tomando email estas lista si vas a confesar hoy tienes una confesión para hacer no nada aquí vas estás en tu estás arriba confiesa que un pantalón apestoso absuelve tus pecados yo que has estado haciendo toda la semana bien has estado jugando despierto sí, es posible que tengamos que iniciar un nuevo sistema de clasificación ¿apestan los pantalones lo roban tienes una clasificación de uno a diez uno a diez - qué tan bueno es el juego apestoso como uno a diez por robar mi teléfono cinco planeta de acero en marco de acero o el mejor clasificado de todos lo descargaste en tu propio dispositivo todavía no me gusta sabes si te piden que laves los extremos y lo haces para ir o lo que sea, está bien porque lo haces por ti mismo, a veces es solo 9.5, sabes lo que es molesto, no has empezado a subirte a esos chicos, ya hay gente apestosa en la transmisión en vivo, oh hombre, hola, resonador, al azar, apestoso, puedo escuchar tu voz, todos están aquí también, ¿qué pasa? ves mi entrenamiento jane dice creo que confiesas pingüinos h Ere tío Bhután: maestros apestosos , eres travieso, eres viejo, está bien, di si alguien juega a este juego, parece que los pantalones apestosos necesitan algunos consejos. Volveré enseguida comentario de stock. Mira, me doy algo que hacer: un diseño aquí para un corto. tiempo no te preocupes si tienes otras cosas que hacer no somos tan importantes cómo apestamos pantalones quién empieza a dormir tarde bajo las sábanas son lindos gatos hasta que te encuentras limpio diciendo dile apestoso que confiesa cuánto jugaste al restaurante - Gordon Ramsay todo el día todos los días en tu propio dispositivo durante horas y horas y horas ¿No nos hiciste saber si el juego suena diciendo que están mirando tal vez estás viendo qué más adivina qué dice carga de cuentas al azar Quiero que Oh Spidey esté aquí todos los sábados espero todos están teniendo uno del día gracias por esas amables palabras ¿quién sabe qué es hoy hoy está despedido n85 caín ama su identidad 5 él hace quién es esta persona que sigue haciendo la identidad 5 mira a tu famoso antes que tú incluso jugar juntos seguir consiguiendo cosas eliminado, vas a ser bueno, no travieso, segundo orden, obtienes cosas y desafías a los oprimidos, oh, tienes momentos para decir, ¿alguien juega, oye, chicos, piensan que estás bien, cómo se juega, podría CLI, cómo estás y ¿Puedes vivir más allá de los sonidos del juego? Oh, ya no puedes. Ella se fue para hacerlo. Creo que sí, apagaremos los sonidos del juego, pero creo que ya apestoso. Oh , dijiste que lo verificaste antes. yo asisto enseguida lo haces oh Dios mío ustedes dicen que deberían haber apagado los juegos que juego que han estado en un apestoso sabe lo que está haciendo algo así como cómo avanzan en el mapa sin hacer ningún ataque son móviles algo sobre esto es real, excepto nuestra fuerza de voluntad, tu móvil ahora, supongo que esto va a ser aplaudir porque apestoso se pondrá muy bien, estoy apestando en este, es un viento, tu prueba en el juego, no lo he visto. momias Marvel Avengers es un Marvel Avengers, sí, es un juego, no es un tal vez y No has visto el juego, sí, hay alguien deambulando, no te preocupes, mira demasiado apestoso , recibiste otro aplauso de un compañero de juegos, todavía no has jugado nada, pero tienes una ovación de pie, todos están de pie en su vida. habitación dormitorio en alguna parte te estoy dando una ovación ellos son de todos modos solo hago clic en lo que sea clic en todo sí nuestra primera pregunta del día la gente tiene personajes favoritos para sus superhéroes mírate chicos araña apestosa te gusta así de genial lo haces oh eres no es el hombre agradable una pegatina Creo que todos son enemigos en esta primera victoria directamente, ni siquiera sabes lo que estás haciendo buen trabajo, sí, bueno, tienes más aplausos, todos te están dando un aplauso Meowth apestoso, serás mi maíz sí, eres un peón en este juego ah-choo tengo más grande y mejor que tú Rey cuya pandilla quién es el rey no sé que hicimos una lección sobre superhéroes puede reconocer a algunos de ellos pero no todos ellos es ese capitán América que se parece al Capitán América, no lo sé el chico de la izquierda tal vez pueda. El chico Khalipa parece coleccionista. Eres un coleccionista. Está bien. Haz un pequeño comentario. Guardaré que no sé cómo jugar. Sigo haciendo clic, ¿cómo pueden? haz esto, Joe, ¿cómo lo hice? ¿Cómo puedo defenderme realmente bien oh hombre bien? victoria próxima hmm transmisión entrante He roto la voluntad del capitán, él es tuyo para controlar ahora ¿cómo puedes romper la casa rota alguien que conozco? eres la última esperanza de la Tierra, pero me veo obligado a luchar contigo, que es alguien, la persona que es invocada Spidey, que es tu personaje favorito de Marvel: Spider Man y el Capitán América, quiero decir, me gusta, pero no quiero ser él, es tu favorito. personaje que Iron Man, o es grande, demasiado arrogante, mierda Oh James, dándome una sugerencia de juego, ¿qué es el juego de cocinero de la ciudad de cocina que me gusta en mi testamento? Parece pingüino último el título que puse en este video en particular es el concurso de campeones de Marvel sin tiempo para perdedores, ¿por qué? gana cocina apestosa lo que está cocinando juego de chef sentado le gusta que hagamos eso es correcto apestoso ama sus juegos de cocina de huevos ¿no tienes experiencia en el trabajo de hostelería antes de eso? Sí, los relámpagos de Albright jugaron esto para que puedas obtener algunos consejos de Bright El gran campeón también podría haberse equivocado acerca de esto, pero creo que también es un juego multijugador, lo que significa que podemos jugar con cualquiera en la transmisión en vivo si lo juegan, pero alguien tendrá que verificarlo, así que nuevamente los brillos generalmente nuestro experto residente juega mucho. de los juegos que transmitimos, ¿no es un gatillo muerto apestoso? es que otro juego, su situación es otro juego, espera. Me quedo sin espacio . Tendremos que hacer otra lista. Bien, aquí vamos , es otro. un tiempo para pasar por todos estos juegos, pero eventualmente eso no es lo que es la kriptonita de Superman, sí, esa es la que eres mi kriptonita, ¿no apestas en el momento en que se quedan sin energía? No hay mucho que puedas hacer allí. eah, no sé si he jugado esto en mi No sé si tengo esto en mi iPad ahora mismo digo jugadas aleatorias, está bien, se ejecuta en el centro de juegos, así que puedo obtener mi cuenta anterior, pero estar un poco condenados probablemente porque están muy arriba en el juego. Soy el mejor experto, dice al azar, así que ¿pueden unirse a nosotros en vivo o no pueden volver a tener que enseñarnos cómo hacer que los desencadenantes muertos? juego de zombies Sony está aquí hola soleado cómo estás ellos han dicho que este juego es genial ¿juegas este papel soleado y no hemos escuchado al personaje favorito de todos, incluido el tuyo apestoso? Creo que podría hacer el viejo clásico Superman pero no lo hago ni siquiera sé si es Marvel quien crea qué superhéroes, ¿qué pasa con los hombres plátanos? ¿Conoces a un hombre plátano? Solo conozco b1 b2 ¿sabes que Mari es de la escuela de juegos pero no tengo ninguna estrella? Tengo dos estrellas y sí Hice un poco antes de que se agotara. Todavía estoy viendo los anuncios. Buen pingüino, gracias. Me di cuenta de que cuando intenté iniciar sesión antes. d anuncios, así que eso es bueno, no logramos monetizar a D de inmediato, bueno, eso ya no parece suceder, lo cual es bueno gracias a ti apestoso no, juras palabras todo lo que tiene una estrella Tengo que decir esto, pero no lo soy un fan de Marvel dice que el CD de Kane deja que alguien nos diga quién es el otro cómic real Empire es Marvel y cuál es el otro DC sí DC DC ah bueno, he elegido a los superhéroes equivocados Batman pero él es DC él es DC y me pregunto si lo harán tenemos un juego cruzado, tenemos todos los superhéroes, así que no estoy muy seguro de lo que significa una estrella dos estrellas tres estrellas ¿ sabes que me hace pensar en un choque de clanes debajo del clan para la guerra de clanes perdidos? general de una estrella pantalones apestosos pingüinos siguen cantando somos los campeones aún no lo hemos escuchado apestoso es ese hombre de hierro jugando ah sí, sé que él es el tipo con eso gracias parece que se parece a Medusa como quién es el primer comentario sí, todavía no pueden hacerlo, no creo que eso esté disponible para mí, en realidad debería Estaré haciendo eso ahora, el mejor golpe se fija.No lo hicieron la última vez que les ofrecí que terminé comiéndome bien mi propia broma si tienes traje y como condición aquí si tienes una broma de superhéroe, incluso mejor Spider-Man broma tal vez debería poner pantalones apestosos solo serán bromas de hombre araña en algún lugar Mia hará pingüino es bastante rápido para comentar en estos días, los randoms también llegaron al azar y los pingüinos parecen competir entre sí por el primer comentario, pero podría ser muy tarde para ustedes, ah, eso me lleva a la siguiente cosa que mencioné brevemente en discordia y eso es. Eché un vistazo a los análisis. Tienen una nueva sección ahora que dice cuándo la mayoría de la gente está en línea, lo cual es un momento horrible. para nosotros es entre las 11:00 p. m. y la 1:00 a. m., ese es nuestro horario, así que si ustedes pueden calcular eso, vean si es un buen momento para ustedes, posiblemente podríamos tener estilo y apestoso para jugar un juego nocturno, ¿estarían preparado para eso? apestoso si empezáramos a las 11:00 pm nuestro tiempo lo haría a las 11:00 pm usted no ir a la cama antes digamos una de todos modos, excepto cuando estás jugando restaurante de Gordon Ramsay - usted puede cambiar sabes día Dale que recibimos de tipo uno muy agradable, nos encanta el Departamento de Justicia los días me son impresionantes después del espectáculo, si haz eso, iremos al Hungry Jack's las 24 horas, eso es lo que quieren todos los quebequenses de 24 horas si tengo eso, ¿cuál es tu juego favorito, sin duda, el choque