aún no es octubre, no sé de qué estás hablando, hay pantalones apestosos , estamos jugando como un juego amistoso, no me digas que es, vi el tema de tu transmisión, qué tema de la transmisión, no sé lo que tu Estoy hablando y decía advertencia aquí ¿Qué advertencia decía? No tengo idea de lo que estás hablando, lo que puede causar malestar psicológico, oh Dios mío, estás listo para la nueva banda sonora, esto no es octubre todavía, ¿qué estás haciendo , no es el hombre del horror? Sin embargo, a principios de Halloween, de hecho, probablemente debería haberlo guardado hasta entonces , estarás bien, mira, tengo que conseguir la nueva banda sonora, por eso estás listo, lo tomaría como un sí, di una buena banda sonora, ¿por qué las ventas son así? una banda sonora agradable, ¿no es un poco divertido que empeora? De acuerdo, sigue con eso apestoso, comienza a comentar mientras configuro todas estas otras cosas que no quiero tocar ya , estarás bien, espero que el dlg aparece que aman ese tipo de cosas oye, ¿por qué no muestra lo que hay algunos comentarios allí mientras i no hay nada aquí sin embargo, en esta pesadilla que he tenido uno duras uno okay vamos a hacer lo que es esto, sí, por supuesto, no tiene usted Evie no sólo tienen sencilla bien lo que va a estar bien sí de la banda sonora allí para ayudar tu es para mantenerte calmado al azar está aquí seth está aquí hola cómo estás apestoso di hola hola qué te pasa ah sí sí ve al dormitorio principal en el segundo piso oh dios mío por qué tengo que hacer eso espera qué es esto oh tan mi mi nombre es james usé peligro escondiéndome oh Dios mío por qué el juego de esconderse apesta tú has sido por qué no puedo ser capaz de saber agarrar algo duro como un bate de béisbol y aplastarlo podrías estar bien y tiene los sonidos en el uh qué recuerda no dejarla ver dónde te escondes no dejes que vea dónde la estás escondiendo sí las mujeres son las más aterradoras ¿no sabías que no sabías eso solo mira en el espejo así es como da miedo encuentra un asesino mira seth está diciendo que este juego se ve genial cuál es tu problema he estado rastreando Chile hacia abajo toda mi vida, pero yo no podía proteger a mi familia lo que proteger a la familia así que ¿cómo está todo el mundo de hoy oh sí tuve una serie de temas de que hablar, pero yo no sé si realmente se adapte a este juego en particular, porque todas esas cosas es bastante amistoso lo he escrito en algún lugar aunque cuando lo escribí no ahí no quiero salir de esto sí lo amas lo amas ii no quiero salir de esta habitación oh te gusta lo sé lo que quiero hacer que desea jugar en su lugar por qué soy yo no entiendo apestoso pensé que amabas estos juegos de terror no les ve todo el tiempo que haga lo que bien i sugiriendo convertir el juego suena en el en el uh auriculares ahí suena bastante aterrador lo estás haciendo bien qué está pasando oh no sé quién es ese déjame en paz ah querido me brindas un gran entretenimiento cuando juegas allí apestoso cómo puedo correr quiero correr correr ah scp no te acerques a mí te encanta todo bien cielos hay un poco de sangre en esas paredes allí apestoso está bien, así que estamos abiertos a temas hoy, pero aquí tengo una lista, no sé si alguien realmente quiere hablar sobre agricultura mientras están mirando , podríamos hablar sobre edificios de los diferentes tipos que podrían ser un un poco de miedo para conseguir que empezar siempre habrá amor y clave en el hogar lo que esta es su casa justo la razón por qué usted no tiene las llaves en la casa de alguien que va a tener que encontrar lo que ven hay una llave no bloqueado clave triángulo Maldición, no puedo ir no puedo ir a ninguna parte, sí se puede apestoso se le multa estoy recibiendo tanto de atracciones salir de esto es este mi actitud uh atormentando saliendo me encanta atormentar así desea los pantalones fétidas habla, oye, ¿qué tal si empezamos a hablar sobre el lenguaje? Esto es algo que no voy a poder hablar. Te digo que ahora estarás bien, uh, o que tus reacciones probablemente tampoco sea algo malo cada vez que ella se asuste. que debería haber tirado hacia abajo las persianas que debo hacer ahora que la habitación lo más oscuro posible por um de la forma en que no estoy bromeando sobre esto, hay una perturbación de imágenes perturbadoras que advierten si la gente sufre un episodio de epilepsia o algo por el estilo, algo donde las luces intermitentes pueden provocarle un ataque, entonces le recomendamos que no mire este juego, así que solo un aviso para eso y debo decir en términos de esto versus abuela, los gráficos son para mí, me parecen un poco más aterradores, debería poner una cámara en tus apestosos ojos de calzoncillos, no quiero saber qué Ve al dormitorio principal en el piso ¿No estoy ya? Ya estoy ahí ¿Cuál es tu problema? Puedes lo que no puedes esconder en el armario todo el día Oh Dios, hay algo ahí, entonces ¿Por qué estoy aquí? ¿Por qué estoy? Aquí es mejor que te escondas de esa dama. Ya estoy drogado. Veo que se está poniendo amable . Estás retrasado. Todavía me estoy escondiendo. No, no puedes pasar todo el juego escondido en la habitación, pero no dice nada. al dormitorio principal en el segundo piso y estoy aquí, entonces, ¿qué tienes que decir entonces? e para encontrar algo probablemente tengas que mirar a tu alrededor y ver qué puedes encontrar cruzas la línea de la policía estás en problemas ah sí, así que me gustaría comenzar a hablar un poco sobre cómo el idioma está cambiando porque está cambiando una y otra vez Creo que no tiene mucho sentido para mí, quieres que te dé un par de ejemplos, pantalones apestosos, de todos modos, ahora no sé si esto es algo americano porque he dicho muchos. Veces obtenemos mucha uh influencia de Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido y particularmente en YouTube Probablemente veo más videos estadounidenses que cualquier otra cosa, pero tienen este hábito y supongo que no son todos o espero que no sean todos, pero escucho mucho. la gente dice uh, no voy a hablar sobre eso o por qué me mentiste ahora si alguien te dijera apestoso por qué me mentiste ¿cómo tomarías eso? oh no, ella no puede concentrarse porque para mí eso en realidad significa estar físicamente encima de alguien y solo si fuera yo exprimiendo el aliento de ellos con todo mi gran peso eso es lo que significa mentirme si estás hablando de mentir sobre alguien, entonces es mentira sobre por qué mentiste sobre mí, ¿no es no mentir y lo mismo se aplica para hablar sobre ti? no hablo de algo, ni siquiera es correcto en inglés, ¿estás tratando de hablar conmigo, me estás mirando? no, te estoy mirando porque no hay nada más que mirar en este momento. Ya estoy seguro de que el matrimonio de Lisa y James es un error, especialmente después del nacimiento de su hija James, no sabes qué es el resto, pero sabes que hay un par de personajes, ¿no son Lisa y James? Así que ese es el primero. uno y luego el segundo es y realmente lucho con esto yo mismo cuando la gente dice mi verdad no existe tal cosa hay un viejo uh diciendo que sabes que hay tres partes en cada historia y solo usaremos a él y a ella como ejemplo hay su lado está el lado de ella y la verdad yo está en el medio para que conozcas su versión virgen y la verdad, así que cuando dices mi verdad número uno instantáneamente, es menos probable que te crea porque no estás diciendo bien esta es mi versión de los eventos, no hay tal cosa como mi la verdad la verdad es la verdad no es nada apestoso ella está demasiado asustada nada del chat en vivo estoy hablando conmigo mismo otra vez así que esto me lleva al lenguaje y coloquialismos onomatopeyas ¿sabes lo que son las onomatopeyas? amigos compañeros nombre de la hija amy ok no del todo lisa, aunque amy ha pasado por varios audios, siempre se enfrenta a la vida, ese es mi audio, lo que significa que está enferma, supongo, pero se enfrenta a la vida por la sonrisa apestosa como lo estás haciendo en este momento con tus ojos muy abiertos y asustados, sí, te vi ante tus ojos decían no, en realidad tengo miedo de esto , no quiero jugar, sí, lo estás haciendo bien, no quiero jugar, debería haber guardado este para halloween, pero estoy un poco preocupado por lo que es. pasando en el canal en este momento tenemos que mezclarlo para tratar de conseguir que las vistas vuelvan a donde estaban lo que está sucediendo el canal como tú en este juego se está muriendo ya ha renunciado a la custodia tímida custodia del cliente del niño una custodia oye cliente qué diablos por qué no ellos de lo que estabas hablando bien en este juego los chicos, bueno, soy un jugador, así que creo que soy james james, él era la esposa llamada lisa y tienen una hija llamada amy y se divorciaron, por lo tanto, sabes que necesitas una custodia personalizada y dijo Lisa ha renunciado a la custodia tímida lo que quiere decir eso que ella no quiere que bien cuál era el nombre amy amy del niño bueno dejar de dilatar el tiempo que yo pueda volver a ella no apestoso lo estás haciendo bien bien por lo Ese es ese ¿dónde estoy ahora? Sabes que quiero que vaya, sí, lo haces, pero no puedes quedarte allí toda la noche, apestoso, ni siquiera puedo entrar, maldita sea, es cierto, sigue corriendo. ¿Qué tal si hablas de edificios, ya que estás en uno que da miedo ? estado en una casa embrujada es algo que te interesa no, por qué no, pensé que te gustaría hacer un recorrido por una casa embrujada, oh no, podría ser tu mascota, dale una palmadita, ¿puedes hacer eso? no puedes hacer eso y yo Estoy retrasado, así que no puedo ver lo que estás haciendo en este momento y ella está muy orgullosa de que se desvíe un poco del tema, el chat en vivo no dice nada en este momento, así que seguiré divagando hasta que alguien lo hace, lo siguiente que quería hablar era sobre estructuras de construcción, no necesariamente arquitectura, sino sobre los tipos de edificios que existen, como si supieras un castillo hecho de piedra, ¿te gustaría vivir en un castillo apestoso es algo que te interesa, sí? por qué no porque aparentemente es muy difícil correr muy duro para calentar demasiado el castillo porque generalmente son grandes espacios abiertos, así que incluso con los castillos modernos dicen que cuando los renuevan, pero es una pesadilla absoluta, por lo tanto, el juego creo que podría no sé james, podría ser, no sé que es sa id se informa que el sospechoso todavía está prófugo ¿qué significa eso que en general sigue deambulando? no ha sido capturado la víctima el ex marido de lisa, así que james está muerto, no yo, bien víctima, ex marido de lisa. diciendo bien las notas siguen siendo arrancadas masacre de aquí hello how are you es bueno verte de nuevo no se preocupe, usted no es tarde sólo estamos contentos que hemos mostrado y dicho algo en el chat en vivo que he sido muy tranquilo últimamente y he estado hablando bien algunas cosas pero estamos hasta los edificios ahora sabe que lo que falta memoria rAM es que ha oído hablar de la construcción de tierra apisonada apestoso que es muy bueno para el aislamiento si lo puede conseguir o cabañas de bambú ¿Alguna vez has estado en una cabaña de bambú? ¿De hecho los tienen en tu país? Si vas a las áreas rurales, puedes ver el bambú extraño ¿eh? ¿Qué quieres decir? ¿Te gustaría dejar una reseña? Realmente ayudaría no ahora no ahora mientras juegas y qué has estado haciendo masacre mientras sigo hablando de estas cosas ahora hay una razón por la que comencé a hablar sobre edificios y es porque sabes que me gustan mis programas de supervivencia y he mencionado algunos en el pasado, no estoy seguro de haber mencionado solo pero eso es un muy buen espectáculo donde envían a los concursantes a cabo en Canadá Yo creo que es y que tienen que sobrevivir por sí mismos ellos no pueden elegir 10 artículos así ¿Cómo he segued de que dentro o fuera de edificios en este programa de televisión solo así la La respuesta es que en la temporada más reciente vi que había un tipo que construyó una cabaña de troncos como se ve cuando hacen todos estos refugios de supervivencia, tiran algunos palos y luego ponen algunos escombros u hojas en la parte superior. mini cabaña de troncos no iban a entrar osos con la puerta todo rojo diciembre está aquí uh bueno verte también la matanza no dice nada en absoluto todavía en la vieja cuarentena sí definitivamente tenemos la cerradura aquí también ha estado sucediendo bastante tiempo y Espero que todos en Estados