de acuerdo, seguro , de acuerdo, muchachos, bienvenidos a nuestro AMA del lunes, feliz Halloween para cualquiera que esté celebrando eso , vamos a tener un AMA bastante especial hoy porque tengo una gran noticia que quiero darles una pista, pero antes de entrar en eso, um, hablemos de algunos temas que alineé para el AMA de hoy y tuvimos un fin de semana loco antes de esto, uh, la razón por la que lo digo es porque vimos Dogecoin bombear a más de cien por ciento , vimos a Sheba, vimos, sabes, barras de dojilon, viste algunos de estos, otros, sabes, Big Ticket Blue Chip estableció monedas de meme en el mundo que tienen un pico enorme y ¿por qué sucedió eso? La única correlación que alguien está uniendo en este momento es tiene que ver con la adquisición de Twitter que Elon había puesto en marcha, así que creo que todo este acuerdo de Twitter que está sucediendo será una de las cosas más importantes que nos sucederá en el espacio porque , um, va a introducir un montón de puertas nuevas que no habíamos sido en abierto a uh, uno es que nadie realmente discute esto, pero que Shadow esté prohibido en Twitter, ¿verdad? ¿Qué es Shadow bad? Shadow band es más o menos como si su contenido no llegara a la cantidad de personas que debería llegar y la razón por la que lo hace es porque sabes que hay compañías de redes sociales como Instagram, Twitter, Facebook y qué, y qué no, que en realidad implementan estas bandas de sombras, por lo que ni siquiera conocerás tu banda de sombras, pero solo te están suprimiendo, así que si ese es el caso. para muchos proyectos criptográficos o no, eh, Elon ya se acercó y dijo que no va a apoyar a las bandas de sombras y que en realidad está haciendo que todos los ingenieros de Tesla que conoces ayuden a construir una gran cantidad de código, busque en el código de Twitter para asegurarse de que puedan elimine toda esa sombra mala, entonces, ¿qué hace eso que abre mucho más el alcance a muchas más personas, eh, en el espacio de las criptomonedas, anteriormente en nuestro chat de Telegram hoy, estuvimos hablando, eh, de la capitalización total del mercado de criptomonedas que está rondando en este momento alrededor de un billón de dólares es como 1.01 billones de dólares en este momento poniendo en perspectiva que el máximo histórico fue el doble que fue alrededor de 2 billones un poco más de 2 billones alguien hizo una buena pregunta dijo ¿qué quieres? creo que el próximo máximo histórico para las criptomonedas será y antes de que pudiera responder, él respondió y dijo que cinco billones de dólares era su suposición y creo que es una suposición bastante buena considerando que nos estamos moviendo más hacia la era de la tecnología. nos estamos moviendo más hacia la era de la web 3 nos estamos moviendo más hacia la era de la cadena de bloques, siempre están esas Edades Doradas, está la edad dorada que sucedió hace un siglo y luego la edad dorada que sucedió una década Hace y luego, ¿cuál es la próxima Edad de Oro? Obviamente, todos los signos, literalmente, todos los signos conducen al metaverso de la cadena de bloques . porque eso, para prepararse para eso, es realmente tratar de que la mayor cantidad de personas adopten el concepto completo de criptografía que podamos en el marco de tiempo ahora, obviamente, cuando las cosas están en un mercado bajista, la gente está un poco desanimada para hacer cualquier cosa. de que la gente está un poco desanimada de entrar como nuevos inversionistas o nuevas personas que son pioneras . Entiendo que eso es una parte difícil, no, no es gratis, verdad, nada es gratis si algo es gratis, eso significa que tú eres el producto, así que tú sabes que estas personas que dan saltos y realmente comienzan a aprender sobre estas cosas van a ser muy bien recompensadas por su conocimiento sabes una cosa que desearía que alguien me dijera mientras crecía y realmente desearía que alguien me dijera que esto es, tú sabes, extráete va a alguien que es súper exitoso como vivir la vida que estás viviendo uh que quieres vivir bien y sabes si tuviera como 17 18 años otra vez y alguien me hubiera dicho esto definitivamente lo haría así que iría a esta persona y le diría: oye, estoy dispuesto a trabajar para ti gratis porque no sé cien días 120 días literalmente gratis todo lo que quiero es conocimiento todo lo que quiero son conexiones y todo Lo que quiero es orientación y dentro de esos cien 120 días, si trabajas muy duro para lograr lo correcto. Si lo superas y deberías hacerlo al final del período. Si la persona aún está dispuesta a pagarte o perderte, eso depende de ellos. Lo que digo es que trabaja duro para que te paguen por quedarte y nadie quiera perderte, eso es algo que realmente desearía que alguien me dijera y hubiera cambiado mi vida de una manera en la que sabes crecer obviamente. Tuve muchas dificultades, eh, tratando de pensar en la próxima gran cosa y tratando de saber, siempre he sido un emprendedor y siempre he tenido diferentes negocios al mismo tiempo y tratando de hacer malabarismos . algunas cosas aquí y allá donde, de manera realista, podría haberme centrado en una cosa y ha sido excelente en una cosa en lugar de tratar de encontrarla en un millón de otros lugares, así que esa es toda la belleza del mercado criptográfico, es que todo pertenece a esa categoría, el mercado criptográfico, ya sea que esté invertido en este proyecto, ya sea volver a invertir en otros 20 proyectos, no importa, vas a encontrar el éxito en el espacio y los espacios donde todo vive me pone en mi próximo paso es el metaverso realmente el futuro, así que esto es algo que yo quiero hable porque hay muchos sentimientos negativos en el metaverso en este momento y mucha gente piensa que es algo fallido, quiero decir, y tienen todo el derecho a pensarlo de alguna manera porque miras la tierra central y II vi este artículo estaba leyendo este artículo el otro día decentral y obviamente ustedes probablemente hayan oído hablar de él, es uno de los meta versos más grandes, solo tienen como 38 usuarios activos diarios literalmente y valen , saben miles de millones y miles de millones y miles de millones de dólares 38 usuarios activos, eso es divertido para mí, pero luego, en el otro lado, tienes compañías como meta, anteriormente conocida como Facebook, que gastan miles de millones de dólares cada trimestre cada año para desarrollar la siguiente etapa del metaverso, así que creo que es el futuro, sí. ¿Creo que la forma en que se está haciendo en este momento es el futuro? No, por lo que definitivamente se necesita, um, que se le dé algo de vida y un poco más de esfuerzo en las cosas que se están haciendo y que se llaman un metaverso que yo creo, creo que Facebook va a dar en el clavo porque tienen la mayor cantidad de recursos para hacerlo, así que creo que invirtieron 10 mil millones de dólares en este último trimestre o este último año, sí, 10 mil millones de dólares es lo que gastaron en desarrollo el último año y les quedan cantidades infinitas de dinero para hacerlo, um, y la razón por la que se meten hasta las rodillas en el metaverso es porque Facebook finalmente está viendo por primera vez una disminución en su usuario base así que ganaron tanto dinero como pudieron en la década en que gobernaron Internet, literalmente gobernaron Internet, um, perdieron mucho dinero y están perdiendo mucho dinero debido a las nuevas funciones que se les están agregando. teléfonos como iPhones y demás que no le permiten compartir su información con ciertos sitios web, por lo que esa pequeña ventana emergente que dice no permita que este sitio web comparta mi información está causando a Facebook una gran pérdida de dinero, por lo que estas personas son tratando de descubrir cuál es la próxima gran cosa para poner productos y poner anuncios frente a la cara de las personas porque eso es en pocas palabras eso es lo que Facebook es como una empresa que sabes que es una empresa de publicidad al igual que Google es la empresa de publicidad como tú sé que incluso Apple es una compañía de publicidad si lo piensas, todos ganan la mayor parte de su dinero en anuncios y , um, creo que el metaverso va a ser una gran jugada para eso, pero quiero decir, obviamente, probablemente lo haremos. esperar otros dos años para vean cómo irá la adopción ahora. Estoy seguro de que están esperando las cosas jugosas. Las cosas jugosas es que tenemos algo masivo planeado para las vacaciones. de los proyectos más grandes en D5 en desafío um los proyectos más grandes en D5 estoy hablando de jugadores reales estoy hablando de grandes jugadores estoy hablando de personas de las que has oído hablar y personas que te has perdido ya sabes, incluido Shiva e incluidos esos, e incluso conoces a algunas de estas otras personas importantes y de hecho vamos a anunciar todo sobre el evento y lo que está pasando en los espacios de Twitter que se suponía que iba a suceder la semana pasada, pero tuvimos que reprogramar debido a algunas dificultades técnicas en sus anfitriones, por lo que estamos reprogramando eso, eh, y lo haremos el jueves, se suponía que lo haríamos mañana también, pero lo reprogramamos, lo haremos el Jueves uh como estaba planeado así que va a ser un enorme Ama va a estar discutiendo y revelando toda la información en cuanto a, um, adelante, alguien estaba tratando de decir algo , sí, está bien, sí, así que 16 de los proyectos más grandes vamos a tener una divulgación completa, um uh anuncio completo de lo que está sucediendo y cómo vamos a monetizarlo en los espacios de Twitter del jueves eh con nuestros anfitriones estamos colaborando con la página de Twitter llamada titular de Shiba tienen cerca de 400 000 seguidores en Twitter y luego tienen su um tienen su entrevistador y y algunas otras personas que van a entrar y salir también, ustedes son más que bienvenidos a unirse, son más que bienvenidos a hacer preguntas y hacer todas esas cosas buenas también, estamos regalando algo de dinero como bien adentro en ese ama, por lo que será grande, um, y el evento no será un evento de un día, no será un evento de una semana, será un evento de un mes completo y va para presentar algunos de los proyectos más grandes en el espacio es ir Voy a presentar muchas de las comunidades más grandes en el espacio y uh, aquí hay una estadística que ustedes no sabían o tal vez sabían, um, pero yo no sabía, siempre me la metí en la cabeza, pero no lo hice. sé y hoy obtuvimos una verificación de hecho al respecto eh 97.7 de todos los proyectos que se han lanzado en uni swap han sido robustos eso es 9.8 de 10 proyectos qué loco es eso eso me sorprende que esa estadística sea tan mala es realmente triste, entonces saben que estamos glorificando todos estos grandes proyectos que lo hicieron con un buen corazón, ¿honestamente llegaron tan lejos como lo hicieron y literalmente se solidificaron como saben, Leyendas en el espacio porque vamos a enfréntalo dentro de 20 años dentro de 10 años vamos a mirar hacia atrás a algunos de estos proyectos más grandes que desafían, sabes, Shiba Doge, sabes, podría nombrar otros 200 otros 20 que simplemente van a ser legendarios , van para ser parte de la historia, ¿verdad? Ellos comenzaron todo si realmente crees nk al respecto , incluyéndonos a nosotros, por lo que este evento realmente resaltará muchas de esas comunidades, realmente resaltará muchos de esos proyectos y realmente resaltará gran parte de la historia que entró en el espacio de la moneda meme, ahora ¿por qué ? son las razones por las que las monedas meme son tan poderosas porque solo mire hacia atrás este fin de semana literalmente con un abrir y cerrar de ojos