like all that stuff right so to to be able to get there okay how how to do it the short answer is just [ __ ] do it yeah and not care right but that's so it's easier said than done how to get to that point is it's like any other fear or any other uh conflict in order to get really good at it where you it just becomes [ __ ] second nature you have to coat yourself in these u ncomfortable situations a lot so they're not uncomfortable anymore so um it all to be honest it all started just a little quick story time it all started in middle school when i was super super shy this is the start of it not even saying like i learned much but i was super shy with girls i was super shy to everything but me and these two other guys had a um shout out to dale and eric we had a little group where we were like hey like on the days we're free let's go to the mall and let's just challenge each other to do [ __ ] and this was not filmed at all this is us just being idiots and um dale was the most confident out of the three of us me and eric were both shy but what we would do is we would challenge each other to just try to get girls numbers uh literally like simple pickup if you ever watch that uh so you're just getting so the challenge is but and this you don't have to no one has to do this it's just something find something like this this was our way of doing it we said hey we'll pick out we'll take turns picking out a girl you got to go up and at least try if you don't if you refuse to try you got to do 10 push-ups or and we're kids so it's like actually hard so um and you but you have to do the push-ups on the spot right there it doesn't matter who's looking so we did stuff like this at first and that was my first break into it then i did youtube uh i did skits where i would like i had a skit where i would come up i was in a mario costume at the beach and i would just come up to people talking about shrooms and stuff like that as a kid and um it was kind of like i was still kind of shy at the time so it was often times where i'd be like you know nervous getting into it and like shaky but as you keep doing [ __ ] like that i then so the next evolution was going to college meeting girls there i was still kind of shy i was in a fraternities to like kind of break out of my shell all that stuff but then it really got and then this is when it comes to vlogs it got that all all that confidence got me to the point to make a youtube and then from there it's still putting myself in these uncomfortable situations where i'm like the first vlogs were really awkward like something sometimes like and ii leave all my vlogs up so if you go to my earliest videos you'll see i was a little bit more shy and i was a little bit more hesitant towards recording out like with a lot of people around um i'll still do it but like oftentimes i'll look like you'll see that i can like i like glaze and stuff but it is taken me three years of vlogging two to three and a half years of vlogging to really be like dude i literally don't give a [ __ ] anymore like i was i just vlogged in new york city um and this is this is a funny thing that happened on the vlog i saw this guy do you know who juice world is yeah so you know his hair it was like um he had like the braids that came out like here like a [ __ ] sashimi roll or some [ __ ] with like a [ __ ] volcano uh but t here's this guy this black dude on this cruise ship that um around new york city uh that had that haircut but he's a [ __ ] huge black dude right and i was just i came up to him and i was just like yo do you mind if i do a skit from my youtube channel he's like yeah that's cool like he was just like yeah sure he was kind of thrown off my cousin comes up records me yo i was like yo i knew you were alive bro you've been hitting the gym juice world's out here in the cruise just like and like ii don't know and now it's gone from the point of being embarrassed being worried about what people think to the point where i actually like ii thrive off of it i kind of like i look forward to but not everyone is going to be like that you are and you can train yourself to be like that if you want to fake it till you make it like just force yourself to keep doing it but it's up honestly it's up to whoever do you want to be that person do you want to be the vlog person if you do then you're going to ha ve to get used to it that's fair but you know in your content world you don't even you don't need to do that it would be cool though i'm not going to lie like i do like doing like how i edit my vlogs is a little bit different from others like i don't know if you saw the show ii did it very different because ai didn't have that much footage so i just kind of narrated over it oh wait i did see it uh you you put a little bit of footage when you were in the um the little section yeah yeah and stuff like that yeah i saw a little bit of it okay so that's just how i did it yeah see ii think and felipe's a good example because felipo did that shift where he was making just point point and shoot videos and then he started the vlogs and people loved that [ __ ] but for your guys channels what i'm going to say is only give them a taste every now and then yeah because then that [ __ ] they're like oh [ __ ] like you still say mysterious but whenever you throw that vlog out they're like oh we get t o get that personal connection because everything about social media