de clanes más soleado, qué hay del tuyo, oh sí, bueno, pescado apesta podría ser restaurante - mi impuesto de capital Yo mucho ella jugó ese juego después de la última transmisión ¿Cuáles son los juegos favoritos de todos? La mayoría de la gente en la transmisión juega Choque de clanes es mi comprensión y solo espero una respuesta de Sonny para ver cuáles son sus juegos favoritos. bueno, bueno y tengo sí, eso es correcto, ¿no es así? Lo siento ver anuncios para obtener más Tim sí para tu restaurante - oh, eso no es den, eso es bueno. Te gusta conseguir un oro . Estoy hablando de si Choque de clanes ofrecerá lavado. anuncio de Tim, podría hacerlo, ¿no es así? infestación es un 3-s alquitrán, pero es tan poderoso, dice Bright y Jane dice que tenían KFC el otro día, ¿qué pediste? ¿Fue el pollo súper picante? Eso es lo que me está haciendo pensar en lo que vamos a comer hoy y también lo hemos estado ahorrando. toda la semana para conseguir algo delicioso, ¿no tenemos apestosos compañeros de avión vietnamitas vietnamitas vietnamitas que es una buena opción? Debo admitir que el compañero de juegos dice simple sandbox dos y minecraft no necesitamos simple sandbox escríbelo también, pero si ese es un juego pago, nosotros eres demasiado tacaño para hacer eso apestoso demasiado tacaño para hacerlo ellos se quejan, le dices a todo el mundo eso y probablemente voy a jugar a la pelota y espero poder entrar en ese tormento agarrado aunque existí durante cinco minutos oh bueno, estamos contentos de eso la gente aparece, ¿no es apestoso, siempre tiene miedo de que no aparezca nadie? Estaremos sentados aquí solos hablando con nosotros mismos galaxia sabes los granos en la mujer dama lagarto ahí está la dama lagarto supongo que Cain dice que acaba de hacer puré de ensalada de col de pollo al horno patatas con salsa y galletas agradables uno ve que ellos llaman en realidad ellos tienen galletas que nosotros llamaríamos cómo los llamaríamos bollos bollos es lo que hacen galletas lo que es todo lo que sabes que haces no puedes se ha ido galleta nosotros porque llamamos galletas galletas como una galleta es está cocinando esto ellos pero qué es diferente entre galleta y galleta No sé para mí lo intercambiable una galleta y una galleta son lo mismo y las llamamos galletas en este momento cuando los estadounidenses hablan de galletas, hablan de algo que parece un scone sky ¿por qué hiciste eso? porque a los estadounidenses les gusta cambiar casi el idioma inglés. No sé por qué es la gente de salsa de tomate y la jalea, esa es otra a la que llaman jalea de mermelada, oh, ¿sabes demasiado tarde, te gusta, sí, es una especie de francés muy galleta delgada oh no lo que me gusta eso hola eres tú lo soy e lo llamas para aprender francés ¿sabes amigos bien empezaste demasiado tarde demasiado tarde sí no no conozco esa palabra apestan llamamos a una galleta una galleta en los EE. UU. así que deco Bueno, eso es lo que llaman bollos, galletas, mira ahora, probablemente no deberíamos llamar a las galletas y bizcochos de la misma manera. No sé cuál es la diferencia, no creo que debas hacer una galleta que es extraña, oh, espera, tenemos una broma eh digo que dices que tienes mucha razón superhéroe sí eso es correcto maestro ¿qué es 9 + 10 superhéroe 21 no eres súper inteligente ¿no eres tú? No tengo que hacer esa lanza conmigo me gusta ¿entendiste eso eh qué? Oh juegos eso fue una broma bastante sencilla Creo que él cuál es mi último 10 19 superhéroe 21 no eres súper inteligente lo que no lo entiendes Jake pegajoso está bien ahí vamos le daremos un grito a pingüino solo porque fue el primero oh dios mío de esta manera voy a decir esto qué vas a decir ahí vas a decir todo como se llama brooke tu sabes el como tía en el señor de los Anillos mmm no y en El Señor del Anillo es el truco del árbol, hombre, ¿ cómo llamas a este tipo? Oh, genial, ¿qué significa un gran equipo ? No lucho contra grandes enemigos, pero todos tienen como un lavado de cerebro o algo que supongo que no me he lavado, así que no me preguntes, solo sí, genial, un personaje tan encantador , ¿cómo puedes cortar al viejo Brutus para que se vuelva más pequeño? actual mi bebé ahora bien está bien voy a decir bueno, tendremos los tres mejores chistes y tienen que ser de diferentes personas porque me gusta ese también, las criadas simples dicen que es raro pescar trabajar en un pez fuera tienes a ese no se ríe ¿qué pasa con el no se ríe? Son un león apestoso Gert dice que los calcetines caídos de bastón son geniales. Me encanta el grupo . Tenemos espacio para una broma más. Tienen paciencia conmigo. Tengo que editar esto . de nuevo, todavía no he visto Capitán Marvel, ¿cómo se llama Capitán Marvel por mi bien? Supongo que siguen hablando conmigo mientras yo hablo, está bien, sí, puede estar bien, tenemos espacio para una o dos bromas más para gritos de personas separadas. y conviértelo en una broma de superhéroe aunque he incluido planes porque me gusta esa Parece que puedo y termino esta búsqueda tal vez necesitemos el consejo de un rayo brillante y al azar ellos han jugado el juego antes de que definitivamente seas una especie de cosita nuestro trabajo pantalones apestosos no importa solo hazlo solo hazlo sí Nike lo que es alto lo que es alto apestoso y no se distrae fácilmente Groot Soy pantalones apestosos eso es verdad, entiéndelo, soy genial, soy pantalones apestosos, te distraes con facilidad, todos los tipos al azar, dailies atrás ahora Ya he fijado tu comentario, los pingüinos dicen que sigan el son buenos chistes bueno, tal vez podría darle - no sé, estoy decidido que ya está siendo gritado esperando algunos buenos chistes de superhéroes de un par de personas más podemos hacer un máximo de cuatro en cada línea como siempre y cuando sean bromas de una sola línea, mírate, estás peleando, ahora apestoso Spidey, lo estás haciendo bien, soy Spidey, no estoy luchando contra esto, sí, no queremos que luches con la araña. El amigo de Spidey es apestoso, así que es muy bueno oh realmente no dijo que cuando vea el ¿cómo se llama t sombrero de espaldas rojas cuerpo la araña de espalda roja no es mi amiga Me temo que son bastante peligrosas, así que es esa otra cosa negra que hemos estado viendo cerca del abono No tengo idea de qué es esa araña, pero parece peligrosa, sí Él está completamente fuera de tema. Solo tengo curiosidad por saber si alguien más composta una vez. Todo el mundo debería saber que no sabe si no lo hace no tiene suficiente amigo. Consiga una granja de lombrices. Vea algo para descomponer el material de desecho orgánico. lo que produces desde casa ayuda a prevenir el vertido en vertederos o el vertido en el océano, sea lo que sea tu país, sí, no deberías tirarlo al océano, algunos países lo hacen, pero gracias al chico, oh, es enorme, es Peter, todo musculoso, nunca lo conozco, veo que es el carácter de maní peludo y musculoso bien solo lleva entonces sí siempre estás de acuerdo conmigo cuando es un autodesprecio Daichi apestoso te gusta hacer el acuerdo sobre el autodesprecio ¿sabes por qué en esa sala de control en vivo y siempre no? muéstrame el video más afortunado tenemos una persona aleatoria de respaldo, así que, ¿por qué llamaste a Batman? porque los murciélagos son increíbles, eso es bastante increíble, has visto a los grandes apestosos, tienes murciélagos donde creciste, Denis, bueno, tal vez no en esta ciudad, mordido en el país, videos aleatorios todos los días. danos una gran carita sonriente, lo hacemos, todavía no puedes tener otro personaje, pero tal vez las ediciones antiguas, sí, perdieron el partido. Mierda, ¿estás apestando? No, estoy bien, miento y di que es un verdadero talento, crees que si llegué allí y comencé. ganaría cada noche X con una H mayúscula. No soy tan hábil como el viejo jugador de pantalones apestosos. Parece que no recibiré mi último ataque. Parece que necesitas algunos niveles requeridos para ciertas cosas. Bueno, aquí estás. hombre luchando, oh, solo voy a la vieja búsqueda porque no tengo el cien por cien, así que me pregunto si puedo ir de otra manera, sí, obsesivo-compulsivo de esa manera, Archie porque hiciste eso con el restaurante, así que volviendo y asegurándote de que tu todo de tres estrellas se arregle Supongo que puedes llamarme el Joker hizo llegar ese pingüino diciendo que no estás Knight, dijo a este pingüino pingüino no me dijo tres o cuatro chistes chistes en un impresionante fila de superhéroes y dijo que supongo que me puede llamar al Joker hedor pantalones obtiene nada a cambio bienvenido al azar obtenemos un bastón de cuentas al azar todos los días bueno, mira a ti chico con el que estás peleando esta vez Green Goblin No me di cuenta de que el duende verde se veía así en realidad ni siquiera sé quién es el Green Goblin sí Spidey es amigo parece que él tiene un elefante, es amigo de Spidey y lo golpeaste, sí, lo pateó en las menudencias, bueno, se convirtió en un villano en algún momento, así que merezco estar en la historia real o en tu historia, en la historia sonriente, di que es un poco como chicos que ese personaje bíblico dice que la cantidad de este momento un ser un personaje bíblico no sé lo que estás hablando de lo que se ha becau guijarros que van de la Biblia el tipo que se habían marchado de tendencias que no tienen idea de lo que estás hablando de lo sé que lo ha nombrado sigo teniendo espacios en blanco mentales En mi vejez, Poncio Pilato, ese es Poncio Pilato u otro a quien nadie llamo, está bien, entonces, ¿qué pasa con ese tipo estadounidense que tiene el plato con su nombre, Benedict Arnold, sabes, Huevos Benedicto con el nombre de Benedicto Arnold, hizo algo malo, creo? entregué a alguien No estoy seguro de lo que pasó allí se convirtió en un traidor de una forma u otra Necesito ser educado por estos jóvenes inteligentes en el chat porque mi objetivo es hacer que los pantalones apestosos se rompan hoy, así que toc toc estoy esperando la respuesta a eso, así que ten paciencia conmigo, pero bueno, respondiste correctamente por una vez. Estoy jugando