puede cerrar los ojos y abrirlos y es un cien por ciento más vela sabe lo que estoy diciendo que vio eso en Deutsche coin durante el fin de semana lo vimos con um kishu lo vimos con Floki lo vimos con un montón de otros desafortunadamente no lo vimos aquí pero eso no significa nada lo que significa es que estamos en lo correcto espacio y estamos en el lugar correcto, así que, lo que estamos organizando y, en lo que Max está trabajando realmente duro, es en este evento que vamos a presentar , así que creo que será algo tan importante que todos queríamos y va a ser algo que va ser realmente impactante para el espacio, así que estamos ansiosos por hacerlo y estamos ansiosos por poder compartir todo con ustedes. Venga el jueves y el jueves vamos a hacer lo que vamos a hacer. girar para los mentores en um que participaron durante todo el fin de semana de la menta, así que no creo que hayan llegado muchas mentas, pero quien sea que haya acuñado, vamos a seguir adelante y ponerlos a todos en la rueda y girarla y alguien va a ganar. creo que 1.25 o uno y medio cada uno, así que no está mal, bastante buena cantidad, se trata de dos grandes, pero sí, muchachos, si tienen alguna pregunta, continúen y activen sus micrófonos y tengamos una pequeña conversación. Creo que el equipo debería coincidir. la recompensa por el especial de acuñación , oye, oye, ¿qué piensas sobre eso ? lo que estás diciendo está bien, sí, eso es algo que puedo puede mencionar a los muchachos y tal vez quiero decir que tal vez esta no sea la última vez que hagamos esto tal vez esto es algo que podríamos hacer de nuevo porque obviamente es algo que le devuelve a las personas en el camino así que um si no sucede esta vez tal vez es algo que podemos hacer que suceda la próxima vez tan genial suena bien no te preocupes realmente una pregunta, um, es más una declaración para todos los que están aquí escuchando, um con respecto a, sabes que fui yo quien supuso que potencialmente podríamos llegar a los 5 billones en el chat y solo quería matemáticas básicas si todos te escuchamos. No necesito comentar Leo, pero si todos aquí creemos que podemos capitalizar 0.1 de todo el mercado, que es una capitalización de mercado de cinco mil millones de dólares, solo estoy, sí, sabes, para que todos escuchen, eso es 0.1 por ciento, sí, hombre, esa es la capitalización de mercado, así que es una locura. cuando lo pones así, sí , cuando lo pones así lo hace mucho más alcanzable, ¿verdad? Cuando la gente mira el vaso medio vacío y luego algunas personas miran el vaso medio lleno, así que siempre es bueno pensar de esa manera porque tienes razón si es un cinco. billón de dólares de capitalización de mercado y no podemos asegurar el 0,1 por ciento de la gente del valor que está en el espacio, entonces eso significa que estamos haciendo algo mal, así que sí, eso es lo que sabes, ese es el hombre, definitivamente sabemos que queremos ser lo más grandes que podamos y obviamente tomará tiempo para que eso suceda y se necesitarán muchas circunstancias nuevas para alcanzar esa capitalización de mercado de cinco billones de dólares para todo el mercado criptográfico. pero eso no significa que no estemos listos para el viaje y no estamos aquí para adaptarnos y asegurarnos de que podamos sacar el máximo provecho de ese proceso porque realmente creo en mi corazón que el mercado de cinco billones de dólares el límite para el mercado criptográfico es fácil, es algo que Literalmente, podría hacerlo en una semana si quisiera, ¿sabes? Sí, sí, exactamente, por eso quería hablar sobre, eh, puse una encuesta aquí sobre quién quiere hablar, quién quería, eh o quién recordaba . el GameStop en AMC short squeeze en 2021 y qué tan rápido sucedió, así que para cualquiera que no sepa qué es un short squeeze , le daré una explicación súper rápida y súper breve que realmente no quiero obtener en él porque podría explicarlo durante horas, pero un breve resumen, en pocas palabras, digamos, digamos que Sunny pensó que GameStop iba a cerrar, así que Sunny haría un cortocircuito en GameStop y qué es un cortocircuito en corto está pensando, oye, está bien, el precio de GameStop ahora está a diez dólares, creo que irá a un dólar, así que en lugar de ganar dinero al subir, estás ganando dinero al bajar ahora , obviamente, a veces es inteligente vender acciones cortas si lo piensas porque si podría decir que una empresa sabe que si baja puede ganar algo de dinero o n en su caída, pero el caso fue muy, muy especial con GameStop y AMC porque lo que sucedió fue que mucha gente y muchas instituciones pensaron que GameStop iba a cerrar, por lo que todos acortaron, literalmente todos acortaron GameStop Creo que su corto float estaba en un 130 por ciento en un punto, lo que significa que no quedaban más acciones demasiado cortas, así que lo que sucedió es que un grupo, un grupo de personas en Reddit llamado Wall Street Bets, reunió a un montón de personas. un montón de gente y dijeron, oye, vamos a enfrentarnos a esta gente , no dejaremos que GameStop cierre el negocio, así que, ¿qué hicieron? Todos comenzaron a comprar GameStop. También estoy hablando de AMC, simplemente no quiero decir que ambos al mismo tiempo, así que todos comenzaron a comprar GameStop y ¿qué hizo esto porque causó que estos cortos comenzaran a perder dinero porque acortaron a diez dólares, vamos? Digamos que tienes menos de mil dólares en acciones que valen diez dólares, por cada dólar que sube, pierdes, creo que 100 sí, pierdes cien dólares por cada dólar que suben las acciones, eh, cada dólar que sube el precio, así que piensa al respecto, había millones y miles de millones de dólares que saben que estaban en corto en GameStop, así que cuando los precios comenzaron a subir y estas instituciones comenzaron a perder millones, literalmente, de la noche a la mañana, entraron en pánico y no solo tienen que cubrir esos cortos . posiciones que realmente tienen que, en cierto sentido, lidiar con lo que dice su corredor para que su corredor pueda obligarlos a cubrir su posición corta y el repunte que tuvo fue absolutamente loco II fue en realidad una parte de eso con una posición muy pequeña um, y creo que pasó de cinco dólares a unos cuatrocientos dólares en menos de un mes, por lo que eliminó a las personas que lo estaban acortando y ¿cómo se volvió tan grande? por ese grupo de personas que sabes que no son los fundamentos los que siempre te hacen estar loco, realmente no es la comunidad la que realmente está impulsando la fuerza detrás de lo que quieren hacer bien y es por eso que creo que es tan poderoso para nosotros continuar siendo fuertes como un comunidad y estar unidos como comunidad porque eso es lo que nos llevará al siguiente nivel obviamente los fundamentos y obviamente la utilidad que estamos trayendo a la mesa eso es genial eso es todo eso es todo cosas increíbles pero nada de lo que construimos y traemos a la mesa se puede comparar con la fuerza de una comunidad unida entiendes lo que estoy diciendo sabes que podemos tener la cosa más innovadora del mundo pero si no hay comunidad con quien compartirlo y no hay comunidad para impulsar eso entonces no es nada, por eso creo que es tan poderoso y la prueba está en el pudín, como ves que sucede con esas acciones , ves que sucede con Sheba, ves que sucede con esos, ves que sucede w Con todo tipo de cosas, así que la prueba está en el pudín, sabes que he estado viendo algunas cosas negativas aquí y allá en los chats . sé positivo la misión es unificar la misión es innovar la misión es enseñar y la misión es tener éxito eso es todo no hay tiempo que perder siendo negativo y cualquier cosa que involucre negatividad solo sácalo de este chat como yo lo hago No quiero verlo, entiendes lo que estoy diciendo, así que este es el trato, ahora vamos a hacer nuestro próximo gran evento de Unity, obviamente, el primer evento de Unity fue bastante exitoso con todo el asunto del espacio, luego lanzamos a Elon al espacio. donamos 50k a organizaciones benéficas, hicimos todo tipo de cosas geniales, por lo que este próximo evento de Unity será 16 veces más grande en un sentido, no en términos de valor en dólares, pero en realidad estamos involucrando 16 más uh 16 proyectos más en la ecuación, así que tienes muchas comunidades en t él mezcla, tienes muchas personas que en realidad son parte de um el espacio que van a querer involucrarse y que sin duda van a ver las palabras Shiba Doge y las palabras quemar y nuestros nfts sin importar cómo Míralo porque van a querer participar, así que independientemente de si se convierten o no, el objetivo de lo que estamos tratando de hacer con esta próxima misión de Unity es traer más positividad al espacio. porque siento que con el Mercado bajista entrando, quiero decir que cuando el Mercado bajista llegó y cuando toda esta negatividad cayó sobre la mesa, sabes, mucha gente perdió la esperanza en muchas cosas, no solo en nuestro proyecto, pero muchos otros proyectos y sabes todo tipo de cosas por el estilo, así que queremos poder despertar algo genial para esas personas nuevamente, queremos poder ayudar a todos a volver a encarrilar sus mentes para qué su misión es realmente la misión en cripto es simple y llanamente es literalmente ir a la luna, cierto, eso es lo que todos quieren en criptografía, eso está en el pudín, eso es lo que todos quieren, así que obviamente nos desviamos e hicimos una parada en la estación espacial con todos los demás, así que es hora de volver. en el buen camino de vez en cuando para mantener la misión lunar en marcha, muchachos, así que en realidad vamos a terminar el año muy fuerte vamos a hacer muchas cosas geniales tenemos nuestro primer aniversario por venir tenemos muchas de muchas cosas grandes planeadas para el resto del año y vamos a comenzar con este próximo evento de Unity, así que les garantizo que el espacio de Twitter AMA del jueves no se lo pueden perder, incluso si se lo pierden asegúrese de escucharlo porque vamos a compartir muchas cosas geniales y habrá muchas cosas geniales que se traerán a la mesa el jueves, así que estoy muy emocionado y espero que para entonces mi voz volverá a ser 100 para que no suene como un sonido como Sin embargo, sueno en este momento y me siento bien. Me siento genial. Vuelvo a la normalidad otra vez. Es solo mi voz. Como si pudiera sentir que no es lo mismo. No, suenas bien, hermano , sí, suenas bien y sí. hombre, está bien, eso es todo, hermano, eso es todo, adelante Sonny, no, no, terminé, lamento interrumpirte . va a ser como un mercado en comparación con el valor del porcentaje de 0.1, solo recuerden, muchachos cinco, eso es una capitalización de mercado de cinco mil millones de dólares, cero punto uno por ciento, sí , hombre, quiero decir, miren, estoy seguro de que ustedes están familiarizados con otro proyecto llamado kishu . No estoy tratando de protegerlo ni nada, es un proyecto que probablemente todos deberían conocer si estás interesado en el espacio, debes saberlo, um, kishu fue uno de los primeros tokens de memes de perros, ¿verdad ? se encendió con Sheba, creo ni siquiera pudo salir antes de que saliera Sheba en el momento en que salió Floki salió en el momento en que salió Akita, hay un montón de OG, ¿verdad ? Creo que kishu alcanzó como cinco o seis o siete mil millones de dólares de todos los tiempos. alto basado como nada correcto basado en que solo es una moneda de meme y eso no tiene utilidad, nada, absolutamente nada, solo el hecho de que sabes que es una moneda de meme de perro, entonces las monedas de meme de perro eran la cosa cuando eso comenzó y yo También quiero que sepan que cuando