creo que no sé lo que está pasando oh sí creo que empezó ahora apestoso está bien así que estamos listos para otro este juego parece familiar es un poco familiar pero el otro era un juego vertical que lo hicimos para uh, ¿cómo lo llamas? ¿En realidad lo hiciste tan corto? Sí, ya hemos subido que no recuerdas nada, recuerdo que juego, pero no sé si subiste eso, oh, subimos ese don No te preocupes por eso, sí, me preocupa que siempre te preocupes, sí, uh, así que sí, al azar, no pude entrar en discordia por alguna razón, sigue buscando una actualización, pero simplemente no pude superar eso, así que no pude no hago un anuncio y la razón por la que quería hacer uno hoy fue porque se supone que es un juego multijugador y muy popular , eliges el personaje femenino apestoso porque sabes lo que estoy haciendo, kane también está aquí, uh, mira si uno de ustedes me pueden hacer un favor y hacer el anuncio en discordia si quieren descargarlo i b creo que puedes jugar con nosotros uh parece ser lo que es este escenario y tenemos mucho de qué hablar hoy nuestro viejo tío peter se va a poner en su caja de jabón tú estás listo para ese apestoso pero primero primero primero tienes un le diste a ese video como si no hubiera nada, ni siquiera están conectados, apesta [__] lo que voy a hacer por ti, oh, terminé, todavía no entiendo este juego, está bien , tienes que hacer un poco de comentario allí apestoso mientras configuro todo configura tus cosas Clayton Gabe está aquí también todo el dlg está aquí Hola chicos, ¿cómo están yendo? ¿Qué están diciendo allí ? así que averigüemos qué está pasando qué está pasando por qué el día es tan malo no estoy seguro uh puedes leer eso supongo que puedo ¿por qué tienes algún miembro de la familia que sea alcohólico? creo que eso es lo que pregunta um afortunadamente no pero entiendo que el alcoholismo es muy, muy difícil para la gente, hablas demasiado suave allí , sabes que el micrófono está aquí, oh u m Sí, yo personalmente no, pero me he encontrado con alcohólicos en mi tiempo así que vamos a saber lo que está pasando Veré lo que puedo hacer para ayudar a que vuelvo completo tutorial que era un tutorial lo que no estoy muy seguro de qué es esto bien uh qué es eso los anuncios uh probablemente no se aceleren demasiado ¿qué es ? no sé que se está descargando no puedo hacer nada por qué no lo pones en tu billetera, de hecho lo puse en tu billetera simplemente no lo pones dentro, lo quieres, sí, más tarde, eso no es bueno, lo que está pasando allí, no lo sé, uh, es posible que tengas que restablecerlo, tal vez no sé , parecía funcionar antes, está bien, ¿qué tenemos aquí? salsa de nuevo no sé qué salsa uh otra cuenta para kane así que Clayton háganos saber qué está pasando kane dice p dot una nueva actualización de Choque de clanes llegará pronto nuevos niveles de tropa nuevos niveles de defensa y nueva súper tropa colgar en i No recuerdo lo que nos dijo antes, pero ¿cómo sabes todo esto? uh Kane lo acaba de decir en el, sí, ¿cómo sabe él todos estos oh Kaine? un genio es un pequeño espía cuando se trata de clacka clack voy a tener que eso es una banda sonora un poco extraña aquí sí nueva banda sonora olvidé mencionar eso, oh, por eso en estos días no leeré eso en voz alta Clayton pero um sí eso es bastante común que uh lo tendrás depende supongo que tipo de persona eres cuando estás bebiendo algunas personas son lo que llaman borrachos felices otras personas son agresivas y supongo que esta persona en particular debe ser agresiva um sabes si puedes llevarlos a rehabilitación que podría ayudar um o ir al médico este tipo de cosas uh kane dice que ha estado viendo los videos de adelantos para los creadores de contenido de Choque de clanes Dios mío, ahí tienes , no tengo ese privilegio preguntado al azar Hace mucho tiempo para ver si podía conseguir códigos de juego y supercell dijo: oh, el canal no es lo suficientemente grande, básicamente tienes que tener un canal bastante grande y subirlo con regularidad, lo que ya no hacemos para Choque de clanes. a uh así que no sé w si eso ayuda uh Clayton pero claramente esta persona necesita algo de ayuda y tal vez se requiera algún tipo de intervención um sí, me refiero a pensar que probablemente has tratado con algunos en tu tiempo, no miembros de la familia ni nada, sino solo a través de la experiencia de la vida uh ahora, mientras espero que el chat para conversar con nosotros un poco más uh oh, es cierto, iba a hacer una encuesta, así que ten paciencia con la encuesta que descubrirás en un momento, solo ten paciencia conmigo, ¿puedes? hacer algunos comentarios, mientras que el tipo i nop nop por favor que no me dice cuál es el sondeo quiero saber cuál es la pata que estoy escribiendo ahora vamos rápida vienen en usted es dedos regordetes Oh mi dios vienen en dos dedos hyping se vieja escuela por qué tantas abdominales vienen en adelante voy a Sneak peek una serpiente lo que hay que corta oh hey que no tiene que leerlo sin embargo seguro que no que no está autorizado a leerlo hay que deberíamos podemos leer en un segundo vamos ah hombre qué está pasando qué está pasando pon en qué está pasando presiona el juego de nuevo qué está pasando con este oh es el final por lo que se llama fiebre subida para que lo sepa juncos cuesta arriba okay hicieron ese puesto polo puede ver ahora no puedo ver a partir de esta uh, no estoy seguro si eso hizo que el trabajo está bien eh si alguien puede que me haga saber si en realidad se puede decir que la encuesta no puedo ver que no se puede lo que es lo que se debe colgar en oh no quiero escribir que todos de nuevo Voy a ver si puedo copiarlo vamos intentarlo de nuevo oh esta corriente no se inicia su andadura de que así es lo que tio demasiado lento oh no es dejar que lo hace check check check check check qué pasa si me acaba de quitar esa opción oh compañero ah tal vez simplemente no le gustaba que me pone de una opción extra está bien hecho, creo que el poste está ahí ahora uh hicimos la rehabilitación no funcionó sí, porque eso a menudo sucede también um es difícil ¿no es qué harías bien en eso si tuvieras a alguien? que tuviera algún tipo de adicción dentro de la familia o un ser querido, ¿cómo abordaría eso ? ime, es solo el comienzo, tienes que trabajar en ello por ti mismo, eso es cierto y también puedes, no sé, hacer que vayan a un médico, los médicos a menudo pueden ayudar, incluso hay medicamentos que puedes tomar para ese tipo de problemas. cosa uh Peter y, por supuesto, también habrá cambios de equilibrio en el juego, ya casi he terminado de actualizar, hay algunas cosas más por hacer tres no sí, lo vi, oh, está bien, ¿puedes ver la parte superior del poste allí, sí? nadie espera no y nadie dice que eres una buena chica son inteligentes saben que el dlg sabe muy bien los pantalones apestosos lo que no veo nadie qué quién quién qué bien puedo ver al cien por cien allí, así que ¿puedo? tira de eso ¿verdad? oh sí tres votos ahí tienes tres votos todos diciendo sí uh está bien él no toma su medicación médica um eso está caliente bien pero no hay una manera de que me gustes obligarme a tomar medicinas solo dices toma ahora y lo tomo, no puedo forzar cuando no estoy bien, así que todavía tienes que cuidarte, ¿verdad? EP no te informo que no te pido más en estos días, pero estoy en ello supongo que esa es la diferencia, como he hecho lo tomo para que sepa si se trata de si es una vez al día, entonces usted va a estar en casa, una vez un día seguramente solo lo haces tomar entonces uh dragón infernal aumenta la velocidad del ataque del rayo del dragón infernal ha sido lento oh ralentizado eso no es bueno luchas con los uh e-drags ya que están bien aguanta ¿hay alguna diferencia entre infierno dragón y un dragón no sé que pensarías que ya conocería Choque de clanes, pero todavía no lo llamo esto y esa cosa, solo conozco al dragón y al dragón, y luego tienes al dragón jinete no sé qué es el dragón infernal ¿ es algo en el mapa de duendes? podría haber sí, podría ser en realidad así que no sé la respuesta a eso um y luego, si tienes más, eh, Clayton, házmelo saber. realmente no estoy seguro disculpe porque personalmente no he tenido que conseguir que alguien haga eso uh bueno en realidad no, eso no es cierto, he tenido un amigo d pero le dije que supongo que puedo contar cuentos ya ni siquiera está en el país oh, pero tenía un amigo que me llamó a la una o las dos de la mañana para que viniera a recogerlo a la estación de policía y lo arrestaron por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol inmediatamente después de que tenía una prohibición previa de conducir por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol y lo critiqué porque lo obligué a quedarse conmigo durante un fin de semana con su esposa sana ahora creo que eran marido y mujer en ese entonces también y simplemente lo reprendió para que buscara ayuda profesional, así que terminó yendo a un psicólogo rosa por un tiempo y también me ayudó y no estoy diciendo que esto vaya a ayudar en su situación, pero teníamos que tener una muy buena relación. así que en un momento fui a su casa a recoger a su esposa para que pudieran venir y quedarse conmigo y al mismo tiempo tomé todo el alcohol que había en su casa para que él no pudiera no tienes nada sin tentaciones y solo sabes que básicamente le dijo mira que tenías una restricción de manejo porque fueron casi dos años 18 meses o algo así y luego de inmediato vas, bebes y conduces de nuevo, tienes un problema, así que tal vez eso ayude, también deberías hacer videos de reacción. sé cómo haríamos que pudimos probar eh pican siento viejo tío Pedro que tiene mucho que aprender cuando se trata de tratar de transmitir desde un ordenador um yo nunca he hecho antes Spidey está aquí ganó su actual i primer juego Supongo que eso está en el campo de juego felicitaciones wow, cuál fue la partitura y cómo te fue oh kane está diciendo que los dragones infernales de clash royale solo jugaste eso una vez, así que no sabemos de qué se trata ahora, no sé si en vivo el chat está interesado, pero cada vez que obtuviste un voto no para no atormentar a los apestosos, así que alguien está siendo amable contigo alguien dice que no no atormentes a los apestosos con juegos de terror todo el mes de octubre estás siendo derrotado en este momento hola hola a todos en esta sala de chat virtual hola, creo que es la primera vez yo que has estado en la transmisión bienvenido bienvenido bienvenido al dld uh ahora lo haré de nuevo mientras espero que el chat en vivo para hablar y cambiar los temas espero que todos estén interesados ​​en lo que fue una semana loca y loca he tenido en australia hemos tenido récords mundiales hemos batido récords australianos en una semana más la gran final de la afl y no sé quién ganó porque el número uno, nuestro equipo no estaba en él, y el número dos, apestoso, no lo hizo. 