Minecraft y siendo la transmisión, esa es otra, tenemos gente que mira películas y juega otros juegos mientras está en la transmisión, lo que significa que 're muy tranquilo en el chat, pero eso está bien siguen estando ahí pueda verlas a la espera de la suciedad pingüino para continuar con la broma golpe-golpe - vistazo a la victoria que de nuevo están recogiendo un montón de cosas podrás serás un rayo brillante El nivel de las entradas no deja tiempo apestoso , sabes cuando no lo estás, sí, golpea así, nadie puede escucharlo, sabes, iam, a quién le gusta eso, agradable y tranquilo, nadie puede escuchar por qué Dios, ¿cuál es el nombre de Minecraft? no lo tienen y aún así ser demasiado barata de conseguir el antiguo Minecraft primo que sigue jugando Spidey Oh quién es esa bestia de un hombre peludo que soy yo que no está peluda no hay pelo está usted ciego no es que cuando cree la mano que era todo de Avery, pero no es gee - oh exactamente, así que tengo que recuperarlo - toc toc pingüino cualquiera que pingüino te quiera también se ríe de qué estamos en la bruja se ríe cómo lidié con la correa ríe ahora esa es la forma en que normalmente ríes no ¿ No apesta, eso es lo que haces, parece que estás preparando Caín? Tengo un agua, oh, tengo un agua para cada uno, significa que vas a tener que hacer uno de estos. Esto es lo que pasa cuando te dan estancias. un día, si tenemos más miembros del canal, podremos agregar dlg. Tendré que hacer que tu animador lo haga. que pueden hacer un diseño DLG poco agradable para la gente siempre me dice vids al azar al azar que diariamente está rajada versión que yo también estoy jugando edición de Java que ya está más allá de mí todo esto es el texto habla del día vids aleatoria de vids azar cargador me confundo señor hombre flip-flop, sí, así es como voy a tener que referirme a la noche porque también tienes tipos al azar todos los días, así que solo voy a decir hombre flip-flop, todos saben que aquí estamos hablando de un salto aleatorio y un blanco al azar. Wyatt se encuentra con usted dice que los cargadores de DA de TV blancos al azar también conocidos como ver uranio señor hombre flip-flop Me encanta ese agua contra es amable Voy a tener que hacerlo de nuevo Soy el único que puede usar los emojis especiales apestosos no puedo saber cuando estás jugando bien ellos lo enfrentan como Shays arriba él puede hacerlo ves a cualquier otro vamos a luchar contra Hawk Estoy enviando spam a mi inglés con el Spidey Spidey otra vez ¿ves que este soy yo? no grande gordo y genial en realidad sé musculoso mírame y verde te conseguiré esto el tiempo Spidey no puede ganar contra mí jugó sobre quién es para el hombre del flop, saben quién es al azar, todos ustedes, señor hombre de chanclas, parece que les estoy dando una carrera por el dinero es que Hulk, sí, porque Hulk es enorme en esto Nunca he visto a Hulk tan bestial pero así de grande Quiero decir que es enorme He visto algunas de esas películas de Hulk que incluso me encantan, esa es la antigua original, apúrate por saber cómo, porque estoy tratando de pensar. de un nombre el nombre del actor lutherie sabe algo como ese alguien de renombre grande en realidad era un culturista profesional en los días de Arnold Schwarzenegger ¿sabías que no para que no ganara Arnold ganó cuando Arnold no compitió sí bien pero también estaban usando esteroides en aquellos días Arnold era todo que sus esteroides que saben lo que quiero decir ver que estaba que estaba tomando mucho más que cualquier otra persona por lo que es difícil, lo golpearon con la comida de nuevo, no tenemos que aquí vietnamita bastante hasta qué punto tenemos que viajes para que vamos localmente somos goi Sí, no hay nada realmente local, él está allí, encontramos un par, sí, pero es todo el precio, ¿eso significa que tienes que ir hasta la ciudad vietnamita? Puedes ir a la ciudad china. ¡Caramba! Los pingüinos obtuvieron el gran CPA Jake. tengo que hacer eso para decirte lo que parece que los pingüinos van a estar en todo el comentario anclado Me gusta ese Capitán América otra vez ya apestoso qué superhéroe ganó una competencia de canto sirena capitán American Idol ha capitán American Idol Lo entiendo, pero no lo es no suena bien sí American Idol Capitán América y auto Capitán América ídolo aah apestoso él hará que te rías un día lo hizo antes, así que sí, entonces Kane dice que realmente necesito, dijo que Arnold Schwarzenegger es el ex gobernador de California, bueno, no lo hice no lo sé, pensé que todavía era el gobernador de California , ahora es un actor, puede que sea actor antes de ser gobernador, sí, pero ahora es actor, ya no es gobernador, creo que se dio cuenta de que ese tipo de vida no lo es. solo tengan paciencia conmigo, qué superhéroe pasa demasiado tiempo en el sol Capitán América apestoso oh, nos reímos un poco de eso, no era mi intención apestar. Todavía estoy tratando de copiar y pegar estos no funcionan tan bien, ¿verdad? eso funcionó y eso es todo, lo hizo Me gustan los dos, vamos a tener que ponerlos a los dos en los que el superhéroe corre maratones Corrí, oh, estos son geniales Stevie, se está riendo, te dijeron en los hilos anteriores cuando ella cuando ella se ríe muy fuerte, es muy silencioso, no super, ¿te gusta ese? Vamos, eso fue muy divertido, quedarse sin espacio. Solo puedo hacer cinco líneas, ahora lo siento, cuatro líneas, luego Kane dice noticias, no el gobernador. Namor Gavin, noticias, ¿puedes pronunciar eso Neeson? ¿ El gobernador de California ha puesto a Schafer aquí? Hola, ¿cómo estás de bueno verte de nuevo? Espero que todo esté bien en tu cuello del bosque y puedas seguir contando chistes si quieres, pero eso es todo en términos de cuántos puedo poner ahí. más bromas y tenemos nunca antes puesto, sí, veré si puedo meter uno más, oh, sí, puedo apestoso, tienes un comentario mientras hago esto, tengo que aprender a jugar este juego, ya sabes, el campeón que juega en realidad, todavía no puedo caben unas cuantas más allí vacaciones dice cuántas personas pueden poner solo eso, ¿qué dice el Capitán América cuando quiere una orquesta apestosa cuando quiere lo que una orquesta venga conjunto humilde es como una orquesta un grupo de personas juntas y conjunto antes ¿Por qué fue todo tan loco? No lo entiendo yo mismo, pero no estoy tan al día con los viejos superhéroes, sabes más que yo, nunca debería haber dejado que este concurso se saliera de control Extendí estoy a punto de abandonar la corriente hizo ningún puedo deja fácil para esta identidad 5 en estos días de este otro tipo streamer de que en competencia con nosotros le gusta la identidad 5 pantalones distintas general se piensa que sólo no le entretener ya lo ¿Llamas a Dora? ¿Cómo llamas a Dora la Exploradora? er en un disfraz de Iron Man fedora fedora es un sombrero de fedora que te miro, todavía está jugando al hombre araña oh, es una especie de intercambio Tengo un árbol de equipo y luego sigues cambiando entre la derecha y contra quién estás luchando en este momento el hombre robot Chuck Buster Hulk buster No sé cómo pronunciar esto Jane ama la identidad 5 le encanta correr atrapando a la gente con la que quiere jugar contra ti, di que puede atraparte una noche realmente puedes jugar una vez que lo tengas Hice mi comida oh tú hiciste eso hiciste eso en la transmisión en vivo sí Peter tengo que irme ahora mi micrófono empieza a dormir todo el mundo está dejando a su padre juegos ok hemos perdido nuestro hemos perdido la pequeña cantidad de talento de entretenimiento que tenemos de hecho, si se hubiera ido, estamos contando la carnicería de lussac, oh, eres una bestia, ahora mira tu tamaño , soy la Bestia, tú, el perdedor, guía a este pequeño pipsqueak , no me impresionará, pipsqueak puede ser desagradable, eso es cierto , eres tú ' Eres un pequeño pipsqueak desagradable que apesta ahora que eres todo correcto lo que este pequeño caldo cocina con un poco de frijol en realidad es bastante divertido, pero pimientos ollas pimientos ollas sí, me está haciendo reír porque no lo entiendo seguro diciendo que puedes jugar Sonic 1 si no estoy de acuerdo con eso, ese es otro que nosotros tengo que agregar Sonic 1 Creo que descargué un juego de Sonic antes de que no estoy seguro de que tengas que ser uno de ellos. Verifiqué que nos pidieron jugar repetidamente es un juego vertical vertical, sí, así que estamos en él dijo que lo siento, toma un tiempo completar todas las solicitudes del juego, esta fue sugerida probablemente hace un año, ahora ha tomado tanto tiempo llegar a él, el compañero de juegos dice que el cocinero de carne con él cocina con bistec apesta comer sí lo haces Cita de Gordon Ramsay, este cordero está tan poco cocido, se comió el otoño a Mary, es la escuela, no entiendo, ¿no puedes presionar a Mary? Tenía un corderito, ¿sabes que un sí? Allí tenía un corderito cuyo vellón era blanco como la nieve. No sé esta parte y dondequiera que Mary fuera, el cordero seguramente iría Gordon Ram decir citar que el cordero estaba tan poco cocido y siguió a Mary a la escuela yak poco cocido tan poco cocido que siguió a Mary a la escuela eso es un poco espantoso todavía está vivo sí, vivo en la galleta esto es cruel ¿qué hace una pequeña empalizada para el desayuno ? No sé que tiene tanto dinero, ¿a quién le importa el salvado de hierro? Oh, está bien, sí, suena después de que son entrevistados, por favor, deja de contar chistes, no nos importan los chistes y él los mantiene relacionados con los superhéroes tratando de obtener tantos Pinder nuevamente, aparentemente, Iron Man también hizo una gama de esmoquin , pero no ¿No es su fuerte su fuerte apestoso oh estos son los mejores chistes que he visto hasta ahora apestoso ella no recibe muchos de ellos amigo Gordon Ramsay cita este pintor es tan repugnante si lo llevas a Italia te arrestarán Me gustaría probar una pizza italiana, pero ¿por qué todas las cuentas solo porque sabes cómo te gusta la comida con la que creces como tu apestosa pasta de camarones y salsa de pescado y todo eso y me gusta mi Vegemite? Carné