hombre, se ve así y el mensaje todavía va, déjame ver el otro , sí, no, todavía es de noche recibiendo un contenido, estás vivo, no sé si será otro, espero que esta no sea la segunda cadena que dejé la espera en el mar, lo siento por eso, chicos, no tengo idea de lo que pasó, bueno, en realidad tengo una idea de lo que pasó mm-hmm, está diciendo que está en vivo ahora, no recibo ningún medio, aunque los tuyos todavía se están reproduciendo, oh, tienes razón. ese no es el que realmente porque cantó su vida, pero en realidad no estoy recibiendo una alimentación aquí, bueno, suena como si estuviera de nuevo, ¿presionaste el botón equivocado? ¿Qué no es un bastón nocturno que dice que presionas el botón incorrecto ? ahora hablaré con ellos más tarde uh uh espero que sea tal vez obtengamos un video adicional de esto tal vez cómo va a funcionar bien eso no está tan mal porque pueden ser medias de mamá, sí, pero no entiendas cualquier vista como un problema, oh, y podría seguir siendo el mismo No lo sé, no lo sé, siete minutos utes cepa agregamos increíble si te gusta esa es la línea más corta em up en realidad no es venganza - qué son más que eso, así que creo que todos hemos vuelto a donde estás volvimos en el video equivocado Me estoy confundiendo ahora que parece el tuyo está jugando uh sí, tal vez sí, te das cuenta de que es el doble de trabajo para mí ahora, todavía tienes que poner la misma cantidad de flujo de trabajo posterior para cada uno, bien, echemos un vistazo aquí no, lo siento chicos solo tengan paciencia conmigo, estoy tratando de ver lo que está pasando en nuestro lado, oh sí, parece que eso se está ejecutando ahora bien, estamos mejor, tengo que actualizar esa página, puede intentarlo si la actualizo todopoderosamente, es un canal juntos. Solo voy a actualizarlo para ver qué sucede, lo siento por estos tipos, no tengo nada allí en este momento, hay más hola, llamaste, lo siento, no puedo pronunciar, parece coreano, estamos de vuelta, pirata, en realidad hay tres transmisiones, creo que presionas el botón incorrecto guardar tres nuevas transmisiones Oye, cualquier cosa, presiona un y escribe un botón en el chat si estás enamorado, no es necesario que digas quién es ahora. No les diré quién es mi crush, él es mi apestoso, entonces sabrás que la batalla de Bob Esponja por el remake de la parte inferior del bikini se puede reservar ahora. sé que eso es porque pueden tú y mi hermano, pero nosotros no están realmente relacionados, pero ¿puede estar en lo que era un modelo? No estoy muy seguro de lo que pasó allí, pingüino, por favor, entendí todo eso. Yo era un pastor mod. estrella robó a alguien que hablaba español o portugués tristemente Kane dijo que se ponga apestoso un mojado willy debería hacerlo y oh, no estás definido, mi pronunciación es genial um gracias por escribir Creo que eso es coreano Stinky es mucho mejor reconocer la diferencia entre coreano y japonés no, en realidad, eso podría ser, ¿puedes tomarte un momento fuera del juego o saltar allí? Coreano Coreano yo voy a decir que todo está bien pero apestoso tienes que hacer un poco más de árbol común porque tengo que devolverlo al otro que necesito para apuntar al récord ah sin comentarios lo que sin comentarios tú c Ven aquí y hazlo deja de culparme No lo presioné ah quien solo te lo dice No tengo idea de lo que estás hablando Dije que nada deja de mentir Sé un hombre Estás haciendo un ataque personal Están apestosos me encanta, así que estás en YZ Korean , puedes hablar tu poquito de coreano, son apestosos annyeonghaseyo eso es todo, ni siquiera sé eso es hola o adiós delicioso si puedes aclarar si eso fue o no hola o adiós en coreano y Diré que soy una mierda para pv8. Sobreviví, ¿estoy ahí? Mira esto, somos multilingües, ni siquiera intentes visitar el a1 y el plátano. Sí, estamos en el plan a1 ahora, está bien, así que lo haré. solo espera, necesita aparecer más a menudo tú y malayo, es bastante bueno presentándome a mí, lo tiene ahora, viendo que estaba siendo presionado por una legión de boom, no sé qué es ese que es más hombre pagado o apestoso las almohadillas peludas y hediondas Vaya, estos pantalones usan los pantalones en esta casa y apestan y no estás usando pantalones Estoy usando qué nombres dejar El tráfico Estoy usando calzoncillos en este momento medio desnudo sentado aquí y también más sexy Dije cómo te atreves tu nombre es tortuga No sé quién habla contigo allí tal vez eres tú y hay un científico loco en es Legión de boom, ¿sabes que oh, no lo sabes, oh, mira, tienes más robots para engañar, oh, no, estoy mirando una pantalla vieja, digo que nadie ha dicho realmente si juegan este juego o no? vi que era bastante popular pensó que lo cambiaríamos un poco realmente sí, es bastante popular entre los jugadores que no son populares en YouTube cuando intentas etiquetarlo mientras el juego espera, ¿eso significa poner dónde está la falda en la casa sin comentarios ah y el lápiz labial? - ¿No es apestoso eso es bueno eso es bueno cariño no estamos hablando de choque de clanes ah buen viejo choque lo hicimos bastante bien en el último clan Warleggan por una vez no hay quejas ni peleas qué estás haciendo date un choca los cinco a todos un choca los cinco lo estás haciendo bastante bien último gracias u Estoy impresionado por tener un estilo increíble que no he jugado en tanto tiempo, así que tal vez Ethan ater haya jugado a este juego antes y eso es bueno porque antes de la transmisión apestoso estaba diciendo que no es tan divertido para ella si termina jugando con personas que son un nivel mucho más alto de lo que ella está a salvo aquí en el mismo nivel eso es bueno B parece que te está yendo bien en el momento apesta mírate eres la reina de los robots al azar dice que su hermano solía jugarlo hacen un choque of clans transmitirá el próximo sábado, así que un aviso para la transmisión todo este tiempo he estado usando YouTube para hacer clásico y eso aparentemente desaparecerá antes de fines de abril, así que mi plan es venir o agua alta, haremos un transmisión a mitad de semana porque tengo que probarla. No he usado el nuevo estudio de YouTube. También puedo probar y probarlo con los laboratorios de transmisión, porque si alguien puede recordar que tuvimos muchas dificultades con eso, así que sí , habrá una La transmisión entre semana tal vez haga que el choque de clanes sea el único problema que pensamos en el mes. El momento en el que puedo atacar es el momento en el que puedo atacar a menos que deje caer las piernas o algo porque hay un límite de ocho ataques en la leyenda Lee, pero veremos cómo va. Tendré que hacerlo en la próxima semana o dos, así que lo haremos. planifícalo con una advertencia justa de antemano que podría ser una transmisión fallida aún peor que la de hoy, pero también está bien porque tendrás que ayudarme con ese problema, así que no soy muy bueno con el nuevo estudio. la nueva versión de estudio es mucho más complicada que la clásica, así que sí, veremos qué pasa. Creo que ahora hubo una semana, sí, spinosaurus, vas a ir a la cárcel con una escopeta. No tengo idea de lo que hacen las charlas, pero me encanta, siguen hablando mal sí, lo que significa que tengo que hablar contigo Tata Buddha, ¿por qué quieres que haga esa cosa que te gusta hablar conmigo husmeando? no ¿por qué no? Es que nos sentamos aquí en silencio como lo hacemos. Yo soy, es una casa más tranquila en el planeta no es así, tenemos agua de nuevo cada vez que tenemos uno de esos tenemos que hacer esto emojis ciales Oh SAS Ben yoli está aquí déjame ver, ya que dice español, tenemos que probar con el español y alguien podría escribir eso más rápido que yo, pero estoy en eso, sí, sí, bueno verte en serio Apuesto a que todos lo siento, Caine, pero me iré más tarde en mi otro clan, lo siento, ¿puedes jugar entre nosotros? Ah, creo que he oído hablar de ese juego antes, pero déjame agregarlo a la lista con un bolígrafo y papel que probablemente debería solo hazlo automáticamente en la computadora, pero solo hay tres DS no, si puedo encontrar un bolígrafo que funcione apestoso lo que Sookie se dobla bien estás concentrando algas son tres pines que no funcionan ¿tenemos algún bolígrafo que funcione bien así que yo? Echaremos un vistazo a la transmisión de la publicación del juego, pero también hay un bok choy. Aquí vamos, con suerte obtendremos más miembros algún día para que puedas agregar aún más de esos emojis, solo tenemos cuatro en el momento. pantalones siempre que la cerradura por qué recibimos un consejo ah pienso pantalones cada vez que la cerradura se enciende para disparar cohetes lo antes posible a la mayor cantidad de daño posible, no lo entiendo, ¿qué quieres decir con sí? No entendí eso cuando la cerradura cuando la cerradura se enciende, así que cuando ves la cerradura encendida y se enciende mm-hmm, disparas cohetes como rápido como puedas No puedo simplemente sí, puedes kaboom es un juego Estoy escribiendo algunos mientras nos estamos quedando atrás en el juego dicen que muchos de ellos ICS petunia español habla algo de inglés bien porque Papa no habla español solo unas pocas palabras aquí y allá, pero creo que hay algunas personas en la transmisión que en realidad pueden hablar español o portugués o ambos, esto es tan solo.Quiero actualizar.Quiero actualizar tu actualización.¿Hay cuentas al azar que todos los días parece que está escribiendo? Italiano Legia me un comentario antes para todos los posibles orang grazie Yo diría que es español o portugués No sé, dime lo que pensé que tu acento italiano es tu experiencia, bueno, señor español habla tres idiomas, español, francés e inglés, puedo hablar un poco de francés parlez-vous risas o no chapalefu no hay comentarios al respecto para Sam, soy una linda mascota, es un día malvado y enhebramos el cordón, él jugará, ¿puedo tomar un litro de leche, por favor, te gustaría ese apestoso, está bien y te envié una solicitud de vestido de columna pero yo No sé lo que eso significa, pero quiero unirme a ti Clayton joven falso, sí, bueno, Kane va y viene cuando se une a la clase, oh, tenía razón, al azar, uno habla italiano allí, puedo nombrar, hablar un poco en italiano, sin comentarios de allí, bon giorno apestosa mala sal no me gusta el risotto gracias bien no te gustó tu postura ¿no es un bonito frijol que murió? ¿te importa si recibo un consejo? sí pregunta aunque me he perdido una feria un poco de la charla, pero feliz de dar en algún lugar que podamos algunos de mi familia vino de Italia mi madre nació en Italia no es un talento bueno, es italiana técnicamente o era italiana por nacionalidad, supongo que sí, porque obtienes el mejor certificado del país. re nacido en apestoso que estoy bastante seguro de que mi familia vino de cada país possib le dice Ethan después de que son demasiados para contarlos somos un poco como esa vez que ambos tienen un poco de sangre mixta eNOS no sean apestosos algunos más que otros Estoy más mezclado que tú no ah, sí, sigues mezclando tus viejos pantalones apestosos harvey, harvey y sí, todavía esperando la pregunta de que el pingüino quería pedirnos un consejo, me gusta tomar el papel de RT n no hablar de pensar en la comida de nuevo, querida, querida RT, algo debe ser ser algo en el periódico donde podrías pedirle consejo a algunas chicas allí quiero invitar a mi novia a una cita y no quiero estropearlo ahora si te lo pregunto oh eres tu viejo tío P Dodd era el fuerte las chicas del tipo silencioso solían levantarlo, no al revés, como los actos de apestoso loco, apestoso me recogió, ¿no apestoso? dijiste que sería tú mismo para ser honesto, como si supieras, ¿no tratan de actuar? y tu sabes que no sé si te sientes cómodo diciéndome hola me gustas me gustaría tener una cita y no tengas miedo al rechazo Eso fue lo único que siempre me impidió invitar a salir a las chicas . Dejaré que vengan a mí, ¿no? Apestoso como tú, así que sí, no tengas miedo y sabes que si las chicas no están interesadas, entonces significa que tú sabes ambos, oh, sé uno, sí, hay muchos peces en el mar y todos los que conocemos en su mayor parte en YouTube son personas agradables, así que merecen definir una relación, ya sea una amistad, de lo contrario, lo harían tenga miedo de algo de eso, ese sería el mejor consejo que tengo para usted, pero también puede hacerlo de manera informal. Supongo que solo decimos, oh, estaba pensando en ir a ver cualquier película que sea popular en estos días, ¿le gustaría venir a verla? con mi niño que conoce y sabe qué quiere ir a comer en algún momento quiero decir el mejor