¿Puedes ser como llorar que quieres jugar te encanta jugar? No lo creo cuando dices que es lo contrario correcto noche-noche nunca lo contrario siempre lo que trato y te engaño pensando que sí te intimidando sí lo hiciste muchas veces no engañando qué es esto es un nuevo juego por qué estilo de comida al azar hola tú cambias aquí queso al azar oveja hombre aquí hola a todos allá tú vas ¿Tengo que poner música lo que sea que realmente hice por ti de antemano pensando en el futuro inteligente bien hombre vas a tener aguantar pantalones apestosos es maravilloso comentario Vuelvo enseguida, es maravilloso, así que tal vez no sea necesario comentar porque es tan maravilloso, está bien, ahora tienes que definir el ID de tu mundo, elige con cuidado porque una vez que veas el ID de la leyenda, se puede cambiar bueno, bueno nuevo es solo jugar este por hoy de todos modos, así que no importa lo que realmente no puedo cambiar por 8 5 ok lo que sea, whoa Tech tiene que gustarle al supervisor del mundo 4 8 5 sí, mantener a la gente a salvo de el peligro del páramo tu trabajo es expandir y mantener el voto como escuchar a tu habitante 7 feliz cada habitación tiene usos especiales atribuidos habitante asignado con lo mejor especial para hacerlos felices, así que básicamente tengo que hacer feliz al pozo, oh, no sabía que iba a estar muy como si mi resultado va a ser bastante malo, bueno, el hombre de la sacudida dice que ha jugado el juego antes de que lo usemos significa menos introdujo su concepto básico, sí, el bebé Z también está aquí Hawaii, todos los DLG están aquí y Sheepman tiene miedo de darnos algunos consejos porque como como de costumbre, no sabemos lo que estamos haciendo terminando esto es una policía, manos arriba construye en nuestro lugar donde puedes hacer habitaciones confirma la ubicación tocando ver factura del alma lo que aún no sé tú construyes ahí tú está construyendo un activo de bolsillo, ella lo despedirá sin preocupaciones, no importa si la gente no se presenta a las transmisiones, estamos felices cuando lo hacen, amamos este apoyo, niños al azar todos los días dicen que son buenos Es increíble escuchar ahora quién enseñó que jugaba este juego antes de que también rompiera el -sistema de compras de aplicaciones , así que obtuve compras gratuitas en aplicaciones increíbles, tenemos un par de expertos al azar todos los días, probablemente tengamos suficientes modificaciones por el momento en el futuro, sí, tal vez, así que veremos cómo va, pero las modificaciones que tenemos. tenido del estado aquí por un tiempo muy largo lo que hizo que el desgaste no se me olvida que perdido nada Seth que es lo que dicen raro que eres una mala AnimTree un pirata informático enojado sí ISA qué todo el mundo, recoger los huevos de Pascua pulsaciones aleatorias diaria oye Pedro I no tienen una broma sí, nos encantan las bromas Tammy apestoso de qué tipo de día estaba hablando Le di un saludo a él era un azar y me comí esta noche por hacer de tu vida la vida en la última corriente di gracias por ser un paciente con este Vince al azar todos los días ocurrirá tarde o temprano probablemente, pero solo soporta esto, lo que está pasando allí apestoso, así que no hay huevos de Pascua de nadie, parece que no conseguí que mi Huevo de Pascua siguiera ¿ Dónde está mi Huevo de Pascua? Sin chocolate para ti en realidad tengo chocolate, no, cuando conseguí chocolate , vi la envoltura, wai t ahora chocolate adentro, entonces, ¿qué significa Mountain View giros aquí también cómo estás cómo estás es bueno verte también esperamos que todo esté bien en el cuello del bosque de todos ¿las cosas no están bien aquí están apestosas nosotros estás construyendo un refugio contra la lluvia radiactiva oh, es una broma apestosa, toc, toc , estás esperando la siguiente línea. No sé quién está allí, pero no hemos respondido bien. Tenemos anuncios de la respuesta de la puerta. Pensamos que puedes. usa Rushmore para que los consejos fluyan, hombre oveja y al azar y cualquier otra persona que juegue este juego, oh, no te preocupes por los gráficos, debo decir que es muy colorido, bueno, ¿eres tú? Todavía no lo entiendo ¿cuál es la advertencia de luz estroboscópica? Podría tener un ataque ¿ Quién está allí? Oye, solo dije que ya está allí, huevo, ¿qué gran eco todavía va a borrar el potenciador pagado en una de las mejores bromas? Alexander d DM 13 ¿Hay un infierno? ¿Eres genial ver a todos los doj ? volver a bloquearlo bien bien este es Alexander bueno D aquí estamos contentos de haber muerto parece que todo el día todo el día gozan de buena salud en este momento, ¿no es apestoso? Siempre aparecen sin respuesta del vapor y él dijo quién está allí, está bien, todavía está esperando el chiste de videos aleatorios todos los días, es el más largo Broma de toc-toc que hemos tenido que te hizo reír, ¿no? Alexander dice que es bueno, es bueno escucharlo, uh, todos debería decir, chicos, por favor, tengan mucho cuidado con lo que hacen pipí qué por qué tienen que tener cuidado con sus Genial lo que pones en los comentarios porque espera lo que pasó aquí, el mío ya no está haciendo la reproducción y el tuyo no está haciendo nada en absoluto, ah solo ten paciencia conmigo, sigues haciendo lo tuyo allí, excelente clima que estamos teniendo, dice pistas al azar todos los días. incluso puede recordar la original que es bueno, porque teníamos grandes tormentas en el último par de días que hay un buen número de emergencia que llama es especial lo Jessie envejeció nuestra hoja está aquí como estas ¿cómo nos fijamos en todos ellos procedentes de espesor y rápido eso no es especial lo que es especial significa, oh, tienes resistencia, ¿qué es la percepción? ¿Cómo ves las cosas? Tu visión del mundo apestosa y supongo que deberíamos decirles a todos que tu visión del mundo debería estar en tu refugio de Apocalipsis . No sé qué hacer todavía. uh, una vez más, no hemos recibido ningún consejo de random o shape man, pero todavía los estamos esperando, esa era la pista, están repitiendo la misma broma y puedes lamer gorras, atuendo y arma, bien, ¿cómo cómo estás? qué recoger el arma ah oh no responda a esa mirada tenemos otra broma toc-toc apestoso aguanta en los juegos aquí hola en el infierno del juego estás oh eso es un trapeador bueno vids al azar todos los días dicen que están sangrando en sus labios Espero que estés bien, entonces ponle un poco de yodo o betadine que por lo general ayuda a eliminar la infección. Está bien, oye suerte, ¿quién es la suerte? Enseña esto al azar. No sé si es por el betadine, pero apesta. A los pantalones le gusta ponerme eso todo el tiempo cuando tengo pequeños cortes y moretones es Oh Adrian cruceros aquí espera ah bueno espera mejor hago una traducción para eso solo ten paciencia conmigo ah todo el resultado es empezar ahí tu vas Puedo hacer eso para empezar pero no soy muy bueno en ni siquiera lo sé si esto es portugués o español todavía, oh, eso es algo que no configuré haciendo un poco de trabajo de fondo aquí esperando el traductor de Google. No sé lo que estoy haciendo, sabe que sí, eso no es muy divertido cuando puedes decir Bueno, a algunas personas les puede gustar el sabor, pero creo que aquí vamos y probamos la tierra ahora deberíamos probar el portugués, gracias mm-hmm y Cain dice que está cansado, está dando el viejo bostezo, ahí vamos, eso tomó un tiempo para hacer esa traducción por qué todos quieren un tejido tan aburrido es que lo que está pasando eres aburrido apestoso oye somos todos los tíos fiestas siempre la música aburrida deja de enviarte spam a tus moderadores. moderadores originales y obtener mejores de la forma en que lo hacen todo Oh, toc, toc, ¿qué que cada vez que tenemos que pasar por esto, sabes que las respuestas, quién está ahí, me estoy concentrando, solo pienso, sí, lo eres, eso es lo que haces bien, no puedes, dice que eres aburrido, apestoso, sí, está bien, no tienes nada que decir. que quiero decir que solo estás de acuerdo, de acuerdo, esto es lo que creemos que apesta, aparentemente ahí tienes, hay un chico apestoso, sí, lo soy, chicos. Me voy a ir a la cama, lo siento, no quiero perderme el conejito de Pascua. Papá Noel en medio de la noche No sé por qué me preguntas, en realidad también tengo curiosidad, es un momento diferente para todos ahora que no tenemos horario de verano, el ahorro de luz se ha ido hmm, pero eso es solo Australia, ¿verdad? depende de dónde te encuentres en el mundo, pero definitivamente para los estadounidenses no tendrían horario de verano en este momento porque eso es como una cosa de verano, no una cosa de invierno, pero apestoso, entiendes las diferencias horarias, sí, la zona horaria anterior, ella no sabe nada, sí, él lo hace. el conejito de pascua viene de noche y terminaron teniendo una búsqueda de huevos de Pascua, introdujeron pantalones apestosos a los que ella realmente no sabía mucho sobre la Pascua antes de conocerme y tenía una o dos personas más viviendo una allí cuando digo que el conejito de Pascua vino y me visitó. por todas partes, el tío Pooh, el doctor dijo, oye, tienes una buena caza de trucos, mata y sting pants, te levantaste temprano y te llevaste todos los huevos de Pascua, todos, ¿no apestabas? Sí, no te acuerdas, ¿ no? dice toc toc quién está ahí apesta bien ese apestado agradecido Apesto porque no tengo pantalones es 1101 donde tipos al azar Daley's pm Supongo que está diciendo Oh, dinos oh, espero poder pronunciar esto correctamente Tillis pin deck R así que R está aquí hola cómo estás tú tengo mucha curiosidad por saber de dónde viene ese hombre no es un idioma que me parezca familiar tengo una búsqueda de huevos de pascua con mi hermano y primos en la casa de mi abuela linda es hora de cuentos ya podría contarte las historias de mi hermano y yo cuando éramos niños, un huevo de Pascua busca Como pantalones apestosos, nos levantaremos temprano, robaremos todos los huevos y ni siquiera los compartiríamos, así que después de eso, el Conejo de Pascua, también conocido como el Conejito de Pascua , pondría nuestros nombres en los huevos, así que lo sacaríamos a él, esa era la única manera. haz que mi hermano te comparta así hoy cuéntale apestoso tu chiste toc-toc Soy una niña oh, no sabía que al azar pensé que en realidad eras un niño di gracias por corregirme allí lo intentaré recuerda que en el futuro me tomará un poco de tiempo recordar las cosas sí dinos exactamente exactamente ella dice hasta su finn decker si sigues ahí me encantaría de ninguna manera estás en el mundo ahora no tienes que decirnos si no lo haces pero yo quiero pero siempre tenemos curiosidad me quedaré un poco más te lo diré cuando me vaya no te preocupes aprecia que bueno ellos sí queremos que te duermas al azar y algo que sea más bien ausentes en esta casa, con un gatito saltando sobre nosotros en todo momento del día y de la noche, los chistes son entrando demasiado espeso y rápido, apestoso, tengo otro golpe, golpe, espera. Necesito pensar que ya has construido un pequeño refugio contra la lluvia radiactiva. Ya es un video aleatorio de búnker impresionante que dice allí en los EE. UU., Así que espero que todo esté bien allí porque nosotros Tengo informes de que no es tan bueno, espero que las cosas mejoren, pero muchachos, tengan cuidado si hablan de lo que está sucediendo en el mundo hoy porque Dios, hemos tenido una monetización limitada en tres de nuestros videos ahora y yo no demasiado. Seguro por qué las últimas noches al azar no ha dormido demasiado bien eso no es bueno está todo bien Espero que no