't desea verlo y número tres ni siquiera se donde se celebra tradicionalmente de manera que tipo de eh hizo menos emocionante para nosotros en general una vez dicho que las de los dos equipos que estaban de juego no han ganado un primer ministro para todos desde hace mucho tiempo Bien, ¿qué ha estado sucediendo en Australia esta semana y, Dios mío, voy a hacer una perorata? Siento que tengo que usar la plataforma para que los australianos que estén por ahí se enfrenten a este tipo de comportamiento porque es aborrecible. repugnante, es deplorable que la gente no debería hacerlo, así que, ¿de qué estoy hablando? sobre y por cierto también hay cosas buenas uh eres un rey especial de ternura única y amantes del arte que tienen vidas elegantes uh, miramos muchos canales de arte No sé si eso es a lo que se refiere, pero inténtalo para dar cosas alentadoras en las que podamos dejar comentarios alentadores, de acuerdo, hablaremos sobre desastres naturales en un minuto, pero quiero guardar eso hasta el final, así que todos sepamos sobre la tos y hemos tenido una experiencia horrible. Un par de semanas obtuvimos los casos de récord más altos casi todos los días, lo cual no es bueno y lo que ha estado sucediendo con eso, bueno, tienes a los manifestantes nuevamente y ellos van a ser súper esparcidores, sí, van a ser súper esparcidores número uno y sólo para darle un poco de una historia de fondo estos por lo menos en el primer día de protestar oh y yo soy un adivino de la forma en las últimas semanas todo lo que he estado diciendo ha llegado a buen término mirada me miro a ti te daré un poco, no, no diré que soy ju Voy a decir que te daré algunos números de lotería apesta poderoso daño de yak se ha eliminado de los poderosos ataques de hacha Envié muchos juegos espeluznantes en solicitudes de transmisión gracias increíble porque necesito que son muy difíciles de encontrar, pero los encuentro Muy bien, así que estas protestas se organizaron para el lunes cuando en realidad transmitimos y eran principalmente los comerciantes que trabajan en la industria de la construcción, ahora tenían un cierre forzoso de dos semanas, podían trabajar antes de eso y luego todo un de repente, tienen un bloqueo de dos semanas porque se está extendiendo bastante mal en este momento y el resto de nosotros hemos estado bloqueados durante meses hablando de un récord mundial Australia ahora tiene el récord mundial de la ciudad más bloqueada, así que ¿por qué habrían de hacerlo? haz eso, sí, está bien, quieres preocuparte por tus derechos personales y no sé si pueden recordar de la semana pasada cuando dije que me parece muy interesante filosóficamente sobre los derechos sobre su propio cuerpo vers nosotros los derechos de la sociedad o de las empresas para que sepa si algunas personas no quieren usar una máscara o no quieren recibir la vacuna vacunarse bien, ya sabes, supongo que es tu derecho personal, pero no esperes el resto. de nosotros eh respetar sus derechos cuando estás en la sociedad y resulta que en realidad sucedió lo que ahora sí tenemos mandatos donde um enfrían informe de video en sus felicitaciones personales del estilo de esta parte del mundo donde son ustedes que yo es Tengo curiosidad de que no tengas que responder eso, pero siempre tengo curiosidad por saber dónde está la gente, así que de todos modos, sí, estos tipos han protestado y una de las razones, además de no poder trabajar, es que tienen un mandato que dice si tú no lo estás. completamente vacunado, no puede trabajar aquí, así que sucedió el día en que estaba diciendo que esto podría suceder ahora mismo. Se volvieron violentos. Hicieron cosas terribles con las personas y los animales, y también lo hicieron en lo que se considera un terreno casi sagrado. en una de las ciudades donde tenemos una guerra memorial oh el tren sí y aquí hay algunas cosas buenas que salieron de ese número uno hay un tipo aborigen que bajó al santuario mientras protestaban ahora este tipo es un veterano que luchó por australia también es un comerciante así que lo era parte de ese grupo que estaba protestando y les dijo que no lo hicieran aquí número uno, ya sabes, si lo vas a hacer, ve a otro lado, no lo hagas aquí ahora mismo, él no era parte de la protesta que es que él era así que él es parte del grupo el grupo de los comerciantes por lo que es un comerciante él mismo no estaba protestando pero sintió la obligación de ir allí para decirles, miren chicos, no lo hagan aquí. camino y hazlo si es necesario, no te recomiendo que lo hagas en absoluto, pero si vas a dejar el santuario solo, es sagrado y estoy de acuerdo con que ahora la segunda cosa buena que salió fue después de estas la gente fue arrestada y siguió adelante y cualquier otra cosa, otro grupo de personas bajó y limpió el santuario porque dejaron un desastre, así que pensé que fue brillante, supongo que fue como una protesta secundaria silenciosa del sacerdocio diciendo que no vamos a tolerar esto iré a ayudar y limpiar las cosas, así que pensé que era fantástico ahora el tercero es oh españa dice uh buenos tardes amigos no sé si eso es español o portugués creo que alguien en el chat puede hablar español o portugués uh kane dice xbox nivel 9 por 18 millones y medio de oro y 19 días para actualizar no lo hice No sé que tuvieron uh Choque de clanes en Xbox Wow uh, así que lo segundo que sucedió es que se rompió otro récord en el que la mayor cantidad de vacunas creo que al día siguiente hay algo así como 98 000 en un área, así que tal vez esa fue la reacción a los manifestantes que dicen que no vamos a tolerar esto tampoco, así que creo que eso es realmente muy bueno es bueno ver que la gente está diciendo a su manera que sí, esto no es genial ahora, otro de los manifestantes fue entrevistado en tv y adivina que le pasó a esa persona entrevistada por quien solo por un reportero de noticias que está en las noticias está bien este tipo dijo que yo era parte de los manifestantes deja de protestar vete a casa lo estás esparciendo él cogió la tos y estaba luchando por su vida dijo que él mismo, supongo que terminó en la UCI, no mencionaron eso, pero dijo que estaba luchando por su vida, así que sabes que estaba entre esos tipos y que tenía tos, tos y probablemente se haya extendido aún más como resultado de eso, así que saben, chicos, hay un poco de perorata allí, mejor agarre un bolígrafo porque de hecho hice muchas notas aquí, tienes algo para contribuir a ese apestoso sabio, sí, detén los disturbios, oh, sí, y la semana pasada, en esa parte, deja la línea del frente. trabajadores solos están haciendo su trabajo y adivinan lo que están arriesgando sus vidas todos los días para ayudar a todos los demás para que la gente te escupe, te arroje líquido y te abuse, eso es una locura, ¿quién te crees que eres? es tío doled pewdot despotricando y despotricando ahora volveremos a eso, el segundo apestoso fue lo más emocionante y no quiero menospreciar, sabes, serios desastres naturales, pero para nosotros fue emocionante y nadie resultó herido, así que por eso volví a ganar esta vez. lo voy a sentir así que lo que pasó tenemos un terremoto tenemos un terremoto tenemos el despertar rápido que es el más alto hasta ahora que me pasó a mí fue el más alto jamás registrado en ese estado y uh dependiendo de con quién hables es o 5.9 o seis en la escala de Richter ahora solo hay daños menores en un edificio, no puede ser tanta diferencia depende de con quién hables, no depende de con quién hables, dependerá de que sepas lo que usan para medir. y depende de la ubicación si estás desde el centro sí entiendo, pero uh el informe de noticias dijo que 5.9 pero mi padre dijo que era de seis consiguió un cierto informe de algún lugar en alguna parte, sino toda la casa se sacudió pabellón auricular era una locura de alguien despertó oh sí, ¿qué diablos es eso ahora desde oh sí, y luego al día siguiente hubo algo así como 12 temblores y no sentí nada muy pequeño también aprendí algo que aparentemente Australia recibe algo así como 200 terremotos al año, pero la mayoría de las veces nadie los siente tan bien aquí vamos con la lección de geografía cuando se trata de terremotos de placas tectónicas , son algo raros en Australia solo porque estamos en el medio de nuestra placa tectónica, a diferencia de California, Japón o Nueva Zelanda, todos están justo en la línea de falla de la tectónica. o el borde de la placa tectónica, es por eso que tienen terremotos tan fuertes mientras que nosotros estamos en el medio, así que incluso si los tenemos, no se sienten a menudo y se llaman introducción, algo que he escrito en alguna parte. pero tengo muchas notas aquí, será mejor que pongas algunos puntos destacados o sí, usa algunas, ya sabes, lápiz mágico, lápiz rojo, algo que esté bien, así que fue un momento emocionante, creo que nunca lo he experimentado bien, especialmente cuando no hay nadie herido y creo que solo una construcción ding , es el edificio patrimonial, ¿cómo se llama? Sí, eso se derrumbó un poco, sí, tienen que renovar ese fue el peor edificio efectivo, solo un edificio en toda la ciudad y luego un daño menor, ya sabes, hay un tipo. entrevistado que había unos cuantos ladrillos caerse de su chimenea y algunas tiendas cosas se cayó por lo que hay que ir a la del terremoto más grande registrado en ese estado la ciudad de bloqueo más largo del mundo que todo está sucediendo ahora en esa nota eh ¿qué piensa usted acerca de la probablemente manipulado en el laboratorio, oh está bien uh, soy así que yo soy un poco solo por la monetización, tenemos que tener mucho cuidado con las teorías de la conspiración, ahora vi un documental sobre esto la otra noche y luego diré que ese documento o es un informe de noticias de 60 minutos, debería decir que tal vez no sea un documental, bueno, no sé de qué están hablando, para empezar, si la tos anterior pudo haber ocurrido en un laboratorio en lugar de naturalmente, oh, así que parece haber algún tipo de evidencia para eso, pero probablemente hay la misma cantidad de evidencia para sugerir que ocurrió uh naturalmente de alguna manera uh porque sabes que ocurren nuevos virus apestosos todo el tiempo, no lo hagas, no necesariamente mira a esta persona que te hizo lo estoy haciendo bien uh digamos que en los países europeos aparece en las nubes altas en el cielo interesante um no había escuchado que podría mirar eso después de la transmisión digo gracias por hacérmelo saber um supongo que en este punto uh supongo En este punto, deje que los científicos y los políticos se preocupen por el hecho de que yo diría que solo tenemos que preocuparnos por nosotros mismos y asegurarnos de que sepa que minimizamos cualquier tipo de propagación y hacemos lo correcto, eso es lo que se reduce a ahora, viendo como ' Volviendo sobre este tema, me gustaría, um, solo repasar algunas de las notas, así que hay una persona que fue entrevistada después del terremoto y también lo relacionado con la tos, tos y pensé que tenía una cita brillante. La escribo. abajo palabra para desgaste sh Dijimos que el mundo nos está dando una señal de que todos necesitamos calmarnos todos necesitamos calmarnos un poco y creo que es una gran cita, lo pensamos, hay tensiones por todas partes en este momento por varias razones, ya sabes. hay muchas dificultades económicas tienes la tos tos tienes gente que está harta de estar encerrada o pensar en eso sí y solo quieres que la vida vuelva a la normalidad, pero sabes que tenemos que hacer esto es que nunca has pasado por una pandemia yo nunca he pasado por una así que esto es nuevo para nosotros y además es nuevo, así que sabes que realmente no sabemos que no podemos predecir el futuro podemos mirar la historia y decir esto es lo que funcionó o esto es lo que no funcionó y podemos aprender de eso, pero requiere un poco de calma eso es lo que pienso que estoy harto de no poder volver a casa quiero ir al extranjero quiero ir a viajar, sí que es la otra cosa es que no lo siento, quiero ir al restaurante quiero comer ni siquiera podemos hacer eso en el mo Me siento tan bien otra vez deja de hacer tus locuras para el congreso, oh, tengo que decir que cuando fui a tomar mi café esta mañana fue una locura la cantidad de personas que estaban fuera y el buen clima hoy es, pero se están congregando no es ¿qué quiere decir que hay un montón entero de ellos por esa recta como número loco de la gente simplemente sentados alrededor de máscaras hacia abajo y arriba alrededor de la mitad la mitad es gente que no lleve su máscara correctamente y medio está, así que no sé que acaba de obtener el café y volver a casa, eso es lo que hice ahora vamos a estar un poco por todos lados solo por la forma en que escribí las noches sí uh y sí mick dice que la gente debería estar segura y disfrutar de la vida en seguridad, amigo, estoy de acuerdo con eso por más difícil que sea no andar y salir con tus amigos otra vez, ahora no es el momento, una vez que tengamos una mejor comprensión, una vez que más personas estén vacunadas , iré por la tangente aquí sobre las vacunas porque hablamos de esta gente que piensan que es peligroso o aterrador r lo que sea eso no es sólo cierto es que el de lo bien que ponerlo en su forma más simple si se obtiene una vacuna que sólo estás siendo inyectados con células muertas o moribundas bueno en realidad no, porque es lo que está en el pasado, probablemente, pero ahora tenemos Tecnología diferente ahora, que es aún mejor, tendrías