escenario donde dicen que sí escenario dicen que no es bastante simple ¿no pican, así que no sé si eso me ayudó tú en absoluto pingüino ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que estuve en la escena de las citas apestoso pantalones me quitaron el mercado no apestabas sí, lo hiciste y ahuyentaste a todos los demás con un bate, ni siquiera tenemos uno que diga sí, solo intenta hacerlo casualmente, se han presionado a ti mismo, espero que eso ayude en términos de consejos a otro yo no sé si debería estar diciendo algunas de las cosas que aprendí de otras personas sí sí por qué no hagámoslo si tus amigos míos dijeron mira si te acercas a un grupo de chicas habla primero con la menos atractiva y hace que las más atractivas se pongan celosas.Di que si hablas con la persona con la que no quieres salir, la persona con la que quieres salir tiene esa sensación de que, bueno, ¿qué me pasa y me di cuenta de que funciona? funciona para mí. cada vez, pero luego tenía demasiado miedo de preguntarles a dónde ibas a ir solo por curiosidad.Podría tener un mensaje brumoso allí s-señor espanol solo porque el chat está volando rápido al azar puedo dar consejos, sí, cualquier consejo es útil. una parodia conmigo mamá y se rió bien, eso siempre es un buen comienzo para hacer chicas ríete que sabes que no funcionó con China triunfar ahora odio que te la robaría chicos, haz que se ría más que yo. Ethan fuera de ese empinado sí, ser rechazado cada vez porque no le agrado a nadie , pero yo no. Realmente no me importa no, no importa bien, esa es una buena actitud EV cuando no te importa porque terminas encontrando a las personas con las que deberías estar. No puedo creer que no voy a nombrar nombres pero 've consiguió pedido este consejo de nuevo desde otro de la DLG privada en discordia no sé por qué la gente piensa que yo soy una especie de hectáreas de expertos que han visto mi modelado imágenes jamás noche eh bien hombre joven de risa al azar Dudes diarios de qué tus consejos son buenas cosas, así que deberías conseguir algunas flores y Gator y decir: ¿ quieres salir? Te compré algunas flores y será increíble a las chicas les gustan los regalos gracias apestoso sí a quién no le gustan las cosas gratis sí, pero tienes para ser consciente de las alergias que alguna niña tiene alergia a la flor o algún tipo específico de flor o lo que sea De lo contrario, congela algo que vas a dar y si sales con alguien loco como apestoso, no compres chocolates porque eso no lo impresionará, excepto por Roger, así que tienes que averiguarlo, intenta y sutilmente descubre cuáles son sus gustos, sí. entonces nos impresionaremos, sí , así es como lo sabes y, de hecho, está bien, él es bueno. No puedo creer. Voy a decir que voy a darte un buen consejo, pero funciona si duermes con jarabe. significa descubrir cosas en la diapositiva, averiguar cuáles son sus intereses o qué le gusta y luego esperar un poco y luego conseguir esa cosa o hacer esa cosa por ella, entonces están realmente impresionados. Hice eso contigo. Sé apestoso lo que no puedo recordar si fue por una flor o algo así, pero dijiste cómo lo hiciste tan bien, tu respuesta es bastante basura, así que aprended de su error, chicos, esto es lo que sucedió, cuenten cualquier historia en esta hora de cuentos, sí, esto es la hora del cuento, bueno, va a hacer una hora del cuento, me recogió en el aeropuerto y También me trajo algunas flores y resulta que es del color que me gustan las flores moradas , así que le pregunté, oh, ¿cómo sabes que me gusta este color, así que dijo ? Estoy diciendo que me gusta, sé que te recuerdo como morado o lo que sea. ya sabes o como si pensé que esto es, eres lo que se llama, como un color saudí o lo que sea que esté diciendo porque es el más barato de la tienda. No recuerdo que puedas renunciar a las cosas. ¿Nunca digas que hay una mierda? un buen consejo de stinky sigues jugando son pegajosos ya terminaste con los tiempos de la historia sí lo inventaste cualquier cosa simplemente no digas si el barco está en la tienda está bien oh está en este sofá o en ese tipo de lo que no que no lo hagas, pero diría que soy este inversor sensato estoy económicamente inteligente por qué no me cuentas que acaba de cortar desde su casa o algo así, entonces bueno se puede abrir cosas casualmente, como alguien dijo, trae algunas flores, puedes decirle a la persona que he olido una flor X por primera vez de alguna manera de orquídea o lo que sea, huele muy bien ¿tienes una flor favorita y luego vas y consíguela para ellos o te gusto y eres inteligente, solo compras lo más barato disponible, pero Don Satanás, pero no digas mi vínculo en el chat 15 y descanso Soy mayor que eso y rompo el té de cera de chocolate para todos excepto para el apestoso Cain dice que apestoso es completamente loco Estoy 100% de acuerdo con que debería evitar tus frutos secos en su lugar debería saber Oh, ¿ qué debo hacer esto es normal? un flechazo a los 10 años las personas maduran a diferentes edades Debo admitir que me interesaron las chicas a una edad muy temprana pero nunca hice nada al respecto probablemente algo malo me estaba interesando en las chicas pero estaba interesado en las chicas cuando estaba tal vez 5 uh-huh pero no travieso no cómo digo esto no de una manera amorosa pero sí, pero me dijeron que no podía salir con nadie hasta que terminara la universidad oh eso me destrozó hmm la persona hace sentir que no te importa Escóndete detrás de la pantalla exactamente sé tú mismo. Yo sé que soy. buena danesa Conozco a un buen juego que debe jugar permítanos sabemos señor un giro la rueda de las sugerencias qué estás siquiera hablar de ello dice que probablemente vino a hablar con usted con que uno lo apestoso broma inapropiada que me vas a hacer que a partir lo que dije, hay uno allí, gracias a todos por la persona de los gatos, de repente, mi cabello huele a desodorante de mujer, cara, si es posible, señora, eso no quiso decir mucho a diferencia, bueno, no cara, ¿qué era en el día que no puedo escapar de Skype, eso es lo que usamos Snapchat, debes tener cuidado con este tipo de programas, pero sí, estos son, supongo que todo está bien, no sé, no estoy demasiado al día con la tecnología que se dio y Estoy de acuerdo, puedo desear que te quedes más tiempo, nos encanta interactuar con ustedes, chicos, las chicas crecen más rápido que los chicos, lo que significa que son más maduros que los chicos a los que llaman tontos, eso es cierto en la mayoría de los casos, excepto que en esta casa hay un poco apestoso Crecí más rápido que tu si tu creces mas rapido y ante mi aun actua como un Minecraft para niños de cinco años, así que nos recomendaron este juego muchas veces y nos acosaron para jugarlo al azar en casi todas las transmisiones, llegaremos un día, pero solo tenemos Minecraft Earth en este momento porque ya lo hemos hecho. descubrí que las hijas del tío P pasaron por alto para decirme los juegos Soy un tacaño, por favor, juega nuestro fin de semana después de D minecraft un día, ah, aquí vamos de nuevo, más minecraft, ¿están de acuerdo con Minecraft Earth? Tal vez pueda hacer una promesa. que eso puede ser el siguiente, así no, yo no he visto lo que era al azar que pican arrugas cósmidos lo que lo que estaba diciendo no se puede Kenia ahora tengo que tan concentrado escapadas concentrado pensar en me permiten comprobar que eso es todo lo buena una ojo, soy un poco silencioso, apestoso, tengo un consejo por patrón de GI, él es mejor desde el principio, así que viste a Gi patentarme. Recibiremos consejos a partir de las 8:00 de esta noche. Oh, al menos él es uno de los que realmente se juegan. este juego antes dice ji patbingsu año después y sí, parece l Como mucha gente está en Minecraft, está bien, dice que está bien, eso es un gran spoiler, ya sabes cuál será la próxima transmisión a menos que sea la de mitad de semana, en la que intentaré hacer un choque de clanes para eso, pero esa es una advertencia justa. Puede que no vaya muy bien Estoy arruinado Quiero prestar Quiero prestarme 50 dólares para comida, lo cual podríamos hacer por ti No estoy seguro de cómo podríamos, pero vives en una zona rural Pensé que no, sí, pero un gran cantidad de comida Anoche estuve investigando un poco sobre cultivos que puedes cultivar en un área muy pequeña para ser autosuficiente , estamos hablando de cebollas, ajo, papas, camote, todos los buenos cultivos para cultivar al azar, dice que mis perros son un niño Ethan ocho de tus padres tienen dinero y te compran comida, eso es cierto: hay un poco de horneado en este momento en el chat en vivo si alguna vez comenzamos a ganar más dinero del que nos cuesta hacer YouTube, entonces podemos hablar, pero por el momento ahora creo que incluso YouTube se ha visto afectado un poco por los ingresos publicitarios porque nuestro v Las visitas están subiendo y ahora los ingresos están bajando a pesar de que todo, excepto estas transmisiones monetizadas en este momento, dice que quizás los anunciantes están jugando pagando menos dinero y aún no hemos tenido a nadie más unido a la membresía del canal, por lo que este es el tipo de cosas o patreon o lo que sea, este es el tipo de cosas que realmente nos mantendrían en marcha, así que ayudaré cuando podamos yy-tu dices calificación lenta Me voy a la cama, lo siento, a veces veo los pantalones apestosos que el chat, pero ¿qué me perdí, sí? pero quiero llevarme algo de comida a la puerta, solo quieres que te entreguen, es lo que parece , pensé que me había mantenido al día hoy, sabes, me mantuve al día con el charlatán, lo que está pasando apestoso, ganando Lee's por cierto, hasta ahora, sí, de verdad. es un esfuerzo de equipo, aunque te estás canalizando en un robot, pero mis robots tanto tiempo que me molesto todos los días bien no puedo saltar no puedo hacerlo es no puedo hacerlo tan bien puedo ver que todavía está disparando bastante bien FIFA Nader dice ven tuvimos chili el otro día todavía está Me alegro mucho de que hicieras eso en la angustia, ¿no apestarías pantalones ? Amo el chile, no el feliz de que en realidad hizo un trasplante de chile ayer, ¿no obtuviste una planta de chile gratis del jardín que estaba creciendo de otra planta de chile y? lo trajo arriba porque ella siente que es fácil salir al jardín y conseguirlo él dijo que quiero toda mi comida en el balcón, así que tengo que salir afuera Ramsey tiene una boca en él, eso es cierto, lo encuentro entretenido en ese orinal boca más él es un extinto, encuentras a Gordon Ramsay entretenido, ¿no te gustan las Pesadillas de la cocina y el infierno del hotel y los otros diez quince y treinta programas que tiene? Él es entretenido. Diré una cosa, aunque en sentido negativo. estaba haciendo una receta de pavo navideño y no me gustaba su salsa, él seguía hablando y hablando de cómo es una buena salsa, era la cosa más acuosa que he visto, aguada, Grady no es bueno, necesitas tener un grosor como el volumen, eso es lo que necesitas Necesito que Cain lo diga f-bomb miss an f-bomb eso es cierto pero una de las cosas más divertidas si no lo has visto es primero nos damos un festín si sabes ese canal de YouTube donde se comieron 10 alitas de pollo que se ordenan progresivamente y él tenía a Gordon Ramsay y ese fue el más divertido He visto lo siguiente: Coolio coulier es una leyenda. ¿Oíste un vistazo? No estoy muy seguro de lo que eso significa di mi nombre, por favor, videos aleatorios todos los días. Pooh, dice al azar, sí, pregunta, no estoy muy seguro de lo que va a suceder que no. No parece demasiado prometedor, ¿estás hablando de los randoms que suelen aguantar cuando alguien hace algo malo como él? No hicieron este spoiler hoy . No sé qué está pasando allí. Dice que te estabas muriendo. Los titulares de patentes de GOI son mejores que ese tipo. Te dije eso antes de que no tuviera suficiente di Patten. Puedo enrollar mi lengua, apestoso, los pantalones pueden hacer eso, no puedo decir, puedes poner tu lengua en todo tipo de formas extrañas, más de uno no. ¿Puedes hacer esa cosa con la lengua doblada? ¿Qué es nuevo amigo? Un rollo gemelo y La forma de los rodillos de caída parece una ola, supongo, pero la doblada es donde hay múltiples ondulaciones, está bien, mírame, mírame, eso es repugnante, no tengo idea de los randoms siempre, señor hombre de chanclas para mí, nunca olvidaré que son llamando al sr. hombre flip-flop por qué porque se hacía llamar mr. hombre flip-flop mis canciones de columna aquí ahora él apesta lo que significa algo completamente diferente a otras personas en otros países también te llaman sabes que el equipo de cocina es dueño de mi destino tenazas ahora es H tenazas de tangas con punta en lugar de tierra todavía teniendo dolores agudos Inglés Ethan en el extranjero tienes suficiente para el patrón geográfico en este momento No te lo diría si no fueras bienvenido a mi mundo Ethan un pantalón distinto no escucha a nadie, pero después de esto, mira cómo hacerlo, oye, tienes que hacerlo. entra en ese círculo esto parece que es por esta noche es que el círculo se vuelve más pequeño de diez colores que no sé por qué es un protector no tengo idea sabes cómo renegar no no sé qué eso es tan aleatorio si sir español te está haciendo poner un número de teléfono antes de usar la cuenta nuevamente detectaron actividad sospechosa no es sorprendente videos aleatorios por qué siempre le pides a las personas que transmiten en vivo que digan un nombre que no sé, pero lo hice tú Di que los pantalones apestosos tienen tu nombre t a stink pants emoji el nombre de boutots tienes apetito emoji realmente me pillaste pones apestoso muy raras veces haz esa patente gie digamos que lo buscas, con suerte, aunque tengas recompensas, son apestosas bonitas, ¿qué puedes hacer apestoso? yo jji patente ¿dónde está este? ¿En realidad estás ahorrando para este el octavo inador del acosador? ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre eso si ella espera al acosador o busca el patrón de Jui ahora y advierte que no te escuchará? ponte ingenioso con el gas este simplemente se siente bien cuando lo hacen, pero se siente raro Estoy en la estación de bomberos de mi abuela, con suerte, no es abuela, tienes cinco días para salir y está bien, nos gusta que te sientas bien, así que lo haré de nuevo videos aleatorios todos los días ahí lo tienes Peter dos más dos son cinco mis matemáticas son malas dos más dos son cinco sí-eh dos más dos son cinco por qué no lo sé tal vez siempre la cama de Malthus Pensé que estaba prohibido, sabes pero yo baños de rodillas que a menudo o dos más dos es patente de pescado tiene cuatro mini pistolas que derriten enemigos muy rápido, hay lo que dice un caballero, bueno, estoy comparando este con sí, la ranura para armas pesadas se coloca en el costado a partir de ahora para disparar ininterrumpidamente desde la cubierta da da da ok, el tapón que ha escrito un boliviano jaja cinco son cuatro letras eso es cierto eso es una gran observación decirle a la tecnología del oro en el eso es un gol 10 opuesto que si Supongo que probablemente sea tu azar y también un plato para que confíes en mí Suzie esta noche fuera de tri-state la noche en la que siempre ha estado bueno para nosotros di reconocerlo uno dos No puedo creer que no puedo creer que él pensó hace un rato escuchará bien uno incluso ocho arriba ellos tienen que intentar conseguir algunos consejos de ti Matt no puedes al menos anime apestoso de qué estás hablando para que no escuches la batalla por favor es hora de muffin Buffy soy un muffin de plátano estoy tentado de ir de compras solo di que tenemos un bocadillo también quiero un poco de manzana verde oh bien adentro mi bution tienes que poner el deshidratador en marcha, veamos, lo estamos haciendo g deshidratando hoy oye, todavía tienes un haz de abono de frijoles más, por cierto, recibo un regalo de cumpleaños mucho antes de mi cumpleaños que todavía no significa levadura, ¿qué pasa con el contenedor de abono? Oh, todavía tenemos uno de esos para ir, sí, eso es También es cierto Ethan ADA dice que vayas a la tienda ahora y ella compró un patrón GI esta noche o parece que lo hice en unos 15 minutos con el beso de fuerza de esa dama, otro strike estaba a punto de tocar nuestra guarida 85 No sé cuál Lo voy a usar, pero no importa, oh, eso parece una bestia poderosa, cada cepa nos amenaza con un den 35 y un poli. Ya me disculpé con él en privado, pero intenté dejar una broma en su video diciendo que solo quería mostrarnos lo mejor que eres que nosotros, pero no estaba redactado muy bien, no es muy gracioso, ese es mi problema, sí, siempre a través de un gris con mal olor, sí, solo sabes, diciendo el hecho, oye, hice un baile. mañana que te hizo reír de qué estás hablando te reíste cuando empecé a bailar Oh, canta una canción al azar, puto en nuestro pan, que ya apesto pantalones, ve a la tienda y actualiza las mejores armas, demasiadas armas, eso es lo que estaba diciendo, espera, no puedo ir todavía, tengo que matar a este tipo y se monetizaron de nuevo. Cain, es bueno en ese juego, estaba viendo su video, es muy bueno para perseguir a la gente y ponerlos en ese sueño destruyéndolos. Fácil es el destructor, ¿cuál es el elemento más profesional que una persona podría usar un traje para un chico si puedes, si lo haces? tener un traje que siempre se vea muy bonito y profesional no tiene por qué ser necesariamente caro y, si lo hace, mi recomendación es como ir de compras primero, decirle que puede hacerse una idea de un traje barato en lugar de un traje caro porque hay trajes baratos para lucir más barato pero otro tipo de trajes baratos, así que solo tienes una idea, pero primero es una buena inversión y luego tienes que mantener el peso a diferencia de mí, sí, estoy a punto de decir que no engordes o no creces más entonces esa es una buena inversión eso es extremo derecho hasta tener la incapacidad de llevar ese segura como la mayoría de los que yo tengo eh hedor pantalones que tienen un enorme empuje la punta y mantenga pulsado el botón rojo para disparar todas las armas al mismo tiempo, lo que acaba de tomar algo por ahí hicieron de nuevo escuchas que apestoso, hice una bonita y el pingüino dice que es una corbata, sí, eso es correcto, si usas corbata, si usas corbata, úsala con una camisa de manga larga, no la uses con una camisa de manga corta, se ve un poco ridículo. era moda en los 80 tal vez no ahora , recuerdas los programas de policías, ves los programas de la policía en los que caminan con una camisa de manga corta y una corbata.Tengo que vigilar estas cabezas para conseguir algo especial. Parece que el reloj pequeño apestaba. Ya me estoy lavando y creo que 18 17 16 15 no puedes salir más rápido. Puedo ver el pequeño botón X solo cinco segundos de oro, sí, sí, viendo anuncios llamados apestosos y luego se quejan de que es demasiado ruidoso, sí, video aleatorio dice que mi corazón es un estéreo late para ti así que escucha con atención, me gusta que yo se llama la estrella de la silla cohete, así es como luchan las cerezas en la identidad, oye mis pensamientos en cada nota, haz un anuncio menor , no conozco estas letras, no es un juguete, no es como una corbata, una pajarita, un cinturón o un collar, y clips que puedas vestir. elegante informal y puede parecer muy profesional también, pero solo estoy hablando de una experiencia laboral en la que tuve que usar traje y corbata para trabajar mmm no me gusta, pero a veces tienes que hacerlo para cantar mi estéreo mejora las armas superiores demasiadas armas dice que Ethan ADA hace eso al azar dice que tengo la barriga temblorosa, pero luego el octavo inador dice que no tan vibrante como la mía vibrante significa que tienes un gran estómago gordo como yo y luego se mueve alrededor de su hija joven para los Greenies para ver el baile de gofres de trufas o como se llame, es gracioso ahora si tuvieras que tener la oportunidad de decir que tal vez no sea una broma, tal vez la primera persona en vender diga todo lo aleatorio que hace que un centenar de algo se orine en Damian Cuanto más miras a Peter dan, sabes, más miras el mor e se paga puto ¿qué estás haciendo porque dije que si mencionan el nombre haré los emojis especiales? Están acurrucados aquí hola cómo estás , es bueno verlo, creo que podrías ser nuevo en las transmisiones si no avísame, lo siento, mi memoria no está bien, ¿qué es lo que no harás? apestoso no sé bien cómo los videos al azar divierten a diario algo para ti Ethan después pensé que estas guerras sobre la guerra continúan al azar es un gran y viejo boom ah whoa what is this for is it just for aesthetic thing looks like it Ethan ater says hey stink pants I'll walk you through how to change them out okay so wait first on stair welcome snugs all howl random good on not sounds like year and when he's hailing random I've been here for like five months well is that because you're random or it's someone else random always wear these fake accounts gets me confused and then he changes the names of them all the time well sorry snugs I does take me a little bit ever take me a little bit of time to you to rememb er everyone but the ones that sort of turn up every stream I can't forget him Yuri up there stinky because I don't know what to do here and I might muck something up alright so just bear with this stink pants once again I asked to priest ring do you need to go to the bathroom she said no and then off she goes to the bathroom so see you back in a minute they will be more game played just bear with us bet I will taste emojis if someone says peed on I have to do it again there it is again your tenant would not make sense sorry I meant sorry what I meant to say is the more ads he watch the more ads again I know that but I guess that's true isn't it they know that you're willing to watch that spoke the poor on ok I know what a boomer is random you made another accountant yes he did knock knock who's there why why who what he's there why why who Oh what are you so excited about you can check you can check it you comment it on my channel in November oh that's quite a while ago click on this c lick on the stick pants click on the molot gonna stink pants you're gonna come back here the advice is being given P dr. Peter but they're doing the P dot again they give me the jokes I love it when the chat flies like this it's a it prepares us for if the channel ever grows any bigger now he's saying they're watching more ads boldly oh I didn't know that today I went to sheets and got a free kid's meal what's sheets yes that's a chain yeah stinky ether nate is saying you click click on the Millat gun and then go to many young and click equip then repeat for the next where where I can't go to my look and tweak envision where is the Millat gun I thought you're already on that page hmm really on this one stuff oh this one more look Oh stink pants you don't write anything day out Oh what happened man raid something sticky what Mahlon can go to mini time mini time I don't have mini time so I have to go to the store and buy it I guess she sees a gas station / restaurant do we I don't think we have anything like that here do you we've got plenty of chain gas stations we call them petrol stations but very few y ou have restaurants attached that's more of a country thing you go today the country areas they often have a restaurant attached but it's not a chain it's for the weary traveler that's been driving for hours or wants a snacky there's nothing say minicam it's it's not the name it's got to be other kinds of name I guess there's no mean economist here hmm if a neighbor says you got to go to the store and buy too many yards yeah I'm at the store it is the first one the Punisher it is called initial yeah yeah that's you Europe Punisher so you buy that and then you swap it out with another one he's Romeo and Juliet we had to read sting pants does not like that story do you think they're ridiculous Romeo and Juliet I like Shakespeare but you always say right now and Juliet it's stupid when I play the who he's a dire straights has a song called Romeo and Juliet which i think is one of the most beautiful songs ever written and steep pants always complain saying that idiots Crimea and Juliet are idiots that's why you're tired tell me is it yeah they die at the end like they should make a plan good better communication so you know another one actually not dying actually not a restaurant but like it is an ordering system then you pick it up at a separate spot after you get your receipt and check out there yeah that's a bit different isn't it actually I like you can add fast-food stuff is often attached to our petrol stations usually it's McDonald's like right next to right next better at KFC or a Hungry Jack's something like that this guy is so slow ah why don't I something China want to know something Chinese food is not Chinese food it's not from China it's like your country's version of Chinese food well that's true oh you're talking about chop suey we're talking about all coins isn't about if we have I don't know Indonesian or Thai or Vietnamese it's it's not authentic