Assassin's Creed Valhalla [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Comment

Assassin's Creed Valhalla [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Comment

Assassin's Creed Valhalla [Película del juego completo: todas las escenas de reproducción larga] Guía de juego sin comentarios Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guía de juego [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película completa del juego o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Assassin's Creed Valhalla que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después del final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Assassin's Creed Valhalla es un videojuego de rol de acción de 2020 desarrollado por Ubisoft. Es la duodécima entrega principal de la serie Assassin's Creed y la sucesora de Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Tutorial de juego de Assassin's Creed Valhalla [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película completa del juego o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Assassin's Creed Valhalla que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después del final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Assassin's Creed Valhalla [Película del juego completo: todas las escenas de reproducción larga] Guía de juego sin comentarios Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guía de juego [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película completa del juego o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Assassin's Creed Valhalla que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después del final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. silencio hijos de los dioses y calor mi historia del comienzo del tiempo todo estaba oscuro no había arena no había mar no había tierra ni cielo no había hierba ni viento hasta que el fuego se encontró con el hielo en el vacío jadeante y de este verde vino el gigante inglés en primer lugar seres orgullosos emer cruelmente asesinados todavía de cuyas bombas, sangre y cerebro se hizo el mundo el mundo en el que caminas y luchas ahí estás hay un tubo para ti oh ahí estás mi pequeño bebedor ve ¿está bien sí bueno vamos lo encontraste fuera del ring, sí , cuando nos veas hablando en voz baja como un ratón de madera y sorpréndelo con nuestro regalo, mantenlo así, míralo a los ojos y dile que vaya más allá del rey , que nuestros clanes estén para siempre unidos en amistad y amor esta noche. serás la corte y unirás a nuestra gente. Estoy muy orgulloso de ti. Mi espada es codiciosa. Estoy listo para pelear . te tengo excepto a ti por tu padre oh que pieza que debe valer dos robustos longshi p.d. dámelo , te lo pasaré mi padre me pidió lo que quieras, pero no obtendrás aguamiel , así que la cuna funciona a través de mi martillo , así que tienes el anillo que usó tu abuelo en una batalla en el camino del norte madre sí, podemos mostrarnos cómo obtener las piedras enlatadas para comenzar ayer , esa es una buena idea, hazlo en la mañana, ahora, niña, tienes un regalo para entregar el mal, espera, vamos, rey , que nuestros clanes estén unidos para siempre en amistad y amor , gracias avoir ahora y para siempre estoy prometido a ti oh olas recompensas para el extraño mientras eso tomará y los cuernos resonarán los poderosos cuernos prepárate hombre aún no está predicho las cortinas se levantan nada es verdad hasta que se corta de las ramas el mal detente por favor muéstrate bien espera aquí ahora es mi turno de ofrecerte querido esclavo acepta tu destino muere cobarde aquí ante tu gente y perdonaré al resto lucha mi amor no escuches si doy mi vida perdonarás mi clan tienes mi palabra no no hada no e ren toma tu hacha sí sí ah qué diablos es que estoy viendo dos flujos de datos diferentes superpuestos en el mismo ADN no estoy seguro de por qué arreglar esto o sacarme puedo analizar los flujos con un filtro espera está bien estamos bien Si no sé qué pasó, pero puedo solucionarlo . Tendrás que elegir una transmisión para mantener las cosas estables. También hay una tercera opción . Puedo dejar que el animus module tu identidad en función de la intensidad de la señal. Depende de ti . Lo bloquearé y seguiré adelante hasta un momento en el que estas corrientes estén más sincronizadas . ¿Cuánto tiempo has estado persiguiéndome? Wolf kissed 17 winters 18 ahora acecho tus sueños ¿te caliento la entrepierna ? recuerdas esto