Unidos donde el mago el huracán no es un ciclón, haya un evento natural realmente malo que sucedió allí, así que espero que las cosas hayan mejorado desde entonces lo publicamos un poco en las noticias y muchas inundaciones, etc. Espero que todo esté bien ahora. Me alegro de que Red December esté aquí en la matanza porque parece que no les importan demasiado los temas del día y realmente no puse a nadie en eso, así que ya te perdiste un par de donde yo Empecé, nadie estaba realmente comprometido conmigo, incluidos los pantalones apestosos, así que seguí adelante en el momento en que estamos hablando de esa serie sola, hay un spin-off llamado la bestia, así que hay dos programas diferentes, uh solo, si te gusta, uno es donde envían a 10 concursantes, pero tienen que hacerlo individualmente, pueden usar ropa, así que no es como si estuvieran desnudos y asustados y pueden elegir 10 artículos de una lista en los que pueden ir y sobrevivir oh sí, la otra cosa era También había una dama en esa serie, esto fue antes de que yo vi la cabaña de troncos pensé que tenía un refugio espectacular ella cavó un poco de un hoyo e hizo un tipi en la parte superior tenía su propia chimenea cama elevada todo el mundo era bastante increíble de ver, pero luego cortaron a la toma del tipo con el tronco gavin y me asombró lo que fue y él realmente se rindió, hizo tapping y renunció después de x número de días y no estaba luchando en absoluto um en términos del aspecto de supervivencia que era más el aspecto mental que tiende a sacar a la gente de muchos de este tipo de programas, pueden manejar el aspecto físico, pero el lado mental del desafío es muy difícil, así que tienes esa masacre dice que no sabía que ni siquiera vieron las noticias, probablemente sea mejor si no miras las noticias en estos días, ¿no es así? hay tantas cosas que suceden y ciertamente no es diferente aquí estamos recibiendo muchas noticias en el momento uh bueno con respecto a lo mal que están las cosas aquí cuando se trata de la tos correo no solicitado antes porque pensé que no era relevante, pero ¿dónde están todos ustedes de lo que estamos de Australia todos estos pantalones fétidas ha emigrado aquí, así que vino originalmente de otro lugar, pero usted es un australiano ahora ¿no es su apestoso los ojos están muy abiertos, respira con dificultad, no le gustan estos juegos y es por eso que la hacemos jugar y tú hablas demasiado alto. No puedo escuchar lo que está sucediendo en el juego. Deberías poder subirlo en el juego. Sí, pero puedo. pon esto pero no puedo escucharte después de esto ah no me estás escuchando de todos modos aunque oh sí sí está bien entiendo lo tomo como un permiso bueno, la otra cosa buena es que cuando tienes los audífonos en realidad hace hablas más fuerte, sabes cómo la gente hace eso y definitivamente contigo casi me gritas, así que espero que responda a tu pregunta, pero cuando se trata de dlg, son de todas partes, así que sabemos que hemos Tengo bastantes personas de Estados Unidos que suelen aparecer en sus transmisiones, pero no solo América en otros lugares también, así que no sé si alguien quiere escuchar más sobre arquitectura y construcción de los diferentes tipos de edificios, pero eso es algo que me interesa y dijiste que no a la agricultura apestosa, dijiste que no es apropiado para este estilo de juego ahora es diciembre rojo preguntando ¿alguna vez has hecho un podcast o considerarías hacer un podcast increíblemente preguntaste ese diciembre rojo porque en realidad estaba pensando en eso anoche, entonces qué es lo que les estoy preguntando a ustedes cuál es la diferencia entre un podcast y supongo y supongo que lo que estamos haciendo en este momento porque sí, es como una transmisión en vivo de juegos, pero cuando te presentas a la transmisión en vivo, no estamos comentando sobre el juego, uh, por lo general, aunque probablemente lo haremos en esto. uno solo porque apestoso es genial para ver las reacciones de uh porque me asustaste también apestoso eso es tan ruidoso ah ella colgó el teléfono está demasiado asustada eso es solo un anuncio estarás bien ¿cómo es que hay un anuncio que no recibiste? nglos antes no está bien, apestoso está molesto conmigo porque ella tiene que jugar este juego has estado viendo juegos de terror todo este tiempo no tengo que jugar solo déjala que vuelva enseguida no tengo que jugar no No sé si la gente realmente considera lo que hacemos como un podcast de todos modos porque tenemos una conversación. Es difícil para stinky interactuar conmigo mientras juega y ciertamente soy igual si estoy jugando. Me resulta difícil interactuar con él. ella, pero también tratamos de hacerlo con el chat en vivo, así que, ¿qué sentido tiene una especie de transmisión en vivo de juegos que se mezcla con un podcast o es solo una transmisión de juegos de comentarios que no tiene nada que ver con los juegos, así que esa es la primera pregunta? Te pediré que leas en diciembre, el segundo es que nos han pedido que no haya función de guardado en el juego, tenemos que reiniciar si falla o salir, oh, no , estarás bien, no quiero hacerlo desde el principio, sí, entiendes para acariciar al perro de nuevo adelante ah gracias por compartir otro video impresionante sigue así gracias reinventa tu yo, uh, ¿cómo estás hoy? Lo segundo es que nos pidieron que estuviéramos en un podcast una vez, eh, hace bastante tiempo, y les respondí diciendo: "Mira, sí, podemos hacerlo, pero no estoy seguro de si tú". Me gustaría que fuéramos invitados porque no creo que seamos tan entretenidos o apestosos, pero no creo que lo sea, solo tengo que hablar la mayor parte del tiempo, uh, solo porque alguien va a atacar al perro al menos, pero ¿por qué hacerlo? tengo el perro para poder protegerte no me protege eso es lo que pasa ¿puedes usar un uniforme de policía? no, no creo que escuché algo, por eso voy a conseguir un par tal vez no porque definitivamente lo haríamos uh, creo haríamos podcasts en el futuro, uh, la razón por la que lo pensé anoche era que me preguntaba si podríamos subir estas cosas a una plataforma de podcasts y no sé qué son, pero supongo que Spotify sería un ejemplo. de uno en el que publican muchos podcasts, uh, tal vez puedas darme la definición real en mi mente que un podcast Ni siquiera tienen que ser filmados, son básicamente dos personas, dos o más personas o incluso una persona simplemente hablando, solo hablan de varios temas durante un cierto período de tiempo y eso es todo, así que he visto muchos podcasts donde no hay imágenes de video y luego, por lo general, cuando hay imágenes de video, solo se está filmando a estas personas hablando entre sí, así que no hay mucho que esté involucrado allí también, así que sí, eduque al viejo tío Peter, él ama una buena educación y ¿tiene algún tema para hablar? lo de hoy porque de lo contrario se acaba de ir directamente hacia abajo la lista como yo he estado haciendo por eso siempre se oye que viene le da una advertencia no es sí, pero ella no es ella no está poniendo en la habitación que tenía decir que hay una la configuración funciona allí si subes los sonidos del juego no es que no quiero bien y deja de quejarme no quiero jugar voy al modo suicida ahora vas al modo suicida no es el modo más difícil, así que estás haciendo esas felicitaciones, no, no estoy hablando que está bien, solo vas a correr como loco, llamo a eso los pantalones apestosos corriendo como modo loco o simplemente el modo de pantalones apestosos para abreviar porque pareces hacer eso en todos los juegos y, sí, bueno, tal vez puedas hablar de eso. uh, otro tema que se relaciona es que sabes cuáles son algunas experiencias aterradoras que puedes haber tenido o has visto algo aterrador en línea y sabes que quiero intentar mantenerlo un poco alegre porque ciertamente he visto algunas cosas que son más allá de miedo de que no vamos a hablar pero hay cosas te voy a dar un par de ejemplos ¿alguna vez has visto estos videos son bastante famosa que hay una en la que se encuentra en um no puedo recordar si me dijeron que era Rusia, pero era un área así uh, ¿cómo se llama ese tipo de áreas cuando dices Rusia, Ucrania, hay Pakistán, Kazajstán, ese tipo de lugares tienen un área general para ellos apestoso? No hablo contigo, ah, ¿cuál es tu problema, recuerda? ber lo primero, cuando te encontré fue en un video pistolas y rosas que es de sacrificio adecuados dieron una excelente masacre sabrosa música y i um i no quieren por favor no uh sabes decir la edad que tenga cierto modo me gustaría desalentar esa pero creo que Slaughter es como un joven y cuando digo joven no quiero decir de mi edad, él es viejo, pero tiene un gran gusto musical, es muy similar al mío, casi todo lo que me gusta aquí, sí, sí, por eso dijiste buen gusto porque es como tienes razón porque tengo un gusto increíble en la música realmente no hay muchas cosas que no escucho que uh sabes que hay mucha gente por ahí que disfruta de esas cosas que intento con el tiempo intentar al menos apreciar lo que hay para escuchar y hay algo de música clásica de guns and roses sí, soy un chico joven, un chico joven que puede apreciar la buena música antigua porque, por espera, me refiero a que he estado en un concierto de guns and roses cuando usas tus ilusiones uno y dos salieron fui a su concierto fue interesante para sa y al menos porque estaba muy mal organizado, no necesariamente por ellos, sino porque estaba en el medio de la nada, como si no fuera en la ciudad, tuvimos que viajar para llegar allí, no tenían control sobre el clima y estaba lloviendo. difícil y tenían dos secciones diferentes, básicamente la sección ay la sección b, la sección a era más cara y luego acababan de tener una cerca grande uh, la sección b estaba básicamente en esta colina fangosa o no comenzó embarrada sino al final la gente simplemente se deslizaba por esta colina cubierta de barro y luego, cuando terminó el concierto, muchas personas se quedaron varadas si no tenías un autobús o algo así o no conducías allí tú mismo, no hay forma de llegar a casa y allí. fueron decenas de miles de personas que recorre desde uh este estadio que supongo que le llama en realidad era un coche un parque ¿cómo se llama una pista de rodadura pista de rodadura del coche de carreras o simplemente lo llaman una pista de rodadura, sí y no tomó horas para caminar hacia atrás sólo para las afueras de esta ciudad y luego tuvimos que ir ar Sonidos golpes a las puertas de la gente para tratar de tomar prestado su teléfono para tomar un taxi porque era tarde en la noche era la única forma de hacerlo no hay transporte público, um, así que es un concierto muy, muy mal organizado, aunque así que diciembre rojo está de acuerdo en que es una corriente de estilo de podcast pensando que podría utilizar la aplicación ancla y grabar un tema colgar en sólo voy a escribir eso um diciembre roja gracias por que los podcasts de aplicaciones de anclaje um porque sé que usted sabe que estamos hablando, supongo youtube y las redes sociales ahora un poco, sé que mientras no estés en el programa de socios en twitch, puedes hacer transmisión dual apestoso necesita un respiro, ella está tan asustada en este momento, así que esto es algo que aún no hemos hecho y está maximizando su contenido, por lo que si hacemos una transmisión en vivo como esta, deberíamos estar transmitiendo en vivo para contraerse al mismo tiempo y creo que probablemente también pueda hacer eso con los podcasts, pero no estoy tan seguro, por lo que terminará obteniendo tres contenidos en uno que realmente no he mirado es cuando se trata de hacer lo que estamos haciendo ahora, aunque la única forma en que puedo hacer esa transmisión dual es pagar por la aplicación en el momento en que estamos usando la versión gratuita, así que sí, y además, sabes que tienes desconfíe de los términos de servicio en cada sitio web individual que usa, por lo que diciembre rojo también dice que el presentador publicará en el observador, oh, ahí va a Spotify e intenta obtener permiso para publicar en otras plataformas de podcasts excelente, eso es exactamente lo que estaba hablando sobre uh diciembre roja por lo que muchas gracias por eso otra vez no estoy tan seguro de que la gente estaría muy interesado en uh lo que encuentro interesante en cierto modo me repito casi todas las corrientes con lo que es por eso que dejarlo abierto a la del chat en vivo también quiero decir si realmente quieren hablar sobre ese