here is that it's no some of them are some of them is actually good that is very close to what Sydney yeah really mmm how come you haven't fed me any of that what are you talking about you always eat authentic oh this is testing me to be or not to be that is the question whether there is better to suffer the slings and areas of misfortune not I know the rest that will recite a bit of Shakespeare when I was younger it's going back a long time though I don't read this thing sit sit says good news hello neighbor got new animated series jeez a lot of these games are updating now man stinky knock knock who's there hark hi cool I didn't know you liked Japanese poetry I don't say I like haiku I don't even know what it means haiku Japanese poetry you know it's got a certain number of syllables per line look at me culture what do you not cold ah then stink pants upgrade the robots for more health oops I have to do after these come by our put on come by our Lord or stink that's doesn't like it when I sing stink pants someone who likes it everybody does except for you singing off-key and outer chin i t's awesome stink pants upgrade the robot for more health and speed yeah I really need speed this is annoying like really and no random said they got a notification for a video about abandoned puppies you watch those kind of videos with the kitty straight kitty cats and the stray dogs I find them quite heartbreaking I can't tolerate not that I can't tolerate them they just make me sad you know and then what happens we end up with a rap bag that would have been om let's see if it wasn't for us and how does she treat us stomps on us at 5 o'clock in the morning saying get up that's why you brought home stinky and get this in Australia Hungry Jack's is Burger King but they changed the name we know that one yep Barry and I have no idea why Burger King hungry Jay got some problem with trade names because someone else that already had a Burger King here I guess that would have to be the scenario someone already had a patent for for Burger King and he is another story Hungry Jack's sued a it w as a small fish and chip shop solitary owner not a chain nothing like that and he labeled his fish and chip shop hungry comma Jack's right sorry hungry question mark Jack's that's the all kind of infringement obvious there is a question mark there question mark over your name Oh mr. bit first person to decrypts these gets $50 I'm gonna be stuck on that one comment for the rest of the strain now come on all silent trying to concentrate I'm gonna not gonna get the $50 what might be able to if I actually sat there for long enough for can't do it they don't abandon her see tonight that makes me sad speeding up or off the product cry when he sees abandoned animals yes he does I give I'm weird I get very emotional over visual things particularly animals but even movies and TV shows can set me off real life doesn't do it as much hmm say something says the queen of stone-faced isn't it you don't get upset easily yeah but I don't know I'm an animal lover so you stinky everyone should be an animal lover I like seeing any kind of pain when it comes to living creatures put up by the way I'm doing 70s and 80s tonight I'm not sure what that means you mean 70s and 80s music cuz I'm all about that I know I'm not actually I grew up in there which one do you think were 7080 for mus ic or family long hair styles music music I'd have to say eighties is worse than 70s really yeah but that's like the Queen and though whatever yeah but there are also around him than sort of late 70s because if you have 70s then that included still includes the Beatles you know they were actually not doesn't they were still doing like John Lennon was still alive in the 70s imagine and that sort of things say the late 60s sort of music bled into the early 70s and then the late 70s music bled into the 80s but I grew up on eighties music I only appreciate it more now what happened back then what about you stinky you have a preference ah I don't know much about music yeah that's right you don't know you're stinky today one of my dogs ate a lot of that's not good 8 8 6 75 309 I don't know what that number means either ether no to watch the stink pants upgrade the robot and guns what do you mean what your dog ate glass and it couldn't cut you all that's true and you want to take it to the ve t as soon as possible when it's tax season I've paid my dues that's true I was born in 2017 I don't think so you're only three goodness to me you're only three couldn't this mean you know how to type yeah that's impressive that you can be that because they said that born in 2017 stinky personally I would have liked to have been born on the 29th of February but I may be about four years old now Oh a little bit older than that now you're talking my language I'm claiming reward first claim their awards and then follow a tomatoes advice dear I IRS what is the address I will come get it myself police open up came love's saying the police are going to knock on the door we've seen some strange stuff in the news they have that happening lightly police showing up in all kinds of places you know sometimes unwarranted sir report where a police officer approached a family who was sitting in their own backyard saying you shouldn't shouldn't be in your own backyard at this point in time which is rid iculous you're not near anyone else there's no one else outside either I think that's taking civil liberty liberties removal to the extreme don't you dare copy me I copy Caine all the time peed on it makes me just what is this song and I've paid my Jesus from we are the champions hey stinky Don where DJ monetized anyway what do you want me to do we are the champions not my match I went to a JJ see you our concert and it was awesome I heard that before I mean obviously there a musician man I'm just trying to think what song I might know somehow I know that name I want to get be up-to-date with all of the new music Don Payne says he's got a gay the stream started what nine Kane's he used to be so loyal to us he did now he just disappears because it's all about the identity five we're boring him if it's not identity five you ain't you ain't stick around makes me sad that's all right we're just glad he shows up isn't it stinky I'd say give cleaner give came a little bit of rubbish now have a go at him go on yes I go at you all the time uh-huh arch-nemesis your arch-nemesis IIT no comment from the stinky hmm she's got too many enemies or frenemies like yeah my lad to say that person's night no one's ever gonna know you it is when I was listening to the song last night Simon and Garfunkel son called Cecilia you didn't like it when I was seeing that last night did you you've seen too many song and loud I'm aware the singer really annoy you and I have to wash my online lecture didn't mean to annoy you that much yes you do annoying not advertising or anything but I just wanted to say that no one well that's quite advertising nice I'm not gonna read the rest of that my cape warning you guys well actually it's random he's in it usually time F is too little but yeah don't do that and the what's the advice I can give you with that the the one thing that I've learned and this is the mistake that I see time and time and time again II from other youtubers they don't put in any effo rt trying to connect with people and I mean really connect like we do with you say when we before we started streaming we were trying to connect through the comments section we were trying to do it through other forms of social media orally that wasn't as successful because I just don't really have much of a presence when it comes to other social media platforms but if you look at some of I'd suggest this random if you've got the time have a look at the YouTube help playlist that we've gotten there's current remember maybe six or seven videos there you don't really have to watch the last two because they related to the fake YouTube channel but the advice I think in some of those videos is still quite sound particularly they had a how to engage 15 what is it 15 steps to better engagement or something like that I would say follow that and the reason I'm touting my own horn here is well look at how far we've come and we've done it by what I've highlighted in these videos that what often h appens is if you let's say you go and visit someone's channel and you say something like nice video or good job or whatever you're not really connecting with that person if you're using templates you're not connecting with that person same with generic comments I mean you guys all say penguin in particular can probably back me up as can everyone else but I remember with penguin I actually helped him out just letting him know that he was getting one of those spam bot comments on his channel and he didn't know beforehand so just going to that little extra effort and say hey just be wary of this particular channel it's known for being a bit scammy I think penguin at the time really appreciated that I could be wrong but that's how you connect with people because always remember they're theirs even if it is a bot channel you've still got a human being at the other end somewhere so I get tired of seeing the generic rubbishy comments that we get on every single upload and the point of all of that is when you start doing that and putting in the effort you'll find people come to your channel that's what I'm saying and say that's what I would say to you go and watch our YouTube help video videos first time after time no I'm hiccuping I know that's on Team stink pants you know that time after time I think so did it it did it did it baby time after time that's all I can see and what I have what bugs me sometimes people come to my stream say I and did then just leave well let's try a bit random stop talking about your channel so we we probably had a little bit of that as well but it's how do I say this without sounding like a cocky or arrogant no it's no way to do it I don't know I don't think we're anything special we just like talking to people and hopefully they can see that we do care about the people that we get to know we think of you when we're not streaming we hope that everyone's okay as we get to know you more and more you know you learn things about each other and and that sort of thing I'm sort of rambling at the moment our way yes we're dear limiting the tab to that sting pants because no I don't rambling we've got the dlg we've got a loyal group of people that support us you know all the time and I don't quite know what the magic formula is for that but it will for us at worked it's a lot of hard work well tell you that you wouldn't know anything about that would you stinky the hard work part mm-hmm that's all on me yeah yeah Peter thinks he's telling the truth other guys say Peter I usually report those template comments for spam yeah I don't report them but after a while let's say you visited us five times and we keep getting these same template or generic come comments I just stopped going to your channel at that point because it's waste of time now having said that I'll I'll let you guys in on a little secret I send templates as well if you put no effort into anything on our channel I put no effort into commenting on yours then I'll spend th e least amount of time that I can on it because it's just you know some people learn they actually do that when they recognize that I keep doing it to them they actually start leaving genuine comments again this is why I say check out the the YouTube help videos because in that 15 steps to better engagement when I talk about the hearts and that also works quite well a lot of people don't realize what that Harting a comment is supposed to do that's why we did that video and just let you know now it is to set you apart from everyone else so if you've noticed on any you can pick any upload that we've got I don't even heart every comment only heart the good ones and then if you look at the reply I'll give them a genuine reply because they've given me a genuine comment so you know if you're approaching a somebody new for the first time go to that extra effort to watch a bit of their video or all of it and and comment on what the video is about and make it genuine makes a huge difference tha t really does report these so read that sometimes penguin or just comment cookies that's alright they kiss it's it's the at least you make I don't mind they it that sort of thing