ah, tu padre saquea el arma de un cobarde una serpiente de desprecio ah pocas cosas me agradarían más que matar con esta espada pero sé que me definirías a muerte luchando por un final glorioso que no permitiré vivirás tus últimos días cautivado como un esclavo humillado tu muerte sería solitaria matar al resto de nuestra tripulación hacer ellos sufren lobo malvado no nos besó más ese nombre está muerto para este mundo valdrás tu peso en plata para el barco el viento sopla desde el sol podemos hablar al norte y luego ir al oeste ahora qué acabo de tomar ugh nunca nunca te irás esto no es un festín para ti, suman, mi tripulación está en peligro, debes ser mis ojos, mi tripulación está en peligro, necesito llegar a ellos en el extranjero , eh , mejor , así que, eh , está bien , maravilla, donde ese rompejuramentos retiene a mi tripulación, uno del sótano de cachorros. Debo tener cuidado. uno de los hombres de kyotv necesito tener cuidado esta área tiene límites me siento mejor más fuerte cómo hmm jetvis guerreros deberíamos permanecer fuera de la vista arrojar sobre esta tierra mi amigo un choque de hierro está peleando cerca dag viejo sabueso tu vives yo lo hago se escapó en el choque de espadas y qué has intentado venderme un error del que se arrepentirá hoy no lo hará lo vi abordar un barco en el nido de aval no hace mucho navegué hacia el este dejando atrás a nuestra tripulación todavía debe haber Es hora de salvar a nuestros hombres. Los encontraré. Estás listo. drakkar, sabuesos de la gloria , tomarían el rescate por sí mismos para que la canción de la victoria esté escrita sobre ustedes. Podría apedrear la playa y luego matar a dos docenas de hombres . camino mucho más peligroso buscas a nuestra tripulación en la casa larga oh y aquí este cadáver no lo necesitará ve te encontraré en el barco guerreros sin camisa se arrastran a través del nido de ava como piojos si uso la puerta principal puedo llamar la atención mira mi tripulación debe estar adentro debe ser negro del otro lado lo que ya está muerto va a dejar debe ser una abertura en la punta del techo eh firme así y mi hacha no pasará por tu cuello desagradable para los dos si voy a morir quiero hacer un lío de esto [ __ ] cobarde desátame y clava un hacha en mi mano no te debo nada cuervo [ __ ] el tuyo es un clan de esclavos y campesinos deja esa hacha a un lado o muere por la mía deberías estar en un barco de esclavos a irlanda lobo besado pero si deseas ser mi primero sacrificar odin estará más que feliz de recibirte te acabas de suicidar ericky cierra tu agujero y pelea muere apestas uh padre deberías haberte aferrado a esto hasta el amargo final si doy mi vida perdonarás a mi clan mejor no recoger tu hacha mátalos a todos extranjeros qué, oh sí, por supuesto , eres una tripulación besada incluso si tu ingenio estaba algo alterado escucha aquí si puedes respirar puedes pelear ahora ven recuperamos nuestra nave no necesitas decirnos dos veces mantente enfocado dios amistades , oh , recuerda , te separé tan lentamente, sí , toma la tuya, el camino de la ballena se va, por supuesto, ya es hora de que dejes de ladrar y comiences a crecer . los hombres que nos humillaron están muertos qué hay que decir oh algo así como que fui estúpido egoísta imprudente ciego cabeza hueca y huelo a sangre y [__] me gusta mi versión mejor malvado mira que alguien está montando un puesto de avanzada en esa isla cállate este hombre gn asombrados ante cualquier pedazo de tierra abierta como perros preocupándose hueso uh qué qué [ __ ] no es de extrañar que esta guerra se haya prolongado durante tres generaciones difícilmente espero que ceda tu odio por ese hombre arde brillante lobo besado podría calentar mis bolas en no preferirías un par de calzones de piel de foca solo ten cuidado porque ese odio puede volverte descuidado lo que le hizo a tu padre nos hizo a todos no estás solo en esta lucha kingsterbjorn te regañará por ir en contra de su deseos por supuesto que lo hará no es algo que te preocupe solo me preocupa que nuestro rey no vea que tengo razón hasta que sea demasiado tarde ¿qué pasa con sigurd qué diría si sigurd estuviera aquí estaría sentado a tu lado limpiando la sangre de su hacha y sonriendo a la brisa y qué le dirás a nuestro rey sobre esta desventura solo la verdad el ataque atrapó esta fortaleza mató a sus hombres y debilitó su control de esta tierra ¿mencionarás las partes donde perdiste a tu tripulación y estuviste