de identidad No sé que me gustaría pizza italiana porque es muy simple, será como mi comida para llevar, sí, no le ponen muchos ingredientes, es casi siempre una corteza delgada. La odio de todos modos. Lo haré. Comeré platos de no hay dudo de eso Escuché que la pizza francesa tiene como cuatro quesos, bueno, eso podría ser bueno, debe tener ingredientes, eso es lo que importa y una variedad de ellos, debes estar abierto a la experiencia si nunca has comido plátano en una pizza, pruébalo . increíble, sí, eso es lo que a los australianos no nos importa experimentar poner todo tipo de cosas en la pizza, es como la realeza, sí, puedes ponerlo donde aprendimos que en nuestro último viaje al extranjero puedes poner muchas cosas en un rady que es delicioso aquí hay un final, ¿cuál fue tu miel y plátano favoritos o algo? ¿ No sería genial? ¿No sería fantástico si Silver Surfer y Iron Man se unieran? Sí, serían aleaciones. Oh, aleaciones, ¿sabes qué aleaciones? ¿Qué aleatorias? Pickens Stoli dijo amigo que yo quiero bromas y ahora me están dando una broma toc toc, toc toc, toc, toc, ¿ quién está ahí? Estoy esperando la respuesta. Estoy esperando la siguiente línea. Pingüinos por todos lados en este momento. No sé quién era este tipo. estoy jugando nunca visto antes este héroe eres un dangit nuevo rey es una difícil para él intentará silencio colador eres una escuela en silencio estoy en control aquí el rey que va a venir en muy realmente toc toc que está me hizo quien yo una vez aquí para dejar de contar chistes eso es de estilo de video aleatorio quién es el héroe de Marvel que es para planchar ropa y ropa hombre oh tienes ese que apesta bien por qué Jake no es gracioso sí, me gusta ese apestoso en realidad lo tengo broma , se enferma de viaje cuando murió cuando intenta destruir Nueva York, bueno, no entiendo esto una vez, no sé si dirás que otra vez se enferma de viaje cuando lo intenta cuando intenta destruir a New York No conozco al Duende Verde que murió si compraras un restaurante si el lugar sale mal, ¿qué harías? Deja que Gordon, ¿dejarías que Gordon te ayude? Sí, queremos estar en Kitchen Nightmares, así que si realmente abriéramos un restaurante y estuviéramos luchando con lo que no estoy luchando para empezar, fracasaríamos en realidad tú probablemente no. No hablo de esto en serio en un momento dado porque eres un muy buen cocinero, seamos sinceros, no tienes ningún tipo de formación y eres bastante hábil, no puedes decir que no tienes formación porque trabajo en hostelería durante cinco años. Supongo que estoy hablando del modo de entrenamiento de chef . Sabes que no has sido entrenado en las delicias culinarias. Ahí estás hablando de Academy clean haciendo, así que no experimentes la experiencia que has experimentado. Si estuviéramos luchando, ¿dejarías que Gordon Ramsay venga? and tell us off if he paid for an awful premium he'd do everything for free then he'll yes he's the warning came named How well do you know Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares because if he came to our restaurant stink pants is gonna behave like a me Do Yo u Know Who I am ease baking company you're just like Amy isn't it no stinky so putting in that I'll put in that cuz he's got another joke there as well good old Wayne made and here's the other thing if we did open a restaurant I'm inviting Kane to try the chili dish extra extra extra hot chili dish that stink pants will make just for you yeah do that why didn't spider-man save the day spider-man cannot save the day yeah he couldn't get out of the bar why come on how many times have you seen a spider in the bath they can't get out once it's in there isn't it we've safety yeah but spider-man he can he's a spider but he's a man but he couldn't get out of the bath he's a spider we've saved lots of spiders from the Bob seventeen maybe time what does Iron Man say to ant-man stop bugging me stop bugging your mail hole what the duck oh my goodness what hang on me Howard the dock isn't that from Disney can lose the beam Marvel who would you let oh gee they're coming thick and fast now so you wo uld let him scream and Swearengin face I would I would stand out and say Gooden you can scream and swear at me all you like but I'm really only going to listen to you if you treat me with respect you know what are we in the high school Gordie are you still in high school now give me a free stuff I don't know maybe I'd be intimidated by me would you be you probably wouldn't stink pants doesn't tolerate too much when it comes to aggressiveness towards her she will snap right back and I'll hide behind it I'll use you as a shield way no stinky when Gordon at taxes they'll say he had talked to the stink and I'll cower behind you well you go right back at him you would I'm pretty sure if Gordon Ramsay started insulting me you just insult him right back if he starts potty mouthing at you buddy mouth right back wouldn't you stink I've seen the episode on YouTube she can't even take criticism it's okay no so Amy baking companies or that's a crazy lady if you've ever seen one they those eyes if you haven't seen that it's one of the most scary kitchen nightmare episodes you'll ever encounter and see you know if you think you've met them in real life as well when you meet someone that is actually crazy there's something wrong with their brain they're very scary to deal with because you can't get through to them you come makeups a bit like you're stinky you're scary I can't get through to you sometimes the witch laughs Oh miss ops here hello how are you it's good to have you join the strain we've just sort of recently met Alma socks do you play this game now where is spider-man homepage on the web oh this one is good you like that one hmm have I got enough room I don't think I've got enough room for any more of you so yeah I do all right gee penguins got a hole here I've never put these many jokes in there pin to comment before put that one in there too oh yes it's Mother's Day today as well isn't it stinking yeah Spidey's just wished everyone a Happy Mother's Day okay just bear with me sort of doing a bit of editing while I'm doing this the shave he keeps making short jokes I can still fit them in and I can't believe I've got that many in there so far I have to save that one as well stink pants comes up with no jokes I have no joke I'm serious no joke are you watching bubble jokes and it says plane made can I say hoji okay what's played you know these sorts of things do you know ya know what's that what does it mean huh I thought it might be like a Japanese character anime sounds Japanese oh yeah Kay well they okay serioso is I'm serious in Indonesian Norden my life why you asked me I said I don't know Oh knock knock knock knock Disney sorry knock knock Disney so you'll get your Disney Howard the dock he kind of lets water oh you're funny can you say people oh he's a picky Yakko or pogey Yakko hey these are from the brain okay she has good desserts better her food is horrible and disgusting canes right there apparently the dessert even Gordon said the desser ts were fantastic when it came to Amy and she had too many shortcomings the deserts aren't gonna carry the restaurant well Lois please if you open dude she called it a bakery if she made it a bakery and not a restaurant and didn't serve anyone and her husband didn't serve anyone maybe they'd be all right I and also give the tips to the the waiters and waitresses because they would keep the tips how bad is that where does Aquaman lives aquarium right aquarium why did Ironman sleep out in the rain Rini to get some rust to get some rust rest and also I want to say thank you paid off the stink pants for honoring me by playing spider-man stinky wouldn't have it any other way would you honoring old Spidey fighter spider fighter here a 3d that's the name yeah and that's you Spidey hero you're honoring him nice buddy it's good to fight or PAP gaming's here good to see you yes it's been a long time since we've seen you wear well would how are you excuse me we hope everything's okay where you ar e in the world at the moment that do you play this game as well we've got a couple of people in here that play it but they're not giving stink pants any ice just another corny joke did you know that Hulk recycles ninety five percent of his household waste yes he's pretty the Hulk recycles ninety five percent of his household waste wow he's pretty green okay you know the green waste grain when you say on green that means he did good things for the environment he's pretty green okay stinkies she's hopeless Dave Spidey guy says Pal gaming that's what we want to say you've still just been playing the one character haven't you not that we mind because Spidey loves it he loves fighting all random vids has got a game yeah well thank you for staying as long as he did well laid she says this a lot I've got to go and then she appears later on in the stream bit like you isn't it stink now a Tony Stark's clouds always say meet me to Nate's I'm not sure if he's meant to say needle meet there becaus e of the Iron Man uh-huh you got that one didn't you yep can't get a laugh ever you did get a laugh out of you today earlier days Spidey you're doing that again hang on this isn't Spidey who's this Scarlet Witch haven't heard of these character either and who you fighting kick him in the giblets there's a superior mm just different worship giblets nice one gee he'd destroy your your nemesis rather quickly so Cain beware stink pants destroys their arch-nemesis quickly in the giblets she does you getting through the map rather quickly is thinking it's a bit like what was that other game you played Mortal Kombat you're absolutely dominating remember I'd like to see your dominatrix but probably shouldn't say that but I just did so I guess what do you do there it's been said Captain America see wheel warrior this one is worship so what they have the superheroes have different versions upgrade right just like Ironmen have more than one suit