sea por pesadillas o cualquier cosa que sepas que tienes que comentar un poco más fuerte que ese apestoso murmullo bajo tu aliento estoy pensando Me estoy inclinando en doblar tu respiración mamá bla naturaleza el amor está aquí oh Dios mío alguien del clan si recuerdo que correctamente esto es garra dorada recuerda tragar saliva apestando oh sí creo que eso es correcto de todos modos estoy probando mi memoria un poco bien Esperamos que todo esté bien donde estás, especialmente que si todavía estás en la India, ten cuidado, trata de no salir en absoluto, eso es lo que está a la orden del día. Él realmente no está caliente. Quédate en casa y diviértete con nosotros test silencio de apestoso como pago, por lo general, lo habitual está bien, ¿qué estás intentando con su apestoso? No puedo dejar de pensar en la piedra comestible, oh, nos vamos a molestar de nuevo con la comida y todavía no hemos averiguado lo que queremos. voy a comer hoy No puedo dejar de pensar en cosas comestibles como esponja comestible para platos y jabón comestible y finos comestibles son cosas reales Nunca he tenido una esponja comestible en mi vida o una multa comestible ¿cómo se hace una llamada telefónica una vez? empiezas a comértelo y los bastones tienen que hacer un desafío de chile otra vez, de hecho, los randoms se van a ir en cinco minutos, las cosas están bien por ahora, el amante de la naturaleza o trago nos estaba preguntando que te estuvieras haciendo bien apestoso gracias ahí tienes sí, todos estamos bien aquí, nos quedamos en casa en este momento lo cual no es tan malo ex excepto que nos ponemos de los nervios el uno al otro, cariño, con el archienemigo. Bueno, de nuevo, no hemos recibido ningún consejo de nadie que juegue el juego, pero incluso dos personas han dicho que lo han jugado, pero estás construyendo una manera. parece que tuviste tu refugio antiaéreo no sé qué estoy haciendo para ser padre de la madriguera del apocalipsis del disco Tengo que salir de una historia divertida, nos encanta escuchar historias divertidas, hazlo al azar, sí, queremos. escuchar que nos mantiene adentro, con suerte, la charla entretenida me mantiene entretenido si aún tienes que atacarme a los Merodeadores o si crees que la gente llama a tu puerta y tratan de entrar allí matanzas aquí es bueno verte olvidar todo lo que sabes sobre mis juegos de pelota hola todos hola matanza espero que todo esté bien donde estás y no sabemos nada sobre mis juegos de pelota de todos modos, así que estamos bastante bien para olvidarnos de los reyes, ¿estamos pensando que estás construyendo un edificio en subterráneo dócil? algún error, pero no importa, ¿verdad? ¿Sabes que cometiste un error? Dijeron que si construyes la misma habitación, entonces puedes hacer una especie de señuelo. ¿Cómo te llamas aru fusionado? Lo cual es bueno, bueno, no bueno, sí , es bueno, pero no lo hice. construir la misma habitación que es ¿es usted Shia esa es la cosa Oh brights aquí y que está diciendo que las notificaciones de YouTube están en mal aspecto que es lo mismo para nosotros que tenemos un número de canales que no están recibiendo notificaciones, ya sea para no parece haber Suceden bastantes cosas extrañas con YouTube en este momento, probablemente sea porque no tienen suficiente personal, sugeriría, pero los brillos han estado diciendo que durante un tiempo no ha estado recibiendo notificaciones cuando estamos transmitiendo, lo cual es bastante extraño, pero con suerte conseguir que en la discordia vids de todos modos así al azar diario dijeron que se despertaron a las 2 de Pascua y que no sabían la masacre tiempo dijo que sólo en la primera canción entera en buen piano de una masacre que canción fue que le encantaría que usted juega es un día oh espera stinki tengo un comentario decente chicas fuera de los gatos peleando con un octavo tendrías que proteger al animal, por supuesto, por supuesto, oh, esto parece nuevo carisma de agilidad, tal vez ella pueda ir al carisma, de acuerdo, ve a la sala de estar, desbloquear por qué nadie se queda en esta habitación hmm ¿ Cuál es la habitación que no tengo? Desbloqueo de almacenamiento Necesito resistencia de acuerdo Silencio de almacenamiento de almacenamiento Algún día voy a atrapar a ese gato ¿Dónde estaba? Digo que es la canción de mí. No sé, en la que me despierto en el medio. la noche abre este es un lugar no te resistas estarás tal vez no debería escribir esa parte no sabes, la canción principal apestosa no, me despierto a las 10 am y la señorita Church Stream en la iglesia estaba yendo por el arroyo de la Iglesia No sé qué es eso tampoco, entonces vi mi canasta y la canasta de mi hermano no oh y ahora me llené de regalos estos suena como mi hermano y diré más moradores que aguanto decir brillos dándote consejos Creo que espera, será mejor que tenga paciencia conmigo, así que entre en mi máscara, hurgó en todo lo que quería más La buena diversión que obtuviste suena a Navidad, así que el mocoso cantó si construyes la misma habitación al lado de otra, puedes fusionarla, lo que acabas de descubrir para crear una sala superior para crear una sala de mayor rendimiento que sigue siendo una habitación apestosa. más habitantes pueden trabajar en ellos oh lo siento, está aquí el mundo de Sawyer aquí hola cómo estás ellos han estado viendo descargar este juego buenos parece ser un juego apropiado para el apocalipsis espero que estén bien donde están a los suelos porque nosotros les preocupa que hay ciertos países que probablemente están sufriendo mucho más que otros que dicen al azar y miran dentro de su normalidad para ti Tengo suspenso ah creemos que nunca escuché lo que piensas, pero sabes cómo somos los juegos sistema correcto, gracias , dicen slaughters lamp eso en el piano pubs increíbles aquí increíble verte increíble al azar dijo que me aburrí tanto en la computadora, caramba, estoy un poco atrasado, soy un dinosaurio, dice pug increíble, ya sabes el consolamos y miramos en las fotos de perezosos, brillante dice que un máximo de tres C máximo de tres habitantes por habitación Supongo que apestoso no me preguntes tantos, pero ¿qué es bueno? Eso es bueno, digamos tres, puedes tener tres habitantes por habitación, creo que si lo expandes así y luego me fui de nuevo a usted las leyes de la cama de esto es que la mamá está viendo la televisión oh bonita, así que estoy contento de uno del grupo mundial Soyuz está aquí para saludar nos hemos estado perdiendo un montón de gente en su caso entonces de alguna manera tal vez luchando más que otros en el momento brillante dice que tienen una forma, así que juego sonic Unleashed a pesar del hecho de terminar un tiempo incontable juegos conseguido de mal oliente como que no me fusión media dibujó nuestras habitaciones fusionadas máximo de tres, si usted tiene una habitación triple a las seis Estaba investigando un poco y vi esto, pensaron que pasaron y saludaron Espero que todo esté bien donde estás, sí, mira, todo está bien en el momento en el que no sé si la gente sabe sobre las restricciones del escenario , podría ser diferente en todas partes estamos en la etapa tres en este momento, pero ¿quién fue a la etapa 4, ¿dijiste que Queensland hizo eso? No, no, Nueva Zelanda, Nueva Zelanda, está bien, sí, en este momento nos quedamos dentro, parece ser lo que todos tienen que hacer en este momento y esperamos que todos ustedes ... no salgas a menos que sea absolutamente necesario, lo sé, así que déjame corregir la iluminación brillante dice que para una habitación normal es 3 para una habitación doble es 4 y luego para una habitación triple a las 6 tengo que cualquier habitación individual es total manía sónica es divertido. 'm especie de hojear los comentarios y para que yo pueda seguir el ritmo de aguacate es un bien para su salud que es cierto cuando fue la última vez que tuvimos otro gato que era hace un tiempo por lo que consolar mi PS4 el hecho del día es este Me refiero a la etapa 3, oh, ahí tienes, no sé qué significa vortigaunts, pug increíble, quizás tengas que explicar que un agua, ellos obtuvieron el agua cada vez que tomas agua, te daré un emoji especial como ese hmm y luego yo Te daré un emoji de llanto como ese grito de Morty II llorando a las membresías del canal en realidad Debería tener paciencia conmigo, lo estoy haciendo, otro poco de trabajo de fondo aún no he configurado estos BOTS nocturnos todavía, que tal vez deberían hacerse una noche, entrar allí y hacer su propia publicidad, conseguiremos algunos de los mods para hazlo también, está iluminando una luz diferente, esa es una buena pregunta, déjanos ver que me estoy quedando sin agua, traje algo Brad te está dando algunos consejos, ¿qué son estos? sí, puedes afectar mi trasero ¿cómo puedo expandir eso? no, no puedo, las camas son incapaces de saborear el picante y no siento nada de comida picante, dale de comer a él y a Caroline Arriba, eso es lo que digo, todos Grand Theft Auto es un juego divertido, sí, jugado que una vez antes de la llamada, grita a todos. las turbas le gritan agua vortigaunt él es un extraterrestre yo no sabía eso sí al azar lo siento no puedo seguir diciendo que no le gusta el robot nocturno que duerma bien lee al azar todos los días espera voy a usar una palabra tradicional que dice brillante ahora brillante deja de hacer ese tipo de cosas porque si haces eso te quitaré tu mo d estado, tienes que ser tomado un poco más en serio que eso porque esperamos que estés atento a lo que sucede en el chat para no romper las reglas reales, Dios mío, así que solo obtén un reconocimiento de tu parte no hagas más eso, hecho 530 en todo el mundo, más del 80 por ciento de todas las escuelas están cerradas debido a eso, sí, bueno, gracias por no mencionarlo. Aprecio que tenemos más agua en la tierra, así que debes hacer más agua también, cuantos más habitantes tengas. consigue cuantas más habitaciones desbloquees apestoso tienes ese hmm eventualmente desbloquearás salas de entrenamiento puedes entrenar la fuerza de un habitante y tsubame más brillante pero dar brillos es dar muy buenos consejos boomer o no gracias los gatos no tienen papilas gustativas dulces ellos no pueden detectar ningún alimento dulce que comen realmente aparentemente esto es de acuerdo al fax aleatorio como chicos no hombre solo estaba bromeando si sé que tienes que tener cuidado contigo espera bromeas y la razón por la que digo eso de nuevo es que hemos tenido t ¿ Qué monetización está restringida? Creo que hay tres videos ahora y un par de ellos en uno reciente, por lo que podría deberse a lo que se dice en el chat porque tratamos de mantenerlo muy claro. ¿Cuál es la palabra que usan ahora? ¿Sabías que cera si la gente dice que soy vainilla, lo que significa que soy muy directo, muy Laura mordiendo, sabes que es un poco aburrido y simple, realmente sí, bueno, eso es correcto, no hay nada de malo con la vainilla, ellos saben por qué la gente diría que eso es yo No creo que digan que es algo malo es para decir que sabes que soy muy, muy directo y brillante diciendo que sí, no pueden saborear las gominolas Nunca he intentado alimentar con gominolas a un gato, ¿conoces a algún Sims? aquí mira, tenemos un miembro del canal que se presentó con gusto en verte ASM esperamos que todo esté bien donde estás, de hecho, creemos que es bastante bueno donde estás, así que ahí lo tienes, hay un ejemplo de un miembro real del canal que al azar dice cuanto más los violines se tocan mejor suenan ahora que sería t Las guitarras rue cuz pueden ser de la misma manera y terminas consiguiendo ¿has visto mi vieja apestosa? Tiene muchos surcos para mí. Mis dedos tocándola a lo largo de los años, sí, es por eso que los violines súper viejos tienden a venderse por enormes. precios porque tienen un cierto tiempo único um producible el Stradivarius que y un yo-yo aaa donan , hemos tenido una súper donación en el pasado, pero sí, tenemos nuestro primer y único primer nueve, gritamos que SM Lake, por ser un miembro del canal, los cuadrados cuyo suelo no estoy muy seguro de qué Square Park, son cuadrados como la vainilla, significa estar al cuadrado, ¿sabes que en el apestoso eh? Bueno, estamos obteniendo muchos datos al azar en este momento. El único lugar en los EE. UU. donde el correo todavía es transportado por mulas es súper Arizona.No sabía si incluso lo hicieron, todavía mulas, ¿por qué no te cuenta la historia de burro cebras al ver que sus comidas se llevaron apestosas qué viste esta mañana? está a ocho millas de la escritura más cercana no hay waterman Beals dentro de su pequeña población de 209 grande un apestoso ¿qué pasa con el tuyo cebra es burro historia burro eso es lo que quieres decir con zonkey ver atrás su culo con burro oye ella vio un luchador de eso una cebra cruzada con el burro bienvenido a nuestro mundo la nave espacial con destino a Mercurio ha sido domesticada impresionantes vistas de la Tierra durante un sobrevuelo crucial que se llevó a cabo hoy temprano, agradable, nos encanta cuando tenemos una transmisión educativa también, ¿no es apestoso aprender algo nuevo todos los días que me fui si alimentas con caramelos? para un gato no va a saborear la dulzura de todos a los que vamos a regresar No voy a leer los senos para que el primer piano exista, cumpla 300 años este año, realmente pensé que serían un un poco mayor, pero no, probablemente tuviste una corte inteligente o un clavicémbalo puede haber sido anterior al viejo piano, eso es lo que supongo, por qué ya no es una palabra, verías cómo hola a todos, así que aquí vamos de nuevo, brillante, te estoy dando una última advertencia, bueno, supongo que eso es n no está mal soy un tribunal de votantes ahora en la discordia agradable sí, si aún no se ha unido a la discordia , considere hacerlo. Me he dado cuenta de que todos me apoyan mucho cada vez que veo una nueva carga. Puedo ver mucho del DOJ en realidad están comentando los videos de los demás, lo cual es genial, supongo que como si hubieras estado en silencio durante diez minutos, no ha dicho nada malo y mira, Em tiene acceso a los emojis especiales, solo un aviso si obtenemos más membresías. entonces podemos añadir más emojis en el momento que estamos restringidos a los cuatro que son éstos que voy a seguir haciendo ellos sólo dicen que las personas que ASM tiene acceso a los emojis paredes de llamada Jake estoy no hay sonidos mod corruptos como sin embargo, son problemas y Ava Jake, ¿sabían que las galletas del metro hicieron que mi hermano fuera suspendido de la escuela? Necesito escuchar esta historia que es que las galletas del metro te suspenden de la escuela. Siempre vi este juego en Facebook en YouTube. Los anuncios son agradables porque creo que ' No estoy seguro si alguien recomendó esto o En realidad, lo elegí yo mismo, pero estábamos tratando de hacerlo. Supongo que algunos juegos de tipo apocalipsis para el, ya sabes, lo que parece apropiado. Probablemente voy a lograr que lo haga mejor, por el momento. Hechos de la cadena de restaurantes que representa. International House of Pancakes No sabía que pensaba que representaba a las camareras con una sola pierna ¿entendiste esa broma, mi salto, cómo se llama? Salté al restaurante que está dirigido por camareras con una sola pierna. Gordon, ¿cómo las llaman? America foodservice Prefiero ir al panqueque Paulo panqueque Paulo He estado pidiendo panqueques por un tiempo ahí lo tenemos en casa no lo mezclamos en casa el nueve pretzel puede haber derivado de la palabra latina para brazalete tendrías que tener una muñeca pequeña, incluso con los pretzels de Martin para lograrlo, pasar tu muñeca por un pretzel finalmente estoy bien, iré al contexto, esto debería estar en reddit, así que estoy esperando la historia el invento de la impresión para crear más libros llevó a inventar más cosas como anteojos, microscopios y telescopios, eso es para todos los pobres videntes que apestan Necesito anteojos Necesito un telescopio para leer cosas en estos días digo sutileza Estoy muy atrasado otra vez dice que un estudiante se molestó mucho cuando la gente mencionó las galletas del metro por qué la parte más brillante de la sombra está en el medio Ni siquiera sabía que tenían niveles de brillo un día mi hermano hermano se lo dijo a propósito di la escritura bueno eso no es bueno fueron a la oficina del director bla bla bla por todo un metro cookie esto continúa durante unos días si un nuevo elemento lo supera para ser descubierto tendríamos que crear una nueva fila en la tabla periódica usted sabe que tendría que aprender la tabla periódica de memoria para mis exámenes de 12º año. Creo que en el examen de último año, un niño de Sun brillante trae galletas del metro eventualmente regresa a la oficina y lo suspenden si son galletas del metro y entiendo que mi mamá estaba tratando de no reírse, sí, bueno, eso es todo , creo que es bastante gracioso, caramba, me gusta. Los gráficos de este juego nos apestan de verdad, sí, haz un primer plano de una de las habitaciones, la que crees que debería ser una miniatura en miniatura en el futuro, ninguna de las habitaciones se destaca té No sé si me importas ' algún día nos va a construir un refugio de verdad apestoso Debería sugerirle a mi hermano que ponga esto en reddit es probablemente una buena idea a reddit le gusta ese tipo de historia por lo que estoy diciendo Necesito más sala de tratamiento de agua pero no estoy contento ahora monedas ¿tal vez más agua dices un poco más de eso oh mira a tu chico creo que eres un experto ya mira a mi gente ellos simplemente así que está bien irse de aquí tienes que hacerlo feliz un aguijón suena como la vida real la gente en tu hogar real podría decirlo acerca de vivir contigo sí, oye, te gustará este hecho queso cheddar te gusta tu queso cheddar sí, que se originó en cheddar Inglaterra es el queso más popular consumido en el Reino Unido y toma alrededor del 51% del total. mercado de quesos agradable, sabes lo que me gusta del queso del Reino Unido Wensleydale que es de Wallace y Gromit , siempre hablan sobre el queso Wensleydale. Espera. Pensé en algo que podríamos hacer: emcees, el emoji del agua, oh, bueno, ¿hay algo que pueda hacer en este juego para que todo salga bien, así que estoy jugando con una multa por un tiempo para que no parezca demasiado aburrido, pero haría cualquier cosa para destruir lo que sea que esté haciendo Stinky. Llegaré al chat en un momento. Ella tenía espacio para ir al baño. No sucedió bien. lo que está pasando aquí mira todas las pequeñas habitaciones mientras estamos en las habitaciones lo agradable Me gustaría tener algo así, solo ten paciencia conmigo el miedo al miedo a las palabras largas se le llama hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia de G hay incluso un comedor en aquí voy a hacer que un supermercado cante mientras se construye por el aire del piso es una pared global excéntrica con 18 millones de pies cuadrados de espacio en el piso Dios mío, te encantaría ir de compras allí apestoso eso es por no ir de compras contigo Me quedaría un ¿A alguien le gusta ir de compras? ITH que apestoso No sé bien todos ellos se sienten frustrados con los diez horas que toma para seleccionar uno walsim barro amasado artículo dice que estaba lucha para una Raptors en línea corriente, pero mi esperanza estaba perdida no tengo en lo más mínimo impresionante Don No te preocupes, es ahí que decidimos hoy que quería hacer un juego simple que de hecho descubrí que podía apagar el sonido desde el principio porque no siempre podemos hacer eso, pero no te preocupes. tengo que ser meliss allí ya hay una gran recopilación Oh, alimentar con pan a los patos en realidad les causa muchos problemas de salud, bueno, me alegro de saber ese hecho, miau, debe tener dos patos antes de que apestes. Hicimos más consejos con mordiscos brillantes. hasta la punta maestro maestro de las propinas no sabes qué hacer son apestosos todo tiene su propia gravedad incluyéndote a ti yo creo que porque él me hace caer todo el tiempo picadura simplemente cayó al suelo ¿sabías que el el miedo a la muerte puede hablar contigo Voy a luchar con este también Fanta la fobia a la NASA la fobia a la materia Creo que es cierto, él está escrito de manera diferente a perder el miedo a los seres queridos ahí tienes que ir también el hombre que ahora, por favor, míranos ir, eso es una falta. Dormiré en el suelo, ¿qué crees que significa un qué traje qué traje de bóveda dice para protegerse en la bóveda Supongo que ella no sabe qué es el traje de bóveda un rayo brillante, por ejemplo, asombroso, dice lo que sucede cuando mezclas spinosaurus Nepal un tiburón martillo que vota pistola de agua y una escopeta la respuesta ¿No conozco una monstruosidad? Un tipo que dice brillante, eso posiblemente sea cierto. Ya tienes cuatro niveles. ¿No debería construir eso en el ancho ? Vas a cavar hasta el otro lado del mundo a este ritmo, un rayo tan brillante dice una serie de ropa de bóveda predeterminada que te pones muy parecida a la ropa de casa que has estado usando todos los días durante un mes y apesta si encuentras otra ropa que brindan aumentos de estrellas durante el tiempo que la persona quien es has encontrado alguna otra c lothes pero bueno, nadie es el mejor amigo excepto el mío, sí, el mejor amigo de todos, no te acerques demasiado. Creo que me estoy quedando con algo en línea que parece un poco apropiado para lo que está sucediendo en este momento y los brillantes van a comer algo. un mentos tiene una pila de mentos y coca, oye 400, ¿qué es eso? Ahí es donde crees que tienes problemas de todo tipo de problemas de salud cuando en realidad no sabes que crees que estás sufriendo de todo tipo de cosas cuando no es así. en realidad es cierto que es un traje de poder dice increíble increíble Creo que podría jugar este juego también, así que podríamos obtener algunos consejos más, desde increíble hasta sugerencia de juego, por favor, saga de supervivencia, déjame sacar mi librito. Voy a agregarlo a the list II wasn't placed on full soccer of survival my commentary from the steam that's the spirit the camp is for the weak what yeah is you'd only drink decaf you don't drink the real thing there step yes that's that step power suits protect you from radiation says awesome yeah right just about are you speaking of Mentos and Coke or we might be getting another story and to finish Awesome's tip protects you from radiation such as the brother would have steal have you come across the Brotherhood of Steel yet I have an unopened can of cake in my room grab that meat the Mentos at the same time smiley face for himself now the fact on average a person will spend six months of their life waiting for red light to turn green only six months I would have thought it would be more than that where we are now my father plays the main Fallout games on play oh say this fallout is actually related to the fallout 4 and the other fallout I didn't know that I thought this was like a separate game because it had what was it fallout shelter is supposed to just fall out so there you go learn something new every day I've learnt 