que asumir que eso espero y todo lo que hace es permitir que tu cuerpo reconozca lo que lo está atacando y construya anticuerpos para él como si eso fuera algo bueno, ¿no es así, incluso si no lo hace? No funciona 100 de manera efectiva, no le hará ningún daño a menos que sea uno de los pocos que tiene una reacción adversa, bueno, digamos que no hay una vacuna al cien por cien, sí, no es nada bueno por experiencia personal, puedo decir cuándo Yo era un niño que había niños en la escuela que han tenido varicela sarampión las pequeñas plantas y el que tenía la varicela sí y nunca lo consiguió porque yo estaba vacunado estaba colgando alrededor de estos niños no reciben nada, sí por lo que hay que ir ahora sólo por algo para el l ive chat para pensar en lo que los desastres naturales han experimentado en su caso uh lo que estás sujeto a en su área así que para mí personalmente definitivamente inunda el que he estado viviendo en una pequeña ciudad que se ha inundado varias veces Está justo en los incendios forestales de los ríos son ciertamente una gran cosa aquí, uh, no me afectó personalmente en esa ciudad, siempre parecen desaparecer antes de llegar a donde teníamos razón, pero hubo una vez que viajaba de uh queensland a victoria o de victoria a queensland, puedo No recuerdo y en Nueva Gales del Sur hubo incendios forestales masivos que dieron un poco de miedo porque podías verlos , de hecho, podías ver en la distancia este resplandor rojo anaranjado y yo me dirigía hacia él, pero tú sabes escuchar la radio y asegurarte de que todo esté bien. falso uh seguro uh es como instalar antivirus en nuestras computadoras, sí, creo que de alguna manera, ¿no es una buena manera de decirlo? no es 100 si instalas un antivirus en la computadora no es cien por ciento efectivo pero es mejor t No han nada, así que sí, claro , háganos saber en el chat sobre los desastres naturales, de lo contrario, seguiré adelante, mencioné Nueva Zelanda, Japón y California, sabes que es bastante común en mi país tener inundaciones, sí, porque es un poco plano subtropical tropical lo que sea que llueva mucho, sí, llueve mucho y mucho del plano de ese país tienes regiones montañosas, pero sabes cuando trato de planificar y todo eso, sí, así que ten cuidado cuando eso suceda, a veces ves gente que quiere ir y nadar y jugar en él, eso es simplemente una tontería, en realidad, bueno, recuerdo en el pasado que siempre que se ponían planos se subían al tejado como si la gente tuviera que quedarse en el tejado wow está bien y eventualmente son rescatados como los barcos vienen y sí, sí, vienen y se bajan de tu techo sí, no sé si hemos tenido, quiero decir, hemos tenido malos, no yo personalmente, no he experimentado eso, pero donde sabes que las casas están básicamente bajo el agua , sucede, sí. sucede incluso en la ciudad capital, sucedió antes, por lo general, en la ciudad capital hay un avión, así que no es como la región montañosa y qué no, pero pero y tiene mejor alcantarillado que en otra ciudad, hubo una vez que cuando hay una inundación se va como una rodilla. la altura no es toda la casa, pero sí, hubo un tiempo en que fue malo que en realidad te quedaras plano si vives en un condominio o apartamento es plano como en tu estacionamiento oh bien vale tienes que quedarte en tu qué nivel dos nivel tres algo así y, sin embargo, si es un terremoto cuando vimos que la gente salía corriendo de los rascacielos, en realidad no tenemos muchos terremotos porque no estamos en el centro de EP, por lo general, está en como um myanmar birmania una especie de frontera a la derecha y entonces podríamos tener el efecto correcto , así que no es realmente alto, pero sabes que si estás en el alto um , en realidad sentiste más, no me gustaría estar en un gran edificio cuando se trata de un terremoto que es visual ¿sabes por qué más se mueven? Mente física superior, el edificio se balancea más, sí, es como si estuvieras agitando el bolígrafo en las manos y sí, en la punta, está marcando más que la parte inferior derecha, así que por eso no es lo suficientemente bueno, sí, y en esa nota diré um, los temblores o los terremotos que sentimos aquí se deben al terremoto intraplaca, no a la línea de falla o al estar en el borde de la placa tectónica, por eso no sentimos la mayoría de ellos, oh, ahí tienes bueno, aquí lo estás haciendo bien no oh sí y dije que iría por todos lados solo por la forma en que escribí las notas había otra enfermera que fue entrevistada sobre la tos vieja y ella simplemente dijo que sí acabo de lidiar con un hombre de 35 años que vino al hospital diciendo que sabes que mi familia y yo no creemos en eso y le hicieron la prueba, era positivo y terminó en la UCI, así que ahí están estas teorías que creen que todo está hecho arriba no entiendo como pueden pensar asi un montón de k Los dos nos dicen Meg, te devolvemos el beso . Realmente necesito aprender un poco más de español o portugués, pero el español que no se habla es así, apestoso, no sabes, ¿verdad? Janelle David está aquí, sí, te recuerdo. Ha pasado mucho tiempo, ¿has sido amigo? ¿Está todo bien en tu zona del bosque? Porque he oído que si puedo recordar el país correctamente, las cosas tampoco son buenas allí, pero es realmente bueno verte qué. has estado hablando, solo estamos charlando sobre todo tipo de cosas en este momento, así que siéntete libre de contribuir como mejor te parezca uh dónde estaba yo ni siquiera puedo leer mi propia letra oh sí, eso es lo que iba a decir sobre ir al hospital ahora si has ido al hospital no es una buena experiencia no es divertido si he estado en el hospital tres o cuatro veces en mi vida y puedo decirte que no vas hospital a menos que esté realmente enfermo, a menos que haya algo que su médico habitual o usted mismo no puedo lidiar en casa, así que de nuevo sabes que estarás a salvo ahí fuera, quédate en casa solo espera a que el mundo se cuide solo y luego estaremos bien, pero si quieres arriesgar cosas, eso no es tan bueno uh, sí, mucho tiempo. He estado ocupado con el último año de la escuela, así que si no tienes que ser demasiado personal con este canal, pero de nuevo, tengo mucha curiosidad porque estaba hablando con uno de mis amigos que tiene un hijo adolescente y yo estaba preguntándole qué tan difícil es, sí, bueno, él estaba diciendo que los niños que están en el año 12 durante todo esto realmente sufren o el último año, como dijo Janelle, um de seis, creo que también podría llamarse o último año dependiendo de dónde estás en el mundo sería muy difícil intentar hacer eso desde casa sabes especialmente si estás haciendo imagina si estás haciendo todas las materias de ciencias que necesitas estar en un laboratorio cómo vas a hacer eso desde casa con un laboratorio virtual no es exactamente lo mismo, así que avíseme que dijo que es difícil En definitiva, ¿estás manejando? Lo siento mucho por ti, Janelle, para ser honesta, porque sé que tuve un año perturbador en mi último año en el sentido de que cambiaron el sistema, así que el año anterior o dos años antes. había sido el mismo sistema por siempre y luego al año siguiente hicieron la mitad de la mitad, así que estaba bajo el sistema antiguo y el nuevo y luego tuvimos el sistema completamente nuevo y fue un poco una debacle, eh, todos se dieron cuenta. y está bien y pasó a las carreras que decidieron elegir, pero sí, siempre es un poco difícil cuando las cosas no son normales, uh, así que me lo harás saber y lo mismo contigo si todavía estás allí, déjalo me know what's going on again with all of the other dlg all right so try and stay out of hospital i guess was a conclusion there uh and odd the final thing i'll say well might not be the final depending on the notes i was talking to stinky about triaging you do not want to be in a situation with the cough cough wher e you're being triaged for whether or not they will let you live or die that is worst case scenario and it has happened elsewhere in the world you don't want to be in that situation isn't it i would hate to to think you go to hospital and they do an assessment on you and go no we're just sorry we're not going to help you that would be terrible wouldn't it yeah so do the right thing wear your mask be safe stay at home all that jazz all right so that's that oh i've got it oh yeah the extra freedom stuff as well that's just going back to the protesters what those protesters don't realize is each day that they do that is costing more time for the rest of us so we've already been told if you get x number of people uh that have been fully vaccinated then we'll start opening up more freedoms but when you've got people going out in public doing crazy stuff well they're saying well no we're just going to lock you down for longer for the most locked down city in the world oh should i go on a ran t about ben shapiro i like ben shapiro i think he's very intelligent i don't know about his personal life but just i think he argues very well he's a great orator very eloquent um certainly i would not want to go up against him in an argument but in this case i would because he's been talking about australia a little bit about us losing our rights and freedoms and how you know you don't want to go down that path and i can make a couple of um analogies here the first one would be about gun control uh we we don't have the same culture that they do in america like it's a very big thing there it was not really part of our culture here but people used when i was younger you could get a gun relatively easily if you wanted to and also i grew up in a rural area where there is a culture but it's mainly in the on the farms not a lot of towns people would have that kind of weapon but most farmers probably did and that's because that's out of necessity you need it to you know put down animals if t hey're suffering or take care of your crops and livestock from predators that sort of thing um so you know that's kind of normal but if you don't know the history here for a long long time australia actually had the the record for a massacre and when that happened very soon afterwards our government just said right that's it no more guns or not no more which is very very difficult to get very heavy restrictions and we've never had a uh incident like that since so again i'd be saying you know your rights have been removed sort of but it was for the betterment of society so there's nothing wrong with that and again he's saying you know your personal rights ben shapiro is talking about you're losing your personal rights in australia and my response to that is we're not really our government is trying its very best to to try and contain this situation at the expense of rights but it's not permanent you know and they're just going to do it for as long as is necessary whoa uh oh i hope i can say this correctly cynthia kumar michael is here hello how are you uh vanakkam i'm not sure what that means they're saying nice game i believe it's multiplayer if you want to play with stink pants have you seen anything about how to invite people or i don't know but i'm racing with other people yeah you are so i guessed that how it works i don't know they did advertise there's like 50 million players in this game so it's a popular one that's for sure uh so yes to you ben shapiro say look you can have your own point of view but i'm kind of happy that our government is doing this it's they're trying to protect us all right so that's that one now what i'm almost out of notes at this point uh sometimes we have to make personal sacrifices for the greater good oh that's just me ranting about myself there uh game game title record breaking oh no that's i didn't even end up using that title that's it i'm done i've done my my rant for today oh thank god goodness thank you very much fame thank goodness okay how long did you rant 45 minutes 45 minutes well that's because i'm waiting for you to come up with topics or for the the live chat to do it you got anything what was that just follow the song nothing so mick says call a report thank you for that mick um again i'm curious like how is it where you are are things good or bad are people