I'm anyone to hit like on the stream no that's not good random night I'm safe familiar with Peter I know he's fast nothing oh I'm gonna have to do it again one day we're gonna have to get more channel members and penguins will sleep on the stink pants so there you go there's one fair as well so yeah it takes time and you have to be prepared but the other thing is you're still in school mister top game is here how are you how are you do you play on iOS yes that's what we're playing at the moment so if you play I can't even remember the name of the game what is it wall robots I almost dead but you survived say if you want to play with this now mister top gamer you're welcome to although you're gonna have to teach stink pants how to add oh we set the first - was that the first time though yep nice one you've surv ived for a long time already do you play on iOS as well mister top gamer or is it another device I often get asked questions why games look different when we played on me because I'll play it on a PC or a console and here we are doing the free mobile version who don't check the old streams comments these template comments back commenting they often do there's not a lot I can do about that they'll keep doing and mr. top gamer says their level 30 and max level and I have Titan alpha this is the one head where stinky doesn't like playing with people who'd have much stronger accounts than her but well force their to do it and happy to get some advice from you - mr. top gamer because on our Channel unless it's clash of clans pretty much every single game you see is being played from scratch so we have no idea what the game is gonna be like when we first start playing and obviously we have no clue how to do it using it stink now look I can see we've got a dislike already someone didn't like me that's usual can we can we one versus one we'll play together yes certainly I you'll have to tell us if it makes a difference that stinky is solo are you still like this one is a bit low so if you're okay with it and we're we're capable of doing it oh yeah yes oh there is he won again and mr. top gamer plays clash of clans as well nice one just about everyone in the stream at the moment plays clash of clans that's the the main yet one the only game for us or heads-up though how many times of mine has my phone main stolen this week you may be fallout shelter you keep playing it at every opportunity you're stealing my fan and you play it see yeah just let us know what you want to do there mr. top gamer and we'll follow suit my friend you subscriber here full view big like yeah that's that looks like a template comment for sure stake it I'd really dislike that stay connected comment that annoys the heck out of me and people keep doing it stink pants could you say that you're having a good time having a good time have a good time yeah good yeah cuz you know why because the streams take concentration away from me and that's what yeah there is a satisfaction isn't it mister top game is asking are you Ava level 30 I mean are you Ava level 15 you Ava love it I'm just level 9 level 9 at the moment mister top gamer I random please stop talking about your channel or I'll put you in a timeout myself unless one of the mods does first but this was a while ago so I can't see it anymore you need to be leveled ten for one verses one and two played together level 15 so but if you do a one versus one again see you'll smash you mister top gamer isn't it cuz it'll be a level 30 versus level 1 0 and then you got to get to level 15 before you can I will just go hiding somewhere pretty mustard I know that in the first-person shooter games they call like camping stink pants you're a camper you just sit there and hide and try to snipe people isn't it well I don't know why he's got zero dislikes I can see one on your computer anyway it doesn't matter we get disliked on every single video eventually and don't that's another thing I'd say as a piece of advice don't worry about that it means you're doing something right if you look at any popular videos they're always gonna have dislikes on them it's just the way of the world there's people out there that just like to be nasty on vent or whatever I get it full view of your whole video Old Faithful yep randoms reeling off all other template garbage comments full view of your whole video I'll be your supporter forever let's be friends thanks well I watched your video fully watched your video great video liked your video it's all the s ame garbage so don't do it guys won't do won't do 1vs1 when you level 10 we have to go to bed you can use the robots from the game but I have a good night there random it was good that you stayed in the chat as long as you did who don't give me your best millennial I'm not quite sure what that means but am i I'm not a millennial am I I'm Way too old for that bye I say gonna have to explain how I'd give him a best millennial and I'll give it a shot mister top gamer says when we do one versus one of bottom there's going to be robot at the bottom and press it and the game will give you a very good robot to use in one versus one and use those so she's got to get to level 10 first though right she got one more level to go so hopefully she'll get there soon who died I'm getting these templates from my comments yeah say look there's two ways to look at that that you can put in the effort to try and get the person to start being genuine because that does work I've done that with people before Billy and I also give it a limit as to how how much you're going to put up with like if they just keep doing it every comment every video you know that they don't care at all they're not going to do anything mr. top gamer says he playing very well they're stinky he says you're doing an awesome job at the moment I'm almost dead Thanks Spidey's here no need to apologize we're just glad that you showed up and I don't know if you saw my private discord message to you I'm sorry I was late to see your DM look at me I'm getting up-to-date with all of the acronyms now BM what is the direct message because he invited me to something better than expired already so I replied to that and also gave you a shout-out in the last stream for your last joke it was fantastic so if you have a look at the PIM comment there it's got your name like Kings Millennials would say don't they say like a lot you know ain't got a not yeah and then you know what I'm saying yes so this would be sounds like American money you know what I'm saying they say that a lot like a lot you know like I went to the mall like and bought some Barbie dolls like whoa okay boomer how about that one that comes out a lot right there I still don' t know what simple means but that's the heir or who you like that one too I try to keep up to date with the lingo of these young people Dave Avila missed the top gamer I saw on this account thank you for doing that mr. top gamer just their heads up if you want me to check out your channel I don't say this often anymore but please just leave a comment on one of our videos so it reminds me because we don't do it from the live chat just two takes too long too time-consuming basically but we do shout out say you know check out each other's channels I know that a lot of the people in the stream have done that already but I always always get a warm feeling when I go to visit the channels that we do support and see that people that we know leaving comments for them to leave a genuine one while you're at it okay boomer I got that straightaway millennial type phrases that are being used help me me me me you know that's a bit of our shoes on it dad that they the Millennials I find a st. not not our guys they're not like that but a lot of minute Millennials don't want to learn from older people which I get it when I was younger I thought I knew everything but you still sort of listen to to your elders because they are wise I'm not saying listen to me and then I'm wise because that's probably not the case a friends call almost everyone a boomer the ego and I've already done the boomer aunt before but I'll do it again if you're born 1945 to about 1960 whatever five then you're a boomer anything after that there was nothing after that the next generation was Generation X and that's me and I think that's you as well as stinky just you Generation XI barely I think that's that's how it works and then you got ye and Z and the Millennials and then what are they calling the is it alpha they're calling them now the young ones little toddlers and peanuts mp's ah well I didn't know that I've heard it being used but I have no idea what it means I haven't bothered to look it up but thank you for telling me that what happens if you call a one month old boomer what the heck happened that makes no sense all they made that's they're making a prediction that there's gonna be another baby boom after these current crises maybe that is the case maybe not my left wait and see group I made just to support this channel so thank you for doing that Spidey I appreciate that I think you have to send another link as those two expired and I'll tell maybe I am a Booma I had trouble getting into discord I kept restarting the computer and it wouldn't fix anything then I found out all you have to do is quit the app and open that again stupid old uncle who died what does he know Millennials have this thing called millennial made in their tractor which is auto steer where they don't have to do anything at all you want to hear a farming story saw it firsthand there are some farmers that are so used to growing their crops year in year out same paddock st. well not necessarily the same crop but they dig it they plow the land the same way that they can actually sleep while they're doing it they just know like they'll take a little nap and then they know that they're at the end of the the paddock and so they just turn the tractor around eyes closed and everything I've seen it myself because if you do it if you're a farm boy or girl or you know just a generational farmer you grow up doing that stuff from a very young age you wouldn't believe how young you can be when you start driving a tractor you know even sitting in your dad's lap or whatever while he's driving your mum's lap then you get in there and you know do your stuff and by the time you're 12 years old you already know how to do things on their own so by the time you're 30 40 or 50 you've been doing the same thing over and over again you get very good at it okay almost beam is almost beam is we are now that's Annie catchcry your booty Miranshah stinky not see great here they go oh really oh oh hang on you're getting advice yeah Gator box on the side okay so you'll get some more advice in a second a flea just waiting on you our day go your game up depending on I don't know which one you want to be called day go or mister top gamer and then person below me is a big fat but I get to hear that one a lot I'm not sure what he's supposed to do with the box on the side just waiting for day guy there to let us know by I think he means by 100 are you just naming new character now so he's saying by 100 doing it did I press the wrong here in North Dakota you can get a farmers license at like 12 in the day where the kids get their license to help out on the farm be gay imagine that getting a tractor license at the age of 12 so he said open hundred this one he is saying to open a hundred for that one big a villa by hundred he just said by hundred so I'm not too sure what else that means I don't get it oh and just bear with me guys I'm just gonna quickly go into discord and y ou a to chat with that's not a link there Spidey that doesn't look like or is it no I don't think that one's a link and kynos like to reply to him cuz that's already day oh he came out our time and miss the flip-flop man and did the spoiler alert after the stream had already started get that box is Ethan a DA I think that's what day gay is saying as well get that box which box three of them here one of the three and I think I can buy a hundred bucks one here pay for it actual cash we don't do that their cheapest one you got that weapon that cost $15 can you see that fifteen dollars while we're waiting for direction here is a true story which was recorded by a storm chasing YT person when when when me PAP was a farmer he used to ride the tractor every day and I mean every day here is the story in the morning there was suspense I'm waiting for the next part stinky