a punto de morir? viejo como un troll será eso parte de tu saga hay una calavera que se atreve a cantar ese verso será su última canción aguanta bien bien la pluma de los cuervos pensamos que te habíamos perdido para siempre esta vez una calurosa bienvenida como siempre ranvi te ves rojo y [ __ ] lo que pasó no es nada de lo que alardear excepto decir que los hombres que nos retrasaron están muertos y cómo estás lo suficientemente bien aunque he pasado muchas veces algunos días calmando la ira de nuestro rey con el que no está contento tú esperaba tanto y qué de siegert ha regresado de sus redadas mi esposo debería estar en casa hoy lo último que supimos que se acercaba a stavanger es bueno saber que necesitamos su coraje sigurd no te salvará de la ira de su padre abortar deberías sé que a estas alturas tu incursión no salió según lo planeado, rara vez sale según lo planeado, pero matamos a muchos de los guerreros de Chadway y estaba el hacha de mi padre entre los muertos, ah, después de tantos años , deberías llevársela a Gunnar, él te la devolverá. borde una buena idea después de verte r rey que no aconsejo todavía no se está reuniendo con un mensajero del norte puedo esperar una nube se cierne sobre ti hay algo mal ver el hacha de mi padre después de 17 inviernos despertó algo en mí un sentimiento que no he tenido desde el el día que lo mataron desde el día en que obtuve estos recuerdos de pasadas agonías de tristeza y dolor debería hablar con volker ella podría ayudarme a entender mis sentimientos tómate tu tiempo para acomodarte te veré en la casa comunal creo que has perdido tu sabor de borde al igual que ese hacha tal vez gunnar pueda ayudarte con ambas te haré saber que sí practicando tu juego de palabras elvis ah avar la única boca en midgard de la que temo que se burlen me dijiste el arte de escribir poesía viejo amigo es natural que te supere pronto qué tal otra lección y luego un vuelo rápido aquí mismo ahora mismo qué dices intentemos volar siempre pongo algunas monedas como apuesta la mayoría de los que disfrutan volar tienen la misma afición por las apuestas pero hoy habrá un bstain, déjame comenzar , estoy listo para inflar, es clave para que coincida con la cadencia y la rima, se trata tanto del sonido como del tiempo , así que ten cuidado al elegir las palabras que dices con tus enseñanzas, estoy seguro de que mi próximo retador no mataré la rima es buena, pero demasiadas palabras alteran el ritmo ahora examinemos el significado de volar tendrás que ser cortante y entusiasta se trata de ejercer el ingenio más que desahogar tu ira si te digo que eres tonto y estúpido y aburrido y yo te escupiré en la cara y te golpearé el cráneo no está mal no está mal la rima está ahí el sonido es bueno pero considera que dije que eras tonto y me dijiste que me matarías a veces sería mejor permanecer en el tema algo para considerar el último, así que ve y conquista el mundo con tu ingenio , sé inteligente, sé rápido, muestra tu espíritu y agallas, espero ansiosamente ver cómo te va, lucharé contigo con floritura y te superaré con estilo, perfecto, sí, podrías destruir. yo con tal línea todavía hay mucho para ti para aprender sobre vuelo, pero confío en que lo recogerás feliz de ayudarte a saber si te gustaría volver de nuevo tal vez te lo agradezca elvis besa mis ojos bienvenido de nuevo artillero algo aquí te gustaría ver un trueno de cuatro es que la de tu padre no he visto esta belleza desde hace algún tiempo forjé esta arma hace mucho tiempo todavía se ve bien una de mis mejores creo que tiene una hoja desafilada pero se balancea bien ¿puedes afilarla puedo darle un mejor borde y reforzar el mango y por suerte me queda un lingote para el trabajo ¿estás seguro de que los desvanecimientos lo harán pero en el futuro trae tus propios lingotes de metilo no puedo forjarlos del aire vacío que debería hacer cualquier otra cosa y cómo vas a aguantar sí, el trabajo es bueno y mi ánimo es fuerte, pero mis noches son recientemente frías, mi señora me dejó, si no te has enterado, lamenté escucharlo, estuvisteis juntos, cuánto tiempo cinco semanas, fueron cinco hermosas semanas apasionadas pero todo lo que está hecho nunca encontraremos mi bruneau , las valquirias no caminan por el mundo como lo hicieron una vez, artillero, tal vez fije su mirada un poco más abajo, más abajo , mi amigo, mire mis mercancías, mis armas, no soy el hombre que se conforma con menos que lo mejor