10 things today 20 maybe so we're actually getting tips from awesomes father he plays this game open it and drink it says ASM I agree sugg estion play roblox yeah we've already got that on the list there are so many games to pick from on there we are saving roblox a little bit when we get it maybe a little bit bigger on the channel a little give us an extra push but we will get there one day are you really going to put my Mentos and Coke do it do it considerable do it grass grows at a rate of about two and a half centimeters per week stinky much like my waistline that's not good you don't come across them you find them in quests ah so you gotta go have you going on a quest yet and Bridal say says get the overseers office so you need to make a neighbor see my coinage you're poor say there's weapons most likely in this game too as well I don't think you've faced any more orders yet but I believe that actually happens in this game not attack but defend against Marauders what is people I want to come and grab all your stuff maybe that's why is every we're trying to get him to have Mentos and Coke at the same time I don't know if you've ever seen the effect of that I'm saying put it in your mouth so let's see if you can do the Mentos coke in the mouth challenge I'm sure that's probably in order already you think is him is encouraging him to saying let's do it do it do it it's like me telling Kane to do the chili challenge again do it stinky wants to see to know more stickman animation videos it's all about Mentos with coke and the chili challenge Wow speaking of which we just found out we can buy Carolina Reaper seeds in Australia so we might have to plant BAE's we did mentos and coke sometimes says soy as well do it three mentos and coke get the camera set up your video go viral should I be encouraging these sort of things - yeah it's all in good fun July - many people are telling you to do it bright now peer pressure peer pressure my inner child is coming out and actually my inner child never left really did it people like to watch coke plus Mentos that is true I am saying it a SMI issue you a challenge a s well do a mini cake mentos video remember I ascend us meaning food videos I don't know if you can get a mini mentos but maybe just cut the corner off it with a tiny little coke to do that if I do this this won't go public and I'm not dealing factor c5 duties here are masks is a hissing anything yeah you should do should do what we're doing with the green screen and stuff put a green screen mask unknown will see your face then and don't forget to goggles like you're at it what you're having bread fresh breath mint what do you call at least rain mouthwash goggle it like you're having some mouthwash fair enough Pepsi and mentos so I'm just like didn't wear mask that's what we're saying break okay you got a lazy worker there day it's like so you yeah if you're not gonna do anything so do sunshine I'm also good ask people have you tried that need coffee craze what's it called stinky stink his pants the coffee that you make me almost every day froth cough but I'm gonna delegate dealt goda gonna bow gonna dalgona I'm saying Lucky's think pants actually enjoys making that coffee for me even though she doesn't drink coffee but he's pretty awesome that tastes like the real deal to say if you haven't tried it and you do drink coffee try it hang on I gotta reattach the string to buy my husk he's gonna do it sets he gave him vibrate he's gonna do it we're gonna get a mentos coke challenge I would suggest doing it outside though maybe don't do it in your room and it does it make a difference if you have more mentos cuz then I'd be saying eat the whole packet and drink the whole gam s well I want a whole and drink some see if what happens in yet and I don't do that actually hang on maybe I shouldn't be encouraging things that are semi dangerous I don't know if it's dangerous or not yeah Porky Pig swears Seth's got some good news can't wait to hear it what is the good news from Seth you don't know you still look like you still got the same amount of buildings yeah because I don't have enough coins do anything at least I need like a hundred say how do we get more coins bright and awesome oh that's you know come here you can't send these guys out to collect more coins yet it's not big enough you gotta do the old level up again is it stinked nice one yeah please again I'm relying on the moderators namely you bright just to mention that that let us do the shoutouts for you as opposed to you guys doing it because as per usual we don't want to encourage that kind of by yeah it's happened many many times in the past hasn't it stinky so I'll leave that one up to you ruch rooms and thanks for doing that as well bright he's on it look at it we've got an awesome mod doing his work at the moment came and random both gone pretty quiet now after divulging a lot of facts so they're just waiting at the moment there's nothing else you can do so bright is there anything else that she can do while she's waiting in well you just stopped a level and got some stuff then I didn't th ink you have to go and battle people at some point was boy you timed him out already what was he doing there was say bad Annie left one comment I thought or to say don't be too hasty to do that random they forget that awesome is one of the the deal Jo geez my goodness no says ASM I don't know what that was in reference to not really may as well go ape in some other game just be careful with the old time doubts give them a warning first before you do that like I have to give stinky a warning every day don't I stink put in a timeout no man sir what are you looking at on the screen there Jerris is here my goodness we finally get to see her again any I hope I've got that correct that generous is a female if my memory serves me correctly great to see you've been missing you how have things been in your neck of the woods or your area of the world should I say it was me though I didn't tie up my wherever being speak' subs already yeah it's been a little while since we've seen him and we had a small increase in in subs after one particular stream I can't remember which one but it sort of sniped me under with comments and so on but we're getting there I'm still a little bit behind with that hopefully we can we can keep getting subs and see book me random welcome generous you all remember welcome generous nice one and as you can see a a7 is even giving the is that a special emoji no but he's aa channel member say he looks a little bit different there NBA 2k I have heard of that game before do you think we should do that I don't know if it's available on mobile life but I'll put the put it down anyway maybe it is I haven't seen at least one basketball game that he's available Awesome's time out was very short but she's good say baby so awesome it gives I hang on I'm getting more advice from bright so rush shrooms go rush shrooms it gives caps and supplies at a chance they've failed actual tradition I'm struggling to understand that part at the moment generous do you play this game at all we are getting good advice regardless from both awesome and bright but I remember his test at a memory in here i remember generous was watching how i labor with this wouldn't give us any tips they pick knew how to play the game liked watching stink pants struggle for what was a narrow and a half trying to get boxes stacked up that was an entertaining stream wasn't it stinky and they comment again well we're starting to get teased by the food again you still haven't given any thoughts as to what we're going deep was that room one was that room one fire stinky DNA there are some room that's on fire and I assume still hasn't tried that special coffee yet but I would highly recommend trying it because it is awesome but as long as you got someone that's prepared to make it for you but stinky says it doesn't take very long to do all of that whipping up and no generous doesn't play this game it's an apocalypse game bright says the Russian room will provide supplies depending on wh ichever you rush got that stinky that gives caps and coins music ZX is here I think I visited your channel earlier today if I'm not mistaken so hello and welcome to the stream I think it's the first time for you please correct me if I'm wrong also I do tend to say yay until someone corrects me and tells me that they're female so just let me know if you're a guy or a gal so I don't offend anyone and yeah everyone's very friendly here too so you can see already we've got moderators and channel members giving the old hey-ho to music ZX yes I think I got that right is everything ok where you are at the moment that's my new question that I'm repeating to every new person that joins is there is a level of concern there isn't it more concerned about the rest of the world than what's going on where we are maybe I should be concerned but not a nice long is think pants takes care of me it's all good did you manage to make that Bremen stinky or not yet oh you need more dwellers if you get any oth er plays here please give us tips or lade rant brought lightnings doing a great job as he's Lawson public that they stinking as long as you listen yeah just because they've gone on quiet I'm gonna do the special emojis again I gotta keep advertising according to YouTube so keep doing it stink pants no answer so as anyone we've got any stories for me while I'm sitting here just basically being ignored by everyone we're safe lots of cases yeah well that's that's why I'm concerned about you know particularly people in America they'll be doing it tough probably for quite some time and it's not good is it and you really don't know no I'm not that I'm bad-mouthing anyone but I just think across the world whatever statistics are coming out are probably not accurate at all so you don't really know what's going on so the best thing you can do really is to stay at home ordering food if you can I wish we could do it here but they've got restrictions on us for that isn't it only old and infirm and people with with health issues are the only ones that are allowed to get home delivery from the supermarket ah true you can go to like I'll be you for example I think we'll deliver but the two major ones wait for us at the moment see w-water these two in a water again every time they do a water we've got to do the special emoji so music says that they live in Canada and live right next to the border oh well hopefully do they have far restrictions there they should by now isn't just about every country in the world got Auto restrictions where you're going to have them between states now that you can't travel interstate unless you've got a permit there are one or two exceptions for example we have towns that often are across from each other bordered by a river and there's no restrictions for that because a lot of the people that are in the area have to cross the state to go to work because they work in each other's talents despair all jion will be behind again if nobody can think of any thing maybe we could do yes I'll suggested P dot the USA yeah we heard that yesterday that they've got a ridiculous amount of cases and unfortunately it is just gonna keep growing because I don't know do you know what the restrictions are there at the moment for the USA and they know going as hard as we are I don't think yeah yeah until they start doing what countries like Australia and New Zealand are doing they're