give me that look you need robot that can use hefty weapons you use weapon heavy heavy weapons I think they main have to you use weapon did that help they are stinky I still don't know which box is talking about she doesn't know which box or which weapon you talking about the black market and II don't have enough stuff to buy here the he's this game is black market what can you read this black market yeah well goodness me that that's the sound of Thomasin being poured you wanna sniff caparison bag stinky I might like it heavy he may is you need robots that can use heavy weapons say she got a robot the canoes a heavy weapon or she doesn't I don't think I have enough to buy anything like you you're a heavy weapon our testing comes back good to see they came he says getting you robot that can hold heavy weapons that do a ton of damage see can you recommend one of those robots and good old cane I you treats our streams like clash of clans now in out in out just like the cap I don't know which one is considered heavy bad one what's considered heavy weapon and what's considered a robot that can carry a heavy weapo n a tornado that on the TV and I said to me Pat he's still going out he said he said yes but the alert I said it's just an alert not a warning says me back so he went out and started four hours later or more suspense oh you need to be like level 19 or 20 but she come she can't after all of that not high enough level yet Cain says he's gonna leave us again we been entertained Cain enough anymore we gotta what can we do kinder identity 5 yeah that's what do you want see this one side and 85 personally I want you know Cain uploads video is called chillin with Cain huh I want him to upload videos called chili with Cain uh-huh just get rid of the end I'm gonna see more chili challenges he's amazing when he does that 9 or 16 fact number 5 for a day 164 million adults in the United States play video games and three-quarters of all Americans have at least one gamer in their household you know that's nice I just know Cain says identity 5 yet again are you in the snow now that snow or no no no n o he says Cain yes yes yes says sting pants she did a chili challenge yesterday didn't you yeah Chili's straight from the planet that's right came you need to get some strong hot sauce get yourself some Devil's breath they have some interesting light sources in America well they if you like that first leaf East channel the second hottest sauce that they're displaying this season is actually from Australia a figure and we haven't found it yet we need to get some hot sauce no you stink do it came cuz Tapatio isn't it that's a weak hot sauce you need the good stuff you need the fire on the breath type hot sauce you're doing well we're stinky you've only lost one match safe to our tune what happened in the previous one yeah Jackie and hot sauce we still have a little bit of Jackie but I think stink pants do you have any hot sauce like the hot we've got plenty of bottles of hot sauce but there's only one or two that a worthy of been called a hot sauce and Stinky's probably used them a lot w ine by now let's do it again like you did on my behold hedges you can't even remember the streams that we do the the chili challenge I have a feeling that she's actually used all of the really hot stuff think I gotta get more and we've got a hot sauce dealer daily ie the little supermarket that specializes in having a range of them they go says shoot weapons so they have no ma and they reload full say if you use up all of the MA stink it'll reload straightaway I'm conserving my life at the moment run away thank you for the ongoing advice there to Dago we really appreciate it cuz we have no idea what we're doing now back to penguins farming story the sirens started and I look outside and there is a tomato which was laid up any fi I look up looked for my father and he was riding the tractor and yelled to me get you and your mum in there and then maybe your house after that phase wraps us yeah hello how are you thank you for joining the stream think it might be the first time for you but not too sure how are things going in your part of the world we hope everything is OK and if you play this game as well feel free to give us some tips because stink pants has to get to respawn you're doing only the rip robots I got two robots so I can use another one when one the first one died right and Nathan Ida says you know when someone says tactical retreat it means run away see I didn't read it at all stink pants doesn't listen she doesn't read is it he's still doing all right though tactical retreat run away she's good at running away in games I've seen I do it plenty of times it's no good for that still slow run away it is a slight meeting right buddies in him but is this the one that a teammate is said to get victory no one suggested ain't already used I always use it as the first one nice one stinky you've done well again look at you go you're awesome what are you doing gonna I've got a sale like the graphics in this looks very good how much time is there left on the stream w e can actually finish this one earlier it's already gone for an hour and a half song is there over the hour mark they can be over an hour less than two it doesn't really matter does it see we are boring than me they're constantly asking like when does it end as opposed to keep going so close the level 10 pasting pants upgrade the side guns and you're back in there already so again Sean she doesn't listen but she'll do it hopefully after this particular fight and they guys saying you are very close to getting the level 10 at this point at the top corner you see how much yep you need to get quite get that how much ap you need to get to another level experience I think 8ax back to penguins story get back into the cell Oh what about you I said I've got to finish he said an hour later he comes in and we late after the storm asked me back instead of being grateful he's angry is that tornado has flipped the tractor destroying it they end my goodness this game reminds me of Star Wars actually yeah that's a good observation Spidey reminds me of Star Wars - there's is Spidey the expert or awesome I need someone's a that joins the streams as an absolute Star Wars expert I want to know what those walking machines are from Empire Strikes Back I think that's where they first appeared right cute a cure cure it Kate or I'm guessing that's one of the robots you should have put the tractor in the cellar - that's funny look at you go with your beastly weapons that is me that not too short I've missed the heck look at you guys stinky he's concentrating up now penguin anything I don't know what they're saying but I have no idea what these ad ad or SC looks like it there is an app run away tactical retreat is he shooting you from behind - yes that's not very fair is it shooting them in the back random vid staleys back again I'm the Star Wars fanatic what's the name of these rather tall looking walking fighting things that the dark side has you will soon be able to fight real players as t hey go so you're getting there you've built up your skill level to the point stink pants where you're ready for real people retreat why I was asking what the head machine was that's why they keep saying 8080 an 80s T that's the name of the machine maybe you guys say see how stupid old uncle boot IDs it's not too bright easy yeah just a naming chemicals vehicles 80 vehicles stinky look at your guy do you know I have any enemy you have left on that doesn't tell you it's a yeah oh I'll wait for them there's only three you yeah we might lost nice like a man you take him out there stinky she did the guy in front he says they go I agree I'm getting there and smite your enemy I'm dead now you are you and uncle paid on not really not in real life ah well it's crazy isn't it what do you mean Oh none of your siblings are got kids none of my siblings have got kids so we're not uncle around to anyone mm-hmm not yet anyway but in the Asian culture we are uncle's not snappy cuz that's what they call boomers and by Boomer I just mean old people it's a sign of respect in certain cultures to say Artie or uncle oh but there's also and this is a Western thing as well like my friends that have children their kids call me uncle sometimes I'll call food on mmm okay that's that uncle you don't want to be left to language you'll terrorize you I'm good with their kids for the most part because they're older now that's the thing lady to certain aids in there all right treat them like little adults Peter did you ever play D&D or Pathfinder as a kid not as a child but Ethernet has had tips in pants aim oh you got a chucklehead his stinky there as well I do not I'm not sure of the robots names but they're a but something like that in Star Wars yeah that's what I was thinking of and penguin made of mine only a couple of years ago I played Dungeons and Dragons with him but it was a me the two of us so he was the dungeon master and I was doing this story it's probably not as good you had more peop le as better but yeah I think it's an interesting game and Pathfinder I don't know never heard of that game before sorry I wasn't here for long - bye everyone now a spider is glad glad that you joined us dog a village says that you can one versus one now you got a good robot for Free Press on shield on the side seems like I'm the one who can make Stu pants laugh that's true - Nathan ate his you know he's got that Decatur humor and the the chili recipes that make you laugh sting say day guys saying press on the shield on the side on the side he'll chew this yield where is the shield made a little bit bored timid yeah few more tips because you're at level 10 now so I think he wants to play you and you get a you said you get a good free robot yeah I can't see the shield either and randoms got to go again guys again thank you for coming back and leaving and coming back it's all good it helps us with the views can't complain about that under battled says they go stop okay this is may may no t cause some arguments here penguins asking Star Trek versus Star Wars I'm gonna say Star Wars hands down why it's like movie vs series yeah and I don't my Star Wars TV series I know that they're out there but I've never watched them spouse like you do yeah you gotta do movies versus TV this is maybe TV what are you talking about I'm talking about Salwa is the movie and Star Trek is series very good mostly they got the Star Trek movies as well yeah but it's not a lot probably got more than Star Wars there's a lot of Star Trek movies I think so that's a lot of series well I'm gonna say sometimes you're talking about the original three Star Wars Metis they hands down beat any Star Trek babies I guess I'd have to say Star Trek TV series over here me Star Wars TV series because I've never seen the Star Wars TV series what about you you're like putting on Star Trek now what are we are you penguin now Daigo says under battle is where you find that yes present before obviously Star Wars says Ethan ADA press create custom game create custom game shield is under battle they got like 12 Star Trek maybe see I told you there's a lot of Star Trek movies because they've got the original cast of Star Trek I've been in Star Trek movies and then you've got you know in the TV series ones they've also created meetings next instruction we're looking for invite by ID says they go got that so now we need to know what the IDs but anything in this song stinky I don't mind these sorry mate got to go with Star Trek says penguin it seems like it's bit of a drawer at the moment isn't it your Star Wars Star Trek both are winners okay and can you read that don't you want me to we're almost there day game think Vega is gonna smash you by the sound of it hang on this is me we as him yep you got a good good thing Oh prisoners museum how are you how are you sorry let me say that again princess princess mining I hope I got that right do I have to fill in the empty slot so we're just waiting on some i nstructions from de go there as there to add him but it looks like you might have done that already and do you play this game at all princess mine because we need some tips seeing as a tipster we're getting it from is what about to be our enemy does that look right I have no idea what I'm doing I'm doing anyway stink pants is just clicking buttons at this point in time that's what you do isn't it stinky just press buttons like a little monkey you