restful or unrest um not unrestful whatsoever do you mean restful say restless i should say are people restless so i'll give you examples and i hope this doesn't get us demonetised for saying it but lebanon for example has got it's a really uh not only got to deal with the cough cough but they've got a pretty severe financial crisis going on at the moment apparently petrol is really really hard for them to get getting basic needs food water that sort of thing very difficult to get at the moment so you know doing it tough i can only imagine what india is like i'm sure they're doing it really tough there oh slaughter's here as well welcome it's good to see him too how have you been excited oh yeah i better let in the kitty cat i'll be right back and any discussions that mig slaughter wasn't the cat senate kumar i might call him michael if that's all right because at least i can pronounce that uh any interesting topics you'd like to discuss today because for slaughter anyway he's just missed a 45-minute rant that's all right you don't miss anything right that's it what's the voting poll 86 we should torment you next month yeah well you do it anyway why you have to make a poll uh cool report on your own personal style so we do try to to personalize the streams uh quite a bit i guess without you know don't don't dox yourself for anything don't provide anything too personal highly encourage that um yeah so what have i got stinky i'm in a good mood it's a lovely day oh you're in a lovely day yeah we ourselves might have to go out later on when it's quiet find somewhere you better go out really quick uh getting there every day say s slaughter how about you guys it's pretty much the same just living it day by day uh trying our best to to be safe isn't it it's such strange times we're living in to have so many things going on at once and i'm sure like you know if you spoke to a grandfather or a great grandfather that's gone through a war where you haven't you know that would be that would be something but to have what we're going through at the moment yeah it's it's hard to explain how it makes you feel how does it make you feel isolated yeah i don't know it's tough for you sort of mentally more than physically so for you personally what i don't understand is you do actually get to go out of the house on a regular because you have to work like you work out whereas i work at home yeah but you are kind of introvert homey person anyway and you actually prefer to stay at home yeah it's awesome so you are really nourished and you know ah this is my time this is a great time for me i spoke to one of my my uh best friend s from school though and they said that he's thoroughly enjoying working from home yeah i don't i don't mind working from home i actually like um have half you know you spend some time at home doing other things as well as working and then you might go for catch up like meeting with workmates what not maybe twice a week or something like that that's fine but um you can't really do that the thing is they are colleagues you know colleagues can be friends but sometimes they are not and yeah they are not yeah if you ever have this workplace if you ever have a drinks night i'd recommend going to it doesn't mean you have to drink you just go and socialize for a little bit work out whether you like them or not and then don't go like money i'd go to a couple and then and be like no i don't want to hang out with people from work real teams here good to see you too how have you been so mig's saying uh the the weapons are dangerous you're right about that yeah look i don't think it's if you're li ving in a safe society and i would say australia is relatively safe i'll talk about criminality in a minute that um they're not really necessary here unless you're a farmer like yeah you need to have them if you're a farmer here but other than that do you really need them now we have a strange criminal element in australia so people that aren't involved in that world the criminals call us clean skins and what that means is like a bottle of wine so there are some uh wine bottles that just don't have labels on them so it's often the excess wine from an actual company that they they sell it cheaper to someone that just bottles it but they don't put any label on it so that's a clean skin and the criminal element call us clean skins because we're not involved in in that world and they actually keep the more serious sort of uh crimes particularly when it comes to guns amongst themselves so it's very very rare that you even have these reports uh in the news and when they do it's usually one c riminal attacking another criminal they're not attacking ordinary citizens so i think that's why it's not bad to have those sorts of things here uh he did slaughter said i'd tell you i'd be here for the next stream we're happy he's here too what's been going on in your neck of the woods i'll say yeah look vote with your feet vote with uh vote with your voices but try not to protest during these trying times all right so real team saying i was playing dodge minor 2 and i broke the game and i can't even load my file that's no good so how did you break the game what device were you playing it on so if you're anything like me that gets aggravated or throat not that i ever have look at this one santa where am i looking at scent santa in a bikini that's what you riding oh wow you got some awesome vehicles there stinking oh i don't have that's what i can't afford so a typical shopping adventure for you looking at the really high-end stuff just to look at submarine no that's the support okay l et's let's do what we can have you been winning in this game uh yes and no sometimes it's slip over and have to start again so again for the people that are in the live chat this is apparently a multi-player game and i read somewhere that they even show where you're from and that sort of thing that show that it's legit and you don't always win all the time which you can attest to now stinky pants and the only reason i'm a little stressed is because i was quarantined three times in the first six weeks and i failed most of my classes so there's another one i mean janelle david was in the the chat before doing saying he's doing his final year of school slaughter also um just curious about what it is like for you guys to try and and study and clearly it wasn't easy for slaughter but you know he's he's been quarantined what do you do it's very tough isn't it i feel very sorry for the the younger people that you know i guess once you're older and you're in the workforce and everything you ha ve to learn to adapt but for younger people they don't they haven't experienced all of that yet so they're going to have to do it at a younger age which yeah it must be tough um what advice would you give to slaughter to try and be better at studying at home during quarantine well you might have to set one's area for study so you can concentrate on that when you go there and you know you study not like yeah do it on your bed in your bed that's not gonna work yeah good point like have a desk set up or on the kitchen table or whatever yeah specifically dedicated to it a real team saying there's so much stats on that file and dodge mine 2 is like nah fam no no what what can you play dodge mine on a phone like get it in the app store or what device do you need for it there's i'll look into that one as well actually no i've got to put it on the game list wherever that is oh i've got lists all over the place at the moment i think you need that new notebook right is it easier if you put on th e scrapbook when you finish you just take it out i don't know i need to have a better system to be honest i've got these games written everywhere uh and mig says like in the crocodile dundee movie picture i can't believe you know crocodile dundee here's an aussie film for you or aussie american uh and he had a gun just to give him a certain style that's not a knife this is a knife well it's kind of hard for me because i have trouble focusing in class and home and everyone is getting oh wow so it's actually spreading so try and just use the term cough cough rather than the actual um other phrases just so that we can be monetized um but yeah there you go it's spreading where he is so seriously no matter no matter what stay at home if you can it's just best to do that as as hard as it can be i've dodged minor two so i haven't uh it's a pc web browser game okay so at some point i'm gonna have to look at these pc games stinky i'm pretty sure we can use stream labs at that point if you're do ing a pc game you should look into it a little bit more because that doesn't seem to work for the mobile um i need to apologize slaughtering uh it was actually who is that penguin who hasn't shown up for a while came up with the old cough cough um so yeah stay at home study as hard as you can it's better to do that than to to go to school and contract it because even if you're younger it's not necessarily a good experience to go through is it well yeah but the thing is sick you you may get sick you got lesser chance to get sick than older people but yeah it's more about you have to protect your family yeah that's the other thing isn't it and it's certainly here there is i don't know if it's still the case but there was a point in time where most of the cases were actually coming from school kids so it wasn't the the adults that were spreading it it was the kids and then they'd spread it to their family and then yeah they don't they don't feel get sick that often but then they spread to the older ones in your family and that's no good now i want to ask you you want you like chuck or dolphin oh i like dolphins but that shark is pretty funny oh plus awesome guess that no you can't get that one either dang it i thought i can i can't no why i thought i can it looks like you're enjoying this game at the moment stinky ah it's not too bad uh hey peter tgc is coming to the app store and google play as i heard on my emails what's tgc oh i might get this dolphin i'm writing tgc down but i have no idea what that is uh oh and the reason i was stressed out is because if i fail then that means i won't be able to play sports um but are you able to play sports at the moment anyway because they certainly can't do it here unless you're a professional they still let uh for example afl and rugby and all of these sorts of things cricket as well they're still letting people play but not on a local level yeah sports is basically not banned but you can't do it personal exercise is okay a po kemon trading card okay um so when i looked at the the app store they only had two pokemon games there and we've played one of them and when it comes to the the gaming if it's a live stream we tend to make it a landscape game and it's only the vertical games that if we do them they'll end up being shorts videos and it looks like both the pokemon games were vertical games the other one being pokemon go which is a really famous one that i don't even know if people play that anymore you have to be out and about for that did you ever try that one stinky oh she's busy concentrating so i take it you're a bit of a pokemon fan real team do you collect the the actual cards uh do you watch the tv series and movies that sort of thing um and for slaughter keep fit at home uh in spain we re oh wow so mink's saying that in spain they've reached 85 vaccinated already we're about to reach uh freedom day so they must have a similar uh set up in their country that we do here we also have that target for freedom if if that's what you want to call it so for us i believe it was 80 but they're also saying that we might not reach that target because we simply don't have enough vaccines to do it no we have enough now are you sure it's just they said not reach the target date that they said yeah not haven't reached the target date so we'll be uh will be restricted for a little while longer but that's great to hear it sounds like the because you know spain was one of the worst affected um when the first outbreak came out you