gonna have problems unfortunately say don't rely on your government for that just stay at home yourself call of duty my balls so they want that again you want to hear my story that I wish I can do go ahead music said X we love hearing stories awesome played that Garry's Mod online as an IV my schools gonna be closed I thought it would would have been already their schools no sorry schools aren't closed but they encourage you to stay home if you can say if you have to go to school go to school but otherwise stay at home I think that's a pea Sims done another water emoji than k you for doing that agent Cott infection you got a cockroach in fire we don't like cockroaches alright a in anyway I have to do your homework on Google classroom say that seems to be the way at the moment stinky yesterday classes at home to same pain in the backside we kind of have rules but we can drive around town and not outside of it that's interesting we can also do that but we are being encouraged to not do it unless you have to exercise it's hard to get that's one of the exceptions here that I don't necessarily agree with that they say that's a necessary reason to leave is to go and exercise a question you know you can walk around in circles catchy and I do it all the time trying to find my other sock they closed the basketball courts and removed the Rings Wow random says they've made a website interesting I'll have to check that out now I can all I can really do is run around on the park and see how far I can go nice one yeah I mean the exercise is important but you know you c an be sit-ups and push-ups that doesn't require leading this thism he got 300 G's scuse me call the GT mobile says awesome again I know it's very bad different states are doing different stuff says so as well say it's the same for us like the it is up to the states at the moment but they're pretty much all toed the line and are all doing the same thing having said that they some are a bit slower than others so we had one state in particular that had virtually no cases at the beginning of all of this but then they've caught up with pretty much the two worst states just because they didn't have any restrictions for a while so there's again why I say look the the safest thing is for everyone just to stay at home and hopefully things will resolve themselves as tough as it is whether you not able to work or not able to go to school it's you know it's more important to maintain your health than to worry about economic things or even study anything they need to worry about although that's kin d of stuff you got to survive first mm-hmm now school is closed until next year wow that wow that's quite that is quite restrictive run and I am saying it as well just stay at home and he's the thing a Sims in Singapore and those guys like he's we were also in Singapore when everything's was coming to light and there was okay there wasn't it and it's very good there at the moment because they did have heavy restrictions straight away stayed home and it didn't really spread and when you think about the country of Singapore it's just basically one big city anyway say something like this can travel very fast isn't it so I think Singapore is very good with a lot of stuff they do the way they run their government is excellent I think the way they it's it's not authoritative to my point of view it's just that the Singaporean citizens or people that live there a very disciplined and it's it's something to aspire to I think we lack that in Australia they're not as disciplined we have this atti tude of our she'll be right mate and I don't think that's the time to have that attitude run and now all I can right now I've read that the front line doing everything to stop yeah well that's true too that you've got to take care of your health workers at the moment that's extremely important so it's all about the health system sheepman still a good bc if you have a male and a female in the same living quarters that's all I can really say caution tape around all the parks well we have that to you now beaches not all of them but a lot of beaches have been closed now again stink pants showed me Queensland wasn't it we said they still had Apes of surf is going yet and I must admit I'd struggle to not want to go out with that but you know if there's no one out there it's probably okay but you're not going to find that and what did you say there's like two or three hundred of them in the water which is not smart and this now is not the time to flaunt the rules say hopefully as time goes on people take excuse me people take on board that this is very very serious because it is it's very serious yeah unfortunately a lot of people are going to pass away in the poorer countries especially all countries where they don't have strict measures it's inevitable it's just gonna happen so hey Lord if you have it I read that sorry just bear with me I've got to catch up all to you I'm gonna catch up a little I wish I could be a pro player but all friends are toxic to me I play by myself all the time I play fort right and I try to win money in tournaments and won not for tonight it's difficult I think to to be very good at you gotta play against people like ninja and music my if any you want to hear some fatherly advice from old uncle Pooh don't stay away from toxic people there are good you'll find in this stream alone that everyone that's chatting away they're all good people so get to know them join the discord they are very very helpful there as well so if one of the mods can plac e the discord link you might want to join that and get to know these guys cuz they're great college kid II may fall again says pug apex legends we've played that one before and other games such as call of gde war zone we don't have that yet and apparently PS 5 is gonna come out at some point sometimes anthem our success I don't know what that is bunch more my school is also closed for the year Wow no and I think that's the way things are gonna head you know that will have an infrastructure where people are going to be doing more and more stuff from I'm so you better get along with your family stinky I'm saying that to you you get along with me I'll get you nice lunch today all right no answer no more to say why working at home is best it's not bad I mean that's what we've been having to do and other games just get the loaf a hip hop radio streaming you're all set I prefer it I have established he just stellar Communications that's cool best friend aunty I'm still way behind sorry just bear with me I might have to skim through some of this the classes Microsoft teams another water every time they do that so I though ASMR ie after us spawn desert than anything there's a waterfall yeah random reads dailies back again but random has got to go but he'll be back saying no worries now you can walk and work and talk to your friends via VC with no restriction hey if you've got a study study try not get distracted with online apps to do things to flaunt the system just stopped by to say hi and good night we have a sweet dream and hopefully you'll get lost lots of Easter eggs random vids daily I'm not gonna read that one out you have these people who can build so quickly and so well which is not us for tonight is overrated we still haven't played it so we can't comment haven't played Minecraft either yet even though we've had repeated requests still play when you guaranteed to fail yes man you have a great night put on stink pants see you later got to get back to work thank yo u for staying as long as you did Sawyer's it's great to see you in a stream hopefully we'll see you again shortly I know you I still have to apply to one of their comments on way behind in the comments but again you could get good I don't care about it Seth shape is saying I'm back by the way any opinion on vanossgaming well I actually watch a bit of vanossgaming i watch all of those big channels a little bit yeah well they're they're all better at commentating than I am that's for sure and could learn a thing or two from these guys they've all got huge channels why what's your opinion on vanossgaming maybe but say to others haven't watched that guy and a half a decade good night I'm tired at Artemis the Easter Bunny and thank you no worries gta5videos back in the day or I've actually caught up in the chat for once you should play club penguin or gotcha life they gave so I think we've been suggested Club Penguin yeah I can see it there and I've mentioned got your life myself so we'll s ee how that goes I don't mean if we could do it Lively is it possible to play gotcha life live because you got to create characters and the storyline imagine doing that stink you want you to write a novel live yeah it's a story make I see a lot of small channels that do got your life like a lot I'll probably see that just as much as fortnight there seem to be two incredibly popular games then there we go we've got a water from ASM as well Club Penguin has closed down I didn't know that because we've got penguin place in there in the dlg there's part of the D or da G's mm-hmm generous has gone a little bit quiet there water again and one another order of Mukherjee there you go we've got to get more channel members so we can create more emojis that they can use isn't it we don't have a deal j1 yet nice to get that happening then again I made my Series and then I gotta get back up to where South ways are then again I made my series there is some actually pretty oh I didn't know that eithe r I've never seen one of those they tend to be the ones that I see a see more on him again for some punk with the water rewritten and Club Penguin online or a thing yes we want to hear the good news Seth good news is always good to hear and again they want the walk but I I'm spamming my and chat at the moment stinky right oh yes if it's not from a ball we might not be able to get it one of these days are gonna have to get up-to-date with the PlayStation and we stink van I'll seem monster legend I didn't even know he played that game we did monster legends in the last stream didn't mean I have to apply to someone that was asking why our map looked different from theirs I sort of comment there somewhere that I'll have to deal with call of Gd maybe I'll we've done that one random beads daily says also I do get your life not advertising just saying yah no that's fine I get where you're saying there it's sort of certain key phrases or the ones that you've got to be a bit wary of using and w hat are you doing there stinky building the apocalypse shelter looks like you've got more rooms I just built one more room yeah well that's right you do have to keep things kid-friendly I could be yeah do that those sorts of things and I've said this to random before and Kane and people that know that we're keeping the channel family friendly or kid-friendly that you can say things to me in private in discord if you just DM me but even the discord you've got to be careful in the general chat that you don't say things like that I have all already put Raptors online in the list there too awesome we will get to that one day Lalo's gotta go I hope you have a good Easter yeah I hope you have a good Easter as well Seth Schaffer get quite a few Easter eggs go on an Easter egg hunt if you do and we do I don't know if you're asking music zxf when you have Instagram but I will put it there because we do to be honest we don't do much on that it's probably the last the least