de todo , ¿necesita algo más ? es todo por ahora regresa en cualquier momento te veré pronto así que deben terminar ahora si tienes algún otro negocio puede ser inteligente hacerlo ahora déjalo calmarse podría hablar con volcker primero quítate este peso de encima el rey no va a ninguna parte juega toby cambiando una aguja por una flecha veo alguna vez puedes enseñarme el arte del tiro con arco me alegrará ver que estoy de pie planta tus pies en el suelo no más anchos que tus hombros respira mientras dibujas la flecha hacia atrás mira el punto que quieres golpear y ahora imagina que la flecha pasa directamente a través de él y mucho más allá exhala y suelta adónde vas vuelve oh has vuelto gracias adam ahora tengo algo para ti ver todo en el ojo gracias avon como regalo podría diseñar un nuevo tatuaje para eres tú algo para decorar tu cicatriz una oferta amable pero quiero que esta cicatriz sea visible oh no quise ofender en cualquier caso tengo un tatuaje para ti así que ah otra vez vuelve seré brandy el desertor por qué estás gritando ivan se ha vuelto a alejar cada vez que dice que se perdió en las montañas ya he tenido suficiente si tengo que arriesgarme a que más hombres lo busquen lo marcarán y proscribirán ivan eh es el hijo de la hermana del artillero si lo hice bien no disparen tu hierro todavía voy a echar un vistazo a tu alrededor quieres ser un forajido esta es tu última oportunidad uh necesito silencio para escuchar las canciones de la naturaleza ella alaba y es saludada por tu audiencia escucho oh antiguos gran odín genial freyja te doy gracias por tu regalo de sader ella da gracias y es bendecida avor ha pasado algún tiempo lo que te trae tan lejos para verme soy yo he venido por tu consejo en un asunto privado ven es tu madre bien su mente es un jumbo ella le habla a los espíritus me temo que ha llegado su último invierno pero ella ha Dime ahora déjala hablar de tus necesidades yo he tenido una visión una visión poderosa puede haber sido mi lujuria de batalla o un delirio causado por el frío pero descríbemelo después de 17 años volví a ver a la ex de mi padre cuando la toqué la visión se adelantó rápidamente había un lobo aullando y feroz y luego una figura una barba gris en la capa con un solo ojo me pidió que lo siguiera ah el alto te llama tal vez quiera hablar contigo entregar un mensaje solamente a través de más triste verás más claramente y desentrañarás las amenazas que se enredan en tu mente esto no tomará mucho tiempo qué estás elaborando un elixir para aflojar tu color y relajar tus pensamientos entrarás en un sueño despierto y viajarás al mundo de los sueños puede confundirte o desorientarte pero debes tomar nota de todo lo que ves beber si buscas un verdadero entendimiento um hmm no vi nada volca no sentí nada no era otro w ay javi nuestros destinos son boletos fijos lo que ha pasado esto fue ahora estoy aqui dios pense i que fue eso dime todo yo estaba en una montana en una ventisca violenta escalando hacia la cima siguiendo a un lobo mm-hmm y el lobo estaba ansioso por mi atención como si me estuviera haciendo señas para seguirte eres el wolfkist destinado a llevar su marca de por vida en este caso podría representar tu ambición o tu miedo vi a odin y nornir tejiendo las amenazas del destino no me estaban mirando mirando te estaban mostrando el camino a seguir tu vida tu camino lo que hay delante de ti y dónde termina vi las puertas de odín todos los campeones asesinados me abrieron sombras de valhalla para las que estás destinado no sé qué más decir mi los recuerdos son vagos y confusos llegaste a la cumbre de esta montaña lo hice si sigurd estaba alli herido de dolor le faltaba el brazo de pelea luego el lobo reaparecio del tamano de un dragon retorcido y terrible fijo sus ojos en mi y golpeo entonces desperte al los dioses te favorecen siempre tendrás tu gloria y ganarás tu lugar en valhalla pero estos presagios llevan una verdad más oscura el brazo perdido el rastro de sangre la bestia traicionarás a tu hermano segurt ese es el significado de tu visión que no puede estar en lo correcto nunca traicionaría cigarrillos él es mi hermano mi familia los norteños han hablado y este es su mensaje no esto está mal o no entiendes eso no puede ser correcto traicionarás a sigurd odin luchó contra este destino se puede hacer deben terminar ahora el rey ha pedido su mejor necesidad así que las conversaciones han concluido debería ser seguro entrar estoy