remember that we were getting reports i thought that's me sorry italy was bad uh even worse i think yeah they had it really really tough so it's great to see um that the people in power or the you know governing bodies are taking it seriously and they're doing their very best to help out so that's why i say i don't have a problem with any of that um that's good to hear me i'm really pleased it's a very positive thing you're probably gonna have to we were talking about th is as well that what you probably have to get a jab every year like the flu shot just because it'll keep mutating and so on but that's fine all right december's here hello how are you it's good to see you too you've missed the 45 minute rant but that's all right it was probably quite boring uh real team you can get cards for battling for win streak or redeem a tgc card you can get them from opening pokemon card packs so that's online there right because i used to do a little bit of that trading cards when i was younger i remember trading kiss cards of all things you know the band kiss kiss yeah they used to wear the makeup gene simmons with the big long tongue i think you know one of their songs you'd recognize them if you saw them i have you been read it's good to see you as well i hope everything's okay where you are i know she's had a bit of a trying time one of her dogs celebrated a birthday wow this is the one that's so well trained at opening your own uh stardust is female i thin k i mean i can't remember which one's the boy and the girl but i think it's the girl she's very good at opening her own presents ah straight from the postie too you know hand her present she'll take it inside and rip it open right not sure that's a good thing yeah well i was wondering that too because i'm pretty sure she'd do that or he would do that with every parcel so you're not going to get our kitty cat to do that that's for sure oh there you go stardust is a girl sorry i do i know the names of them all i just struggle to remember who's who so what's been going on with you uh red december we have mig in the stream from spain we've got real team here we've got slaughter here everyone's going through various things at the moment which isn't great there's a little bit of suffering and just to just because red's here for the first time hey we just experienced our biggest earthquake ever this week and it was quite an experience so when you actually walk up it's still kind of shaking ye ah the first thing i thought was what the heck is that and then oh here's here's the other thing there is a um car that parks next to our house that rattles the windows a bit and i thought it might have been that at first like is that that stupid car but no then it started the whole house so that's not a car that can do that um no no no don't apologize for for being late we're just happy that you're here and you're not late you're perfectly on time to vote for i have a feeling red december voted that we shouldn't torment stinky the nose are going up slightly uh but it's still very much yes yes we're going to torment stinky i will sell my rares for cash to be honest i can make cash from it that's the other thing and there's different rules like even clash of clans people sell their accounts and they're not supposed to but you can make quite a bit of money doing that if you have an account like mine it's actually worth a fair bit of money because you know you've got an established plan y ou're the leader you've pretty much got a high level account people will pay money for that good money and uh one day no not one day no supercell i won't do it uh so there you go look games in real life cash would you do it stinky based on how much depends on how much red december said it was an anonymous fight but i know she's got you in her corner but yeah who knows she might have made it yes i can't tell i will be honest well it's an anonymous vote i don't know who voted what but i know she comes to your defense every time i pick on you yeah thank you then hopefully we'll get uh the new internet connection which will allow us to play some of those playstation games one of them of which is a scary game if you could see stinky's look on that one i have chad charizard and it's worth 15 there you go actually there's some uh is it the most expensive we're talking a card game not not um sports memory like sporting card collections but is it magic the gathering has the most expensive tradi ng card if you happen to get it called black lotus i have no idea about this the the uh fake industry around that is massive people get unfortunately get um conned all the time where you've got these companies that try to print the same magic the gathering cards and they're really good to the untrained eye you wouldn't know like you got to be almost a bit of an expert to tell whether or not it's legit or not legitimate or not so if you do get into those sorts of things wow it can be a it can be a um very profitable uh so mig saying that vaccinated people are having normal lives without having health problems or even bad reactions we should all believe in science that's the most logical rational thing i've heard in recent times pretty much because the news doesn't report a lot of that it's they report more of the crazy stuff but i agree i 100 agree that you do have to trust in science i mean it shaped the way the world is and for people that don't believe in that you know what can i say you're very naive you really don't understand how the world works and oh this is the other thing i'll say oh i wanted to talk about you know what everything every now and again i like getting into survival mode uh-huh and this is my own personal i had this discussion with dad recently and he said something completely different to what he said to me when i was a child but it was also a different circumstance so i must have done something wrong when i was a little kid and i got into trouble yeah and i was quite yeah typical i was quite young and he when he was telling me off he basically said to me look i go out there and i work hard i put a roof over your head i put food in your belly and clothes on your back so while you're living under my household you live under my rules and that was it now i asked him recently what are the most important things in life and he reeled off five things and it wasn't quite that but he wasn't talking survival mate he was talking more about you know you a ctually need money because if you don't have it then that's not good you need your health you know because if you don't have that then that's not good and three other things i can't remember like well if i said if i had something over here if i sit and think about it i might be able to to say but otherwise there's going to be silence and you don't do enough commentary do you want me to think about the other three love i said that to him and he said i'm gonna have to think about that so that's what i got from britannia the syrian yeah look i think there are exceptions to every rule but for most human beings they need companionship of one form or another which is what makes you know the current climate quite difficult if you're living alone at home it would be very tough i think to to be in lockdown people do need as a general companionship unless you're a hermit you know someone that really doesn't want to be part of society so yeah i'd be saying that oh weeb's here as well welcome to t he stream wavy it's good to see you um i thought you said that you weren't gonna show up from we had a little bit of a back and forth on the in the comment section saying that she wasn't going to be available this weekend ah she's here which is good and she was going to help us with the guts of life but my apologies to you but i said it in the the um comment as well as saying that it was supposed to be last sunday and it ended up being monday so she might have been waiting for it but we got through it thanks to awesome puck he was giving us a lot of good advice all right so going back to that um i will add the fourth one about medical care i think that's extremely important you know what i mean that's got to be right up there so if you've got a roof over your head you've got food in your belly you've got clothes in your back and you've got access to to good medical care that's pretty much the most important things in life now let me expand that a roof over your head doesn't mean some s ort of survival shelter it means to be in a safe you know where you're you feel safe you're at home you know you don't have to worry about the the natural elements that sort of thing it's just living in a normal abode right lord survival shelter if you are in a survival situation i guess but that's what i mean roof over the head food in the belly of course that means uh water as well or you know if you're talking survival you need water but basically making sure that you're not starving or dehydrated or whatever you need that to survive if you want to throw in oxygen there as well you can just you know what i mean when i say food in your belly like things are okay on that truck clothes on your back is necessary for most people in most countries but not everywhere is you know it's still i guess african and tribes and maybe amazonian tribes that run around near naked so they don't really need that but you know living in our environment we're gonna struggle with no clothes because it does get a little bit chilly a little bit yeah it's so chilly in spring yeah so you would need them and then the last one's medical medical care so for all that is going right back to the protesting what are you actually protesting your life is not that bad and you're very lucky to be in this country you know if something really bad happens to you you can we've got a good welfare system we have one of the i don't know if it's one of the best because i've heard swedish welfare systems really good some of the european welfare systems are excellent but ours is good too you know you're not gonna if you well basically you can't say it's bad yeah i mean we still every country has homelessness you know and there's people that struggle and even one of the um guy at clayton before was saying you know there's a problem with alcoholism that they've they've got in amongst their loved ones so people are gonna have problems but you know if you live in one of those lucky countries and by the way that was the other thing i was going to say to those protesters don't forget australia is known as a lucky country you're lucky to live here it's not a privilege sorry it's not a right it's a privilege imagine being born in a third i know what do you call it developing country or one of the poorer countries in the world they struggle a lot more you know you've got it pretty good here it's a good thing the stream streamers today because to ah it's webb's birthday tomorrow say happy birthday to wave tomorrow happy birthday am i at least allowed to say someone and someone else's birthdays are close to each other yeah so stinky am i allowed to say you had one recently yeah so stinky had her birthday recently and it's very close to yours wait you already said it before ask me permission so what well i never gave the date though that's right are we allowed to say this you already said you know old uncle buddha doesn't have good logic that's how that works so do you have anything uh well i don't even know if i should ask that but is there anything special planned for your birthday weeb have you asked for certain presents to get i had to convince stinky to to have it wasn't even really presents but have a nice meal and uh even a birthday cake i had to convince her to get one she's like i don't want one i got it for you anyway didn't i and you ate it more than half anyway yeah you better start getting into it before there's none left so you actually brought it for yourself so stop using me as an excuse i bought two cakes oh my god just to make sure you'd like one and we've says no nothing special it's probably the best for that they web uh if if where you are is anything like where we are it's