kishu alcanzó su punto más alto, creo y no me citen en esto, pero creo que eth no estaba ni cerca de los dos mil dólares y ni siquiera estaba cerca de los 1500. han estado por debajo de mil dólares en uh por ethereum, así que ponlo en perspectiva, ¿cómo diablos hace un proyecto de meme que literalmente no alcanza una capitalización de mercado de seis mil millones de dólares, obviamente, ahora no es una capitalización de mercado de seis mil millones de dólares, pero eso significa que cualquier cosa es posible con la comunidad correcta y el r Respaldo correcto y la positividad correcta Estuve en esos chats Estuve en los chats de kishu todo el tiempo Fue positivo que estaba apareciendo La gente estaba feliz La gente estaba haciendo lo correcto y una vez que comenzó a llegar el declive, todos comenzaron a enloquecer porque ellos no se preparen, prepárense porque saben que los Máximos de todos los tiempos están destinados a romperse y los Máximos de todos los tiempos están destinados a ser probados . siempre va a permanecer en la cima y así es como funciona así es como funciona y todo así es como funciona en los deportes así es como funciona en los negocios así es como funciona en los gráficos así es como funciona en los proyectos siempre te hacen pruebas y se trata de cómo luchar contra esas pruebas que te llevarán al siguiente nivel y, obviamente, no estamos disminuyendo la velocidad, no dejaremos que nada nos moleste y nos afecte porque sabemos cuál es la misión y estamos tratando de transmitirles todo a ustedes y poder l y ustedes saben que estamos luchando para asegurarnos de que podamos volver exactamente a donde estábamos y más alto porque, como dije, estamos apuntando a la luna, pero estamos apuntando a las estrellas, ya saben, tomen, tomen un poco más lejos no me importa ese no es el punto el punto no es ponerle un marcador de valor eso no es lo que estoy tratando de hacer pero el punto principal que estoy tratando de probar China es con la comunidad correcta con la cantidad de interacción, la cantidad muestra la cantidad de exposición , inevitablemente y es inevitable hacerse más grande, así es como funciona, es la Ley de Atracción y vamos a demostrar la Ley de Atracción aquí en Trebadosh, así que abróchense el cinturón muchachos, va a ser un viaje difícil, pero las personas que sobrevivan serán bien recompensadas . Hola, está bien Leo, ¿cómo esperas que esto duerma ahora después de todo esto ? para mantenerse despierto, quiero que permanezca despierto hasta que tengamos como 2 mil millones de capitalizaciones de mercado, descúbrelo, anímate . s hermano gracias gracias Estoy abierto a las preguntas muchachos si alguien tiene algo que quieren transmitir de esta manera disculpe sí qué pasa techo y sonabas como techo por un segundo No me estaba mirando a mí mismo, solo Acabo de despertarme de eso ahora, es por eso que todos sabemos qué tan grande puede ser su mercado para llegar a las personas de diferentes maneras, sí, algunas personas se emocionan mucho, algunas personas pierden el enfoque y algunas personas simplemente corren para tomar decisiones y al final descubren que estaban no son las más lógicas mm-hmm, ¿puedes pasar unos minutos para recordarnos cómo mantenernos enfocados con precisión porque a veces, hace unas semanas, pensamos que estamos tomando las decisiones más lógicas y luego algunos de nosotros dudamos un poco al respecto? ¿Qué estoy haciendo? ¿Estoy haciendo eso? Pienso o no y sabes de lo que estoy hablando sobre estos minutos de autocuestionamiento que aparecen en nuestra mente . que tuviste fue como la gente trata con el oso mercado y cómo es diferente para todos, así que déjame asegurarme de que esta persona no importa si está aquí o no. No voy a nombrarlos, um, uno de los miembros de nuestra comunidad . No dejaba de llamarme y decir: por favor, necesito hablar, por favor, ¿podemos hablar y, sabes, estaba hablando con él por DMS, pero él realmente quería hablar conmigo, así que me envió una grabación de voz y pude sentir el dolor en su voz este chico, él realmente quería hablar algo realmente lo estaba molestando, así que hice algo de tiempo para él y entré en la llamada con él, así que entré en la llamada con él y él continuó para contarme sobre todo lo que hizo en el pasado, como tres o dos meses, que lo destrozó por completo y... quiero decir, espero que esté escuchando porque si eres un hombre que escucha, sabes que espero poder ayudarte y espero Pude darte un consejo que cambió las cosas para ti, pero la conversión La estación fue un poco así. Recojo hey, ¿cómo estás? Escuché tu voz Escuché tu mensaje de voz um, ¿cómo podría ayudar? Quiero decir, definitivamente estoy aquí para tratar de ayudarte, así que la conversación fue un poco así . y me dijo que dijo oye, me subí a Robin Hood, ustedes saben lo que es Robin Hood, es como una cosa de comercio de acciones, él es como, me subí a Robin Hood , invertí cada dólar que pude invertir en cosas aleatorias que no sabía. cualquier cosa e inmediatamente ya estaba allí, estaba como sacudiendo la cabeza porque sabía a dónde iba esto, así que este tipo compró todo tipo de cosas al azar que eran solo, ya sabes, de manera realista, solo bombeando vertederos en Robinhood e inmediatamente perdió mucho dinero, cierto , mucho dinero y vendió todo y luego lo volvió a comprar y luego lo vendió de nuevo a un precio más bajo y luego comenzó a bombear de nuevo y lo compró de nuevo y lo vendió de nuevo a un precio más bajo hasta que finalmente consiguió absolutamente destrozado y todavía tiene un Shiba Doge regresó y está tratando de declararse en bancarrota ahora y está preocupado de que usted sepa que el gobierno encontrará su tira de bolsa Doge y su criptografía y esto y aquello, así que eso es lo que realmente le preocupaba y yo como que tenía hacer una pausa por un segundo y decirle a este tipo como hermano, tú, tú, lo seguiste en todo, no en una cosa en la que te caíste, como en otras cuatro cosas diferentes, y toda la razón por la que lo hiciste fue porque tenías emociones involucradas y estabas sobre apalancado. tú mismo te pusiste tú sabes que estaba hablando por teléfono diciéndome que tiene tres hijos y tiene um sabes que está perdiendo todo perdió su casa perdió todo esto basado en la decisión así que le dije cuál era tu punto él dice: oh, estaba invirtiendo, intenté ganar dinero , estaba tratando de hacer esto, estaba tratando de hacer eso y dije cómo esperas hacer eso si entraste y saliste de tus operaciones en uno o dos días dias o tres dias dije que no eras inves pensando en lo que realmente estabas haciendo, él es como si estuviera apostando, así que dije exactamente ahora que has aceptado que estabas apostando, tienes que ser capaz de, um, sabes, aceptarte a ti mismo que fue un error que cometiste obviamente. Le di el consejo que dije que debe amar lo que compra, no importa si sube 10 o baja 10 en ese día si ama lo que compra y sabe cuál es su plan para el futuro de eso. vas a aguantar y vas a seguir el plan y vas a apoyar a la empresa vas a apoyar el proyecto de cualquier manera que puedas para asegurarte de que sabes que puedes alcanzar tu meta porque al final of the day if you own an asset that belongs to a company or that belongs to a crypto project or nft or whatever and you're not supporting it then what are you doing you get what I'm saying like why wouldn't you support your own bag why wouldn't you support your own uh investment so that's something that a lot of people don't do is they'll buy something and they'll leave it on the side and let everybody else do the work yeah that's fine that works sometimes but if you're not out there and uh you're not out there supporting what you invested into then like why why invest in the first place so you have to fall in love with what you're investing in right um second part of the question uh Fahad uh sorry I lost track what was the other part of the question that you need that you needed me to answer some people just some people just get these second thought moment about all the decision I took yeah yeah right so I know exactly how that feels um and the Learning lesson for me is don't ever double think yourself if if you sit and make a decision it shouldn't be a spontaneous decision it should always be something that you've put a little bit of effort into uh coming up with a uh the reason to make that decision and once you're able to justify why you want to do that and what your plan is going in and what your plan is going to be long term or even short term then you make that decision and double guessing yourself is one of the worst things you could possibly do because let me tell you why if I double guessed myself when I when I took profits on Sheba I would have hated myself right even though I made a ridiculous amount of money on Sheba if I still held Six Days Seven Days more five days more whatever I would have made 80 90 more on my profits which is Big right but if I thought about that every day it would drive me nuts that that's so it's not even just about the profit it's just about you as a person having that self uh awareness and the power to be able to not double think yourself and if you get what I'm saying like you need to understand as a person that the decisions that you make are Justified and the decisions that you make are decisions that you've put Research into if you haven't put enough Research into it and you haven't um made up your mind on the decision that you're making whether it's a win or lose decision you're gonna double think yourself and if once you start double thinking yourself that's when you already lost because then you're just gonna be double thinking that that's going to lead into you double thinking yourself on 10 other things and then that's that's just where your entire confidence and your entire self-esteem flies right out the window and and you're just part of a statistic at that point there are people who have a head on their shoulders and make the right business decisions or they make the right uh investment decisions based off of things that they're not emotional about and there are the other half of people who just follow into things left and right and then like you say have that uh double thinking feeling happens so very important to make sure you guys are confident in what you're getting yourselves into so that you don't have to sit there and and worry about um you know having to make decisions like that so that's in anything that's in that's in here that's in life that's in buying a car that's in buying a house that's in anything right so to take that with a grain of salt but apply it to every every part of your life and then you will find success foreign once you get it if it doesn't go through some Road pumps and personally I hate people who give up easily I hate people who question themselves from the first critical moment I always believe people who stick to their beliefs if they made the decision in life and investment in marriage and whatsoever they stick to it and they go through the good and the bad things and until they till they enjoy the final feeling upon success because they made that decision based on a very logical analysis at the beginning easy easy as that man you just have to you have to take your your wins as a as a strong individual and you also have to take your elves as a strong individual that's it once you start breaking that uh that self-esteem that you have built for yourself that's when things will start spiraling down you know Road bumps will happen look at Tesla for example Tesla was one week away from going bankrupt if if one