tipo de cosas, oh sí, lo que me estaba devolviendo a las imágenes aterradoras ahora para nuestra audiencia más joven, como por ejemplo matanza, no recomiendo que salgas activamente a buscar para que sepas metraje encontrado un Encuentra cosas así porque puede ser bastante aterrador y puedes terminar yendo por caminos en los que puedes ver cosas que no quieres ver . Solo estoy hablando de que sabes que son cosas que son un poco espeluznantes, pero la gente más joven puede. manejarlo cuando las personas que no se asusten demasiado puedan manejarlo ¿me puedes dar ese pañuelo de papel? sí , estás empezando a llorar, no, solo soy algo en mi nariz, los pantalones apestosos, así que sí, ella está empezando a lloriquear porque está tan asustado ¿no es así? Uno de los ejemplos que daré es ¿alguna vez has visto este video donde fue filmado en el bosque? Este tipo estaba sacando a su perro a pasear uh, supongo que el clima frío parecía que estaba nevando y ciertamente eran resistentes y en la distancia su perro simplemente se escapó, así que comienza a filmar en la distancia y luego se enfoca en esta mujer y esta chica y yo bromeo no como creo que es real esto es tal vez soy crédulo o lo que sea, cae dentro de la categoría de metraje de video inexplicable, este pequeño gi rl estaba volando en el aire a unos pocos pies por encima de la mujer que estaba con ella y ella estaba simplemente flotando sobre la mujer y parecía que estaba volando en el lugar y luego, cuando escucharon a este tipo venir con su perro, dieron la vuelta a esto, la chica rápidamente se tiró al suelo y luego salieron corriendo ahora podría ser, ya sabes , efectos especiales de alta tecnología de un creador de películas profesional, no se veía así, aunque se veía muy genuino, como si la persona estaba filmando con un teléfono o una cámara por qué no puedo correr más rápido un poco más fuerte si vas a hacer eso pegajoso para que todos podamos escucharte oh, ahí está el perro, escucho al perro, así que ese era uno uh, ¿qué? otro, oh, sí, el metraje de esta cámara de policía aterradora ahora que otra vez creo que debe ser real porque provino de una cámara de tablero real de un vehículo policial y estaba haciendo una persecución de auto con otro auto para que pudieras verlo persiguiendo este auto en todas partes y luego, de repente, el auto gira y yo bromeo No pasa a través de una cerca , pasa a través de una, no es una cerca de malla de gallinero, pero ese tipo de diseño es, no sé cómo lo llamas , pero como una cerca fuerte que tiene ese diseño de alambre de gallinero y el auto simplemente se fue directamente a través de la valla y el coche policía detuvo porque no se podía pasar por la valla, obviamente, ¿ha visto que las imágenes y que de una leva de tablero de policía así que de nuevo Tengo una pregunta que le hice caso a usted oh usted no escuchó nada de eso, solo estoy hablando conmigo mismo de nuevo cada vez que el chat en vivo se silencia y estoy divagando y no obtengo respuesta tuya, no sé qué pista necesito, sé que necesito obtener algo para el reloj explorar la habitación y encontrar pistas que sí lo hice ese es su pista y que tiene un aspecto como el perro de su amigo derecha o solo corteza para que todos sepan que estás ahí no sé que no sé lo que me Te estoy buscando para ir, sé que necesito acercarme a cada cosa que ves en la habitación, como acercarme lo suficiente para tener una vistazo a cada elemento que es lo que me gustaría recomendar lo que de nuevo pidiendo al del chat en vivo han visto ninguna secuencia miedo y no quiero decir el tipo de cosas malas sólo lo que es inexplicable inexplicable que debería decir inexplicable, hay otro que puede haber sido manipulado, no lo sé, pero uh, donde una persona simplemente sale de la nada se ve como una imagen casi fantasmal y salva a alguien de ser atropellado por un automóvil y luego desaparece instantáneamente y lo que parece, oh, escuché eso también parece genuino porque aparentemente este fue tomado de imágenes de CCT uh, ya sabes, como las imágenes de los faros delanteros pero no las imágenes de los semáforos de los faros, así que cada vez que es algo así, dudo, sabes que debe ser real porque proviene de esa fuente, no está hecho por alguien que está viniendo a partir de imágenes reales que sabes que están configuradas en público me sigo escondiendo en el mismo lugar no sé dónde más puedo esconderme y no voy tan lejos quiero decir que no estoy acostumbrado a caminar despacio por qué alguien está cazando Estoy en lo correcto uh diciembre rojo dice que se ha documentado que se han elevado en la meditación tan levantados del suelo He visto algo de eso , aunque lo cuestiono porque sabes que los magos hacen esto y no sé cómo lo hacen ni siquiera aunque he visto algunos, sabes que así es como lo hacen, en el que puedes tener una plataforma elevada que no puedes ver y pasan un aro sobre ella y crees que no puedes pasar un aro sobre eso porque tiene que estar pegado a algo, pero el aro en sí tiene algún tipo de agujero para que pase a través del adjunto, así que no sé si estos yoguis creo que se llaman porque he visto uh, un, un metraje de eso y creo que fue cuestionado, pero quién sabe, tal vez sea cierto, eso es lo que probablemente hay mucho que ver con los seres humanos que aún no se ha explorado en la mayor medida posible, tal vez tengamos estos poderes sobrenaturales que no son realmente, uh controlado o bien conocido, sí, y necesita ser explorado científicamente, ¿crees que Creo en ese apestoso que la gente puede realmente maldita sea ella abrirá la puerta abrirá la puerta bien yo puedo escuchar los latidos del corazón también eso da miedo puedo escuchar los latidos de tu corazón desde aquí apestando es un juego bien vamos a seguir el camino de las cosas místicas diciembre rojos o cosas misteriosas en lugar de material de archivo de miedo lo que las cosas misteriosa ha oído hablar de usted ha oído hablar del hombre de Talmud que hay otro nunca más se supo de ese apestoso está demasiado ocupado concentrándose así que esto es uh, no sé cuánto tiempo hace lo fue, pero fue hace un tiempo y este caballero aparece de la nada y está viajando uh, ya sabes, pasando por la aduana en algún lugar y los agentes de aduanas tomaron su pasaporte y era irreconocible.Tenía un pasaporte legítimo que parecía legítimo y luego dijeron dónde están. usted de y él dice que soy de talmud que no existe simplemente no existe y están viendo que en realidad revisan su pasaporte y pueden ver que ha pasado por otras costumbres en otros países, así que lo detienen y comienzan a hacer todo tipo de preguntas, ahora no puedo recordar la historia completa, así que solo estoy dando una descripción muy breve y terminaron diciendo que sabes que todo parece demasiado cierto y, sin embargo, hay no hay tal país en el mundo y luego este tipo de repente desaparece simplemente desapareció para no volver a ser visto nunca más, así que hay otro si tienes curiosidad sobre eso, ¿has oído hablar del padre pío? Dijeron que tenía algunas observaciones sobrenaturales. no, padre. Supongo que significa que es un sacerdote de algún tipo y sus poderes sobrenaturales serían la curación porque ese es a menudo el caso, ¿no es así que obtienes a estos sacerdotes o personas de fe que pueden realizar poderes de curación sobrenatural? Eso es otra cosa que tengo que hacer. look into i have heard of uh who are the twin sisters that spoke to god or something this was a catholic that was telling me this her mother really believed this story i can't remember the details it was too long ago for me so now i 'll have to look up padre pio as well so there's another one what else have we got stinky's got nothing although we'll say i showed stinky a video once that was from her country remember i showed you that girl it got kicked off the bus and then all of a sudden you know the bus driver was yelling at her and someone else was yelling at her and she's causing a big commotion in the street and then she started shaking and getting all anxious and then she threw the bus driver not she didn't touch him she just used this superpower to push the bus driver into the bus and then she turned around and you know all of the the street stalls went around her fell over and she started uh basically i guess crying in a woman comforter but then the woman got scared and you said it was all fake you said that wasn't real it was some from some movie or or something because you'd never heard about it in the news which was another thing uh they say padre pio could buy locate so it could be two places physically at the sam e time interesting i have heard that people can not teleport but get into a sort of psychic trance state go oh astral traveling it's called where they can at least in their mind travel to other places and see things and uh you know i questioned that's real yeah well that's the thing and i guess just because i never experienced that and it just sounds very supernatural yes and at this point i will have to mention the name randy i can't remember what his his surname is but this guy randy spent his entire life debunking psychics and he had a million dollar award that i think still stands today should i get out no i can't hear it he offered this million dollar award to say if you can prove that you have psychic abilities i'll give you a million bucks and to this day plenty of people have tried to claim it but he's debunked every single one of them and then there was one time in he and some other guy released a video saying that they finally found an actual true psychic and they were about to award the the million dollars but you know when it was posted first of april so it was an april fool's joke ah so there you go uh look up psychic frauds debunked by randy or something like that you'll you'll get a whole lot yes kane you're late because stinky is playing a scary game and she really doesn't want to play it it's worse than is it worse than granny i've got to ask i don't know because i've got to say the graphics are more impressive to me than than granny i like the the atmosphere that it creates and on top of this cane it's a new soundtrack and it's a scary soundtrack uh oh yeah we did get uh the i can't mention the name but we have had uh news reports on the anniversary of that here so we hope that uh american society is has learnt and grown and i guess everyone else has learned and grown from that experience the the reports that or not reports but anniversary things that we have here uh they're often just interviewing australians that happen to be there at that time a nd it was a pretty horrible experience for all by the sounds of it there was also one report where the the um dust did you hear about that the once the buildings collapsed there was a lot of toxic dust in the air and people ended up getting cancer and all kinds of things as a result of that so this lady that was being interviewed she did actually get compensation eventually because sadly she developed um two types of illnesses including cancer thankfully it's in remission though she said she's actually fine now so that's good and well there you go i mean you're talking about um that 20-year anniversary and we were talking about buildings before but no one seemed too interested in that so i gave up now kane it's your turn to tease stinky i'm dead so love it i don't know there was one time i can hide in that spot and she didn't see it but this time i couldn't how can i get there you'll be able to do it you're good at these games no i just run from one hiding spot to another that's why we get to crap you're good at hiding you're great at hiding but i can't solve the things with just hiding you know i have to get this get that so what's i don't even know what personalized is for the bell notifications so i mean ours we set all notifications for certain channels that don't upload frequently uh we have you know the bell on father notifications as well but for the people that sort of upload daily or multiple times a day we don't put the bell on it ends up spamming out our inbox but no i didn't know what uh personalized means for that cane tell me more and then what else have we got red december is talking about all of this mystic stuff which uh i'm quite happy to talk about because i find it very interesting i think there are occurrences that while they might not be able to be explained there's probably too much uh coincidence for