it's happy upgrade oh nice one why does like he hat e the day after Wednesday after Wednesday yep Thursday Thursday because it's Thursday stinky hey is a Jake okay Dave spider-man guy says fighty spider-man is absolutely dominating at the moment pets that is he's the superhero of all superheroes non-poor what venom who like mix fusion between random and depot maybe no looks like a gene Simmons tongue he's got there look at you got your beast then I'm Paul stands no chance bless you stinky boo where do i Vengeance grab their super skinny lattes super skinny laughing what that's such thing yeah I don't know that's stock box stock stock box why suppose give me their superhero super skinny our days and I guess the skinny lattes what low-fat milk yeah a super skinny lads like stock box and this is the same reaction I get whenever i tailed stinky Jake's isn't it and I got a pin you down and tickle you see any way to make you laugh what I do wanna know Oh Wolverine there is a sweep of loud sneeze stinky it was wasn't it you with allowed sneeze s my response from the state make you sneeze again ah this is the woman ones and it looks like they've got be alright you know Wolverine there's a female look at you dominating this game you haven't lost a match yet see Spidey says he's on Gen Z he's the character I'm trying to jinx it I removed it so I don't know what he said there something about his superhero character something something oh there's Deadpool for real the for real there you got oh how can you hit me Shang guess what chimichangas what does it mean isn't that some sort of Mexican desert it's like a Mexican version of a diner I kill you for some chimichangas up in here I mean I kill you anyway but even a handsome mutant like me needs breakfast okay handsome oh you talking amazing pants no I'm just being if someone can tell us what a chimichanga is greatly appreciated I believe it's some sort of Mexican dessert we don't get the me up make a story time we're gonna get a story from penguin we love hearing the stories and g iving them so tell us your stories regale us with your past your fighting that's all oh that is Deadpool look at you guys stinky LA he's doing a bit of damage to you for once it's getting harder isn't it stink in the giblets almost guys ages already are Oh Spidey's off man done with watching me play Spidey have a nice Sunday thank you for staying as long as he did Spidey much appreciated victory again you're the ultimate spider-man my that does look like it's getting out or I can see y'all going down a little bit more each time you know how to upgrade upgrade your Spidey to super Spidey you will find a catalyst you can use it to rank up your champion on the upgrade screen wake him up so not sure if penguin wanted that for me to tell a story or he's gonna tell one maybe he's just typing it up now oh look at those crystals I can get new champion Hawkeye or I'm going hop like a bird a Hawkeye Hawkeye Pierce for match will that's showing my age there I think did you ever make crystals at s chool in science yeah you mean sodium crystal isn't that just salt well I'd like to make its mouth so 50 can't say how did you make salt you just sweat it it's wet and then let it dry add sugar or salt it's some kind of that thing to say you just scraped you dine out onto a plate no there you go there's my salt crystal that's not good enough you described a condiment off the table and tip the salt out and said there's my salt crystals you know you have to put a lot of salt in the water and put this rope on the top so it can start yeah that's how you make the crystal and I kind of put then whatever it is and it becomes like huge so you made a super salt so basically the aim is you actually the teacher only want one crystal one clear crystal I got like one and the children of the crystal and brand shoot next to it they yarn over board like you often do Bowie comes the story so it's driving next to the train tracks and a train comes up and I catch up to it and thanks to the music I starte d playing the perfect song the train driver looks over then plane says people how long is this one decade for you how long is one decade for you ten years that's how long a decade should be on the radio I'm going off the rails I'm a crazy train and he blazes the horn and goes off the end but see don't you love it we and don't you love it when things just line up perfectly playing some sort of song on the radio and it just happens to match whatever is happening in real life you had that experience and is it because it's always the same song no penguin platonic Fred the parody so yeah decades ten years that's a nice-looking crystal you got there the champions well actually I'm not I can't I can't just press up oh is this you got a new champion this of miss novelty I'm really not up to date with this you get the same as Captain Marvel right it's just he's wife Captain Marvel years ago Captain Marvel is a girl mmm so I thought miss my will is the same person yes captain oil I'm not sure I don't know I haven't washed you know there was a Captain Marvel either I'm behind the times when it comes to superheroes whoa okay time for a prudent story then another penguin story stinky what sort of story should I tell action-packed adventure my experience with superheroes okay go on you have one book winning habit when I was younger true story I used to swim competitively you know that you seen that the trophies and the photos and the whatnot did I see you probably didn't pay attention and I said look all of the trophies and ribbons have been sent those from from home because they're trying to clear out all of the cupboards so a pretty good swimmer for the area that doesn't mean a good swimmer just for where we grew up they weren't that many good swimmers and they would have competitions between the towns and so on so I was in a race and I was fairly confident I was gonna win it cuz I knew everybody else was you know actually me how good they can swim and off we go you know what w e don't forgot to do tie up his trunks so when you when you dive into the water what happens to you try your swimming trunks if you don't tie them I don't know they come off oh yeah this was a fifty meter race but David the order and I could feel my speedos as we call them or budgie smugglers the the small little tide underpant looking things they actually slipped off and I could feel my naked bottom in the water and this is in a race with people watching say every second stroke we were doing it was a freestyle race every second stroke I'd have to use my right hand to try and pull up my pants I did that for 50 meters and at the end they've got the time officials that stand right over the the edge of the water there so they can see when you touch so they know when to stop the clock and it was a woman - a woman that was the mother of one of my friends how old was I don't I hell how old was I or how old was you teenager I don't know quite how old maybe 1415 you'll swim I swam the entire r ace with the pants falling or my speedos falling down every second strike because I do a strike pants and fall down do a strike pants and fall down imagine swimming like that for 450 Raiders in a race in a competition I did manage to come first place but then when I looked up I've never seen such a big smile on their face before I think I didn't quite cover quick enough and plus they're watching you come up up the pool say it'd be like why am I seeing this white flash of skin you know cuz you turned everywhere else that summer I've got ten back and legs and everything else and then every now and again there's this moon flash she gave a laugh and a bit of his smile and she said I know what happened don't worry about it that was so embarrassing you still keep it until the end so yeah good on ya ya did did manage to do it did learn say moral of this story if it ever happens to you learn how to to do freestyle while pulling up your pants it could be a useful life skills use your hand to do that pull up your pants you know yeah I have to otherwise that happen I imagine getting to the end of the pole and your pants are some way in the pool you know halfway out you're gonna have to get out sooner or later and I'm saying there were hundreds of people there I'm not gonna get out naked we could say you know can you hand me a towel please something like that Oh Alexander is here but it's gone already because we started say light there's already off to 12 for them stinky hmm say thanks for coming and leaving Alexander I'm sure they nimi by that stage people how long is a decade for you forgot it's a minute for people how much is ten million dollars for you forgot it's a penny for people can I have a penny Claude says wait Annette right you've got to think about these say people asked how long is a decade for you and God says a minute then people ask him how much is ten million dollars for you and God says a penny and then people say can I please have a penny and then God says w ait a minute wait a minute that's a long time exactly I like that one buy made by sorry I miss they even talking to you at that point Alexander it looks like no Sanchez so Piedad is the next Michael Phelps well I don't know if Michael has ever lost his swimming trunks you know in a race but if he has I'm sure he lent the tech make of pulling them up every second stroke jeez do you put up a doubt I just would have left them be like I was never here but like I say once you've finished the race you've got to get out of the water now I didn't particularly want to run around nude in front of my fellow classmates and and just random people not I'm not an exhibitionist like some of my friends are oh I can tell some of those stories but I wait my friends what did you call them the pivot gang stinky things all my friends are perverted I'm a nobody nobody is perfect for I'm perfect hey buddies Neffe well I by today's odium hiccupping again what do you say here you need the mutant champion in you r party