little extra thing went wrong in that process we might have not you know had Tesla today so you know it's always about persistency and it's always about not double thinking yourself if Elon Musk double double think his decisions and he was one week away from bankruptcy he could have very easily took a very bad deal to save himself but he didn't because he knew what he knew what he wanted he knew what his goal was and he knew how he was going to achieve it so you know obviously I'm not on his level and I don't think anybody in here is on the same same level as Elon Finance actually or even responsibility wise but even if we could take that and scale it down to our everyday um decisions you know that mentality scale it down to our everyday decisions no matter how big or how small we we will see great success because persistency is key man persistency is ke y it's not about doing it once you know if you want to become a master at something you don't just do it once and why is there a reason that people aren't a master at everything is because some people just do it once or twice and give up but the people who stick to it and do that same same whatever the hell they're doing a million times or ten thousand times they become great at it and they become successful at it so you know that's that's the thing it's about being persistent and it's about being consistent so don't doubt yourself man that's great man can you hear me oh yeah yeah I hear you I hear you yeah so um what would you say about Unity because we're about Unity right there's some members that have mentioned that there's all these projects coming out polite like why can't they just drop you in our main chat or just talk about it whenever they want to you know like we're about Unity at the end of the day right that's what they say what would you say to that yeah so we are about U nity but our chat is is specifically a Shiva Doge bird and and Shiba does nft chat this is we're not a call Channel and we're not a shill channel either so um everyone's free to talk about whatever they want to talk about but you know we we don't want you Shilling anybody anything else not even Sheba not even those you get what I'm saying is because we have to respect what we're putting what the work that we're putting in as a community and as devs to create this community that we have and no one's telling people to um make any decisions based off anything it's just respect the uh the chat for what it is and we are a Unity uh project which we will be doing another Unity event which I'll be announcing on Thursday it's going to involve 16 of the biggest projects in space now at the end of the day Unity can stand for many different things right unity in my opinion has to do with things that are established and want to be on the same page as a as a whole and a lot of these projects that we 're going to be uh collaborate not collaborating with but uh including into the the unity event that we're we're um going to announce on Thursday you know everyone is pretty much on the same page and and pretty much is established and has been around for at least more more than a year at this point you know so these are all established people these are all people who are safe havens in space we definitely could bring on 20 30 40 50 other projects if we wanted to but that's not the point the point is to uh highlight the people who have created something that has changed the world in defy and has made an impact in the space that we're in so you know I don't mind when people talk about other projects I actually like it and I actually uh learned a lot too when people mentioned something I look into it here and there and maybe I can learn a thing or two but you know we're not a call Channel and we're not a we're not aa gambling Channel either for people to be you know shouting things out le ft and right um because we feel responsible if if anybody uh you know runs into any trouble so you know if you guys want to talk about other stuff feel free to feel free to DM each other and talk about whatever you guys want to talk about but you know in the in the main chat let's just keep it simple let's keep it professional let's keep it cheap at those related because you know we do have thousands of people who skim through the chat on a daily basis and you know they're they're here for one reasons to to be a part of the shiba Dosh community in order for you guys to say it's okay you gotta you're gonna have to check it right spend time checking it bro II wouldn't at this point I wouldn't be able to say any project is okay other than our project because II know what's going on with our project even even with Shiba I could wake up tomorrow and sheba could be absolutely rugged and sheba was pretty much absolutely rugged at one point by vitalik out of all people you know so it's like no I don't know what's safe I know we're safe because I know that we're safe but everybody else I can't speak on anybody I can't speak on like look at look at people like not to bag on any any project or anything like that because they have nothing but respect for people who are trying to build into space but you know look at look at people like kishu six billion dollar market cap look at them now look at people like satama three billion dollar market cap look at them now like you can't predict none of this right what's gonna happen is going to happen recoveries happen downfalls happen uh surges happened at the end of the day it's all a numbers game and you just gotta be placed in the right place at the right time or someplace sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time wrong time but the best way to to navigate through that is to actually do research and you can't do research on things that are one day old you get what I'm saying so at that point it's it's gambling so uh obvio usly we're we're approaching our one year anniversary we've we've made a uh stride as to what we are what we stand for who we represent what we represent where we came from where we want to be so you know there's a lot of content out there for people to be able to do their own research on Shiba Doge unburn on the nfts and there's a lot more content being made and produced right now as we speak we're making sure that it's a place a safe haven where people can actually do their own research get information that they need come into the chats and find relevant information related to the project and relate it to everything else that that we got going on um and you get what I'm saying if you guys wanna if you guys want to play around and and uh turn it into a call Channel go somewhere else but we're not going to turn this this chat into a call Channel bro right right but like you know the the like for example you partnered with uh shinja for the event obviously you you know you checked that he wasn't a rug or anything like that like you trust them right isn't that why you partnered with them well we partnered with them because they were on the same page as we were as to what what wanted to happen in the space right right um they were actually a leading project in the space they they were about at a billion dollars in market cap at their High um so obviously they solidified themselves they were much bigger than we were at some point obviously we had some one-on-one conversations with their their development team and their marketing team and everything else so yeah we were able to make sure that it's not just some random people behind a random project obviously you know we still never told anyone hey go buy Shinju or hey go by this or that or whatever we've never done that and we never will do that but you know the people that we choose to work with are people who are like-minded in the space that actually want you know to build on the space succeed into space and actually have a uh sort of Love connection with their Community because that's what matters to us is being able to make sure that they could connect to their Community just the same way that we want to connect with our community so you know that's what we look for when we're making those type of Partnerships which we haven't really done much of because we don't want to do much of because like I say um Unity is great and unity is bringing the whole broader experience of people together but those types of Partnerships in a sense I feel like I feel like we don't know what to expect because let's say if we if we had made a partnership with with kishu at six billion dollars and then they you know went down to whatever market cap they're at now people would be like oh look kishu got rugged or this or that that's not the case man that's not how that works it's it's there's a lot more that goes into it than just that which is those are the people who don't understand because they're driving just based off fomo and they're buying at those crazy all-time highs when they're not looking for those right entry points and you know it just it that's just the name of the game and that's that's something that you can never change Ben I mean you could try to teach it but that's something that you can never change yep [Music] yeah man bro listen like I want everybody to succeed no matter what they're doing and no matter what what space they're in and no matter what they what they do the only the only wish that I have is for people to do it uh honestly and for people to do it correctly because there are no shortcuts in success absolutely not and if you do find the shortcut and success it will come back and bite you in your butt so it's all about taking the time to do things right and taking the time to to to do things properly and you know people will succeed no matter what they do so that that's what I respect and that's that's the whole part of unity is everybody being together on the same pag e doing things correctly and honestly and uh with a good heart because you know once you get any kind of greed and once you get any kind of bad intentions involved then everything falls apart so that's a No-No and I mean I'm not I'm not calling anybody out or doing anything I'm just saying like that's that's what we support we support good-hearted people we support people who are like-minded in the space and want the space of web 3 and blockchain to thrive and that's it every everybody who who was on that same page is welcome to be uh you know friends with us that that's literally it right right and I like all the people you guys have partnered with you know they've been good projects in my opinion yeah we try to make sure to pick good projects man you know and and even if we don't pick a good project that that that would mean that they were a good project at the time and we were deceived you get what I'm saying that's why we don't do these every week and we do them very rarely but we make sure to do quality over quantity foreign thing just on mute come up and speak syes sir sir I have a doubt so if I go to a Quantum medical CAP or coin gecko there is no I'm not showing anything like uh the the rate and uh the prices and the market cap they are not showing anything so I have a doubt what is the highest Market we ever been before so our highest our highest market cap was about 250 million it might have been like 256 257 million dollars at our all-time high back in January or early February okay okay that's not okay thank you so much for yeah of course man no problem yeah and you can find anyone can uh one more thing I think they are not showing anything in a convention you I think you need to fix it up because a lot of people have dots according