listo para enfrentar el trueno hablaré con el rey ahora excelente kingsterbjorn le llevaré esta propuesta a mi sobrino creo que él verá la sabiduría en él bueno es todo lo que puedo esperar que los vientos favorezcan tu viaje o que el mal se presente y explique en palabras claras por qué has desobedecido voluntariamente mis órdenes te burlas de mí no me burlo de ti rey quiero decir para envalentonarte contra tus enemigos y tu propio mal juicio no sabes nada de mi juicio no sabes nada de mis planes y estrategias sigurd estaría de acuerdo conmigo mi hijo podría estar de acuerdo contigo pero me obedecería él no conoce su lugar tan bien como él conoce a su padre imagina que eres acosado por un enemigo con guerreros que superan en número a los tuyos qué beneficio trae la guerra abierta no sería mejor trabajar en silencio a través de la diplomacia ganando alianzas esperando hasta el día en que nuestros números superen a nuestros enemigos y nuestra victoria esté garantizada catway y su clan nunca negociará con nosotros hablan el idioma de la guerra, así que debemos responder . He esperado toda una vida para recuperar el honor que me quitó a mi familia. Ahora es el momento de actuar. Mi momento de actuar. ¿Estás tan ciego? por venganza que no puedes ver más allá de tu nariz es que todo lo que estoy perdido contigo ava cuando te acepté como si fuera mía nunca imaginé tal falta de respeto del hijo de varian tu padre era un buen hombre justo y leal a mí murió valientemente para que pudiéramos vivir murió cobarde señor un destino ella no reflejará por qué llevas una carga tan inútil déjala ir piensa solo en los días por venir de tu futuro y las victorias a la mano mi honor ha sido manchado hasta que se limpie no quiero nada más me niego a tocar esa herida otra vez pero si hay algo que puede ahuyentar estas sombras de tus pensamientos sigurd ha llegado a los muelles su barco está aquí hey cuidado con eso avon oh Mírense sangre tan bebedores por qué han estado preocupados sin mí oh y su alma curó vikingo y olí el hedor de una docena de reinos en su barba solo comiencen rotundamente mi querida esposa su esposo regresa trayendo regalos y riquezas para compartir y nuevos amigos i mira si pásalo y contrátalos nos conocimos en miklogan y me mostraron sus secretos enterrados estamos agradecidos con cigarro por su invitación y ansiosos de rendir tributo a tu rey mi hermano siempre es muy cuidadoso con la compañía que mantiene si estás de pie sa fely ​​a su lado le debe gustar guardar las presentaciones hasta que nuestros estómagos estén llenos veré a mi padre contarle de mi tiempo fuera esta mañana intercambiamos con un barco que pasaba al sur nos dijeron que ava el lobo besado fue capturado por curtis hombre deben haberlo hecho corta la cola maté a mis captores y recuperé a mi tripulación y por eso tu padre me regañó ya sabes dónde estoy hermano nada menos que la guerra desalojará a cosby de nuestras tierras pero él no está de acuerdo lo sé lo sé mi padre piensa demasiado y actúa muy poco hoy eso cambia te prometo que para el final del invierno el nombre curt con la tripulación será una maldición en los labios de un tonto borracho mi hijo bienvenido a casa oh padre esta noche festejamos y celebramos tu regreso sigurd las mesas están servidas con cebada y pan de cordero y aguamiel y nada más te lo ruego no quiero nada no servirías a un esclavo déjame ser el que te honre traigo regalos y cuentos de tierras lejanas después de dos inviernos lejos estoy lleno de ambos muy bien muy bien entra y cuando n estamos gordos y satisfechos padre hablaremos de curado y su clan y cómo podemos acabar con su terror de una vez por todas nos ha perseguido demasiado tiempo nos ha avergonzado durante demasiadas temporadas sé que este sabor sabe esto termina ahora sí, por supuesto cuando llegó el momento justo a través de roostland nos lanzamos por el río volga asaltando mientras íbamos tribus sombrías arrojando lanzas a nuestro barco en nick lagarde vimos hombres protegiendo riquezas tan vibrantes como el pivote mismo estos los tomamos por nuestros problemas por supuesto navegamos a roma luego África pasado océanos de arena guerreros de todos los colores y belleza los ojos deben llorar para contemplar y ahora he regresado con riquezas y gloria para compartir con mi familia mis amigos mis ojos se vuelven extraños así que toma lo que deseas de mi cuerno porque esto es solo una muestra de lo que vendrá mañana el