it not to be real i mean we've mentioned this a long time ago about whether you believe in ghosts or not and i sort of do just because there's t oo many reports from too many cultures you know and it's an ongoing thing and i've actually had some strange experiences i wouldn't say that i've seen an actual ghost but there's certainly sounds that can't be explained to me um and you said you do right stinky what do you do believe in ghosts not well sort of partially if you can say that because the next one i'd say is do you believe in dragons different cultures all over the world commodore dragon well i'm talking about the traditional with the wings um traditional for western or eastern because it looks so different do they though yeah explain the difference well your your ones is easily you know the smoke in the lord of the ring hobbit yes it's kind of shabby at the body yes yeah long neck with wings yeah easton doesn't have wings oh and it's scaling like a snake big snake well then if you talk in easton you'd have to say it does exist because that looks basically like a komodo dragon right maybe not in the face are they fire-brea thing or no not fire-breathing dragons it can be but yeah they some people believe that um hang on let me knife let me hide first would you be any good at a podcast not while you're playing games dude uh when they move on the earth it creates reverse oh that sounds well that sounds like the culture here the aboriginals believe that snakes in the dream time it's called dream time stories that snakes big snakes cause the rivers yeah well easton put there inside oh yeah i suppose we're still uh what do you call it asia pacific so but you wouldn't call aboriginals asian right there's still black people asian it doesn't matter for the skin you don't no indian also is right you and i always argue there but they they are asian they are south asian i'd say indians are indian they are south asian and also we also have middle east middle east are white sort of some of them are kind of white aryan arabic yeah church so you can asian is a big big continent and it defines two regional you know thin gs so you can't say you're black and you're not asian you can't say that i'm trying to think of a black asian man no but i have to say aboriginal here you can't be asian because you are in australia so it's different continent but australia is part of asia pacific huh we're still in malaysia yeah we are because we can participate in the asian pacific yeah but that's for economy all right kane's asking peter do you hate the barbarian kings look i really hate it i've never bought a skin in clash of clans so i don't know if you're talking about the skin or just the traditional look of the bbq and to be honest old uncle can't really see things too well these days and probably should get an eye check not true i've got 20 20 vision the last time i got tested she saw me already where in the cupboard where you've been hiding uh cane you've got the occasion i'm not going anywhere ah you can't stay in the cupboard yeah but she's there all right oh she found you in the cupboard yeah see the cupbo ard's not a safe place no if she see me already then you know you saw someone going into the cupboard oh then you know they're in there then you can't hide there right oh you're talking about his original skin cane um i've never really had a good look at it so uh yeah maybe i'll have a look after the stream and see what oh gee she is scary oh thumbnail right there where what time was that he already got the thumbnail there how long have you been playing for stinky roughly so i can remember because i can't see it on this computer quick 50 around the 50-something minute mark wow i like the graphics of this game i think it's awesome so now you came but you've bought a couple of skins i seem to remember you telling me that there's been more than one skin purchased so maybe he just likes all the new skins i wear it as a pride of uh badge of honor that i've never bought a skin because i'm cheap arnold stimsy stinky i have a couple of skins for the bbq archer queen and grand wharton nice one i need to go toilet all right then old uncle peter what am i supposed to do hey no that's all you do how do i get out of there there when you go well use this for practice first you move around by this one so when you walk use your left hand did you get everything there did you look at that already yeah yeah yeah have you looked at everything in this room you can try that first so you kind of save to try you go closer to the door and close the door you have good practice no you can't do that yep close the door all right that's how you're doing it hurry up no hurry up there's nothing in that drawer i guess she's probably looked at everything you need please come back later all right stinky hasn't given me give me any tips really of what to do in here but i'm pretty sure she's looked at everything by now she's spent a lot of time in this room his old uncle put up found anything that stinky hasn't not yet can you fire up the computer and i can't seem to open these desks let's go for a wal k seeing a stinky not doing that she's not brave like old uncle peter she been in this room a square keyhole what's that that looks like a razor blade that's not good you got to go upstairs to the master bedroom which one's the master bedroom go ahead keep going keep going yep that what the door the dog get in there how do you know this one's a master bedroom because i know it that's it you want to shut all the doors uh if you can you can try all right now you go no no no what are you doing i don't know stinky's back on it uh kane's asking what the heck is going on with this strain is there a problem there uh warning uh please check the video resolution which is not optimal but we get that a fair bit it shouldn't make a difference it is making a difference people are getting kicked out people are getting booted out of this stream i'll open this widget and see what happens how do i current resolution of your activity nine oh no super chats yet but we never get super chats yeah it doesn' t work saying it's a good connection now so just must be going in and out uh yeah apologies on our end the internet is taking a lot longer to fix than what we'd hope i don't understand why the new company won't even call us back and we're trying to get set up with those guys no answer from you stinky and has their headphones blocked out my scary soundtrack for you so it doesn't really bother you at this point stinky because i was meant to put you in the mood it was meant to put you in a scary mood what what's your problem the soundtrack it doesn't do anything for me because i have to listen to this one there you go so where was i did you have anything else to say about scary stuff or psychic abilities or just unusual events and i'm surprised that you would never want to you really wouldn't want to do a haunted house too would you would you do a prison tour because you can actually do that here and people do say you know there's a feeling often if you do aa prison to uh that um they get this feeling of i don't know unrest or unease just because of the number of people that have gone through there i'm not going to deny that i've been in certain places where you do end up getting a strange feeling when you walk into that particular property now some of them have to do with it if ever i've gone into an abandoned house that's always makes me uncomfortable have you ever done that stinking too busy concentrating at the moment so i'll just answer for you no i haven't because i'm too much of a scaredy cat i could barely do it in the game is what stink pants is saying to me can you answer that question or you're too busy concentrating concentrating and ignoring so there is one one abandoned house i went into that it looked like whoever lived there had left in a bit of a hurry because they still had clothes and food and everything else there it had obviously been abandoned for quite some time uh to the point where i guess animals were living in the roof and there was like drop pings that had fallen through the roof into the actual uh house and on the window and on the floors it was quite creepy to to walk around there which was a pity because it was a lovely property itself in terms of the land that it was on it had a creek running down the bottom of it and uh lots of natural uh sorry native plants as well so i liked the the thing that it was built on but it was very scary to go in there and then you see those uh exploration videos that people post and they tend to give me a sense of fear maybe not as much as watching stink pants play this game have you ever done that gone to abandoned buildings live chat they've gone quiet again i'm just talking to myself maybe i will talk about farming at this point the various types of farming until i get some responses you've got permaculture and my agriculture is a general term horticulture there's another one aquaculture that's the one that i'd like to get into spidey's here hello spidey i hope you talked to me everyon e else has gotten quiet uh although there is seems to be a little bit of aa problem with the stream at the moment just where people have been booted out i can see that in the analytics how have you been spidey yeah we don't want to scare you too much with this game i do have to give you a warning though it's one of the scariest ones i've seen stink pants is enjoying it so much you haven't had any flashing lights yet right square key is it upstairs downstairs have you got to find that square key stinky through the square head so you can get out there and do your stuff and what's good old spidey been up to the last week uh i'm guessing that might not even be going to school school if they're still in the lockdown well spidey says he can handle it because stink pants can't handle it at the moment spidey i just don't get the murderer is a lady with a knife and you are a cop i mean hey there's some some people are more dangerous than the police the police might have training but if you're d ealing with a lunatic you never know what to expect i watched very scary movies before i've been up to football practice in school nice one uh so be careful with the the football there spidey i hope you've got the full protective gear what position are you playing or you don't know yet and yeah even if you do know you might have to tell me what it means i think i know what a quarterback does and that's about it i don't really know what any of the other players do and it's very different you know in gridiron stinky they've got an offensive um team and a defensive team and they spot them over so you've basically got two teams we don't have anything like that here like you play offense and defense oh hambur way yeah yeah official is here assalamu alaikum to you too do you know that it's some greeting that you can do i think i pronounced that correctly so uh let me just i might just bear with me humber we'll do some we'll do some uh google translate to say oh it's malay so i can say uh oh gee i'm on the spot here i should know this i can say things like to long to long per look saiyan no that's thai isn't it nope well then that might be malay it's been a while oh that's right there you go there's a little bit of malay for you do you like that stinky yeah whatever uh i'm playing line man quarterback is oh okay so quarterback is kind of the captain of the team i'm right tackle in linemen so that spidey that says to me that you're big for your age because those linemen are the ones that protect the quarterback if i'm not mistaken and those guys are often the bigger heavier stronger you know they're they're basically a human wall have you seen that stinky or you don't not in person so no idea uh yeah he says my job is to put people to the ground so i think spidey must be be a big guy for whatever year group he's in that's how it usually works it's the same in rugby over here that when they uh in this scrum it's called all of the guys at the front are the bigger guys and the n they slowly get smaller as you go further back into the scrum so there you go he gets uh he gets a lot of physical contact you know he tries to tackle someone and put him to the ground i can hear her but i'm not sure oh there okay yes linemen protect quarterback there you go stink pants uncle purdot's not so ignorant