of the other social me dia links that has has very little on a stink pants misplaced to take care of Instagram that's why there's not much there so I do try to we can't share anything on there either when it comes to the youtube uploads there's been very little activity it says I'll say it in dm's they yeah do that in discord so I'll just add that as well because I don't think anyone did for music let me just say that look at me doing that our Instagram link doesn't work well ah gosh again you tried that one this chord should definitely work thank you for telling me that music xenix because i'm not too sure why that Instagram link wouldn't work my karate sort beat why is it's a big stinky I want to know I didn't get to see that cockroach it's an epochal cockroach a cockroach a pock I get nothing for me I just like adding that stuff and I'm just doing a bit just for the sake of it oh yeah excuse me I'm struggling a little bit today you know Burpee is an exercise yeah burpees it's like doing a push-up and a st ar jump I guess you do a push-up and then do a star jump where you get up and then get down and do another pushup I think that's what it means of course my exercise from a Burpee is this gas being released from the mouth as is yours let's face it knew you were gonna say that then just for that I'm gonna use that stink pants emoji that's what you were talking about see that emoji there stinky ha ha that's yeah that's what you do there what's happening in game not much really you kind of have to wait a lot because you can't build another room yet you gon have to wait for the coins you have to keep your energy levels up you have to keep your foots up you have to keep your waters up right and then stay no one's come knocking on the door yet to say like that there's some ages there's someone yeah have a good or no special day foreign stinky we gonna find examples alright but again just put it in the discord price metal here's a DM so they're all good people that are showing up at your apaka h shelter someone else just walked in yeah I just assigned him to do something it nice one I think it depends on your like your the welding if it's big enough then people might come if it's good then people might come right to answer your question music Jetix no we don't stream every day in fact it's really only once a week for the past few weeks we've been hinting that we're gonna try and do a second stream midweek because of what's going on in the world at the moment but I haven't managed to be able to do that yet because believe it or not even though they're just gaming streams there is a lot of background work that is a lot involved both pre and post streaming and it usually takes me a couple of days to do that then I've got to deal with comments on top of that when we receive them you know go and support other channels when I have the time and it's a one-man show with that cuz think dance the other half of the partnership here archnemesis I will call here what do you do exactly no thing except for playing the games same job we will try to try to stream they get at least one or two midweek over the next few weeks it just has not happened yet as it what with all the advertising and the decent of that old Uncle poodle's just too lazy isn't he just keep thinking about pizza every day he doesn't want a stream we got another water from ASM I wonder hey SM pronounces water I'm just so you know music zkx there's quite a lot of in jokes on this channel so whenever you see these water emoji its you can only get it if you're a channel member like a Sammy's at the moment it's because people think it's hilarious the way that I pronounce water I don't get it that's how you pronounce water and it's the same we haven't had a bok choy yet there's been no bok choy ZZZ stream I think they've forgotten that particular joke or in joke and the last one I'll say is welcome to the dlg we've got a new member we hope anyway in music Jetix will say he's a member of the dlg and one of the guys will hopefully explain what that means I'll keep that a secret for now anti stinky my response again she looks pregnant yeah she's pregnant I'm just wondering you can't make the pregnant lady work surely no I want to make this guy work we go water to get him to work looks like getting a few looks like you're getting a few coins there as well thank you for that cane as well saying that we stream every Saturday if we live in Australia where every Sunday sorry we stream usually every Sunday but it's a Saturday for a lot of people as well because we're ahead in the world are we stink put on hey do you think is the best model me I'm the best mod on that's such a loaded question I don't think I say they're all great mods they're all equal everybody's equal some are more equal than others Animal Farm people if you haven't read it it's a great book all animals are created equal some are more equal than others yeah did you watch the movie No maybe I should get out of I'm for you I know the y're still gargling over who's the best model and you broke the discord co-op rule I'm not sure which rule was broken there stop picking on cane random noise does that sometimes I worry about random he's got a bit of a mean streak in him we've got to beat that out of him make sure he ends up being an upstanding citizen how do I become a channel member great question music ZX so ASM may be able to advise you better than I can because we can't be our own channel members but basically first of all you might need to be on a computer to do it laptop or a PC because I don't think the join button is visible on mobile phones or tablets the moment it does also depend which country you're in but I think from memory you said you're in Canada before so you should be able to see that because I know random can see it and you just basically you can click on the link that I've been advertising there and you'll see yes so random is already sort of helping you out there so you have to taste it in genera l music Jetix if you're on the peak yeah so get on a PC first if you're on mobile in your car which I believe is correct we do have a video or two that's showcases the channel membership and I am hopefully will be able to tell you out he did it but basically that's why I'm posting that link there so you can see it that way but you do need to be on a computer to be able to do it and there's no no obligation we're going to make that clear but you know we are very very grateful if people are willing to support us that way and we don't expect anyone to choose any of the higher tiers that was more of a joke than anything else cuz we didn't think anyone was gonna do it but I guess it's good to have a number of Tears we're just happy that we've got a SM to be honest and it looks good like that's the other thing I don't know if ASM latest himself but once he became a member on any of the videos now you can actually see that he's got a loyalty badge next to his name on even comments that he's l eft you know a year and a half ago or two years ago yeah that's that's fine like we understand that people don't have a lot of money that's why we chose at least the first year is the absolute lowest that YouTube will allow us to do we don't choose the the what do you call it the amount or hang on now going to rephrase that they offer various tiers that we don't get to set the price for but we do get to choose the tiers so we chose the lowest one that we possibly could just make it cheaper oh and the other thing is depending on which country you're in the amount that's showing it might actually be less for you because it's in Australian dollars so I know that the Americans don't pay whatever it is I think it's a dollar 49 I think they pay 99 cents if they happen to become channel members and I mentioned it earlier in the stream but I'll just say it again that the more members we do have it means that we can add more emojis and perks as well which we will end up doing should we get more more memberships if that ever happens isn't it stinking and again shout out to random you've got access to superb chat and super emojis random YT uploader was the first one to give us a super chat I'd still say it's probably better value to be a member just because it's a one-off when it comes to stickers and super chance so there you go hopefully that explained a little bit more but to be honest we don't know a lot about it we can just see that when you see a SM ever come to a live stream you can see that their names different you can also see the loyalty badge next to this and the fact that they have access to those special emojis isn't it that's the best way I can explain it what are you saying nothing busy building rooms say and we were having a little bit of fun with these advertising videos to in fact and again you've got another one bug spray for those cockroaches no bug spray fee cockroach is that what you're telling me what do you use to combat them think brights gone off to do a bit of other research he's not it's just cute if there's someone in the room they were just kill the cockroach like stomping on it maybe I don't know they would do something nice one say if I could buy it I wouldn't know this they pressure to do it anyway music said X but most of the people that you've seen in the stream have been very long-term supporters of ours and we don't treat them any differently to a SME he's also being a long-term supporter of ours so we don't actually expect anyone to do it in order to do super chats or stickers we're just happy that you join and make the streams entertaining for us that's all it's about really isn't it don't get a fun have serious conversations when we need to try and provide a bit of a positive influence on the rest of the world when we can influence young minds in a good way and old Minds in a good way - happy Easter I'm going to bed well you have a good night's sleep they're awesome pug I hope you get lots of Easter eggs in the morni ng now if you're doing an Easter egg hunt and you got brothers and sisters don't forget to share with them maybe like old Uncle Pete odds bro they didn't or stink pants but didn't share with anyone in the household did you stinky I do didn't I had to say stink pants come on you got to put some back for the other girls to find keep them all for yourself you don't even like chocolate unless it's Ferrero Rocher that's the stuff you like isn't it but everything else not so much I know if I should do another story time I've been thinking maybe I should do stories of the past I don't have that many Easter egg stories they we were very lucky that our would boy some rather large Easter eggs for us on an on occasion you ever had a dinosaur egg I got last one wish but that's not the inside was it yeah there's nothing it's not solid chocolate be a rich man yet knowing that but if yet it's solid Easter egg that's the dinosaur ones are about that big you'd be struggling to lift that thing and now b uy that big backwards of visual so it stood about what a foot and a half tall something like that QG string my brain system32 is corrupted now I sent one example I'm probably ever gonna send say because they chats gone a little bit quite I might just check that you did do it privately good to see just bear with me well sometimes you get it into the yard dams I don't mind it looks like you sent them in a DM to me let's see what this is bright lightning might be scaring me for life with this he's showing some videos that thankfully