to power I have I have two of them Spidey is some mutant right and this thing should be champion Newton - or maybe they mean like born mutant I can't open this gate because I don't have mutant wishes so I think it's odd do you made three of them it's aa mutant champion and what's a difference he created one as opposed to one being is that what you're telling me that's what I think that's why they don't let me in it must be the end of this stream has hiccups but tend to get them all throughout day night and I still can't explain why talk for a living I do I don't get the hiccups do it in the stream get them constantly that's right well they you did a sneeze today old stink pants the sneeze up who's this superhero somebody oh jianchi I like your technique there no anything oh no I don't like to tech make them say that it looks pretty good doesn't it stinking you gave for it look at you destroying the war machine you're the war machine I'm getting a lesson in superheroes today I'l l tell you what I don't think you'll remember can't remember most of them but I didn't realize there were that many and this is only the Marvel Universe imagine adding DC well next to that how long my will in DC has been going for a long time before you bought before I was born well then that's why generations they create new ones and they just get one to marry another one and then have a new generation born and then decent that really and they have like mutant number like version one and then they can Milton the gangs would phone number tools say do you think we've ever meet and CP here II want to be a mutant what makes you think you're not one already I don't have any space no Steve kiss penguin says stinks pants ting pantsu Pierre a nickname stink the sneeze that's his superpower you sneeze away yeah you sneeze all over everybody that's what you do I mean you get that stink sneeze smell on them you blew me into the wall with your lar sneeze didn't you Marvel vs. DC has been going si nce 1947 just after World War two that's a long time isn't it stinky imagine if you had one of the original the original spider-man comic or the original Superman comic in mint condition what mint condition yeah Nicolas Cage and paid millions to buy that you know I've mint condition is there perfect yes ass means perfect condition see if you got got the original spider-man comic the very first one that was released for five cents or one cent because they were cheap in those days and it's in perfect condition you know you have any idea how much that's worth today hopefully somebody in this dream will research it and tell us I'm sure it'll be worth an absolute fortune first Superman comic my goodness whatever what about the first P don't stink pants comic huh well we're gonna do it coming like we're gonna it's gonna be put on sting pants and the dlg Oh episode 1 yes yeah well get your animators onto the job we got the enemy the auto man who I'm paid your animators I'm still waiting for t he last thing I keep getting excuses one of them doesn't want to do the work the other one says I've got other work like mint baseball cards sold in like 50 80 50 day yeah baseball cards we imagine having this is gonna test me because baseball is not huge here but Joe DiMaggio imagine if you had a mint condition first edition Joe DiMaggio car baseball player that's all I know okay asking you to name another one name in an away that's definitely not a name Oh Lou Gehrig no come by know that one his Lou Gehrig's disease Lou Gehrig night Lou Gehrig was a baseball player that desire that died of a disease that hadn't been identified before so they then called it Lou Gehrig's kind of hell condition or symptoms yeah I don't know again someone's gonna have to tell them the chat what did what was Lou Gehrig's symptoms before he passed away say it ain't say say it ain't so Joe famous saying from Joe DiMaggio's he'd they apparently threw a baseball game or something like that you know they they were deliberately lost and a little kid said to Jay DiMaggio say it ain't so Joe say it ain't so but it was so stinkies not interested in baseball lessons me how do you make holy water friend you boil the heck out of it nice one stink the sneeze versus doctor hiccup that's how superhero powers you sneeze on me i hiccup on you okay stinky does have another superpower day what your father bought bought hey you are the one who have that power last night like I'm not gonna be here the cat finally went into the blanky and stay there for ages until yours your fatty power actually you cannot miss pointing at me not the time and we bought like no the cats do go away she's like right up how bad is that I'm trapped you know you may want her laughing say I've got a stomachache laughing so hard cuz it's true stink pants try dog me last night apparently I did the old tape tape she rolled over and the cat she left she got under the blankets last night it was so cold but why do you have to repeat bec ause of a power yep but let's face it you've got this same superpower that does the same if not more damage isn't it because when you do it it wakes me up let's face it my goodness what are we what are we talking about instinct dad's hair distinct we taught a secret move but I know who would win with that challenge if we both got our superpowers out personally I wouldn't want to be sneezed on by you though that's for damn sure priest pink pants thought says penguin he's mixing up in our names now that's a what did you call it before mutants that's the mutants that's what the children are gonna be please stink and pants thought so do power come from the bar I know you're certainly does how about the fire come from newborn born have you ever tried that wax oh oh did you get injured public service announcement people don't try it it's dangerous but I did just kids like people were saying that doesn't doesn't really work but like let's test these theory it does but the problem is you might end up if you're using a lighter or something you can actually blow blow out the thing as you're trying to light it anyway that's it after that thanks plane says I used to like for my wife I my neighbor until the password on their Wi-Fi changed should I say that I've done that too no peanut stinks and pants smells like oh yeah that's right stink pants his pants stink that life oh dear I'm all out of energy after laughing so hard from that I don't give me that you made me laugh stinky because I was unaware of all of it that's the thing I was actually is sleep me all the kitty cat hanging around underneath to blankies for once I love it when they do that it doesn't happen often until it gets weak to time and chilly has the chilly plant gang stink pants it's all right I'm growing more chillies yeah but still green so she's got all garden on their balcony at the moment dang not yet your weight fading is during the apocalypse are you gonna be alive just eating chili I don't think so where will you though you could survive on Chile no plans it's not gonna give you enough energy energy from the Chile plan the cat is dr. X says penguin please dr. X you know doctor Eckstein no I don't know I know dr. strange is it the same one no one's dr. X the other ones dr. strange no what's dr. X x marks the spot but that's the cap cats got our own superpowers that's a breath cat breath stink well gee he's still haven't lost one yet have you look at Stein man go I don't know what he's name is Bing the thing oh I know the thing I know things from a damn friend Larry yeah there's the thing in the adams family as well I wonder who ripped her off well why they look completely different seriously different ones just a hand isn't it you're doing quite well they're stinky getting through the map to you look at that guy expect gamers what we'll say about the old distinct pants you got the sniffles now stinky well the old chats gone rather quiet everything they're seeing you how much I can entertain you all myself but I feel like I need to go on a break let's tink pants do all the common treatment what can you buy more I can heal thinking this girl actually got a lot of power whatever oh poor should I take use the girl she's got the most power well love penguins comments they're toget her they are the stinks crime won't even come place that's true oh nice one up fine playmate says what do you call two fat people having a chat a heavy discussion up like that one does that mean every time you and I talk to each other in a live chat that we're we're having a heavy discussion because we're fat although you're not that fat hey I'm still standing that BMI you are me I actually lived calculating and I'm dead see first time yeah so you can't you can't take on other women is what you're telling me special ability I'm playing with the witch that the Scarlet Witch so she had some kind of psychic or something power but this black widow is more like physical she doesn't really have any power just physical strength and you almost beat a tie and have psychic power space to be able to help you in a battle why not what are you gonna do tell them up to what their fortune is for tomorrow you're gonna have a happy life boom you lose like it depends what kind of power oh I know you're a bout to kick me in the giblets so now I'm gonna myspace that would work wouldn't it but this this is not I think she has what they call like a dark like a witch black dark school black magic well just magic anyway penguins say kinda as he just said that I'm a stick in your a leaf sideways I mean if by stick you mean a tree trunk the size of what are those huge old trees in America I'm having another mental blank it'll come to me I keep thinking Deadwood but that's not right you know Yellowstone Park they've got these massive old trees cannot tell you that summer don't tell me I flee there like seriously ancient and huge there would be me huh I'm one of those ancient huge redwoods that's the one redwood trees you've never heard of the redwood trees you know do a