after all but i didn't know what they were called say linemen what are some of the other positions spidey give me the full gridiron education now uh i did try to line up one of the gridiron games to play because i thought that would be interesting for a stream because you'd have to teach me all the rules and stink pants probably wouldn't play it she'd force me to do it and then you're gonna get stink pants commentary i was looking at madden nfl that i had downloaded a version of it and it's just not uh i can't remember what the issue was it wouldn't load properly or something to be lineman you need to be over 120 pounds okay uh i wonder what that is in kilos maybe i'll j ust do a quick search while i'm seeing as i can um but i'm thinking that 120 pounds is also for your uh age group spidey because i dare say they'd be a fair bit heavier than that if you're playing in the nfl oh 54 kilos that's not exactly light guess what stinky you could probably be a linesman in spidey's team you're just heavy enough or you might be a little bit underweight for it but you've got to bear in mind he's a child you're a fully grown woman you want to be a lion lineman nope uh that's an important job to protect the quarterbacks but she's read december has been there she's been quiet yeah i agree i've i've watched a little bit of greed iron in my time usually when the super bowl is on uh we do get to see it here but it's often uh really late at night or early in the morning if you will so i do find it fascinating but there's a lot of down time is the thing that you know they do don't come near me don't come near me ah i read this him it could be a lineman too if i'm not mis taken red december were you a cheerleader for the football team in school as well captain of the cheerleaders i remember i think this time i have to start from scratch well you know what else we're starting from scratch the scary soundtrack if kane's still there you better listen oh how many minutes already then that was over an hour oh really i feel like longer than that i feel like i should stop now no way everyone's enjoying your your everyone don't play there no one they are they like your gameplay you tell me how many people watching two well then ah dear ii am seriously worried that we've been blacklisted by youtube for some reason the last few streams have not performed uh as they would on average and the views are back to where they were from six months ago you know we had a massive increase and now it's just right back to where it was uh i was captain of cheerleader for football basketball wrestling and hockey nice one now answer me this red december do you traditionally have different cheerleading squads for the different sports or does the same cheerleaders do the different sports because that's a lot of captaining of a lot of sports that you've done all rolled into one uh and i guess there must be a bit of crossover too uh whether you have summer and winter sports like we do because yeah to commit the only thing i can compare uh sorry i'll call it you know i have a real problem calling anything football it's not australian rules oh come on you can do it i can't it's gridiron ah stupid there's only one football it's australian rules it doesn't go by any other name it's just footy that's it i will stand behind that because i'll say gridiron is comparable to rugby league or rugby union also known as football yeah so how do you distinguish you say you're talking your football or my football so let's just call it gridiron and rugby so when they have a play i think they call it in gridiron once they do their play everything stops and then they reorganize and r estructure and then they go again and then they stop it's not like that in rugby league or union there are moments where you stop play but it's very fast to start again you know there's not all of this fluffing around for a couple of minutes it's more like a few seconds and then you're off again so i wonder whether people get bored with that um and it's because i don't understand that the game that well that the commentary um you know when the professional sports commentators talk i don't really know what they're talking about so i don't find it super entertaining i'm sure if i've watched the sport more and understood it then i'd find it more entertaining i have a mate of mine that says that it's really good because it's almost like aa war strategy that they have in gridiron like there's a lot of technical side to it placement of your players and so on and what's in the playbook that's another one so he really likes it he says he actually enjoys watching gridiron i'll have to watch a b it more uh he's not telling stories he's ch hang on i've missed a bit so uh so the line has left tackle center right tackle the right guard and lastly the left guard so that's one two three four six six of them in that first line gotcha then you have i guess what we would call win players they're the fast runners that are on either side and you know the quarterback might throw the ball at them i've seen them that's incredible the way those guys can run as fast as they do and athletically catch a ball from all directions ii am impressed by that not as good as australian rules football players they're the best in the world they're the best athletes you know i'm saying that just because i'm australian i didn't listen that's fine uh yeah no one listens to me uh when was the last time you did your cheerleading red kane henson sorry i had to change accounts because my other one showed a black screen kane you've been missing out on the the scary i've done a new soundtrack specifically for you and stink pants huh did they yep it's full of scary songs uh 10 years ago when i was on the alternate cheer team for the vikings for the vikings professional football team so red december's like approaching leader virtually and i asked her in a previous stream because i've heard it's a extremely dangerous at the these days you would call it a sport right red december because you can enter cheerleading competitions and i've watched quite a bit of that on youtube and i also watched a documentary about how many injuries that cheerleaders actually get doing their stunts and things and it does look very dangerous for that that girl that gets thrown up in the air and flipped around and all kinds of crazy stuff i would not want to be that person um or anything that requires me getting more than a couple of feet off the ground uh the screen was grey in the middle was an error triangle that's not good i'll be right tackle uh right tackle so again curious spidey do they put you on the left or r ight depending on you know whether you're left-handed or left-footed or does that not make a difference like how do they work out if you go left or right that's another curiosity there uh are you oh are you skipping my question where is the question i think i did because i didn't see it oh so yeah that's right sorry i've got to go back a bit in this stream um oh what did you think of darman uh so spidey says he's not just telling stories he's uh changing lives different and i'll answer question i just want to get to the right place in that stream separate squads uh okay i read all of that i read all of that uh my question i'm getting to it ether invite me to the clan ethernator you got to be active kane you've also got to have a high enough town hall at this point uh and promote me to code once he gets to go he can't be demated so to answer the question because i know spidey uh thank you for making that a topic in the last week's stream and i did talk about it so i'll be repeating myse lf a little bit this is where um i wanted to try and get through the point of when you promote something online that you can get backlash for that and i generally speaking don't research people you know that i'm talking about because uh or in this case talking about the channel and the content and i want to make that clear that i'm not uh talking about the person themselves the the dharma just their content and their channel and the reason i say that is because for the first time i thought look before i even talk about this guy maybe i should do a bit of research i'm not saying that it's good or bad i have my own views but i'm not even gonna explain those here suffice to say my small amount of reach church did uncover that darman does have a criminal history he did receive a number of years probation for some serious uh crimes and the reason i say it's serious is because they were felony charges and there was a number of them now from my knowledge of the law and it's not great when it comes to american law i can say if you've just got probation and you didn't serve jail time then it's not as bad as if you served actual jail time so yeah that's my caveat if you will to say look i did do some research on the person themselves it only took a couple of minutes to uncover that that's not really neither here nor there if you're talking about the channel or the content and to be honest it scares me a little bit the way people these days make an irrational jump from where you can talk about something like let's say i say yeah darman's contents really it's great to see promoting positivity and exploring what people do that's very negative and how to get some sort of positive outcome out of it i think that's great but then people will make that mental leap saying oh you defend criminals and it's like no that's not what i'm saying at all i'm not even talking about the guy so if we're talking the content i say yeah it's good i still have a personal view that i have issues with the way it's presented uh just because it does seem like you have to be successful in order to get the positive outcome and i don't believe that i don't think that you need a lot of money to to be a good person but that seems to be a common theme i think some situations are very unrealistic that you know if you have the number of times i've seen a relationship uh video on it i only watched a few videos but they seem to have this common theme about them you know i can tell you now that if i spoke to stink pants the way uh some of these people speak to each other and treat each other there wouldn't be a positive outcome we might end up losing the relationship that's the reality and you know chances are if people are in a bad situation they're going to go to kitio in its entirety and it was um the first time i've done that number one i'm not again not saying pewdiepie's content's bad it's just not you know my taste and dharma i've got to say is also not really my taste um with the pewdiep ie video about darman this had to do with youtubers so i was much more interested in that and i found it quite surprising that there seemed to be a real uh value placed on being well liked online which again i think is it's not a good attitude to have it doesn't matter if you have 10 subscribers or a thousand or a million or two million which was one of the themes in that video that somehow if you had you know you could go to your haters as he called them and say well you know i had 1 million subs and said that i would never get to 2 million i'm at 3 million now i don't place any value on that it doesn't mean that much the reason i say that is because i've seen plenty of big channels that do not connect with their audience and their channels have basically died i'm not kidding we get even though we're going through a bad patch at the moment uh like subscribe etc we never say that maybe we should or not never but really maybe we should um yeah that we can compare ourselves to these chan nels that have hundreds of thousands or i've even seen them that have millions of subscribers and they just they don't get any views so where's the value in that but that's just my own personal thing so hopefully that's enough to to answer that for you etherneter i did talk about it a lot more in the previous stream uh but i know uh spidey didn't show up until later on so he missed all of that but i say you know his song is he's he's doing a good thing at the end of the day you know he's not spreading bad uh content uh i wish he would package it a little bit better and perhaps give actual advice rather than a generic uh response which is the other thing that i had issues with that a lot of the things he says is just common sense that doesn't really help people it's just