he's not putting anywhere else hmm that one was okay for its kind you've never tried that game before have you have you ever seen maybe I shouldn't oppress that huh oh I'm getting hungry oh yeah what are you wanting to have for your old lunches a stinky you got nothing to say well you bought these Krispy Kreme so I'm gonna eat but now that's not lunch No quench my hunger great comedy there were to be a full of food yeah well thank you for that one that wasn't too bad out I have to say well I didn't skim through it so maybe I missed something what's the discord name didn't II thought I already provided a discord link there yeah I'll do that again so it's the same as the YouTube channel if I'm not mistaken you should just be put on stick pants unless one of those naughty mods changed things which they know they're not supposed to do now I'd say why am I getting distracted by this that's all all right so that's done it won't work that's why I said the second one that doesn't work it should can perhaps bright if you can organize a link for music ZX I'm not sure why that one doesn't work because that's one that we've put as a default and it should be set to never expire hopefully bright lightning can help with that one I have to say music ZX I'm not very good with discord I rely on bright lightning and random YT videos up later very heavily to make sure that things run smoothly there they're more experts than I am so hopefully someone will help with that well actually I do just bear with me I'll try another one all of these fiend writes for but Safety's one works because that should be a new link sting pants you haven't joined the discord yet have you you don't even ever be scored 9 huh right yeah you don't how come why do I play you already have one so you can't win on a half-friend thing it's like when you call me when we're both in the house we'll send a text message why don't you know why didn't you just walk to me and say that 17 yeah that's right look a gallon that crispy dream want to try one of these Krispy Kreme burgers one day that they have in the states they I used that Krispy Kreme donut is the big like the breading bottom what am I saying the bottom part and then you put a bigger on the inside Americans come up with amazing crazy food mm-hmm like the turducken I'd like to try real one of those one night as opposed to the one that I bought from the supermarket which wasn't that good one of the manufactured ones d idn't look like real or anything you know what I mean reconstituted meeting the like what else a sloppy joe I've never had a sloppy joe that would be nice master of researching recipes online burgers amongst my favorite food says bright same yeah and we've we've got a couple of awesome fish and chip places near us they both have good burgers don't they one's way better than the other but it's also a little bit more expensive but I'm gonna go on a burger rant now don't buy $20 burgers can I mention the chain really me I even ride the one dollar one it's a hamburger so you don't spend 20 bucks oh and the most I think the most expensive one that I've seen here is like $30 free hamburger it's just a burger people hey what had unique ingredients no space and a little bit more they're gonna be more expensive if you use you know if you're going to use something like what wah wah or caviar in your burger or what's the mushroom delicacy I forget already I don't know truffles ah she's thinking s he okay and truffles aren't that nice you know what did we have it on overseas there was absolutely horrible in a KFC or something truffles in a it was some sort of fast food was it a burger you remember we bought something for my sister that's already even she didn't like it can you sing in discord name and add me and send me the link say sorry bright or random can one of you help out music ZX with discordant and pizza' says random see you talking about foods that I want to have today hmm do one of you guys mind doing that cuz I've tried twice to send the correct links and now I'm kind of stuck I don't know how else to help music ZX get into the discord I'm not sure why the links aren't working they should you have to have a discord account I don't know if that helps I think he says nothing I just realized the I ate it all isn't it thanks for doing that bright love bright and we love random daily there are little long line protectors there like the bodyguards of the internet for us wh y you don't talking this well we made them there you go random sent another link but I think he just did what I did that should be a link that actually works mmm anyway we'll find out we'll get through this well we'll all support each other and get through this when we alternately type in the code at the end of the links for example there you go thank you Brian get albright and ran and we got random brightness random brightness yeah you find these people on the internet randomly and they're so intelligent they random brightness mm-hmm get that stinky so yeah we still just waiting for things to happen a lot of the time yeah cuz we might end this stream a bit earlier if it's gonna be like that if it's not a lot you can do isn't it we usually try to stick to the two-hour mark we're one minute sorry one hour and 40 minutes already well what do you say if you can't do too much you can't do too much story of my life or try and stick around for as long as we can get music effects ozx some ass istance thankfully once the discord gets sorted out we might leave it at that evening and you still we can't stop until you tell me what what I may be eating for lunch I don't know you tell me well I said paid sir I said burgers these that days we could do a sick market shop if you're willing to take the risk every time we go there I think it's scheme I'll do the facts again yeah they're saying that because they're not saying anything at the moment and I end up talking to myself I'm happy to hear the random facts they uh-huh blintz say much today here we go in your entire lifetime you'll meet about 80 different thousand 80,000 different people on earth Wow looks like bright fixed it which is good every five years all atoms in your body will be different to the ones before I didn't know that either so music said X is the discord now being sorted out oh please that it looks like it has been because welcome if music so guess is what is there I'm just a quick welcome yeah sign away stinky you're the master of dishing out dishing out responsibilities you do it at home all the time lightning moves about one-third the speed of light on two hundred and twenty million miles per hour she's bright lightnings fast as any well I've missed fun there as well last words spoken by Albert Einstein were lost he spoke them in German to an English nurse that didn't understand him well it's disappointing he probably had something very intelligent to say to mosses don't have any roots so instead they gather nutrients from the air stinky did you know that one Algeria is the largest country in the world where zero percent of its territory is made up of water well how do they get their water we imported from elsewhere or the the water table underneath and penguin plays games turned up sorry I'm late don't worry about it penguin we're just happy that you yeah well laid I'm not too sure how long how much longer the streams gonna go for just because Sookie can you make sure you still come you w ant to see cockroach invasion yeah and do the cockroach invasion it's that and this girl just keep women I haven't seen a single cockroach yet I am looking at that screen though see these are they're huge yeah and have your baton penguin in place is everything okay where you are we're just getting some random facts while await for your answer in the UK the high tea that went a little bit fast the highest jackpot claimed it was a hundred and seventy point two million pounds that's a lot of Mangin if you won that much you'd probably have to pay a lot in tax I'd say and then 161 million pounds before that my goodness go open some other game maybe this game is an alternative to the waiting game 9 well we're almost at the two-hour mark are now anyway so we'll finish up unless you really wanted to see me do a rade different clash of clans at the end but I might be too late to get my last two attacks in for the day for the the last cycle President Ronald Reagan was flying an airplane when a s olar storm hit the earth he spent the plane lost all communication for several hours luckily no serious damage was caused nice one what game you're going to play next time he's three and we don't know yet music ZX because we get a lot of suggestions say the the games on the list there's quite a lot of them although I'm getting pressured to play Raptors online if we can get it I haven't tried the download that yet so it may be that one we're happy to play pretty much any any games they because we don't really we don't game this isn't it amazing then technically you'd have to call us a gaming chair now and we don't really play games except the clash of clans see anyone and we're happy to take new suggestions as well the 7-elevens convenience store was named after it changed its hours to be from 7 am to 11 pm I actually need that one penguin saying I'm good just heard bad news very few happy to share I'm happy to hear it but sorry you did get bad news the Sun emits UV light which is able to destroy DNA and causes cancer the reason we don't all have it is because our bodies have to protect the system have protective systems to repair DNA just enough for a round of God though I he's looking for a cod mobile but we kind of promised ourselves that we weren't gonna switch games anymore and seeing as she's still going in this one we might not do that try and save it for the Midway extremely if we can ever get round to that the saltiest bhatura on wealth is the gabe TL gate TL pond located in ethiopia there's a regular temperature of 55 degree 50 to 55 degrees celsius and a salinity of 43 percent which means what stinky if you ever try and go swimming in there you're gonna float I was very very hard to well you're not gonna sink really when it's like that like the Red Sea net feel sorry Dead Sea you're not already dead see you fold a piece of paper 42 times it will be tall enough to reach the moon what I don't think that's true hold the piece of paper in half 42 times tall en ough to reach the moon question that one I know music ZX we haven't played fortnight I downloaded it a long time ago on the phone met it looks likely to be really difficult to play on a male role and we asked there's a few games that we are saving for when the channel hopefully gets a bit bigger for tonight would be one of them and then the actual minecraft and roblox would be another two but we won't play them one day the first ever automobile was invented or created by Karl Benz Mercedes Benz I need that one too I've actually seen the Messiah the original Mercedes Benz I don't know if it's the real one or a replica but I've seen it in a museum one of my oldest mate see me into Seattle his mom called and he has but I I'm sorry to hear that penguin hopefully they'll get through that okay I've just got to be very careful about saying that particular word currently Wikipedia has lots of articles also take to call a company sells more than three thousand nine hundred drinks designed by th em wine a Fanta hmm sprite Oh whatever happened to the head the Mentos coke challenge we