to that if they come to that page they will not pay the rate and they mean they a lot of people get doubt right so that's right let me check it real quick so I thought we were good there for now it looks like we're back on o n coin market cap but yeah I mean we they're they're slowly fixing it we had put in the ticket um a few weeks back and you know it's taken them a little bit of time to get to us but they're getting it taken care of so it should be fixed pretty soon um that's on coin market cap side uh I'll have to check with coin Gecko and see what kind of updates we see on that end but yeah we're on top of it bro thank you for pointing it out sure and sure one more thing I just want to ask you sir sure are you planning any migration or something because if I because I am a little busy guy if I do invest I will not going to open my wallet till six months like that if you are planning to migrate so let me know a lot of people they are you know there's a lot of reply right a lot of Supply is there so a lot of lot of project it will get migrate because they want to decrease their supply so yeah no um we're not yeah we're not gonna We're Not Gonna migrate anything so yeah thank you for so you don't have to worry about that yeah for sure man so um what would you say to the project uh the pumping hard all of a sudden you know like they will release the about four or five days ago for example and then there's pumping hard and people like look at this this is going crazy what's going on what would you say to that that's that's the that's that's the space of defy bro that's the beautiful part of D5 that's that's what happens and you you just you can't stop it that's why people love the space so much just because anything can pop and anything can can go go wild then that's the thing but then you look back at the statistics and it's like you know not a lot of projects make it so so it's you know that that's why a lot of people make a lot of money in D5 and a lot of people also lose a lot of money on D5 it's just about the decisions that you make so you know the I if you go to next tools every single day you go to top gainers you'll see people who are gaining you know a 99 000 in a day thousand percent in a day 500 in a day it's just that's gonna happen today that's gonna happen tomorrow that's gonna happen for years to come it's just that's that's the game it's it's about how how they scale it and how they maintain it and how they keep keep that so you know that's the that's where it gets hard and that's where it gets challenging for a lot of people because anybody could put a project out there a 13 year old could put a project out there with very little crypto knowledge but it's is it going to be a good project who knows is it going to be something that he's going to be able to maintain who knows but the part of the matter is there's you know people who treat it like aa not a business but like a passion and then there's people who want to do it just because they want to do it and make a couple bucks here and there and then you know that that that's the two there's no in between that that's that's what we see in the space and referring to my earlier statistic you know 9.8 o ut of 10 projects that have been launched on uni swap you could look this up I'm not making this up 9.8 out of 10 projects launched on uni swap have been rugs so you know it's it's a very small percentage of people who actually stay dedicated and last for however long they decide to less so but yeah man I mean you see green candles all day in D5 that's that's the beauty of D5 yeah but what I've noticed is the green candles come down quite quick uh well you know a couple of days yeah the the faster they go up the as fast as they could go up that's how fast they could go down man that's just you know we even we even experienced that too you know when when Shiba does first launched like uh you know we went from one mill to two mil back to one mill and then it's about the people who are able to actually turn it into something and have a plan coming in rather than the people who just uh want to you know do it for the reasons just to do it so obviously from day one I'm sure a lot of people h ave been here for a very long time but since day one we've always laid down laid out what we're doing what we want to do what we want to achieve where we want to be uh what our you know yearly goals are and and how we want to achieve it obviously um my goal was 50k holders by the end of this year um doesn't look like we're gonna meet that goal but we got pretty damn close and we we made a really good effort to do so right we're sitting at uh over 26 000 holders uh in under a year and that's uh that's a feat of its own that's massive you don't see that every day you don't see that every year you know that's just uh the power of being able to uh manifest your your passion and put your Blood Sweat and Tears into what you're doing and people will recognize you know that that that's the difference so the the effort will always Outlast the the attempt the effort is always what matters and and our efforts haven't haven't decreased they've only increased and we've only made bigger decisions as we grew and we've only uh wanted to put ourselves into better positions as as the project grows too so you know the future is definitely bright for Shiba Doge as far as developments in this as far as utility and as far as community so I mean we're only 10 months old man so the things that we were able to achieve the things that we were able to achieve in such a short period of time you know uh sometimes I feel very um desensitized to it because II live in it every single day so you know some days I'll feel down like oh hey we got to start doing something big but then I'll look back at the bigger picture and I'll zoom out and I'll be like okay you know what we actually made history with a lot of things that we've done so um that helps me motivate myself back into knowing that we're on the right track and and the things that we've done this year are nothing compared to what we're going to be doing next year and then the things that we do the year after that are going to be nothing compa red to the things that we've done to the year prior so that's the beautiful part of what we want out of this project is we just want to continuously keep developing growing progressing and becoming a better version of ourselves every single year and you know the people who are along for the right are going to be along for the ride and the people who decide to not wear their seatbelt might fall off so you know nobody said that nobody said the the road to where we're going is going to be a smooth ride it's going to be a bumpy ride and just like anything else it's if you can Outlast the ride you can you you can get to your destination whether our destination can be here in a year or in a month who knows everyone's destination is different everyone's getting off at a different stop but I'm gonna ride this this this train to the very end and right I mean there are people who will be riding with me as well and there are people who who will get off at the next stop so that's just how that's j ust how the world Works bro yeah a couple of weeks ago one guy um like she sent me three projects that he put money into right and then um like I don't know why he just sends me these textual links they buy this buy this and I just II don't say anything I'll just go to you and just go and have a look at it here you know and I checked it the other day and I saw all three of them got rocked all three of them that he gave me the liquidity was literally drained you know like that statistic doesn't lie bro I'm telling you I didn't make that statistic up II that statistic is no you guys could Google it 97.7 of all projects launched on unislap have been rugged which is it's mind-blowing to me man like that that sucks bro it honestly sucks because that means a lot of people got wrecked oh yeah so you know it's it's still the Wild Wild West out here for people what's up Desean hey man um II have a question how you how do you how how do you know when it's being a rug pool like I'm like I said I' m still learning so so how do you know when the whirlpool man that's such a hard question bro uh so a lot of these a lot of these devs like that do these rug pulls man it's all making it disguised as not a rug pull right because obviously No One's Gonna buy a rug so it's hard man it's it's it's it's really hard to to explain there's multiple different ways it's just you got to look at the fundamentals you got to be able to do your own research if there isn't enough information on the table you should always question it if there isn't enough background on on um you know anything you should question it uh obviously some of those things that don't have background and don't have much information are just because they're new projects and um they may not be rugs I'm not calling every project the rug but um you it's always best to be able to do as much research as you possibly can to be able to identify those because it's very hard to identify them nowadays man you go on you know live new pai rs and you'll see 10 different things being launched every hour or every minute depending on the the time of day and you know good luck trying to figure out which one one's a rug and which one's not so you know try to try to make sure to get into projects that that have been talked about for a long time uh with you know even influencers talk about these projects even um people raise money and raise Capital to get these projects up and running and going so that you know there are a lot of good projects that come to life that people can actually do some background research on before they're even launched so you know those are some key things to look out for um but other than that man it it it's really it's really hard to be able to point one out because they all look alike they all look the same and and they all have you know the same intentions in a way you're just not able to identify that until it's too late so that's why a lot of people play uh chicken and they say like oh who could sell first so so you know there's a game of chicken is like who could hold their bag you know the longest without it getting rugged so that's that that's just the Wild Wild West man because I know II noticed how um when she would dogs have pear and so mommy still learning so I look at I look at other projects in it and I only just see not one pair I just see that they just um I guess the units I guess uniswap is uh considered a pair uh correct me if I'm wrong um well so so so they would have to be paired no matter what for it to be live on uni swap in a sense because well you could be live without a pair but you wouldn't be nobody would be able to buy anything because there is nothing paired with it right you get what I'm saying right so it's it's like if if Shiba does weren't paired with anything you wouldn't be able to use anything to buy it because there would be nothing paired with it but we're shared we're repaired with eth so you can use East to get Shiba Doge so technically ever ything on uni swap that's live and has a liquidity pool is paired with something okay okay yeah I'm just learning listening learning yeah man perfect bro I love these questions because you know it just shows that people are showing interest in in some of the things that we're talking about and trying to learn in the space yeah yeah because I because I have I had got a boss of mother um uh coins from different