ravenclan comienza un nuevo cráneo sigurd vamos ¿puedes venir? tengo algo especial para ti has hecho una visita a volca lo hice y no es algo sobre lo que pueda hablar o desee entender tu cama Tendré calor esta noche con el regreso de tu esposo, debe ser una buena sensación, es una sensación diferente, más cálida pero con menos espacio para estirar mis brazos y piernas, ¿no estás feliz de ver a tu esposo regresar ? extraño para mí tres inviernos estamos casados ​​y él ha estado fuera por dos ¿no puedes reavivar la llama que una vez ardió cuando se mete en la cama para calentarme como dices que será con pedos y aliento meloso ah todos deberíamos ser así suerte hola ellos es sí y usted está evitando yo lo estoy espero que este alboroto no lo abrume tendemos a beber y hablar a la misma velocidad para nada el humo de leña de su pozo de fuego pica en los ojos pero el calor es bienvenido, por supuesto debe ser bastante cálido donde vives donde yo vivo cambia de una semana a otra pero siempre estoy con mi mentor bassem tu mentor por qué causa un noble una causa tan verdadera como el mundo es viejo pero dejémoslo así por ahora entiendo, pero si esperas quedarte callado por el resto de la noche manténgase alejado de los aparejos carne ah gracias por la advertencia no será un problema usted es cuenca tiene buena memoria y no tiene hidromiel puedo arreglar eso zigger habló a menudo de usted en nuestro viaje dijo que tenía razón arma un guerrero célebre me siento honrado de conocerte también espasmo y cómo llegaste a conocer a mi hermano se sentó en constantinopla hace algunos meses para descansar y reabastecerse me dijo pero sabía que de otra manera los hombres con ojos que brillan como los suyos siempre están despiertos a algo mas creo que el deseaba asaltar el hajj de sofia eso suena bien no te aburrire con los detalles de su encuentro pero tu hermano me gusto desde el principio vi algo en el que me cautivo como si fuera un recuerdo olvidado de un una vieja amistad había resurgido repentinamente él tiene ese efecto en la gente disfruta tu palangana de la tarde pensé largo y tendido en un regalo digno de ti has atrapado mi curiosidad hermano qué es todavía bebe primero en mi primera noche en fornberg en más de dos inviernos debe terminar ingenio hme empapado y con los ojos saltones gritando a las sombras de los trolls y quieres que navegue contigo en estas olas de miel sí, estás atrapado conmigo bebedor ahora bebe avergonzarías a thor has estado fuera demasiado tiempo hermano no lo haces Sé que el pastel especiado de la carne sin tacto tiene un nuevo sabor. Me gusta. Es bueno tenerte de vuelta. Cigarrillo . Extrañé esto terriblemente cuando conocí a Bassin . fuerte anhelo de volver una vez que esto nos lleve a tu regalo estos excelentes hombres fueron mis pastores a través de gran parte de su tierra natal el califato abasí son un clan no unido por sangre sino por una idea común una hermandad de sombras ejecutando su propia forma de justicia en mi tiempo con ellos compartieron muchos de sus secretos más ocultos por lo que estoy agradecido y ahora te regalo uno de estos secretos un arma para el mejor guerrero que conozco guión no se divierte parece que no soy digno de este regalo no lo es sobre vale la pena una guerra es un asunto de devoción a nuestro credo y entrenamiento por favor mentor debo protestar esto es profundamente poco ortodoxo o la muñequera es sagrada debería montar en la parte inferior de su brazo para ocultarlo de su objetivo no deseo ocultar esto y preferiría no cometer el mismo error que ustedes dos me gusta esto no es un error este es un sacrificio voluntario para demostrar nuestra devoción a un buen comienzo avoir pero debes aprender a usarlo de manera efectiva fuera de esto no es algo para que todos los ojos se dirijan a este clan tuyo tiene un nombre de hecho, pero entre los principios de nuestra súplica está a punto de nunca revelar demasiado a los extraños en el tiempo. puede aprender más , pero no aquí, donde las paredes y los árboles pueden tener oídos. Lo espero con ansias . Déjeme guiarlo a través de nuestras técnicas más básicas, manejadas con habilidad y cuidado. Nuestra hoja asesta un singular golpe mortal cuando se acerca a su objetivo. golpear El tiempo es esencial, excelente, no he visto una hoja tan afilada , algunos objetivos son más complicados que otros, tenlo en cuenta antes de golpear , un intento decente, derriba a ese de la cornisa exactamente