had the other team as well well day guys saying press fight so just me and him looks like it oh here we go oh you take on day game ah and then look at the bottom right and then look at the bottom you know luxury retreat strategy tactical retreat before you've even started hey you're funny so you left to let us know if this is works now do we even the game with you and be prepared well when we did one versus one on what college edu smashed me every single dime hey you I couldn't get a single win in no you can Coke Zero or Diet Coke I'm gonna ha ve to say Diet Coke constant you up yeah in fact the ethernet is saying regular coke I'm gonna save vanilla cake vanilla cake hands down is the best cake that you can buy on the planet no arguments and if you leave you a very nice a cherry cake I say to you it tastes like cough medicine vanilla cake all the way cherry cake tastes like cough medicine cake zero and Diet Coke you're almost as bad as the other brand because I don't like the air I'll add to say hey they're not sponsors cakes is better than Pepsi unless you put calories and Pepsi then it's nice I'm not encouraging drinking you just sip away what I'm saying and see it's not drink what is your loyalty Wiener ah what there should be more votes for vanilla cake vanilla cakes the best if I ever get a soft ring coke is not high on the list unless they've got vanilla then it can be right up the top that didn't take long when you fight again don't do anything since that game well not sure that's going to help you is it just see you know I'm watching and playing white craft they really want us to play minecraft that might have to be the next so many people have been asking for it I'm gonna have to relinquish so you're gonna go again there is that what the stories you take on take a hero we not know he's gonna do enough he or she is a winner not me I like vanilla says Ethan ADA you're talking about the coke or the flavor by hang on DJ's saying that they will show you what to do say if you get in if you get in there and fight him again it'll actually show you what to do this time how would you describe vanilla cake it is more refreshing a spider it is a little bit like a spy you smell that spider it's better than that I would describe it as extremely refreshing that it's more refreshing than most other soft drinks I don't know what it is about putting vanilla in there but it makes a difference but it depends where you are in the world as well because I believe they tried to introduce carrot cherry cake here and it w as in here yeah but it's not sold widely it's difficult to get because people just don't want to buy it it's not popular here I can tell you that whereas it's really popular in America and they tried to do vanilla cake in America and they didn't like it over there it's funny that it's like chocolate yeah chocolate you know in various countries in the world but tastes very different and this is not making a comment on America or anything about it but I don't really like American chocolate I grew up on Australian chocolate I think it they sped off but in America they probably wouldn't like our chocolate I thought hang on so you like or you don't like I like our chocolate they don't like American chocolate that much okay it doesn't it's not as creamy and maybe even sweet and it's less sweet and less creamy but then again there's other countries I've been to I didn't like their chocolate there I long wears like Australian chocolate there you go look at me Patriot I hate vanilla I like choc olate says came vanilla tastes great that's not Pepsi chocolate oh hang on they gave another idea but oh did you put him in already all one scene it's probably the same one on site say day gage says you'll show you what to do so you can get way better robots the bottom la vanilla cake not ice cream we have to do it again say sorry doc I don't know if you're actually in this game easy mother you guys say he's gonna show you what to do would you prefer vanilla cake if such a thing exists a cinnamon cake or chocolate cake I like cinnamon in some things but in drinks it's but sting pants doesn't like this and really it's not Meg you put in there but eggnog she doesn't like it she doesn't like eggplant nutmeg what in eggnog but you can use cinnamon as well but she wouldn't like that either cinnamon it's not bad nutmeg in the small one small mouth is okay what did you do cinnamon and you know some Asian cultures put salt in a cake oh we don't but we put salt in the sprite why in sprite but n ot in coach explain that one it's like lemon lime lime juice cases chocolate cake like lime juice you reckon oh yeah like a Margherita hmm they put salt in that down there I don't like margaritas either what is this I can't move this is an eel robot that he just put a me that he's given to you all no he's not giving to me just Joel nice one and pop that on again away the stream probably won't go for too much longer at this point hmm is that so just for that you get one of those well like penguin really ask these questions they're always very unique what these question you talking this verse is that what about majorem veces Aragon oh and can you tell the difference can you tell the difference between majora and Erika are a garden well parsley and well they call it something different there we call it what coriander and they call it one ex silento silento because they look the same shoot me says they go ok shading there is a there is a jump a button on the side maybe jump oh ok I can onl y done once and then I have to wait for ages curse you timmy tallit back down we're getting a bit confused by the chat at that might at this point not too sure what they're saying oh I can't kill him I can't do her he's gonna walk up to you and flatten your lips popeck oh where is he is he teaching here to get a better app right but I'm just showing off he's better right on yeah I thought so told me how to jam right oh yes oh maybe not maybe he told his robot as well I guess saying to you destroy him oh that's another one but isn't this one on one yeah one on one but you can have many robots Thanks ah say we only have two so if I die twice and he's just pushing me back at this point stinky you love doing that Davey you're the master of jumping and you're the master of evasion jumping running and hiding away say do you get his robot if you happen to destroy him No why do I have to destroy well you keep saying to destroy him all maybe so he can show another oven and then at the end of it you might end up getting his robot no he's saying do it again so I think he's trying to help you get a better robot by allowing you to destroy him really can you get better robot by doing that I'm guessing saying okay does he keep saying you know do it this looks awesome but I don't know what look at the size of that rocky fuckin baby yay pygmy just like in real life gassy little dwarf sad because I'm Victor says penguin that's true penguins does pretty well they all do I'm not gonna say it's this penguin everyone provides great entertainment for us it wouldn't be the same if they win yeah I'd just be talking to you how horrible would that be stinky horrible for me yeah you know that's you know I'm only trying named attain him kind of Sheol or something I mean oh this one is real she is where you saying do it again destroy him this looks like what do you call some kind of Greek mythology the metal spider Medusa middle-sized snake miss spider pity Spidey wasn't here we'd be going off a bout that Spidey you almost got the Spidey nice one well heck why my second office one where he's de Guise actually just sacrificing so pointy thank you begging for your kindness victory alright now I think maybe after doing that you might have access to better stuff well it's that you won't earn any reward in custom Madonna's like this land is mine alright now next time when you in battle don't press anything and show you what to get robots say I guess you go into another fight with him but this time don't do anything just stand there mutant like you do with me like a statue that's what you do I'm an island that's what penguins saying I am my own Island no entry unless you've got there unless you got the right passport okay okay there is what today look at bottom he says very bottom what what up in there Weaver I have to repeat and you see you robot very small no put I play crossing animals I've heard of that game as well I think I've seen that online before but it looks like we might have been outvoted and minecraft Earth might be the next one don't press your robot do you play or hang on do place from eating a turd a saying don't press your robot says they go and what am i doing writing down and crossing animals I think that might even be on my list already well I achieve at least is getting along we'll never get through all of these games it doesn't matter it gives us small content doesn't it put up play Animal Crossing and it is an iOS game nice one we might have to do that because it's a different style of game and we're always looking to do that too well they they these games that have certain words that have been blacklisted by YouTube like this game I'm thinking of not really worth it if you can't make money out of it all over one word there's a very small robots as they go can you see it fair warning day guys stink pants when you try to get it a look at something yeah good luck it's true she'll say to me hey where's the scissors and I'll say it's on the de sk and then a thirty seconds later they're not there I can't find them and I'll walk in the room stand in the doorway and go I can see them from y'all what do you got to say is a retort to that stink pants jeez I'm airing the app dirty laundry to the dirty laundry gang the DoD's hearing out daddy laundry of how annoyed I get Ricky that you don't look for stuff did you look you see a tiny robot there's a very small robot press on it says they a that's what he's saying stink pants do not pick a robot just sit there and do nothing hey Macarena oh look it's taking me back you know the Macarena song that was a worldwide hit no you can't do the Macarena dance you know she's that showing my age again isn't it all right story time it lacks I went to a nightclub once and they played the Macarena song in the nightclub and then had a competition playing it who can do the best Macarena dance so I got up there with all these other people that knew the Macarena dance I didn't know it and I tried to copy them let's just say I didn't win I got booed off stage you missed the robot says Ethan ater next battle says they go what what if only one chance to see pretty much gotta get on me you gotta do it my goodness don't press anything you missed the robot next battle and penguin says that he likes that your name is pink which she's been doing a lot in games lately she won't call them prude on sting pants or put up all stink pants and spewed stink how many nicknames are we gonna have stinky that many is it silence again shoot me says they game so again you got our attack him I gotta say thank you de gay for your patience there because that's what happens with the old stinky did you do it looks like you're doing it I like these guys penguins awesome eight phonate is awesome they gaze their new friend welcome to the dod that's what i'll say today go turning you into a robot expert stinky I can't find a small robot that's right do it no besides we're almost at the end yeah we passed the tw o-hour mark isn't it sting cos she's still doing it you hear that frustration from Steve you that's how I feel inside every day every minute of every day every second of every minute of every hour of every day that's the sounds that I make great commenting I kill me again says they gave so I think what he's saying is now these are a robot after you killing somewhere can you see a little worried about summer I think that's what amen and penguins doing a bit of BJ's there I love staying alive that's a great song stink pants when you lay it into the game do not pick a robot to play not really yeah don't ah okay do you get that because I didn't get it it's too late because I'm already already only guy they come make up I wish I could get penguin to sing I'm gonna have it today you know almost go through an entire stream without any jumping for once no can't win any time I like that chilled it looks like some honey time waiting for bees to fly out I think you are hungry what's smarter than a talking parrot you're