other projects but I noticed that I when I see that it wasn't paired I'm like okay I'm pretty much screwed because I don't know is it gonna be paired up with uh pancake swipe or you know what I'm saying or anything like that so as of now is only there's only two coins but like I said I'm learning as I go though so that's why I actually yeah man yeah a lot of times bro the best advice I could give you is don't try to be the first investor you know in a project obviously it's sometimes it pays to be be early but a lot of times it it saves to actually um stick around and hang out in the background and watch how things unfold before you you know put put yourself into a situation that you're gonna be double thinking yourself just like how we were talking about double thinking a little bit earlier so it's always best to to be able to make a sure decision rather than make a risky decision but you you know life is always about risk too so I can't tell you what to do and what not to do I could just you know advise you to to make sure you try to make the best decisions for yourself oh yeah for sure I mean like I said I'm not saying I you know I I say it like yeah of course I'm me I'm gonna be honest yeah I want to be the first one to to get in on the projects it's like I missed I missed I missed the opportunity for Doge and I missed opportunities for [ __ ] even though I'm holding both but during that time I did you know I didn't know at the time so and so now it's like okay when is it going to be another perfect time to where I can be able to get in on opportunity where it starts early right right yeah man I mean you you're making that a possibility for yourself by being involved in in discussions like this because you know there are people who are not involved in discussions like this and people who are not searching the web for the things that you you and other people who are in this chat are searching the webs for so you know you're putting yourself already an opportunity to find that next gym to be a part of that next Gem and and to be you know involved with that next life-changing thing whether it's here whether it's somewhere else it doesn't matter the the important thing is that um that that you guys are are in the space now you get what I'm saying so the people who made it in Shiva the people who made it in those were people who were already in the space before it happened not the people who joined after it happened right so that that's the whole thing is you know you miss Sheba you miss Doge that sucks you weren't you weren't a part of it bu t you know the whole point of Shiba though just to try to recreate that whole scenario again and try to recreate that that that that that amazing uh uh upbringing that happened in in both of those tokens that we were we were so heavily a part of and we're still currently so heavily a part of you know um Dogecoin traded sideways for what six months since May since April it was like trading sideways and then just all of a sudden one weekend you fall asleep you open your eyes and it's up 130 so you know that that just the power of the space that's the power of patience That's The Power of uh of community because doshkoin has a crazy Community back in them probably the craziest Community even crazier than Shiba it's just they're not outspoken like the Sheba Community was and is because uh there really isn't the place where for Doge people to come together which is you know one of our attempts with with creating this chat room was to bring those people in um but that I guess you know they r eally don't want to they really don't even want to chat about it they're one of those those uh silent investors or something because even myself being a Dogecoin whale I can't find the proper community need to go in and talk to other you know like-minded people like-minded investors who who are uh investors in in Dogecoin you know obviously there are some Reddit forums and there are some other forums that that are OG stuff but you know uh they're not as active as you would think they are right so okay I got one more question and then anyway I'll be it um have you um thought about uh when it comes to um with the project of having a video game Yeah man so we've thought about that yeah we've we've thought about video games and and We Know video game is something that we 100 want to do in the future um it's just a question of doing it right and and not doing like a crappy half-assed video game like a lot of other people do that that just you know we don't want to create something just for the hype you know because we could create something stupid and make like a really really nice like hype about it and hype around it and and call it a the shiba doji video game and then release it and everybody's like what is this crap right so um it doesn't take uh a little bit of effort to create a video game that's good you get it takes a little bit of uh decent effort Shiba just came out with their video game and and I love it I forgot what it's called I have it on my phone here hold on I'll tell you right now so it's like a card game and I tried it out and I liked it man I thought it was cool I thought it was engaging but you know what even even with that II think I mean the game I mean we played but the thing is it's set up it's the way how it's set up it's either whoever go first going to win versus whoever you want to lose no no that's not true well I'm about to replay it again yeah that's not true man that's a strategy game bro it's a strategy game and it has a little bit of RN G a little bit of luck Incorporated with it as well too it's a card game and um yeah yeah no I've had my fair share of wins in my fair share of losses I've spent a couple hours playing it II thought I was pretty good at it too at one point so I mean you know but the point is that they made a good game you know they made a game that people enjoyed playing and people still play today and have fun playing and that the thing is there isn't any um there isn't any Shilling involved right and the reason why they did that is because like Shiva eternity when it came out it was number two or number three on the entire Apple App Store for like a week straight and imagine the amount of imagine the amount of exposure you get just from that you know you don't always have to create something that's a shill you don't always have to create something that's a direct finger pointed at the project a lot of times it's better to actually create something that's a valuable product something that can actually bring a lot of use to a lot of people um whether it's on web3 or whether it's on web 2 or whatever but something that people can actually get into and then slowly they will actually look into it and be like hey okay this was brought to you by Shiba Dozier this was brought to you by shimadosh labs and and whatnot so that's the whole point moving forward is to be able to continue to bring valuable products and and honestly you know we're inspired by the people who are doing right uh in the space and doing things that um are a little bit different and are unique because we just get inspired by it man we want to make sure that we can bring value to you people whether you know in whatever form it is whether it's knowledge or whether it's you know utility or whatever but we want to be able to make sure that we stay ahead of that curve because someone but he once told me a dollar you can make money but a dollar only spends once but if you make knowledge and you gain knowledge that you can mo netize that for an eternity so um we want to be able to to somehow provide both right so um the the mission is strong and and the the drive that we have to continue moving forward and progressing as a project and as a company and as a as a community is is stronger than ever um so anybody who who is a supporter honestly gets it and people who who attend these amas they know what we're talking about and and II I kind of repeat myself a lot because we get a lot of new people in in these amas and we get a lot of new listeners on on YouTube um listening to these amas so I always try to make sure to touch up on the key points and the things that are true to us and the things that really matter to us as a community and as a project um and you know I don't mean to sound like a broken record but sometimes II do it purposely to to make sure the point is uh understood across the board right right I agree I agree all right I'm thinking I'm I'm done with my question no thank you bro I appreciate yo u coming up man you had a you had a solid set of questions bro and and I'm happy you you've been you've been uh joining these amas pretty frequently man so hopefully you're able to learn a thing or two every now and then so you know if we're able to help you even once so oh yeah for sure for sure have a good day bro that's great can you hear me yeah yeah we hear you loud and clear they also I mean some of these projects that the three projects that robed in um he showed luckily liquidity renounced contract that's what he was basing you upon saying that look bro it's locked liquidity it's a renowned contract and I go and I was like okay man whatever have you on man do what you got to do um she old she were those man you know like I need to buy more nfts bro you know yeah bro and think about it like this roof it's not even about like if somebody shows you a good project and you look into it and you think it's a good project too you're not this isn't the cult bro this isn't we're not lock ing nobody in here and saying don't don't support any other project no man I that's that's that's absolutely not what we're doing it's just you got to always be able to make that decision yourself and we can't make that decision for you I can't make that decision for you and and I don't want I don't want the rest of our chat to be making that those decisions for people either because like I said we're not a call Channel but um you know you made a good point a lot of these people are are pointing to the facts and and they're they're going to the three key things so they're like oh liquidity is locked oh um whatever else is renounced and and the dev is docs or whatever it doesn't matter bro it doesn't matter if people are in there starting it for a rep for the wrong um intentions and they know from the start that they want to rug it they're gonna that there is something in there that is going to maybe it's a line of code maybe it's a hidden wallet maybe it's something in there that that is going to absolutely wreck people and they don't they just don't see it coming but like I said it's very hard to point those projects out and it's very hard to see what those projects are because nobody wants to nobody wants to launch their project and make it make it seem like it's a rug you know so that that's why it's still the Wild Wild West out here but that's why that statistic of 9.7 9.8 out of 10 projects that launch on uni swap our rugs it's sad truth man and it makes me feel bad because that means 98 of people who invested in these projects got absolutely wrecked and and who's benefiting from that the people who are benefiting from that are the the people with bad intentions that are out there driving Lambos and Ferraris showing off saying that there's some crypto Geniuses just because they rip some people off online that's not the point that's not the point of blockchain that's not the point of crypto and it really angers me you know when I see things like that so ever jus t be safe everybody just be able to do your own