is these people want to be connected to you especially the younger folks so younger fans of all people like because they have the time to actually like watch these videos so they like that connection because like my fan base i don't have a lot on youtube it's 5 000 but the ones that are like hardcore fans bro they're like so like every [ __ ] video they're like oh i can't they know insiders from like a year ago dude i'm like what the [ __ ] like that's a i'm sure you kind of have that fan too yeah for sure with 80 000 especially shout out to the fans man no honestly you want to get food after this yeah absolutely what are we getting you want sushi the thing about that sucks around this area is um because we're not in greensboro i grew up in greensboro which is 30 minutes away i would never make you go towards that because that's even further dry for you but greensboro has like is actually a food haven it has amazing f ood not to charlotte's level but like competitive to that uh but we're in burlington which is like a small ass town which i'm not gonna say your area but you can kind of understand that where like they have a little bit of food but not like a lot a lot but there's a sushi place so i already had sushi like two days ago that's the thing okay well uh what do you like what kind of foods you like i'll just do anything other than seafood that's really other than seafood okay i got you i got you we can go to drake's you like drake's drake's yeah drake's is like the kind of pop in place like if you don't want to if you don't want to go to a chain here uh drake's the move if you want to go to a chain then it's like texas roadhouse like all those [ __ ] classic places that are everywhere um speaking of that before we completely close off let's talk a little bit about your personal life in a sense of you have a very interesting stomach you can't eat certain things why uh i think it's really just goes down to my mother has the weakest stomach on the face of the earth vietnamese how's that possible she's fish sauce what the [ __ ] dude like there are just days where my mom would just be like sitting on the couch like just you know just clutching her stomach she used to do this thing where she'd be in pain she'd be like ah yeah so that's funny that you know that but yeah um so you got that from your mom's side so what things can you not eat i know you can't drink like that it's just vodka yeah it's just i think it's honestly just food i mean alcohol yeah okay well well coffee you said upset yourself okay well coffee is just like that's already like a laxative in its own kind it just makes my stomach even worse i think just like drinks seafood something food i'm just not the biggest fan of like that oh you just don't like the taste yeah what other things do you hate what i hate like food why is it just like uh well both but food first uh i mean food so seafood seafood and then lik e goat cheese did you eat that i'm okay with goat cheese you're okay with goat cheese honestly i can't really think of anything else i'll eat anything aside from seafood so just seafood unless you cut like list a couple other things like i just cause i remember we talked in charlotte and uh i remembered one thing about you was that you haven't tried enough there are certain things that you just haven't tried yeah there's a lot of things that so what are some things that you haven't tried that you really want to i just want to try like all different types of food like for example like vietnamese yeah my mom has cooked a lot of vietnamese food for us okay um but also she's very busy that's the thing so like the main thing she does is like pha oh [ __ ] bruh it's the [ __ ] it's it's the it's the goddamn [ __ ] i'm telling you right now that is number one food i don't care what anyone says that's number one food five spices tacos and um what the [ __ ] talk was about me in new york city b est fa i ever had and i just had it last weekend i was so [ __ ] good bro i was literally like like [ __ ] i don't even need to add [ __ ] to it it's so good ii had this conversation with uh one of my friends who's also vietnamese yeah because we always have this conversation it always kind of goes back down to this it's like whose mom makes the better thought ah and and you know what there is no answer for that because you're always going to pick your own because it's the way that you grow up mine's just like i don't know what you're talking about i learned that it's because when you're a kid and you eat something so [ __ ] good that nostalgia is always going to be connected to that so now even when my mom doesn't make the best fun like she didn't spend that much time on it i'll still be like yo that [ __ ] slap like [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like it's just because it's that [ __ ] memory of it um i do have like one story though yeah one of my friends she's like half mong half w hite her mother is white we went to we went back to her house to have fun made by her mother who was white and to say the least it wasn't that impressive i can't lie wait wait you the hmong one yeah the hmong one yeah it's completely different it's completely the style of mung and also the style of um another one is uh northern viets are you well actually i don't know is your mom from the north or south she's from haifang so i think that's yeah that's how how do i spell it uh hi like hai