search after the stream see what a person looks like up against a redwood tree not only do they have the girth like myself but they have the height like me I'm a giant and actually penguins the giant how many a little fella isn' t it just as tall as I am wide I did say something don't know if I should be saying this because I've never seen the actual show but it's for some reason this guy called no-neck was recommended to me on YouTube he's about as wide as he is tall why can't an idiot dial nine-one-one because you can't find the 11 on the phone did you get that no why can't the idiot dial nine-one-one because they can't find the 11 on the phone 11 fans only go up to what nine including the zero mm-hmm when I've got to explain the Jake's to stinky this is my life peanut is the Jolly Green Giant damn Tooting I am especially when I wear a green screen suit Jolly Green Giant you have to put a little stick figure next to me that's why we should do get a tiny little superhero figurine and then me as a Jolly Green Giant next to it and say look look at me I'm huge yeah are we doing this stinky should I upgrade you upgrade the super of old CPU or how many superheroes have you got already you've got a huge selection o f them should have been paying more attention to you playing there and then is a trivia piece of trivia how many of them did you know before playing the game no but you know don't really know the details know the name like I've done my well Gamora from God in galaxy yes Captain America yes Black Widow yes garlic we have Spider Man yes thing yes even I know that thing where is it coming from from Marvel Universe from the Marvel Universe thing born from the side of a mountain really I don't know but he's made a wrong if he is fantastic forward and yes I know maybe Fantastic Four that's where he comes from but I know that's my will I don't man yes Hawkeye yes I don't know jack or not juggernaut I've seen in one of the movies you made me watch you made me watching I mean it thought was in it as well and I man really the Hulk was in it to you there are all in it yeah but I don't know jack oh man he was it isn't a wheel in all he's um Oh which side like that well that's a very good question and I can't remember oh I can't remember the answer to that one sorry stinking oh the other microscopic waste penguins so pointy but it is fun to tree your any little thing nature what are you talking about saying you've got a microscopic waist your small skinny thin attractive too good for me is what you are lucky day lucky to have you as an arch-nemesis isn't it pants you wish that's what I wish that you are my arch-nemesis so like you're gonna wish that I was lucky to have you so wait I'm lucky to have you and you are my arch-nemesis that's what you're trying to tell me got it well it is true can't I give you that stinky Oh be tired today I gotta say your tie in every day I know a bit the energy what's with that partly that kitty cat was annoying me a bit last night wait I thought you were the one who had my kitty cat well only with the two but before that she was trying to get under the blankies numerous time last night juggernaut is from the x-men he is a villain and almost killed Wolverine see I know mr. Feeley now is penguin told me no I'm talking to penguin yeah penguin moseys stuff he teaches old uncle bouton so what is his power remember what's the pair of the juggernaut he looks like he's got a big metal head but I have pretty sure all these are mutant spider-man immediately Spidey's not here then how come he can make a whip ah is that all but an old sleepy here is it just mutants not all things like that we know it's not amusing think of x-men you made three X you made like Wolverine you need this scarlet which is from x-men so she's mutant from the beginning and it's still saying I can't get here and it only need one mutant right it's aa mutant champion I might penguins expert advice here why she can't get into that challenge have a challenge you're the queen of challenges arches thinking dad burping Oh trying not to yeah that's another special power isn't it it comes every time you strain it does I do not understand what is with the burp in the hiccup that was one time you almo st didn't do it remember to finish it now before you start Bobby and then a right at the end there guys all gassy dwarf they called me you're not you're the gassy dwarf actually that's what I call you in private all the time isn't it Kassie dwarf look at you guy you're destroying this guy who I again I don't know who that is but I know you're fighting is the thing does the health rejuvenate as well that looks like I don't think so my hair is not rejuvenant that was a close one great I might have to change you which I cannot here we go penguins say genius he was given the super strength and was a prisoner before being tested on he was before being tested on he was being put to death in the electric chair and then his head grew around it and he wanted revenge on the x-men for him in prison let me read it myself why are you doing that exploits here however exploit good to see ye we've we've got him in a stream again nice one a punchy punch says exploit I thought it would be too late for h im to be up and at this point in time that's why I was suggesting possibly I had a chat to him in discord saying what time would it be for you if we actually did it at 11 pm a our time but then he said it was 11 pm or when I am his time as well so I don't know what the time difference is I thought there was like a 12-hour one is who knows we might have to switch the stream time at one point just to see what happens well though here we go again on sale do a midweek one we never do it we test it out with a bit of clash of clans yeah that's what they say they say we don't listen the old uncle pedo anymore it just speaks garbage all the time I'm the king of garbage talk come and do the bin collection it's actually not on Sunday goods everyday as I want to tell me every day with the garbage talk and the collection you've almost beaten him stinky but you're letting him destroy you there I don't know how dad who's that the silver guy is that silver Silver Streak you are washing the old ones o h I thought I was watching yeah you're right I've got three four different screens going and they're all going at different times finish it off stupid he does the sleep time steel baby it's 551 I am for exploit at the moment my goodness you are up early that's all I got a savior he doesn't - oh I don't know if he's doing it to make this streams but that is early he wouldn't catch me up that early unless I've been up all night so thank you exploit much appreciated 1:51 pm for penguin and plane saying what does a wall say to the other wall not the wall yep well to say it not the wall yep see you again I'll meet you at the corner I mean you at the corner mmm you got that one right it's stinking it's hard to make stinky laughs I like him and there's that this that same emoji that I said there's a dab emoji but it's an elbow coughs I've pulled up an all-nighter says exploit how come you're up all night there's a power space it's the weekend you can party time catchy on the weekends doing al l night I'd do those occasionally a lot more when I was younger all night is used to be fun when you were younger not so much when you get a hold up I like your technique they're sticky you're doing well now what have you been doing all night exploited that's the other thing what do you do in your pool all night is study usually isn't it actually I've never seen you pull an all-nighter what do you mean like he's literally stay up all night I really can't do that I can't stay late but I still have to sleep yeah I think though the latest I've seen it for me is probably about 3 or 4 am was a known I've been kiting trying to complete my project nice one well I exploit we've got another protector we have an online protector in exploit he's like our online bodyguard because the you know you're more tech savvy than I am and I you don't do anything when it comes to the YouTube or any other social media except for playing the game so I kind of need the help of people like exploit and bright and random they know more than I do you know it's like in the discord they know how to do stuff whereas I don't yeah I'm a lot right there's a word of the day for you Luddite yep I have an aversion to technology how is the coding going exploit and don't don't tell us anything that you're not supposed to tell us but I'm curious as to there might be coding for a game or a program something to do with Word or Excel although I wouldn't be those things you know maybe graphic coding any nice not really not really teach us about that my junior actually learn about that but when I study they just more focus on how to use Microsoft Office and stuff oh no matter II oh we might be ending the stream soon well it looks like it's been going for quite some time anyway yeah yeah we're almost at the two-hour mark Peter you instinct should do VR yes we've been someone raised there actually is exploit that raised that in discordant say need a little bit of help with it just in terms of what would be the bes t time and well really how to do it I think I've I've spoken to people in discord but it's always been one-on-one so I guess that's not really the virtual jack I don't know anything about it is what I'm trying to say but I guess I'm guessing that the boards that are already set up in discord that allow you to chat are actually ready for it already if that's correct someone let me know about that ways that you serve as good say exploits so kind he's been with this for so long did you know that exploits been been a supporter original do gog for well every year be getting close to two years now although we haven't when did we upload our first video 28th of May or 30th of May something like that we're almost at the two-year mark where the channel was started up before that but no videos so yeah if you