a positive message and that's it whereas go the next step dar man you've got the the power to do it give people actual advice point them in the right direction so there you go what are your thoughts live chat maybe you can you can debate with me i don't i'm not sensitive i like being um questioned you know if you think i'm wrong i don't mind you telling me i'm wrong tell me how teach me oh that brings me to another thing i'd love to talk about where i saw an interview of a teenager that was um incarcerated and i tell you what that 15 year old boy was smarter than a lot of adults his view on life was is incredible at that age very mature and particularly i watch prison shows and things i like seeing uh environments that i'll probably never be in so i'm curious to see what it's like and when they interview adults on those type of shows they tend to sound like children and this child child sounded like an adult so there you go ah now i'm sorry i've been um a bit behind in the chat so let me catch up i'm right midako invite you then kick you yes that might happen uh red december says i was basket tossed thrown in the air i had one injury that i still have a pinched nerve from there you go yeah you've see n that right where they throw the cheerleader up and she spins and everything i've seen some horrible injuries like on youtube where they legs broke and everything and she's got a permanent injury red december from when she was in school so there you go oh no this family is here hello peter finally watching your live stream greetings from singapore i'm so sorry it took me so long to respond to you there uh negra hospit great to see you singapore's like a second home to me i've been there many many times so welcome to the stream and hopefully you'll stick around for a bit sorry it took so long to respond buddha 12 am don't play with me at this time day i get huge nightmares yeah like we did warn spidey it's a scary game particularly to be watching at this time of night i actually don't didn't know that thank you for letting me know though that's all right um yeah but again i didn't want to say too much about it oh generous is here hello uh hello to the nergis family red december and fri ends so we've been interacting with uh nurgraha i hope i'm pronouncing that right but it's been all through the the comments section so it's great to see you live how are things in singapore because apparently it's similar over there as it is here when it comes to the cough cough they've got some issues too generous now endless nightmare i love scary games i missed you guys and i'm glad i finally got a chance to catch you guys uh generous you're gonna have to try and cheer stinky up because she is she has wide eyes and doesn't like these games because it's scary you love it don't you stinky uh ethernet has got to go to bed he's tired probably very late there and we don't want to give him any more nightmares than is necessary so we've got uh people from all over the world at the moment which is awesome i'd love to get back to singapore one day if i can if it ever happens again we were lucky though when we yeah went to singapore right before the well it was actually when the cough cough here so far when it just starts so it's not full on but they closed down didn't they they closed their borders like two or three days after we left i can't remember that but we also close out yeah after we come back as well that's right that was we were so lucky when you think about it we could have been stranded in singapore for months really and i guess lucky that i've got relatives there they might have gotten sick of this staying with them but they'd still do it you know and feel sorry for someone that couldn't get back home uh no worries peter enjoy your explanation yeah we still have some restrictions due to the pandemic yeah we we do get a lot of news about singapore just because they're practically a neighbor to us and um for the can i say the more educated no that's a bit rough i'm saying my my own father uh looks to singapore is their government is very very good he's a firm believer that you've got a very strong government there and that our government should take a lot more cues from their the singapore government than they actually do um but they do they there's no denying that they certainly look at what singapore does um and generous is saying that she'll keep you safe stinky she's holding your hand during all of this he'll be fine uh dog wants something to dog wants something to send dog a food emoji for the dog date there you go we're doing the food again oh i can actually use stock food okay oh well there you go feed the dog it'll make you even happier him or her we don't even know if it's male or female is it they didn't say it's fido or something like that i'm not sure so again just because i'm curious uh and this guy is for everyone not just uh nagrajas what's the story when it comes to food in your country because again singapore i know that they have lots of hawker centers and you can't you definitely can't sit down and eat there but you should be able to take away food and singaporeans definitely they eat out a lot you know not like australia uh and in thailand i guess you eat out a lot and cambodia basically asian yeah if it's an asian country with cheap food you tend to actually italian too don't you think they are speaking food too well they're bigger but that's like saying french that they're really big into the food but i think it has a lot to do with how expensive it is because australians are big into food but it's expensive to eat out all the time it's we don't have street food like there is unless it's an organized event where they've already health inspected you just don't have street food here like you do in those sorts of countries italy i don't know if they have uh street vendors or not and how cheap it is to eat out in america i would say you could eat out a lot because it seems cheap there but again i'm comparing it to australian prices and if you look at our wage compared to their wage there's a bit of a disparity so i don't know if one of the americans can and for everyone for that matter clarify what the minimum wage is in each country i think in america it's maybe around eight dollars an hour does that sound about right someone correct me whatever the the minimum wage is in america and singapore i have no idea um in australia it's over twenty dollars now so you'd be saying geez that's a lot but then if you look at how much it costs to get a simple cheap takeaway meal that's probably going to be 20 bucks right there so um yeah if you're looking at the not inflation but just comparable prices uh the dog is a girl says spidey why did the world call female of a dog a bad word i'm not joking i'm actually serious well this brings me to another thing i wanted to talk about that was one of the topics ii had written down when it comes to language how language gets appropriated to mean different things now i've got to skirt around it a little bit because i want to use specific examples oh no it could get us uh restricted monetization so i've got to be careful about that so generous says depends on the state california is 15 wow and louisiana is 7.25 interesting that's more than double now i do know california they've got a huge uh tax rate they they have a state tax on top of a federal federal tax it is also one of the richest not just it's the richest state in america if i'm not mistaken but also on the world scale if you compare it to other countries it still rates higher than most countries did you know that stink pants the california's gdp is it's very very high it's almost like an independent country there and there you go so they're both confirming that there's different minimum wage we don't have that we have a standard federal minimum wage that's that companies are supposed to comply with or businesses are supposed to comply with so i find that interesting i think ours has even gone up a little bit it's probably 22 or something now but definitely over 20 dollars so that's really interesting i'm guessing uh generous in red december that the cost of living is comparabl e as well so it's cheap to live in louisiana but expensive to live in california and that's maybe why there's such a wage disparity again let me know this is just me guessing so to go back to spidey my mum pays me minimum wage nice one i wonder what spider you better be doing some work for that i used to have to work for my pocket money it wasn't free it's like yeah oh no actually it was when i went to boarding school but we had to have a spending allowance there and i couldn't exactly do any work at home if i wasn't living there but uh yeah hopefully your parents make you do stuff i used to have to clean the car and do do housework and things like that but going back to what spidey was saying about you know the b word when it comes to female dog and so on um then age will have something to do with it and this is where i'm gonna try hopefully you guys will understand me there's a derogatory term that's used in the um can i just say gay community i don't need to go further than that um you know and it starts with f and there's two different variations of it well in this one and i'm talking about my own age here we used to use those words as a slur growing up but it didn't mean that you were um i'm just gonna say it homophobic because we didn't use it in that sense it was just like a slur but the real meaning of the full word is actually a bundle of sticks and it would make sense if you were growing up in the middle ages you'd say to your son hey go out there and get me a f-word say that we can have a fire it's not really used now and whenever i went camping we definitely didn't say go and get a we just said get a bundle of sticks he wouldn't use that word now if you're using the three letter f word for people that live in england for example that actually means cigarette so they'll say can you get me a f-word but they actually mean cigarette now if you use that in australia it's still a slur so we don't use that word to mean that term so it's changed over time now an other one i will say um is gay itself gay actually means happy and it's i'm from the age group where it does it did meet sort of both you could we did use the word gay to mean happy but we did also use it to mean you know attracted to us the same sex so this is how words over time can have different meanings and they can be appropriated to the point where you can't use it for the original meaning now i'd have to say to answer your question spidey i i'm not necessarily sure that the b word back in the day was meant to mean anything other than a female dog you know it's and i don't think it was meant as a derogatory or rude word but it is now you know and you can't sort of take that back and there are other words that these days i've said before that um r word saying that maybe you're of lower intelligence i struggle with that because that's is part of my normal vocabulary and i do use it to mean you know uh to stop the growth of something so there you go i find language and how it chang es very interesting over time which is different from slang slangers or colloquialisms or onomatopoeia that's a little bit different okay now nagaharas is saying yeah we ate a lot outside that's true i think it's pretty costly to prepare asian food and i guess it's more practical to eat outside and do takeaways and that's exactly what my family says that it's actually cheaper to eat out in singapore than it is to buy groceries and cook at home and plus it's more time consuming and let's face it singapore's got some of the most awesome food on the planet i really love going there i love hawker food and i'll eat all of it vegetarian indian doesn't matter you name it and you were the same stinky weren't you we didn't have enough hawker food the last time we were there because basically we found his place that served indian food and we had that every day didn't we for either breakfast lunch or tea at least once a day we would go to that particular place so we didn't explore enough i mean t here are options here like street food you know where you can get cheaper ones at food courts and hawker centres so yeah that's true too and sorry spidey he's going to bed as well we we do start the streams late for the americans depending on