better to just have a quiet quiet time at home maybe just with the family and and leave it at that don't do anything too extravagant uh but happy to know that you you are having a birthday tomorrow i hope it'll be a good one we'll be thinking of you i'm not sure if you're in the discord server with us but i can't even get into it at the moment so uh otherwise i'd send a message there say wish you a happy birthday uh oh we celebrated today oh nice well that's good yeah but why now i'm curious why wouldn't you celebrate it tomorrow because it's still it'll be still awake and i'm guessing maybe they have to go to study or work or do something else well it depends where she is in the world because for the americans it's only saturday today it's sunday tomorrow uh oh okay so real team's offer was good to interact with you there real team you have a fantastic week take it easy thanks for the game suggestions too much appreciated and thank you also to mig for wishing a happy birthday to weed mmm wishing happy birthday what else have you got i'm so glad that meg can actually speak english too because we've had we haven't seen the italian lady for a while but we used to interact with her quite a bit but we'd have to do the google translates she would also translate for us into engli sh okay isn't it saying to my ah there you go tomorrow is church oh can you still do that i haven't even heard anything about that but that's an interesting one do we have restrictions on we must you can't do it gathering people for i don't know how many people now but yeah so i mean you know i don't know a huge amount about any religion really but is there heavy restrictions if you're are not restrictions are there heavy practices that you have to do if you're a certain religion like maybe i saw the news another day there is some kind of i don't know you call it believe religion it's some kind of unfamiliar name but they have to gather and do something at the river all right and then so they saw that before no but they can't so they can't do it they shouldn't do it but they did and i don't know if they got fine or something all right yeah because that's it you know religious freedom is one of those ultimate freedoms that people are supposed to have as a personal right so i mean correc t me wrong that i believe the jewish have to go to a synagogue on a saturday uh christians or catholics go to church on a sunday and now you can't do it so is that reaching your personal rights i guess in a way it is but again you weigh up the personal rights versus rights of society and then i guess the the muslims don't necessarily have to go i don't know well okay you're right but i'm just going to say i thought for as long as you're praying the mecca in the right direction that's good enough but again pardon my ignorance i don't know a lot about any religions so yeah i find that very interesting that what do you do when you're in that situation whether or not you can zoom zoom church meeting oh nice one uh now uh red december so we were talking last week about doing a beatles cover hide your love away so give me this week to do it i was hoping to get a shorts video out of the road before today's stream so i'm gonna have to do that today but i already had plans that i was gonna send you an audio file and just we'll start with that and then hopefully do some video recording after that so i just want to test that first hopefully that will work um and we'll just oh sorry i've also got to say for whatever reason i cannot get into discord at the moment it just keeps wanting to update and it keeps saying it failed and then it keeps retrying so i don't know what's going on there i couldn't get into discord before the the live stream so if that ends up being a problem uh maybe i'll leave a comment on one of your videos or something to say i'm still struggling to get in there but it's been doing it for the last hour or so and it's nearly two hours now and it still can't get in so sorry for that but yeah i'm actually looking forward to this i was practicing it yesterday red december now the other thing is i may do it at my own um i know i can play it already i already know it off by heart so uh thank you for the offer uh red but no i learned that one by ear yeah i didn't d idn't read sheet music for that try and get either you or stink pants to sing it well rebt can be brutally honest as well because she's seen all of the members only uh the channel membership videos and she's heard me sing like actually sing yeah and it's not good i'd have to put it through a filter or something you do say i can do some songs okay right oh i feel listen well then i'll get you to sing it all red december and i was hoping to incorporate maybe another instrument uh here's another one while you're at it red and you know i'm not suggesting that uh trying to put too much work onto you but could you do uh time of your life green day and instead of the the i think they play the violin for the lead you could do flute for that as well i'm just trying to think of flute songs and by the way i remember the band that i couldn't think of last week which was jethro tol jeff the dude is a spectacular uh flortist i guess they're called flutist flortist most famous probably flute band eve r jethro told i don't listen to any wind instrument band yeah they're not common that's the other thing where it's actually a feature of the band okay there might be a saxophone band out there but i couldn't name him i'll say we've got to go to bed so sorry we we didn't actually start late we probably should start earlier though because a lot of the kids that join our streams it's quite late for them like spidey has permission to stay up late to be part of the streams just because you know it's us yay uh so anything else you can think i've read i can try now i'd also say not a hundred percent accurate when i do learn these songs or they both hide your love away and time of your life would be pretty close i'd say i could probably do that accurately and i mentioned that i could either do oh here comes the sun so i can play that but it's not accurate so i'd love to do that one it'd be my own version so just be prepared uh for that as well read december that oh confession confession time w hen it comes to learning music number one i'm kind of lazy number two i find it much easier to watch someone or do it by ear than to read music my ability to read tab or even just sheet music is it's got to be really simple tab or sheet music and to be honest i get frustrated with it i'd rather just watch someone play it and then try and copy them which means a lot of the time when i do learn something it's not super accurate uh hide your love away i'd say is pretty accurate but i might end up playing just as i would normally as opposed to playing along with the beatles playing it because then i think that's a little bit faster than the way i would normally do it but we'll just say it's just a bit of fun to see whether or not we can get this collab going because i really want to do it with red it's uh i've been wanting to do collabs for a while and i know that she's already done them with other people plus she's quite talented so why not benefits us both really then there's the whole v ideo editing and stuff which i enjoy it's the it's more fun in a way to do normal videos and live streams because you have more creativity behind it you know the problem is we want to always feel like you got to do the best effort that you can and that takes longer doesn't it even with the shorts videos we do do a lot of editing just to do those shorts videos even though it's just gaming stuff so yeah i'm loving this at the moment if slaughter i don't know if he's still here but this is all slaughter's type of music even though he's just he's any young fellow but he loves the beatles loves this is beetle there's no one thinking he come or not this playing at the moment no but what red december's talking about is beatles songs and she's picked two of the best two of my favorites of all time i still think here comes the sun is one of the greatest songs ever written and also it says hide your love away because it's so simple it's it's so simple but so good uh shout out to dad who never wa tches any of our content i'm sure but yeah i'm very great well because he introduced me to a lot of good music when i was young you know cats i think that's always the dad you know yeah your dad did too didn't he always yeah and uh you know there is stuff it's most of these bands had already finished up by the time i was born like the beatles weren't around by the time i was born well maybe they were and i don't remember it but i must have been really really young um yeah and some of these others that oh my goodness you are not going to believe who's here oh asm like it's great to see you asm how have you been and i gotta tell you i feel sorry for asm as well they're having a hard time over there i know where are why just because they they've got um cases spreading all over the place they had it contained for a while but it's gotten worse i have to ring my relatives to make sure they're okay because they're all old now none of my except for one cousin all of my other cousins are here i n australia so it's only the old old generation that are there so have you been asm but it's been a very very long time it's good to see you i hope things well like i was worried i know i sent uh quite a few comments back in the day but and i'm apol i apologize that i haven't um checked out the the channel for a little while i guess i've just been a bit busy and i forget but it's really good to see you we're happy that uh you're alive and okay um yeah have you got any news for us is there anything interesting that's been happening in your neck of the woods so now what else you got stinky look at this we i'm so happy that we've got the dlg here we've got new members here we've got people that have been around for a long time that are back again it's great to see puts a big smile on the face awesome can you hear my smile it's a thing you know hear your smile yeah i can't hear your happiness yeah there you go not not smile not really i would say that at work all of the time can you hear m y smile okay uh i'd say oh well asm saying everything's okay business as usual that's good to hear i'm glad to hear that that singapore doing well well i maybe it's just the the youtube stuff because i have one computer that's logged in to the singapore vpn at the moment so i'm getting a lot of singaporean news okay and i thought i heard that they were going through a more severe restriction at the moment maybe i'm wrong about that there we go we've got the special emojis from red december and asm i love it i wish we had more channel members so i could add more emojis but i just don't advertise it enough really is it and just for you guys i'll try this week to upload another members only video i've been a little bit slow with those uh just because i'm running out of songs from there's a lot more songs there but they're really bad if you thought the first six or seven or however many there are bad they just get worse from here until i get that multi-tracker fixed that's got a lot of stu ff on it that's much higher quality and then if we do these uh collabs with red december and i can figure figure out garage band we will start doing some new songs what do you think we'll start a band you can try jethro told version two what do you think about that i don't understand what that is whatever i mentioned it before jethro tull it's like the most famous bands where the lead guy plays the flute oh i can't remember the name death rotol bye we're probably going to get recommended in general videos now i've been saying it so much uh i didn't think any songs were bad oh well that's that's very complimentary red but um i guess having listened to them 20 years later uh they're not great but i think some of the the concepts are good uh there's at least two songs that i've uploaded that i'd want to re-record because i think they're actually quite good some of them i