had seemed to fizzle out fizzle get it fizzle in the UK you can now buy a bucket of 80 pieces of chicken from KFC stink pants would be all over that she loves it she can i'm KFC DHE and random is actually coming up with a few facts I know red wrapping represents luck in the Chinese culture not just Chinese culture Reds red and gold are often good luck symbols do you need any help with anything more within the stream if not I'm gonna probably jump out and grab the ps4 now again we're getting very close to the end of the stream anyway Sweden is someone that donates blood they're notified for every time their blood is used I wonder why they do that I suppose it's to encourage you to donate more blood I guess I've got a friend that has a lifetime recognition for the amount they donated he and I both donated for the very first time to get up and I did not feel good after that he was fine and the second time apparently I fainted so that was it no more blood kidding for me my blood that's too rich can't give it out but I'd encourage people to do it if they can you probably can't either stink pants you're too small lithium batteries found in fans about six times more efficient and storing energy than typical lead acid batteries why don't they make normal led acid batteries but normal stuff like remote controls they should but I'm Way behind hang on I might have to skip some of these facts just because there's so many of them it's almost like you're spamming they problem I like I ate all the Mentos but did you drink the coke with it that was the whole point all in ones here it's good to see you again as well I'd say it's more towards the end of the stream though we'd probably won't be going for much longer you can't still can't do anything there stinky just keep collecting like energy food water assigned people here and there but penguins is that they failed the coke mentos challenge 13 times how do you fail it though yeah I'm not even sure I know what the challenge is other than getting people to drink Coke and eat meat toss at the same time I guess that's the actual challenge I don't think you should do that it's gonna explode yeah that's why that we get people to do it that's why we're trying to get bright to do it before Spidey's here as well my worries that you like sorry we won't be able to have this train going for too much longer though but it's good to see you regardless doesn't matter if they come at the start of the end we're just happy that they're there reason and stinky shut out the spotty my day that's that's stink pants a shout out for ya nah worries designing around ten minutes left happy aced ya happy a stir again we're good all-in-one thank you for asking how are things with both you and Spidey we hope everything's okay where you are saying that relentlessly in the stream today aren't I stinky got to make sure everyone's all right by me good health and good cheer I think he says indeed can I get an indeed from stinky in Dean alright and just while we're doing the last little bit what just do a bit of a tiny research here just bear with me guys so I struggle to type and talk at the same time just put that in there get back to the check people told me there is certain spasms in there that would prevent me from completing the challenge so you might have to explain the stink pants what the actual challenge is is it just a matter of putting a Mentos in your mouth and then putting coke in there and swishing it around a bit put what there Mentos and Coke is that what the Mentos scope challenges and brights also saying so that they had sock bunnies last Easter at school I don't even know what a sock bunny is is that like a stocking the yet for Christmas for Santa Claus the same thing I'm not sure I'll paste the image in discord later it's not it is not good here how is it for everyone else so yeah it's not great where we are either but n ot too bad I think Australia is sort of the government's doing quite well really yum others Constance's and all we can save been saying it throughout the stream if at all possible just stay at home don't go out don't do anything that's going to even come close to getting exposure of any kind just bear with me I was trying to find a good no maybe I should do that later that's too distracting I get easily distracted that I stink yep exactly not supposed to aggro anything yeah oh gee I wish I didn't do that search on fallout shelter date claiming it's a scam don't know how can be a scam their main scammed yet every steam she says like we got another knock-knock joke knock knock who's there old joke Oh jock who like object kay okay I'll be quiet and he'll I think there is animated one and could be wrong sorry I didn't mean the guy cuts something I'm looking at online try that one alright guys see we are almost at the two-hour mark now stinky is there something exciting happening there or n ot happening not much the way that I find to make them 100% happy is just to get their partner and make them pregnant what you're going to make them Tanglin is what you're telling me I'm 800 of them pregnant already but when they have partnered they tend to be like hundred percent satisfied so the games nothing like real life is already trying to tell me hmm yeah I thought pregnant people kind of cranky is he are you pregnant nope sure we have that cranky I'm pretty sure about that anyone why you should know why you know silence totally silent I had a respond to that to be honest and I also don't get some of these jokes that I'm working yet all right little they say yeah bad at the end they're stinking well no I rest a little bit can you say Mentos Mentos Mentos we say it the same baby why you delete any messages I have no idea is it the Easter Bunny or the Easter chick since it lays eggs that's a good point I've never seen a bunny legs why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg a joke stink y in fact I might use that if you don't mind Spidey as as the joke for the the pinned comment why shouldn't you tell an Easter Egg a joke why because it'll crack out and let's give a bit of credit there you didn't get that one I get it thank you see I'm gonna give credit where it's due so just bear with me miss spider's name now I'm gonna grab spiders thing almost sometimes I wish we did have a camera set up so people could see what we're doing there's even during the streams a little bit we're gonna have to start getting credit to what to people that are getting the jokes cuz I did that a couple of times recently I would give credit who'll make me laugh yeah well that's where I Ethan ADA got credit in one of the previous streams cuz he made you laugh oh not penguin penguin I think did is well I'm not sure if no Sita Nader and random that really made you laugh more than well yeah easy you say you got pizza dough here go maybe that's not gonna taste as good as good as what pretty sure i t's better than the one that you just bought freeze frozen from the freezer section so they're arguing about not bought again about whether it's good or not some people like it some people ad but I would just be using it fad vert izing to mention the various social media links the channel memberships patreon all of that kind of stuff what kind of headphones should I get I would say personally the cheap ones are good least we went to an electronics store to get a headphone microphone for the PlayStation that's trying to PlayStation the streams and we bought one of the cheapest ones and one of the most expensive ones we couldn't even get the most expensive one to work so you have to take it back and the cheap one works fine doesn't it stinky other than that I couldn't recommend anything else but you know sometimes it's white your paint you get what you pay for other times it's not the case and get good stuff cheap but maybe someone can give you better advice than that I am no headphones expert buy cheerio it is 1958 shows that I'm older there you go this you could suggest instead mic is awesome and they had fans look incredible are they under 100 now let let Peter otters past the two-hour mark thank you came he's been very quiet this whole stream because that's my budget I came my brother got it on sale hello penguin I'll check it out by the way we've hit the two-hour mark so thank you guys is that is there anything else that you can do they're not really stings I can upgrade something Oh we'll wait for the upgrade say the one thing that concerns me when they tell me it's the two-hour mark it's like come on guys you're boring the two hours is already up you need to get off the stream now that's one way to look at it but then there's other times they say keep going keep going so I don't know what to say dad all of that whether it's good or whether it's bad and it's not like we really have to do the the watch time stuff anymore is it tend to get quite a bit of watch tim e each month so I don't have to drag out streams but I think extinct pants just wants to drag it out to show your skills they're fallout shelter skills get the turtle beach headset it was only 12 at Target there you go oh that's cheek I think wait parents spent 30 30 something dollars on the hours but that's all you know what that someone suggested to get $12 headphones from Target you got the free one as a gift Christmas or birthday given you haven't used it yeah that's the airport stuff sorry where I can't have great Oh cockroach again why not so many cockroach infestation says you have an unclean house isn't it leaving you bits of food everywhere that's not you it's the waiting game there you go say unless you got something else they're stinky we'll close it up no response from the stink hang on let me watch the cockroach infestation everywhere all right we're just going there oh gee that's a big cockroach look at them gay it's got so many rooms please don't in the stream he's sayin g now after everyone said you've hit the two-hour mark your game's boring do enough up but it's only because you have to wait isn't it it actually looks like a fun game graphics are good I like the graphics but you just got to wait between stuff I agree with bright lightning studio which is and I will end in bits thinking they've had enough we will try I've said this every stream for the past few weeks we will try and do a midweek stream this week if I can get all of the work done I am way behind in the YouTube work at the moment they say I'll have to see what happens there so really appreciate everyone's staying for as long as they did even the late comers there it's always good to see you guys as well you got any parting thoughts they stink nothing I just upgrade this energy room yeah so take care and have an awesome weekend stay inside if it's at all possible don't go out at all learn to live and love the family more it's great family time all right so take care happy Easter to ever yone and right after I agree with random but I suspect these are all randoms accounts saying to stay in the stream but we've got you know work to do and get a free day more like the later one yeah I have to get lots of Easter eggs guys cuz I didn't get a single one not one stink I'm looking at you you got any goodbyes anything else you want to say that I'm wondering when these pregnant woman will be bombard I don't worry about that okay and thanks again for your help by random and everyone else random mosque is there as well look at all those accounts coming in now they're all random all right totally guys take care bye