which side of the the world you're on so i get that we started late today as well but it's good for negro huskers they're behind us in time so it's kind of early early-ish in the morning i hope i'm saying that right by the way but uh you're making me miss singapore no graham so i want to go back there i could spend a lot of time there i have spent a lot of time there i really miss the food i have managed to find uh a hawker center once in australia in in brisbane that it wasn't even advertised you just had to know it was there so but not as good it's not as good as singapore still nice though brings back memories do you have any particular favorite food that you have oh yeah definitely will uh nagra house it's for four australians that want to tra vel overseas generally speaking you'll do a stopover in singapore anyway um you can get direct flights but certainly if we i think we always stop in singapore and because it's a stopover i tend to spend a couple of days there or a few days uh plus we have relatives there so it's just another reason to go but definitely whenever the the restrictions are lifted i will be on it again and i know that stink pants is going to want to see her family saying do you think we'll do that stink um do you think it'll ever happen again it's gonna have to it will be in our lifetime or do you think it'll just get to the point where you're not gonna be able to do it unless you've got some official reason to travel and that's the other thing that i do worry about singapore because it's such an international port you know you've got people coming from all over the place and you have no choice again correct me if i'm wrong but uh when it comes to singapore because it's such a trading port uh they don't rea lly have any of their own primary industry they don't you know grow their own food don't even to this to my mind do you still have a rely on malaysia for your water supply i know they've got reservoirs there but i don't think it's enough uh so correct me if i'm wrong i know for a long time they would get their water from malaysia to sustain the country and food again this is another thing that we we often bring up is how does singapore make its food so cheap when is it cat outside why you asked me i'm concentrating i thought i heard it fighting she hasn't had a fight for a long time anyway uh where was i yeah they don't don't grow their own food and yet it's so cheap there whereas australia does grow its own food uh exports a lot of it and food's really expensive here so i'd say that's good government really they've worked out a way that they can get imports really really cheap you got nothing to say without stinky oh i'm almost all talked out where's my generous as well she was keepin g me entertained trying to protect the old stink pants uh where would you like to go okay there's another question if the travel bans do get lifted and you've got the ability to travel where would you go i know for stinky the first thing she's going to say is i've got to go back to see my family um so it's definitely your country isn't it and i'd have to say the same i'd want to see my family pretty much straight away we might have to do a trip together again uh but if it's a true travel ban lift then i'd want to go back to some of the beaches in your country stinky can i do the touristy thing yeah okay i'm getting a little bit uh and trying i want to go to japan i haven't been there yet and my sister went there twice actually yeah maybe we should do that you go to three countries let's go to japan i want to go to japan as well i think that'd be fascinating culture and i do want to see how pretty the people are and my mission the main mission is to have some real wasabi i want to do th at stinky so i can say i've actually had real wasabi not the horseradish stuff uh we have chickens that lay eggs in our large city almost every block really almost every block has chickens so today uh and you're in a city do you have city ordinances for that because we can have we've got very strict rules here when it comes to livestock and chickens qualify as livestock so it really depends in our city which suburb you live in or more importantly which council runs that suburb because they they might say no you can't uh for example there's the the school that's nearest to us they used to have chickens the the um school gardeners had chickens in their area but they're not there now so i don't know what happened with that but that's something i've talked to stinky about that i'd like to to have some chickens in the backyard we've almost got a roost there already underneath the stairwell you've got three quarters of the building built already and we would just have to put in the the layin g nests and so on stinky yourself is saying we might be better off getting quails was it we saw on one of our favorite shows called gardening australia that this lady who is in the same city as us but a different council in a different suburb she had these little birds that grew little eggs but she said instead of having one chicken egg you just have five or six of these little eggs it's the same thing i'd love to do that uh us too we want to visit japan too and australia now we have best friend best friends in melbourne nice one we might have to go on a traveling trip with [ __ ] what do you think i'm just self-invited my uh than a self-invite to join their family and say yeah we'll just do this round trip go go to japan go to australia we'll come back to australia uh see singapore maybe try would you stinky would you consider taking some actual time off and doing a bit of a a world trip around the asian countries i wouldn't go further than that for the time being but visiting like i haven't been to cambodia yet i'd love to go to vietnam vietnam and um japan are probably the two top asian countries i'd love to see cambodia i would have liked to have seen it before it got touristy because a lot of australians do go there and they act like the obvious i'm not a big fan of that it's not about going over and getting drunk and partying i don't think i would have done that when i was younger either i don't know it's just me maybe i'm just an old fatty duddy at heart that i want to experience the culture and the food and look at the the sights of these places more so than go and party um a city of four million in each house and have one to six chickens i see them loose and walking down the street wow right now i want to go to red december's city because i just would not have imagined that but going back to singapore one of the strangest things i saw was rabbits pet rabbits on the street and i was traveling with my cousin and she said yeah it's very normal in this area i w as used to seeing a lot of stray cats in singapore they're everywhere not so much i've seen a few stray dogs but not many like maybe only a couple lots of stray cats though uh our relatives always adopt the stray cats they have plenty of them running around but the rabbits that are actual pet rabbits and they would just let out of the apartments and they just sit on the grass and just munch away there i've never seen anything like it but chickens walking down the street that i want to see too uh so i think because of tax say the price is not too expensive so we've got a lot of stuff here from around the world and you're right mostly because of good government there you go weebs here uh i'm so sorry i'm late and for missing the last stream that's all right we're just glad you showed up and in fact i'm extra glad because i think you might be the gutcha life expert if i'm not mistaken and i actually downloaded gotcha life i was very tempted to get stinky to play it in this stream but i wa s hoping that you would be there for it because we would need uh some advice on on what to do when it's played it might not be the most entertaining stream because i know it's got a lot to do with making designs of characters and so on i just took a quick look but it's hugely popular i mean on on the streaming thing that we showed that had 12 million which is means that it's one of the biggest games on that particular app and it's no different in the apple app store it's got some of the highest votes as well so i've been meaning to to do a stream with it for a long time oh and on that note stinky's been saying to me that we should do a drawing game as well because that would be a funny stream and i agree but i can only find a vertical uh drawing games i can't find a landscape one so if you've got any to suggest the the one that i started playing was draw something um but i was trying to get into it last night it had been quite some time and for whatever reason the the app was giving me drama excuse me dramas with that uh when she's saying so if you like our weeb i could plan in advance and say next week's stream could be got your life uh just let me have a quick look at this is going to sound so bad but i've got to have a quick look at our channel to see where we are when it comes to the sexy thumbnails because we try not to do it too often um they are clickbaity we do do it um but you know sex sells always has always will that's the main reason why we do it so let me have a look just bear with me for a sec uh it wasn't that yeah so we could do a um gutcha live stream next and please for the girls try and stick around for that stream because i know the boys are going to be thinking this is a boring game not all boys but the the random and the kane types might say that it's a bit boring because it's not really their kind of game but who cares we try and cater to all sorts and guts of life is huge so we'd be silly not to do that um yeah we can i haven't used the sexy thumbnail not that long ago it was only about five ago we do have to do one of those soon there to try and uh boost the views on the channel so i hope you guys understand why we do it uh well i say singapore does have a built-in water supply now um how long ago was it that you could actually have enough water for the country because i know when i was younger um you definitely were getting it from malaysia and my relatives actually lived not far from a reservoir and they said yeah this is not it's not even enough to cover the area that they live lived in let alone the entire country um try and say yeah we'll make it next week wait there you go for once we will plan a stream in advance and it's going to be gut your life so hopefully we'll start at 12 o'clock um stinky do you know what your timetable's like yet or not yeah are you working on sunday or monday saturday sunday monday not not monday for sure i think sunday should be okay so it'll be hopefully the same time next week uh we usu ally try and start at 12 pm out time today we were a little bit late we didn't start until 12 30 so hopefully that allows you to plan their web we'll get some expert advice from weeb on that one um red december sorry to hear about that incident sounds very painful i hope you fully recovered yeah she didn't uh naga house she said she still got a pinched nerve from from doing that way back in the day um yeah it's funny how the we we do have cheerleaders here but it's not really a school thing it's more i don't even know how you you would do it they do have cheerleaders for sports teams but to my knowledge it's got nothing to do with school something or college for that matter although you might have i have seen college or what we would call university cheerleading squads but they're not even real they don't even have a uniform it's just a group of girls that get there and they might have pom-poms or something and scream away if you're talking about professional sports teams however yes t hey do have them but i have no idea how you would become one um i don't think it's something that's learnt at school uh i think it's got your life wait not club so we're using uh a uh apple phone so i'm talking about the apple store and it just straight up says gotcha life on it it might have some other description but i'm not too sure about that one i would have thought they're the same though or similar game play yeah you know red december is extremely talented i found out recently she plays the flute too has done for a long time and we know she's great at ballet dancing too very entertaining as a youtuber she's got it all red december does and lucky and i don't know whether i should should i be