can explain if one of those boards is already good to go like the general chat then I guess it just a matter of organizing your time to do it you bear in mind usually when it's around the str eam time I have a lot of work to do before the stream as well as after the stream so it certainly couldn't be today well maybe that's something we can do in the future have a VR chat after the stream man I could do it if you don't mind the fact that I'd be working at the same time Spidey's back my goodness I thought What did he say I thought I would be gone for the rest of the live but he's back good to see you again playing says why kind of bicycle stand on its own I know this joke why can't a bicycle stand on its own too tired to wheels oh hang on oh I've got a run I asked someone in the discord before what do you call all of the various things that are on the left-hand side because I used to call them channels but then someone told me they're called boards so what is the correct term for all of these discord rooms is it a room that you can go into I'm not up to date with the terminology I'm afraid see if you can all come to an agreement then that's what I'll call it in future I'm su re someone called me aboard I called it a boarder and welcome back to the spider you've been missing a little bit of Spidey action always think he's using a few different characters at the moment aren't you what are you on now no answer from the stinky she can't figure out how to get into this one particular challenge I think I don't know yeah so I called them channels as well and help penguin same services say that's just gonna confuse me even more but always calling them channels and then someone said what do you mean channels they're called boards maybe they've got various names but most people that had in the the stream at the moment are in the discord so I just want to know what you know what's the Welcome goodbye thing what's the general discussion thing what do you call it those things the boutots think pants one the staff only thing they've got to have some sort of universal main because I've got two different ones in there the chat already but do you mean link straight yeah th e extreme left hand side of it see and I'll just pull it up now singers you know at the top you've got rules then announcements then welcome goodbye self rolls how to verify then general chat rooms so they call brooms lounges because even that the main adding you've got important channels general chat rooms talking lounge off-topic stuff music stuff game discussion they're all called different things so I just want to know how do you label all of that stuff there just say that people can understand what what the heck it is I'm talking about so exploit well you're saying channels that's what I used to call them until someone corrected me they said no they're not channels their boards extinct plants please tell me did I make you laugh a little bit yeah around the beginning which means you've done well penguin gets very what it's very difficult to make Sinbad's laugh unless you paid up I make your laughter and I notice once again from this thinking well I looked Spidey's back in the actio n there although I'm watching an old screen doing Spidey just for Spidey answer no this is the hot I die or guy I notice you use different techniques depending on what I don't even know what it's depending on but you seem to use different techniques all the time stinky and this one seems to be pretty effective too so like these subchannel things that are actually called channels well I'm gonna go back to calling them channels again and I can't remember who corrected me and said no they're called boards and the headers are called categories okay so categories and channels you got that stinky for if you ever get on the old discord and then yeah I guess it's just a matter of time to find out when the most people are online on this coordinate so that we can do a virtual Chuck always happy to have a chat it it actually be good for once to hear everyone else talk rather than me I see penguin says you can hear the phone tapping she's so good isn't it she you are fast I've got to admit when yo u play games you're fast imagine the old peanut trying it up now I hope right should I go for now the quest or that seek you go for another quest we're pretty close to the two-hour mark anyway let's have a look here yeah another five minutes and you've hit the two hours so I'll say go for it me do you want to hear two short jokes and a long joke you only hear two short jokes in a long Jake Jake Jake I like that one is funny actually there's been a lot of funny jokes today I laughed but then the live chat doesn't find it any sort of achievement to make me laugh it's all about making you laugh sting pants all the time so I do it probably because I'm easily amused what is it's simple things - simple minds something like that I'm easily entertained say to find out you look at the right-hand side slider oh yeah okay that's right say but don't some people say that they're not online even though they are online I haven't even worked out how to do that yet because I see people say do not distu rb and so on I got distinct pants to have a look at that she couldn't figure it out either which is unusual normally stink pants figures all of that kind of stuff out and say the Jake is retired now for my title will remain this is true but it totally depends on the statuses of the individuals so I'm happy I mean if it's a virtual chat and there's only one person there that still doesn't bother me it's just having a chat with another individual really isn't it but be prepared I'll be lazy I'll try and get you to do all the talking want to find out more about everyone else rather than letting them hear me all the time and then try and get stink pants involved - happens on occasion you talk to people in discord before hahaha you mean siding tightly yeah no worries exploit always happy to lend from me happy to learn from everyone in the chat no matter what age sex or Creed young old you learn something from everyone he's an instinct if you pay enough attention oh I'm gonna record boy you fight the raccoon okay nice Tinky doesn't get on this cord unless I make her say she's she's chatted with our luck before a few times but that's about it she doesn't really do anything else on discordant she doesn't doesn't really do much on any of the social media or even on YouTube she just plays the games that's it hear that stinky telling your special powers on throw it you learned how to control your special power I need the Gator that Academy that they do in x-men what's a gold severe severe severe severe Academy I don't know I've got a gator the mutant Academy paid on time time place in the Jacob Fonzie penguin will be there we know it to say this is maybe I'd say they exploit do you want to take the lead on that to say you know what's a good time when and where for me it's probably you know ideally at the moment anyway not a day either side of the stream just because there is so much work today maybe something midweek but I don't know if that's gonna be helpful to other people about bad joke well a raccoon just came out of the trash to fight stink pants indeed I like raccoons they look like little fairy thieves you know what I mean it'll be nice and they are thieves they're loving Spidey's come in as did I why did the picture go to jail because it was framed framed stinky and his cane is a reminder for the 2:00 hour we're getting very close now came plus the batteries getting low on the phone so at this point it's up to stinky when she wants to finish but it always worries me when Kane gives me the reminder it's like he doesn't he wants the streams to end quickly or after that he realizes that we do try to keep it to the two-hour mark and he's doing the right thing I opted for the latter we loved Kane I think that's why he doesn't say hey you said you're gonna do to our streams he said hey time for pizza yeah that's right time for the pizza in streams is Kane all right we are at the two-hour mark there about so we'll finish it up here once this game as well I mean this quest so after is this the last one in the quest or you thought and one more last boss before that so it looks like she wants to AC day it and just finish the quest but that ain't saying that these quests don't seem to take very long you know I've got a lisp what Lisa Lisp so every time you make me say s words the Lisp gets stronger and stronger if I have to do it like she sells c7 she sells seashells by the seashore can say that ten times fast free meme Studios here good to see you well they we're almost at the end of the stream so he go captain Mouse or you didn't do too well weed Captain Marvel last time I'm not a captain my wheel I am a solid wish when I was a cat fight on cat fight I didn't you threaten my whale by the way oh no that's see you were fighting against mm-hmm well given that you lost the games Captain Marvel go for it you show the the stream how good you are it's not looking great there but nice one so that's it you completed the quest yep say thank you al l guys once again for making this an entertaining stream for us I hope you have a fantastic wait make sure you do your school work if that's what you're doing or work work if that's what you're doing yeah stay safe stay indoors thank you out unless you absolutely after she that seems to be the thing we say a lot these days oh we are going to reduce the restrictions from tomorrow in Victoria yeah in New South Wales I don't know about that Oh actually Victoria is the latest state who reduce the restriction so all other state reduces like the first of May well fair enough all right so did you have any parting words is a superhero stink pants control your special power learn how to control your special power everyone got one plenty okay good bye guys all right guys they say every good one we'll see you later

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