can't even remember how to play at this point but um they weren't in terms of professionalism they don't sound very cle an they don't sound like they've been professionally produced uh but having said that again uh when i get this multi try if i can get this multi tracker fixed there were some much more polished songs on that so fingers crossed i can still do it because that's a very old machine yeah and i'd love to showcase those because they did sound we really enjoyed the fact that we could produce a whole band sound just with there was never more than one or two people doing it at a time so i might even for the next one fair warning it's not a great song stinky said don't upload that one but it is one where i did everything the drums the bass line just every instrument and singing so yeah it's i find it quite entertaining to be able to do i actually can't remember i said that yeah you know like not that one when i was here not that one but i'm running out so i have to start uploading some of the stuff that's not quite so good and it's really honestly it's just to thank asm and red december for suppo rting us and uh sure to allow those people to hear another sight song yeah it's not something i want to put out to the work for the it's just for the dlgs there these guys deserve it they deserve to hear the best and the worst of uncle peter sure thing yeah or maybe they don't deserve it but i'm doing it they deserve to to hear more about uh old donkey poodle they don't deserve to be punished and tormented how about that but you do because the votes are still coming in and it's still very much yes torment stinky now red december's asking does australia celebrate day of the dead to remember past relatives no we don't what is that anyway so i believe that they do that in new orleans in america if i'm not mistaken red december and plus in uh european countries i want to say puerto rico but i don't know if that's right so day of the dead is where they celebrate you know our relatives that have passed away and it's like a um a celebrate yeah it's like a mardi gras people get dressed up and wear costumes and masks big you know paper mache type heads that sort of thing others do more why you celebrate you know your relatives that have passed away so that's something to celebrate yeah to remember them you know like what do we do we just go to their grave maybe or pray for them or think about them but we don't really do anything else huh is it well what do you do to celebrate your past relatives well not so much for hang on okay we meaning my family we have like um because my mother's side has a chinese background and they do something special every day so every day oh yeah every year not every day every year sorry yeah okay then also you got the fake money you have to burn it yep yep yep so i will say our relatives do that as well and then you buy special like chicken roast chicken or chicken and duck and then you put on the table and you put some incense put some what do you call it a candle light the candle yeah and you kind of like you have to burn the idea is that you b urn the money for them to use in their in their afterlife yeah after life so you got to burn that and some people just go crazy they burn something that i think maybe not a good idea but yeah they do they burn the clothes and whatnot oh wow but not the real clothes it's like the paper just like the fake money it's paper money yeah you burn those and burn some paper clothes and other things yep we're exactly the same although i must admit when my grandmother was alive she used to talk complain about the neighbors doing the burning of the money and doing too much of it because they just get out in the street and start you know causing smoke yeah everywhere you kind of have to do outside of the house i don't think ours yeah i don't think they burnt money or didn't do it often but they certainly have the shrine and the food mean sense yeah so it's the same same and then you have to go visit the ancestor what do you call it the bury ground entertainment what do you call that crema crema ter ritorium and the buried ground grave grave graveyard graveyard yep yep grape yeah so you go there you clean up yeah you pretty it up flowers yeah and whatnot and that kind of thing so so we do that as well it's every year i think it's more like um southern chinese tradition because you got that in singaporean you've got that in like you know wherever chinese migrate to in southeast asia yeah fair enough uh now asm said cases increase but not having bad or serious side effects there they go 80 in asm's uh country as well so they're doing well with someone we are slow actually we are so low we are but struggling to get it so mig cetera is 85 where they are 80 where asm is we're getting close it's over 70 now isn't it oh you're talking about just first doors of food oh no because it's different all right the no i guess they're both talking about full dose at the moment not not yet busy i don't think oh wow maybe close to 50. yeah but it's been a struggle here i got straight i struggled to get my first dose yeah because we didn't have enough vaccine yeah to begin with we got astra senegal they relied on it too much and then after that there's a lot of report about the effects so people afraid to get that one and waiting for another one and we didn't have a lot of that left and also they got we got the block in europe so they try to give to developing country first and that's like oh australia is developed country therefore no yeah so from that block we kind of laid for everything well there's something to be said for that as well isn't there and i know that came out recently that the developed countries do need to put in more effort to make sure the developing countries um are getting their vaccines and so on which i think is right you know they've already got a struggle with their health care systems they're not as good as ours so anything we can do to help is a good thing now red december also said did you know i've lost my flute a total of five times huh and i've got it back all five times oh then i don't call that loss you just miss it a bit she said can you help me she said uh she had to post a sign saying reward for flute i'm guessing the same person took it five times to say that they've got five rewards oh you know what is it cheaper to buy a new one i reckon you could probably pay a lot of money for a good flute i don't know what they're worth but you know it's not like a plastic recorder recorders are cheap flutes might not be and a good flute might be really expensive i don't know don't know anything about wind instruments except for recorders are cheap we should get a recorder i have one at home i have to study did you have to study that in your school i had the choice and i went for guitar well i don't have a choice most kids this is at the the primary school oh primary i did in secondary all right so night primary school um the music lesson most people learnt the flu okay let's talk about the music school in your school primaries what d id you learn in primary is it like compulsory to learn some instrument yeah so at one point in primary school you had to pick an instrument really because it's not for us yeah most people would pick the recorder now i know that australia's got traditional you know aboriginal kind of instrument yep did you get a chance to learn those no i would love to learn to play the didgeridoo if that's what you're talking about did you do sound great uh but no nothing like that i heard you have to do so you'd be an expert at it i tried once in a storm can you do it it sounded like i'd passed gas do you say it sounded like a party can you do it yes i can oh you can so what can can can't you do oh this one i'm pretty sure i can do that too nah told me again okay are you ready for me to do that good luck translating that uh ai bot because in my country well i am in public school so it might be different in private school but what's happening here um like i don't have to learn much instrument in primar y school we learned um more about singing oh yeah yeah singing as well there is singing we got singing class and whatnot but not instrument yeah and two different things like for us we got in secondary school and at that point it's not like compulsory for every year you know from grade 7 to 12 consider secondary you reckon yeah in my country secondary grade 7 to 12 and you only need like what what just one semester to learn that yeah and we separate like one semester you learn the traditional instrument and another one is for like international kind of instruments that's fantastic i reckon it's great if you learn a traditional instrument where that's pretty crap you're right we should have learnt how to play the didgeridoo or something now asm said that yeah they had to learn the recorder and i'm guessing he tried to do some of those sounds and said he couldn't that's all right stink pants is quite talented with doing things with their tongue certain positions of the tongue which i cer tainly can't do and that helps to make those sounds i reckon so no for us um yeah in primary school you did have to do some compulsory singing classes and you did have to do i think it was one semester or a year of music i know it wasn't an ongoing thing but then in high school it was extracurricular so you didn't have to do it at all this is in the public school then when i went to the the boarding school it was different again you had to do something like that but they basically said you've got the choice you can either do music or you can do a language whereas when i was in high school it was language so in the public school you had to learn a language music wasn't a thing and then when i got to the boarding school i said you can either do a language or you can do music and my brother did music and he said to dad don't make braden don't make the younger kid do it because it was too hard and so i ended up doing language what do you got to say about that i can't speak the language so you did study language yeah i did french for four years i did it in the public school and the boarding school and i can barely speak any french right just a few words here and there i can probably recognize more than i can speak we could either do band or choir says red december but in america it's very extra curricular stuff at least from my influence like the way america has influenced me um their extracurricular stuff is huge there you know like they have their their uh what do they call it the band so well she's just saying band you know where they've got the the twirly thing and they got the drummers i love seeing those drum battles they're very entertaining to watch they're very skillful for us it's almost like everything compulsory like i don't get a chance to choose anything like you you only choose yuka i think at that point when i was in like year 11 or 12 i only have to choose between one uh i think only two elective subject at the time you want to type english or thai or ac counting well hang on is that is that typing skills or is that typing skill that they actually make it one subject right so we also had that but i think that was in the later years because there was never an option for me yeah that's why i'm saying grade 11 or 12. yeah so you only have two subject electives here but you can choose between the three right oh four i can't remember well then i never would have had a chance to do it because it certainly wasn't a thing in my latter years wasn't even an option and by the way we're always always having this argument uh post stream but i've been trying to translate into latin and stinky keeps saying to me why it's a it's a lost language and i say yeah you're bringing it back bringing back latin because that was taught that was an option that um i had in the the latter years of the school not many students took it up though because it was considered quite difficult to do that and consider it as a dead language why you've used it you've done it don't give me that now if you were doing your first profession