and then falm phong i see it let's see where it is located because that that alone dictates the style of because then i'll know because i've eaten both they're both really good but you gotta let me see honestly i think it was just cause she was white wait wait the who's white the the mother because uh this was also like her parents were divorced too so i don't think there was any like influence on the other side i think it was just the white mother who did this okay is his high phone north or south i t hink it's north it's very much like close to the middle i think northeast yeah okay so the style of fog there is different okay i know i know what that is you need to try southern too though just to know i think i've had southern uh i think i've had so the biggest difference that i notice is noodle and the spices that they use so both are far the spices in northern are more i don't actually i don't know how to describe it so it's kind of hard to do but i know the noodle it's uh thicker and like like bigger wider noodles then the south southern southern's are smaller and thinner um obviously you're going to pick your moms though god the bigger noodles are better i mean i like this i like the um obviously i like the southern fox we're about to do the vietnamese war right now are you telling me the small noodles are better than bigger noodles uh the small pho noodles not not not like vermicelli noodles no but no i know what you mean yeah yeah i just i grew up with that man it's just to me it's the best but um so but you haven't tried many other vietnamese foods not really no um dude it's really just because like my dad when he met my mother yeah they always got vietnamese food all the time and then he just got sick of it so i didn't get much i just got kind of the remnants of it yeah yeah i get it i'm really curious to see if you would like do you have you ever eaten fish sauce mama i've heard of fish sauce i'll say that yeah because that's a very vital vietnamese like add-on to like almost like eighty percent of our dishes well you mean like do you just wait so like fish sauce whatever you said like after that are you just talking about fish this is just like is this a meal or something so fish sauce is well i know what fish sauce is was this like a whole meal no no no no no no no no oh i know fish sauce fish sauce [ __ ] bangs okay so you like fish sauce because i didn't know because you didn't like seafood so um if you like fish sauce then you're gonna love a lot of other vietnamese foods because you there's so many good vietnamese foods out there a lot of them are fish sauce dominant but like from bun sale which is vietnamese crepes uh have you ever had that i've had fit yeah oh those are good um my favorite is uh i'll show you right up here oh we got the screen again yeah i had door dash on because i didn't know we were going to draw dash hold up let me uh screen record for the peeps real quick this would be the last thing we gon get food all right new screen recording record second screen all right so uh so up up jowl this one's [ __ ] slaps there's one in greensboro [ __ ] slaps this one's not a fish sauce dominant one but uh it's slaps boy so um these kind of suck i want to show you the ones that i like this okay this is how i like it so what it is is these are fried flour uh patties that are outside it's really crispy but the inside is like super soft so it's like a complete swap of textures when you eat it so like crunchy and then soft um you dip it in this [ __ ] sauce right here i don't know what the [ __ ] they have in there it tastes like cocaine or something because it's so addicting it's so [ __ ] good and then you can have it with either seafood or with beef and obviously you could pick beef so like dude delicious that one's good um there's another one that's really [ __ ] good i can't think of it but it's uh these like little uh rice cake texture have you ever had a korean rice cakes i've never had korean rice cakes okay so they're just rice cake textures and they wrap it around like um any type of meat and then you dip it in fish sauce it's wrapped in bamboo so you gotta like peel it and [ __ ] but yeah man vietnamese food slapped i wish there was a good one here i could take you to but there's sadly not how far is greensboro again 30 minutes 30 minutes is it like down 25 it's the opposite way that's why ah if it was close i would be like all right let's [ __ ] go and let's i'll show you some good spots bro the re's a local vietnamese place i know that is dirty but it's good that's how it is i have time in charlotte oh yeah for sure i have um one of them i'm working with them next week actually uh you need to come by it sometimes it's called cilantro noodle there there's good vietnamese food they're probably the best vietnamese food in that area uh they make fun there but southern pho so get ready for that anything any last things you want to say to your your fans but mainly yours subscribe to the chewing grounds subscribe to maxwell as well if you guys don't you don't have to do that just subscribe to the chewing gum uh no you're gonna have to subscribe to maxwell the four people i'll bring to you thank you oh yeah by the way maxwell is spelled maqwell which i did not know with the first time thanks man thanks for coming on yeah thank you man bye guys i'll see you guys next week

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