spelling baby I can't get a laugh at you at all Rhys stop the game says a night make a destruction I gotta say getting a little bit sleepy now what's going on I blame you cat oh she you said she was annoying me this morning she's yes she wants to get the Bradys jumping all over me - yeah it's just to be out the food isn't a non affectionate cat I trade her in for an affectionate one oh you can tell by the way I want on my feet I'm a woman's being when they time to squawk that's a great comment but I have no idea what it means they can tell by the way I want my fate I'm a woman's penguin they time to squawk ah they's rebury where did stayin alive you like that song that you you see it around the house oh you still live Caine disappeared again didn't even let us know he's back we are but we'll end up stopping pretty soon because I'm just to be out drained and there's gonna be enormous for me anyway here the flatness in the voice do you stinky this is where I need you to take over this is where I need you to take over with your buoyant comments and you know the commentary that you're capable of doing say that's it I'm done entertain the masses can you tame the masses stinky how we need robots he got a yeast at the top level of the game is my understanding playing it for a long time invite me says they gave stink pants whenever you laid into the next game whatever you do don't pick a robot okay here we go maybe she go pick a robot stinking they go yeah I'm about to show you what to do you listen for once this is like transformers from 85 be gay that show the age I grew up on transformers I had transformers toys did you have those penguin I had one that folded up to look like a cassette tape does anyone even know what a cassette tape is these days yeah you do but that's cause you're old like me no well all day what you are sorry younger younger than me but older than everyone else grandma don't pick rave on don't pick robot don't pick rave on don' t pink robot eat the night is learning babies almost like lives in a house with us cuz this is what I've got to go through on a daily basis because what happens say I think you gotta wait for here we go very bottom says they gave the Decepticon I remember Decepticon having to retrain yes Peter I have to say dag is saying can you see the little robot no look what are you talking about little robot boy the one you are that look below scavenger it's a tiny something ah tonight oh my god stick it up boys he's overrated we're just gonna be taken like this so make my sense whatsoever hey I know now and back to the radio voice she knows now but she didn't listen I am here we've got a channel member here hello asme how are you you just wake up we've been actually I should be asking man is the time difference better or worse now that we don't have daylight savings say what did we have to do clock back in our or afford an hour I can't remember so don't know if it's a better or worst time now tha t it's our we're streaming robot next to one then what all right saying and all safe is you can also have a look on your chat see there's a tiny robot click on it by the one invite me again oh yeah yeah I am good to see you mate it is indeed I press it's gone what went because I haven't clicked anything so it's say draw the by one clicks it where cities 1201 here oh it's worse 1201 here in North Dakota in the morning say that means that we would have to start earlier I guess well they say mommy just wake up it is so hard to get the right time for everyone well I suspect for ASM it's probably about 12 pm man somewhere around there must have got a late night or a good long sleep that's how you get robots for one versus one can you keep it for like Abbas game though it's only just one on one I think it might be an e4 one on one but not too sure and penguin says Baron Calif mate I'm in California it is not good here but it's only ten a three so you see the difference here between Decatur a nd California looking to our difference there as well invite me and don't press fight until I'm in stinky that's what Judy and is 70 if you ever played this guy because he seems to play a lot of the games that we've strained that so they're saying I played this song I made this game but it might have to be the last one I'd say think he's getting a little bit worn out and I'm worn out just trying to get stinky to pay attention to start so I'm fine well I am no longer trying to give you directions and chances of you getting to listen to me today at all pretty much minimal non-existent I assume says no they haven't played this game it's got great graphics aliasing and there are a couple of experts here both zombie the time's running out Ethan a dough and Dago are both experts at this game oh that's a beast of a robot haven't seen that one before whatever you do don't squawk 7,500 I think I just squawk 7,500 what I'm not sure I don't know I bet he's either old uncle Peter he's not up-to-da te with too many things isn't it say have you been ASM is everything all right where you are I suspect it's pretty good and probably one of the safer countries to be in at the moment I have to give my role oh yeah I mean now I saw that usability on the side he's actually teaching you how to beating me on the side say there's weapons on the side there somewhere I guess oh yeah just open them up even more whoa look at that what is this what you like and I'm folding maybe that's why penguin said it's like transformers because it looks like oh yeah guy nice one stinking use the ability above weapons button you should be used to that sort of controls by now a lot of games have that isn't it you press this when it lights up press that when it lights up phantom oh well what's he got a bird robot now but robot that's what it looks like like it's got orange wing your mind not saying that properly looks like it's got orange wings it's a colorful looking thing looks like a bird legs for sure what is this one why don't have hair I'm a on one side of my foot and not the other because you're not crazy penguin first sign of madness is having hair on both sides of your foot second side of madness looking for it you get that one stinky you're a tiny little robot that you move quick oh and you can go here's a whole teleport do you see how these guys have been trying to help you for hours well thank you yeah that's all right day gay you're awesome 8:00 tonight I love it look at him gay penguin good stop he's the one that's keeping me entertained well they're teaching you about the game and you know and listen and I've given up ah listen after an hour and a half to stink yay whoa no you're actually easy Oh cuz he's actually trying to fight you now alright so you're holding your iron at the moment nice one okay oh you keep changing robots - yeah because another one was then look at you go what is this one oh that one can move fast McDonald's vs. Burger King and for that we'll say Hungry Jacks for us we'll never get a sponsorship from da I don't like McDonald's anymore story time how many stories am i doing in this one strength story time every now and again and by that I mean every few years McDonald's will bring the Mexican menu with the shaker fries I love the shaker fries I mean I will wait years to get them because they don't leave them as a permanent item so the last time it was this year they brought back that Mexican menu thing again with this shaker fries you can see it on the ads we go to the drive-thru we even went out of our way I'm like getting the car stinky we're going to McDonald's I want my shake of fries she didn't know what all the fuss was about I said I'll show you we'll eat them and you love them we get there I talked to the drive-thru guy even made a joke about it saying I'm here for the shake of fries that's it we'll get the Mexican burgers and everything but I want the shake of fries and he laughed and said that's you know good they're popular etc then I go to pay for it and I'm again talking about the shake of fries have another joke have another laugh then I get to pick it up in the last window and I ask the girl is there any chance I can get any more of the shake of fries seasoning and she said we've run out what the heck you are advertising it on the TV you made me pay for it and then I get my shaker fries and on top of that they had what was it like a crispy jalapeno or something that wasn't in the burger that was I was so mad because we actually drove out of our way to do it I ran McDonald's the next day and complained to their management and they said I'll wait we don't organize refunds or anything it's the local store that does that do you want us to get them to call you and I said yes please and I never got a call so ever since then I've boycotted McDonald's plus they're a ripoff now Hungry Jack's on the other hand well good stuff sorry that was a long-winded answer but Hungry Jack's hands down what about you guys now I am saying so far so good everyone works from home now because of the situation what's getting serious No hey they got 914 year cases I thought Singapore was doing really well and now they're doing the same work from home is what we would do is what we're doing well they shouldn't change you know yeah well that's not good what is my favorite country in the world because of its name UK no Turkey I love tech I'm the same a turkey you know what another one of my favorite countries is hungry because that's what I am let's say you mean Hungary hungry how about shade but for any major changes to the train say penguin plays games he agrees with me I do look I like the McDonald's menu but it's expensive and they don't they never give you special or not that they never it's very hard to get a special deal from McDonald's and clearly they don't care about their customers because I never got a call back why because of the foods so yeah they're asking ASM which one's better McDonald's or its Burger King where you are but Hungry Jack's we're way out and a Hungry Jack's also used to have terrible fries but now they're the best they're better than McDonald's fries oh my delicious I just wish they had the same shape I don't think I can ask everyone this question because they don't have it but I would have said Red Rooster versus KFC I don't think anyone else has got Red Rooster it's 2 stars really I've never seen Red Rooster anywhere else in the world just in Australia is it Australian it might be might be an Australian chain good job says they gave nice one oh thank you finally can i one versus one other person I don't know what you mean me you don't mean may I because I don't even know how to play this game the generally what happens they go as I do all of their boring commentary instinct he does all other entertaining gameplay oh but someone else a tornado or someone actually played this game too right so I don't know yeah you can organise a 1vs1 for them to play though no they just do by themselves ah so they can just get the ID exchange it and you can play after this dream if you want it usually some of the guys will advertise stuff but if you haven't joined the discord yet you can certainly organize the play with other people via that so just bear with me I'll just copy and paste that just say that you got the link say I'll put that in there oh no you hang on when I use him I thought he uses question life because of the foods but hang on read this why they have Red Robin in California Singapore suspended all McDonald's operations and delivery after five employees were infected that is not good no McDonald's for us I'm guessing that we might have to just be very wary of getting takeout food as well yeah all right so this dream is ending now Ethan aider and they assume and everyone else I did provide the link there mr. top gamer but me yeah that's the discord link so thank you all so much for for joining and staying as long as you did this one was a semi marathon stream so we hope you have a fantastic rest of the weekend please take care stay inside like just don't leave the house unless you absolutely after like we do do everything get a bit of groceries so any any final words they're stinky I better thank you today go and Nathan eat up yes thank you very much penguin says now it never ends the stink is through powerful now this think is only powerful thanks today go at eatin ate up all right take care everyone we'll see you in the next one bye right all right what do I do here stinky

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