research there are a lot of great projects out there a ton there's a ton of great projects you know don't try to always be the get into the most dgn thing I mean you could and you might be able to see some success but that's not a decision for me to make I could just let you guys know that statistically you're probably Gonna Get Wrecked you know making sure you guys are doing what you're saying gonna do I didn't put no money in I was just like yeah bro and I don't blame you I don't blame I don't blame anybody because it would take a lot of risk and a lot of balls for people to to jump in on the project that's one day old even our project there wasn't a lot to do research on when we first came out so the people who were the the early adopters the the first day buyers I mean I mean yeah those were the those were the people who were just gambling on on DJ and stuff like let's just be honest but uh you know the the they stuck around because t hey they knew that you know we're not one of those statistical projects we're actually different we're actually unique we actually have a vision we actually want to grow we actually want to be a worldwide name and we want to we want to be ideally someday one day the biggest meme coin in our genre so you know it's all about it's all about your the path that you're taking not how you get there and we we know that it's going to be a long road ahead and I mean the people who are sticking around some of them are from day one and they change their whole perspective on how they they look at D5 and some of them are still you know the same people that they were back then which is fine I mean their success success comes in many shapes uh and and forms you know there isn't one specific way to be successful everyone finds success in their own way and you can never you can never hate on people I personally got rugged a million times too when I was first experimenting in this space I lost almost all of my my savings on my first uh um investment in bitconnect when I first discovered crypto you know what I'm saying it I could have I could have very easily said cryptos a scam forever and never never return to the place and if I if I did that I would never have been uh as successful as I was in in Shiva and those you know so uh rugs happen man it's a part the space and it's unfortunate but hopefully as you know the space matures and people catch on to these things they'll be able to navigate their way you know much smoother in in the space of web 3. in that project listen to the developers follow me for a couple of weeks and then I'll put my dollar you know up a small amount I'm not gonna even put a bigger Mountain I'm gonna put a small amount and continually watch the project and follow the project and like for example when I first came in here you guys said oh we're going to go on this new exchange called upbeat I remember you guys and I was like okay I'm gonna wait until they get into that you know let's see if they really do it because there could be just [ __ ] you know like that's what my thought mentality was at the time you know yeah man and I can't blame you I can't blame you because you know statistically you have to be that careful you know if 98 of the projects are are deceiving people you know as as good as good of Hearts though as we have and as big of a community as we built from day one the people looking at our project on day one wouldn't be able to differentiate us from any of those other projects because there was not enough detail to do research on and you can't blame anybody for that you know yeah but that's fine man yeah that's the game that's and that's how it's played research man research is King man research is king that's the only thing that's the only thing that can help you sleep good at night based off your decisions if you know if I if I don't look at my bank account for example right if I don't look at my bank account but I decide t o go on the spending spree and I spend every dollar in there without knowing because I knew I have a lot of money in my bank account but then after my spending spree is done I look at it and I'm broke I'm gonna regret doing that right but if I look at my bank account and know I have ten thousand dollars in there for example I'm not going to go and spend twelve thousand dollars yeah so you know research comes in many different ways and shapes and forms too and uh you just got to be able to make sure that you're trying to get into something that's safe right that's all that matters so yeah I mean there's nothing wrong with taking risks too man I took a huge risk when I when I bought bitconnect and I got I got absolutely I got absolutely smashed but um you know if it turned out differently and bitconnect wasn't a scam uh I might have been extremely rich just based off that one investment you know so you know risk is a part of of the game too and that that's just something people have to a ccount for when they're making their decisions so you know a combination of of luck a combination of risk and a combination of research is is a is a cocktail for uh success in my opinion but you know research is always outweighs uh the the the other two things I mentioned yeah yeah yeah I mean like the like that's straight up to me is gambling you know like if a Project's just launched and I just jump into it that would be me taking a high risk you know but the reward could be very yeah it's a gamble yeah yeah it's a gamble but me following a project for a couple of weeks and then putting money into it after doing research I know that project is there's a higher chance of that staying you know like sticking so yeah exactly exactly exactly well people do both ways that's what I do too that's what I do too when I when I invest in something when I buy something I want to make sure that whatever I'm buying is going to be around 10 years from now five years from now three years from now eve n a year from now right I because I don't want to check in on my investment every single hour I don't want to check in on it every single day I just want to make sure that whatever I'm buying I've been able to do enough adequate research on to know that hey I'm I'm happy holding this until whatever amount of time that I've decided in my head that I want to hold it and doing that with the with with things that don't have context is hard so you know context is definitely important yeah and if the if you guys that gave me the confidence by the developers like when I first came it all starts with the leader man it all starts with a leader and what you guys are doing if I don't believe that you guys are capable of doing taking this project to these next levels you know I would not be here bro I'm here with 10 months I've been here every single day I haven't taken one day off you know for 10 months because I believe that you guys are capable of doing everything that you say you're gonna do y ou know and that's what matters I mean to to this point I can I can say that we've pretty much done everything that we've said we're gonna do and and we're gonna continue doing everything that we say we're going to do we never over promised we always over deliver wherever we can right but we'll we'll never promise anything that we're we're uh not sure we can achieve um we'll work on those type of things in the background and if we're able to do them we will do them and surprise you guys with it but you know that's one thing that I learned is to never over promise because that's when things get uh choppy and you know um you just don't want to look bad in front of other people when when you're not able to deliver on something that you promise on so um we never promise anything that we can't deliver man never yeah and um and and yeah and and the thing is we've uh as a team that we're we're very experienced in being able to scale things so you know we're just looking at this as as another scalable scalable thing that's something that we've done a hundred times uh over again right in business in the real world in in web 2 and web one in our Real Worlds we've been able to build businesses and scale them and and you know turn them into massive things so it's like this is the same concept except it's it's digital it's on blockchain it's on web3 so you know we I could confidently say we have the experience to to to give this the best shot that we possibly can yeah and I couldn't imagine what the market picks up you guys are I just can't imagine what you're gonna do you know I just you guys are gonna go crazy I know yeah it's a it's not you guys bro it's us it's we as a community as a group of people as as a group of Believers and as a as a group of people who actually just want to see success for everybody yeah that's the whole point of Shiva though just so everybody can make it everybody can feel that uh that feeling that they missed out on with Shiba with those and you kno w that's never changed and that that won't change and II really really really want to be able to achieve that I really really want to be able to give that feeling to people especially you know all these people that are in here right now because you guys deserve it more than anybody so I mean everybody that we've made connections with and anybody in that we've made uh friends with or uh just talk with on a weekly basis daily basis everybody here deserves to to win man everybody needs that win you know some people might consider 10 grand to win some people might consider 100 Grand to win but I want that I want to give people that big win the life-changing win man and you know whether we're able to do that or not whether we're able to do that or now we're going to give it our best absolute shot and and give it out however long it takes so you know we we know that we're persistent and we know we're consistent and capable enough to give it a run for its money and we're going to attempt ever ything that we can to do so while you guys are doing everything right man you know you're not you know there's some developers out there that are doing things wrong you know in my opinion going in the wrong direction you know you guys are doing everything in going in the right direction You're Building like a video team that you bought out that is great for the project I mean excellent you know like the passive income from the staking like that's great you know like literally we're making money in a bear Market the reflections were going from the tokens I mean everything is kind of already rewarding the community you know which is uh a lot of projects I can't say the same thing yeah man yeah I mean you know let's not discredit a lot of other projects because you know there are a lot of great projects out there roof it it just I like to focus on our project and how unique we are because if I start focusing on everything else out there I you know II just can't because I have so much on m y plate and so much that we need to get done in our Circle in our group and our our uh community that uh you know there are other other projects there are other companies there are other there's always others but that you know you can't you can't go out there and choose them easily it's just something that comes down your lap and you know you take everything with a grain of salt so you know Kudos and shout out to all the all the people out there who are doing great things in the space and all the people who are looking out for their communities and looking out for um making this uh the future you know shout out to everybody who's on that page but you know nothing is going to derail