here not not in your home country why this one is so happy you would be using a lot of latin and you know there's a lot of latin that's still being used in science it's the it's like the uh what do you call it educated language or academic language so it's not lost it's just people don't speak it fluently but there's a lot of words you know a few don't you stinky you even mentioned one i'm sure you might not even be aware how many latin words you use yeah i know tds qid which means what it's a abbreviation in latin but i don't know what it means i mean i don't know what is the full word but it means three times a day and four times a day and uh what about your isn't anatomy a lot of latin or not no i don't think but they use some latin in medical no not a lot name some body parts mal no abdomen okay intestine gluteus maximus that is latin that's latin yes i'm pretty sure is do you have another word for pancreas i don't know i don't think so yeah fibula your tibia these are probably all latin words tipia fibula you're talking about bones now anything to do with anatomy humorous yeah i'm beginning to think that's all latin words i think you made it back gluteus maximus is latin what does it mean your bot both and i read december i guess did band rather than choir or maybe both she was very active at school like really active if you want to do it it's kind of extra curriculum to be in the bed like i tried to be in the band when i was in primary school it's not really a band it's just you know when you oh i don't know i don't think australian do that when you first go to school first thing you do well you have if it's not eight o'clock yet you've got a choice to do whatever you want but when it's eight o'clock you actually have to stand in a row singing a national song and whatnot and while you're singing another that gonna be a band who play the drums melody and what do you call this thing bell yeah triangl e not triangle cowbell bell yes some sort of bell and then yeah he got more i try to be in that band because i like playing melody it looks like a keyboard but you also have to blow it too to make it to make a noise press start your sting is what did you press stop but i don't understand why that went straight to that so there's a lot of ass in here so i tried to be in a band but not for long because there's too many people there they don't want too many people that sometimes you got to the point oh i can hear a lot of melody oh i can hear a lot of bail because too many people doing it all right when know again in the lattice ladder part they would actually have the orchestra as well not something you could do in a little country town but uh yeah in my secondary school again oh they do a lot of what do you call it um the wind instrument which is a bit higher in than primary school not just melody yeah well that's it but they they fall on about twin instrument and i'm not really into th at right so yeah yeah that's one thing neither of us do we're not not really into the wind instruments but i'd like to learn i don't know if we didn't record that's what i learned we've got the harmonica that's about it and yeah let's get the recorder and red december says she knows a little latin too not lost language it's part of our vocabulary these days right have you done your maya culpas when you did something wrong that's latin i don't even know what it means culpa is making corrections or apologizing for something that you may have done you know making sure that you do the correct apologies make amends for whatever mistakes you made that's maya culpa ah why do you want so hard okay then you have to go that's what the colonizers called australia at the time saying vacant land which was not true at all you know you did have the the native australians or aboriginals were here but at the time they said nope they can land terra nullius we don't have to pay him anything unlike americ a where it was i think called terra firma from memory which means there are people that were there beforehand and you have to negotiate and they just pay them by a penny yeah for some that's not better not not not any better but you know at least they were recognized as people whereas here they went which is a tragedy in our history which is really different from like kiwi you know new zealand they are pretty good with their uh indigenous i don't get why it's so much different i'm gonna say because number one um islanders is as if you want to use aa general term because it's not just new zealand it's um samoa and tonga these are all islander type people yeah it might have something to do with they were pretty good warriors like aboriginals weren't really they would fight with each other tribal stuff every now and again but they weren't actual warriors whereas the the um islanders definitely were so maybe they had a harder time or something i don't know i don't know their history and th ey're big like you've seen islanders big people uh now asm's saying oh hang on red december said i was chosen to be the student band director once see she must have been extremely popular at school cheerleading captain band director not surprising she's got such an affable personality very likable asm also says that he joined the scouts in his secondary school oh so we are compulsory to do it yeah well i taught told this about my brother and i don't like it in the past where he did cubs and then said no don't do it because he didn't have a good time so i didn't do it which means he's starting cubs then you go to scouts but that never happened for me yeah there's a lot of decisions he made on my behalf i reckon uh but having said that i did do cadets when i went to boarding school so that's not quite it's maybe a level up from scouts for us it's more like not compulsory but if you don't do cadets you got to serve the military yeah so if you didn't do cadets you had either social service s or ventures was another one so i actually did and ventures is above uh boyce boy cubs boy scouts and then venturers and no i didn't do that i must have done social services uh so there you go asm did you learn some good skills from scouts i love the survival stuff i bet he did uh and red december says is it the spring equinox by you yes it's springtime here yeah what's an equinox i don't know i've heard the the word before why is my i don't know you tell me in english right latin i think equinox could very well be latin there you go and i believe it might have something to do with the cycle of the moon but don't quote me on that so is it the new cycle of the moon in springtime i don't know i can say it's a beautiful day today but it was so cold last night kitty cat jumped under the blankets twice and then actually she started off in the valley between old stinky pants and myself and then when i woke up i actually wake up with my hand around her i didn't even know and then she looked at me and meowed and then tried to get under the covers straight away so we have we've been having strange weather for the past hour of many years here isn't it the springtime's colder than i remember and winters are pretty much warmer than i remember thanks global warming what happens you don't believe in that either it's a thing i saw some sort of documentary on the um russian uh perma permafrost i think they call it there's some areas in russia where their permafrost is melting as well so it's a very real thing and then you just gotta look at some of the stuff that happens in antarctica or the uh north pole south pole they're losing more of their ice so there you go and i don't know if asm saying yeah in terms of i got the equinox thing right or that he learnt a lot in scouts because that would be i actually heard from one of my relatives at one of the school camps they take you to an island uh near singapore where you have to camp out for a few nights or a week or two and there is some myth that there is actually a tiger on that island which doesn't make a lot of sense i mean someone would have to dump a tiger there what are the chances of that say no no it's a true thing blah blah blah why equinox is light and darker equal the sun and moon are equal day and night are equal i think we passed that already because now we start to have more sunlight and we're gonna have they're like serving soonish oh yes yes yeah the days are longer already aren't they start to be longer now i think it's getting dark lighter and which i like some of my friend doesn't like though some of my friends from indonesian it's tropical country she said you know when when it's nine o'clock and it's still daylight it's just weird and the day just gone too fast you know what i can empathize with that because i went to europe at whatever time of the year it was it was almost midnight and it was still daylight i couldn't believe it i think it was 11 o'clock when it started to get dark it was ei ther uh i think it was in uh the netherlands it's like the netherlands or germany one of the two and how about the morning when you start to get sunlight then um i don't know but we would wake up i think at about seven or eight o'clock it was already daylight then oh okay so it's not like we were getting up at five or six o'clock in the morning so they actually got more daylight at some time of the year yeah i was shocked it was like but that means it's not that cold right because you got more sunlight yeah it was uh a nice time to go to europe but the weather was quite what season was that uh i think it was their summer which was quite mild for me okay because it's not a dry heat number one like we get here or even a tropical lake if you're in queensland yeah i don't know what you call that heater it's just pleasant mild like it was like today you could go out in a pair of shorts and be fine you know it's not super hot like we get here okay so all right is that it's already been two h ours oh no tiger no ghost in the island maybe my my uh relatives were joking around i lied to you they lied to you they want to scare you say that would be right they're like now i need to it's already two o'clock i mean two hours now i'll get one more going because you got to come back and finish finish your good buys and completions you know what i'm saying uh just bear with me for a little moment chitty chat just while i'm trying to work out what to do here i'm going very slow i'm going too slow so wednesday in the spring equinox all right um excuse me so yeah i found it quite if we move interstate the the amount of daylight varies between the states here because some don't have daylight savings so there is one state that i lived dinner it's weird that it would get daylight at 3 30 or 4 o'clock in the morning and you know a lot of people complain about it because they see that we have a lot more time um at you know daylight hours in in the southern states or wherever they have dayli ght savings but it was great for surfers because the best surf is early in the morning so you could do more surfing before work which to me is a good thing so i don't know what do you guys think i don't think from memory singapore doesn't have daylight savings but america probably does again pardon my ignorance if i've got that wrong all right so we will end up the stream shortly just waiting for stinky to get back to to say goodbye to everyone red december and asm thank you so much for sticking around as long as he did because the live chat did go a little bit quiet without you two there uh i will i guess message you both privately at some point uh because i've got to get cracking on doing some recording for red december and just want to have a chat to asm it's been that long so if you've got any of the the final words there stinky on nothing have a good weekends and see you next time all right so it's good to see you all thank you for for being part of the dlg we'll see you in the ne xt one have an absolutely fantastic week i will enjoy as much as i can before next month bye great positive night then right see ya yeah i think i've got to do it twice here i don't know

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