talking about stinky's new pastime he did it again don't you start developing a habit stinky i'll tell you that right now um yeah so where are we i'll leave that aside until you give me the approval to tell me about your new thing the reason i was saying that is because red december is very l ucky she seems to win a lot she has i don't know if she enters competitions or they just allow her to win not sure how it works but she wins a lot uh now the negra house family says water supply from local catchments oh you do have a desalinated so you've got a desalination plant we were talking about that in victoria a long time ago and i think one other state western australia i think they might actually have one um but then for whatever reason where they were talking about it uh in one of the southern states they went to for wind turbine instead i'm not sure what was going on there but we we catch plenty of water anyway really um although the dams have had trouble over the years so new water high grade reclaimed water and of course imported water so you've got a number of different sources oh no gacha club is the new one and it has more features uh we'll play the original one first i guess we just because that's the one i downloaded but i'll have a look at gacha club as well oh and that's the other thing where i think you and red december have a lot in common thinking she is great at getting bargains and stinky is great at getting bargains now the question that i have for you red december is can you do it quickly because stink pants oh she gives me a headache i can this is no joke we can go just grocery shopping and she'll say i've got to go get laundry powder and i can do the rest of the shop that's on the list get every single item come back she's still in that same section deciding she's so slow oh it does matter but she does get good bargains there's no doubt about that don't you get good bargains when it comes to investing too oh not always but yeah well without naming the the latest two investments how are they traveling good or not good oh i don't know the whole market looks kind of slump yeah but that's sweet so not sure about it i might have to uh i'm seriously thinking about giving you more money it's a if people here's some uh unsolicited advice as unc le peter always does if you've got some money at the moment and you don't have to have a lot you know there will be a time and a place to invest and you we're in the time you've just got to pick your moment i guess isn't it we pro on the last round we probably you might have been a little bit too quick to invest just because we've got issues at the moment and then getting worse so it would have been better to wait and for the young audience like we for example think about saving your money early and investing early i wish i'd done that when i was young that i didn't really save a lot of money when i was younger and just sort of spent it all but as you get older you realize it's not a bad thing to do you know and then you don't miss it that's the other thing if you have the attitude of picking the right stocks as a long-term investment then you don't really worry about it after that i don't really look at the stock that i own do i think you do for me well gaming plus is here thank you f or the like there uh are there good investment stock applications um i don't think anything that i can personally say can help you read december only because we use an australian bank that has a um well it has an app and everything else but it's it's a very trusted way for investing for a lot of australians and it's pretty cheap now i know there's other apps out there i heard about a lot of them when it came to game stop and all of that meme investing stuff i don't know enough about the mode just because we don't do it that way uh stinky you're still using the the traditional method of investing are you you're not using an app or anything yes yeah she's telling me to be quiet and shaking your uh so it's good to see you gaming plus how are you after we've talked about a lot of things at the moment i guess we're talking about investing so i'd be careful read december because i did hear that some of those cheaper ones are a bit riskier if you have sort of a trusted source that you can use then i would definitely go that way and cheapest doesn't necessarily mean best that also doesn't mean you should be ripped off and we're probably paying a little bit more than we should but i'm talking about brokerage fees here but by the same token you know it's only a couple of dollars or whatever it's safer to do what we're doing uh in in our mind anyway but yeah there's definitely a lot of apps out there so i just say do a bit of research and be careful me sorry i couldn't give any uh better advice than that but i just don't wanna um particularly when it comes to money even talk about stuff that i don't know anything about uh it would be worth looking into though because we've wanted to invest in american companies and we did look at it for quite a while and we do have an account set up so that we can do that but um until we can find a way out of the uh can you talk yet stinky i want to know what were the biggest issues with us investing in american companies like it's so expensiv e for us to do it that even if you get the the rebate we have an agreement with america so that we don't get uh double taxed but we get hit in other ways and so we have to make um let's say for example uh if we're investing in australian company you pretty much you're only looking at three things you're looking at how much has the stock increased in price number one number two will that cover brokerage in and out because you get hit with breakage fees twice once when you buy once when you sell so you've got to make you know i don't know what house is exactly but let's say it's a 20 brokerage fee and it does depend on how much you invest but it you know if you've got 20 dollars and it's 40 dollars at least that you have to make just to cover the brokerage fee then on top of that you got capital gains as well so you know you ideally want to sell shares for more than what you paid for them so if you take those three things into consideration then you know is that a worthwhile investment d id i make money should i hang on to the stock should i sell uh when it comes to america it's a little bit more involved for us because we did you know we were looking at things like apple and google coca-cola mcdonald's all of these big companies that you can invest in but when we looked at not just the brokerage fees there was some other transaction fees and more complications can you remember what they were currency oh the ca yeah that was the big one the currency exchange that's where we got hit so badly that if our dollar's not strong compared to the american dollar we've got to make even more money on the investment just to cover the the loss in the currency exchange and here's a thing when it comes to uh currency oh before i go there it's a great live stream gotta go now for lunch no worries uh negra house family thank you for staying as long as you did you made this dream very entertaining for us so enjoy your lunch uh if it's a hawker meal think of us when you're doing it becau se you're making me jealous uh yeah so currency exchange is another big one and the reality is australia doesn't want to have our dollar to be stronger than the american dollar for the simple reason that we uh overseas investors are less likely to invest in our country if we have a strong dollar so it's better to be slightly weaker so that one time i'm still kicking myself to this very day that um i didn't when in my lifetime my aussie dollar has been stronger than the american dollar once and that was when they they had the world trade collapse and really i should have bought a lot of american dollars at that time because there was no way it was going to stay like that i think it peaked at a dollar one dollar australian would buy a dollar 13 or something american which was just unheard of in my lifetime anyway now it hovers around i guess the 75 cents but it's dropped as low as 50 cents since the whole pandemic thing or 55 cents somewhere around there you don't want it quite that low and then the last thing i'll say is from my experience being in america um i looked at things as being very cheap when you saw the dollar value like oh wow you can buy a can of coke for less than a dollar at a petrol station which means it's even cheaper at a supermarket or you can go through drive through and mcdonald's is only a couple of dollars whereas here it's like 15 or something like that uh will do and thanks again for sharing the investment advices i'm not so sure it was good advice but uh we're just down that tangent so no worries enjoy your lunch negro house hopefully we'll see you again in the next stream or a future one take care uh yeah that ii was thinking oh this is great everything's cheap but then when i started i tried to pull some money out of an atm straight away i'm hit with a five dollar american dollar charge and i'm thinking wow this is no longer cheap and then i did the conversion rate and everything that seemed uh inexpensive to begin with ended up being qui te expensive but that's because of the value of my dollar compared to theirs so it didn't end up being that cheap i did it oh you're finished that's the easiest one you're awesome stinky i still don't understand the story by the way i'm just entire game i'm impressed with that with the easiest one so why am i i'm not doing it again i'm not doing it again well you don't need to i'm generous is back and stink pants d i don't know if you heard her she said she's never playing this game again she's sweating but she actually finished you finished the game in its entirety stinky i am impressed you're getting a clap for that well done that is awesome i'll be advertising it as that and unfortunately now that generous is back where we're actually going to go there's not much more to do at this point now that you've finished yeah and we're over the two hour marks yeah it's just another reason menu i want kransky oh yeah i'll be in on that uh now generous is also saying have you heard of a game c alled 12 minutes no i'm writing that down and hey hey hey save the horror game for october don't don't play it now otherwise you're going to play something else in october i've already said the weave next week's going to be gotcha live huh yeah we're doing it because she she's actually an expert at that game so hopefully she'll show up nice and early and she can give us um give us some tips yay we stand stinky tinnitus is your biggest fan did you know that thank you we've got to get generous in the game too because what was the one we tried with the couple i know king of crabs uh we tried to she was playing it but you couldn't pick who is in the game so i don't know if you ever played against her and then i remember we met her in uh what was it hello neighbor and she wouldn't give you any tips i want to see stink pants struggle so you'll have to all right so that's it for for this stream thank you all for coming and so relief thank you stinky for getting through an entire horror game i s it the scariest one you've played yet no i actually think i remember the the eye oh yeah that one is scary too but we managed to finish it you finish except the accept the special remember you actually try to play that special um location thing so we did easy normal and whatever difficult we did it all three levels but then there is a special location one in the school and i'm like i don't want to do it anymore and you take it over and you you actually survived for a long time remember that but you die anyway at the end of the stream well i've written down 12 minutes so we'll get that and generous in the next stream if you've got more game suggestions that we can actually play with you uh at the moment it's got to be a mobile phone game until we get this internet sorted and then we'll go from there so thank you uh we love you too generous i get so excited when she shows up i don't know why i get excited when everyone shows up but love you but i have to go for lunch bye guys all right see you all on the next one bye bye bye uh i guess i've gotta end it here but you also have to end it on the phone

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