us from from our task and the the mission that we have at hand talking about our project key on how to how we need to focus let me just ask you um since most of people are wrong what do you expect from us when it comes to tomorrow's AMA to have the maximum exposure and the best exposure possible so so I'm no t going to expect much you guys will see what what I'm going to be expecting it's going to be very simple it's going to be very easy for everyone to be able to do maybe just to be a click of a button for for most people um the AMA is not going to be tomorrow by the way I think I mentioned it earlier in today's chat but um it's going to be on Thursday it's going to be on Thursday so yeah yeah yeah so so we'll have a little bit of time leading up to that but the unity event that we're going to be pushing forward and that we're going to be announcing it's not going to be a one day event it's going to be actually close to like a few weeks long so there will be a lot of time to adapt and a lot of a lot of time to uh continue pushing um you know more marketing towards it so uh I'm sure we're going to need a lot of help from the community in order for it to be as massive as we want it to be but we're you know we have a whole marketing plan for it and Max is working extremely extremely hard to to get this done and um yeah I think he I think he's involving like a whole bunch of like 40 50 tick tockers a bunch of content creators so it's just gonna be a lot of stuff yeah a little bit amazing and super polished too yeah yeah definitely we're excited man we're excited Leo I got a question what's up bro uh are we um going to try to be accepted in the metaverse as a pay uh co uh token two uh you know because that's that's one of the biggest things that's happening right now you know that's that's going to come on mainstream are we going to be in the middle of that too so yes and no and I'll tell you I'll tell you why yes because when we do actually Implement our our foot into the metaverse and we actually create the shiba Doge world in in the metaverse then you know that's where that whole currency thing will will live where you'll be able to transact with your tokens in the metaverse to like you know buy skins or buy whatever I don't know exactly because we haven't really though t that through just yet but that's just what I'm guessing people are going to be buying with their metaverse uh exactly money right yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah definitely I mean there will be you know options like that moving forward because you know if we create a Shiba Doge world in the metaverse obviously the currency of choice is going to be the token um and we don't want to be left out so yeah exactly man it's always about adapting and doing what what the market wants and what the what the space wants so if the space wants to do that and the space is uh demanding that then best believe that that we will deliver on that end um the no part of it is that um I kind of talked about the metaversal earlier in this call and um II personally don't think the meta version is polished up yet man and I think that metaverse probably still needs another year maybe another year and a half before it's a presentable product decentraland is one of the biggest metaverse platforms out there and the y got less than 40 daily users which is pretty much yeah like Yeah Yeah Yeah man so it's a you know it costs a lot of money to to build stuff in the metaverse costs a lot of money to maintain that stuff but if we're maintaining it for the 40 people who are active you know across you know a few billion dollar platform uh yeah I still and I think I don't say it enough time to roof I think I think two years I think we're it'll be more mainstream I just wanted to just to ask the question to you if we were actually kind of moving towards that too you know I know it's not going to be like tomorrow but you know what I'm saying yeah yeah for sure man yeah I mean like like I said IIII envisioned that that would possibly be a possibility because I mean people are going to want to transact and buy things in the metaverse so why not make the native token treatment to be able to transact with the Sheba Dutch part of the metaverse right so and that money somehow right I mean we are we urge Reflectio ns every day so if we could give people a way to actually reward themselves and spend their Reflections on things that they love in the metaverse and I mean all the power to them no worries thank you I appreciate it yes sir bro thank you appreciate you coming up yeah no he sounds like a solid guy oh me is solid he is like focused he knows what he's doing device I mean sometimes listen to him and listen to him I love what he says you know great that's what we need bro we need people to to share the knowledge people to to talk things that make sense you know sometimes sometimes not everything is uh what you want to hear but sometimes a lot of things are what you have to hear so yeah that we just need Straight Shooters and we need more people who are Straight Shooters and more people who you know don't just tell people what they want to hear only and I know when people come come in here to to listen to me a lot of times uh they maybe leave and disappointed because they might have not hear d what they wanted to hear and they might have not uh they might have expected something crazy to be announced on on any given day and maybe they don't hear it but I don't want you guys to feel disappointed from that because I I just want to let you guys know I'm a straight shooter and I'll tell you guys as it is you know when we have something big we will have something big I will I will share it I will let you guys know when things are in in the background being worked on and things are in progress I'm going to come in here and I'm going to be interactive I'm going to come in here and I'm going to let you guys know that we're not going anywhere and reminding you guys what what path we're taking and what Vision we're on and why we're even here in the first place so you know my job as a as a I don't want to say a community leader but my job as part of the Community is is to make sure that that trust maintains and that the people don't get sidetracked and when people are having those fe elings of Doubt or having those feelings of double thinking themselves they could come up come come here and listen to to what you know we have to say as as Davison as as community members to you know be put uh back in on track as to you know why they got in here in the first place so you know it's not an easy job man and for people who think it's easy it really isn't but it's something that is a duty and it's something that um I'm humbled to do and IIII love I love the job so you know nothing in life is easy it's just uh being able to harness the power of it to to to be able to excel in that position right so you know um yeah it definitely isn't easy but I do it anyway and I do it for you guys and more most importantly I do it to to maintain the vision of the project and to maintain the the the project that we built and introduced to the space because we we love it we breathe it we cry it we bleed it you know this is what we do we spent a lot of time this year into this and we're goin g to be spending a whole lot more time into it into the years coming so that there isn't anything for me to to be backtracking on yeah man you sound just as excited as you as you did this first three weeks I'll listen to you you know it's changed man nothing's changed you know no bro nothing is changed the mission hasn't changed the only thing that changed is we've grown you know we've we've became bigger we've became more of an army we became we became more united and you know we we've seen the best the best of times we've seen the worst of times as a community you know so you know if that doesn't make you strong I don't know what does right there's tough times didn't come yet to you most of times it's still ahead of us exactly I'm just talking about up to this point you know if in this context I agree I agree yeah yeah yeah yeah guys yeah man we have a lot of crazy stuff that we're we're planning to do man and it's it's it's not about doing it quick it's not about doing it fast it's not about doing it tomorrow it's it's about doing it right and doing it in a way where it's going to be meaningful and and make a mark so that you know that that's what we're all about that's what we want to be about and we just want to be able to be that positive thing in the space you know whether people like us or not doesn't matter I mean that that's that's our goal and that's our mission and that's our that's our agenda moving forward um like do you think it's a good idea to do burns in a bear Market what I would what I would tell those people is to tune in to Thursday's AMA on Twitter spaces oh okay okay yeah man you guys don't want to miss Thursdays it's gonna be a good one we're gonna be talking about a lot of cool things we'll be talking about burn we're gonna talk about Shiba does we're gonna be talking about the unity stuff so there's a lot of a lot of cool things planned for that ama all right guys so it's yeah I mean we should probably wrap this up uh been about an hour an d a half my throat is really dry I'm still kind of recovering from that weekend sickness but yeah I might might get off and rest for a little bit here if anybody has any final questions you know Now's the Time to speak up anything anybody wants to say well I think the um to stop in the burn is a good thing I sell that uh a little bit ago I didn't ever respond to it but um a lot of people think that you got to keep burning and burn and burning to to uh to be successful in the token but it's that's not if that's not the goal for I think uniting the whole um we're trying to make this a bigger thing than it was supposed to be um we can't burn everything exactly if you burn if you burn everything you'll have nothing else left to burn that's it yeah and I know and I I know for some of us it it might seem like oh well no it's not gonna it's not that way but uh I'm a businessman so uh I understand you're only burn in the winter my friend when it's cold yeah that's it when you need it you don't turn the heater on in the summer all right you have a blessed evening you two guys hey um thank you guys all for tuning in uh it's been great I love talking to you guys every week be sure to not miss Thursday's AMA I'll be able to share um some details on that I think they're going to be posting up the Twitter spaces link pretty soon so whether that's today or tomorrow um I'll be sure to share it with you guys in the chat and I'll be sure to retweet it on my page at the mainstream videos page as well on Twitter so hopefully we see you guys there we got some good things we're going to be talking about if you can't make it um you could listen to it it will be recorded so all of our amas are always recorded if you relate to this one and you're curious about what we talked about in the beginning feel free to backtrack uh Ruth will have it up on YouTube in a couple hours at the latest or I don't know exactly one roof but um yeah everything's always recorded um but yeah guys with that being said I love you all I'll see you guys soon and as always if you missed Doge that sucks if you missed Shiva that also sucks if you miss Shiba Doge then you suck I mean I still love you but you suck all right guys peace and love I'll talk to you soon

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