así, ¿qué tal un desafío ? arriba usa tu entorno cuando sea posible golpea desde ese pajar, por ejemplo , un golpe perfecto manejaste bien la cuchilla déjanos poder disfrutar de los regalos en paz ven avon caminemos hasta los muelles y tomemos el aire de la noche ¿qué piensas de mi nuevos amigos, parecen generosos y amenazantes en igual medida, sé lo que quieres decir, ellos también han aprendido, manejan los números y escriben como si fuera magia, vasim me ha enseñado mucho sobre el mundo, todo lo cual compartiré contigo cuando sea el momento. cierto, oh, extraño el olor de esta tierra , has regresado para siempre o piensas unirte a la hermandad de la sombra, deja todo eso a un lado, esta noche somos familia nuevamente, el aquí y ahora es lo que importa, nuestro parentesco , nuestro clan, nuestra gloria. te extrañé hermano tu mente clara y tu coraje no hemos tenido suficiente de ambos en los últimos meses me halagas beso de lobo sigue así de aquí a valhalla siempre estaré a tu lado secreto siempre este fiordo se ha vuelto demasiado pequeño para contenerme o yo demasiado grande hay mucho más allá de estos colmillos de piedra que cabalgan a nuestro alrededor inglaterra irlanda frankie todos los pastos más verdes maduros para el bloqueo mañana hacemos una nueva guerra contra kirtv y reclamamos las tierras que nos quitó y desde allí construimos un reino para nosotros estoy contigo solo di la palabra bien descansa un poco y regresa aquí con la primera luz los norteños han hablado serás rastreado no esto está mal eso no puede ser correcto odín luchó contra este destino se puede hacer oh traicionarás tiro secreto guerreros de la cara, este no habría venido solo, debería encontrar a los otros arrojados sobre esta tierra, amigo mío, necesito tus ojos, amigo mío, sé sobre esto , sigurd debe saber sobre esto, um , con cada día que esperamos, no tenemos los hombres para asaltar kyoto. fuerte res las pérdidas nos arruinarían las pérdidas nos han arruinado padre hasta que le cortemos la cabeza a esta serpiente nos envenenará día a día gota a gota el veneno ya ha contaminado nuestras aguas dios salve lo que pasó espías en nuestro campamento hombres libres enviados por chotway a mátanos mientras dormíamos te devolví el favor ahí ves esto es lo que trae la espera debemos responder a este insulto vinieron de travieso ese pueblo de los lamentos en el control de chadvice lo golpeamos allí lo quemamos antes de que curetta se entere de que sus espías están muertos él puede haberlo hecho Envié más. Puedo buscar en el pueblo mientras reúnes a la tripulación. No es necesario. Enviaré a Heidham a buscar en el área . Puedes confiar en él mientras estamos fuera. ¿Quieres unirte a nosotros? No he sido criado para Valhalla como tú, pero esto Estaré lejos de mi primera batalla . No me gusta esto, pero no te detendré. No guíes a mi hijo a la misma tormenta que te sigue a las olas . No levantes la venta aquí . alguna vez debería ver h Una vez más, tuve miedo, miedo de no volver a tiempo para ver a Kurt Base y miedo de no verlo desangrarse como un cerdo atascado en un montón de nieve, pero aquí estoy en casa a tiempo para unirme a aquellos que he extrañado a los que amo. en esta gloriosa lucha hoy no dejaremos de caer de cuthbert esta noche su corazon posara con preocupacion manana estallara de miedo suplicara a los dioses por ocho porque sera la muerte a sus gritos y pronto el ravenclaw se dara un festejo con su muerte sabes los mejores graneleros de estas islas nos llevan a la victoria mostraré el camino pero tú debes guiarnos allí oh oye señor extrañé tenerte a mi lado cómo deseaba haberte llevado en mis viajes steven no confiaba en la fe con nuestras vidas no tienes por qué temer juntos somos imparables prepárate atacaremos quemaduras ah sigue con las noticias ah eso es cuero nuevo siente la escarcha de nuestro acero oh naves están llegando eh ¿qué ves antes salve ravenclan cosechas una maldita cosecha quién eres tu invitado te nombras yo sé ow his face se encontró con tu padre no hace mucho tiempo, de hecho, soy guthorn, tío del rey harald del norte, hablo en nombre de mi sobrino y hay una necesidad, esta no es la tierra del rey harold, ¿por qué envía guerreros tan al sur? puedes preguntar él mismo mi señor gracias tío y usted es sigurd del clan cuervo es ese hijo correcto del rey sabio stephen soy y usted está parado en su tierra rey harold tierra que hemos reclamado con sangre y acero que veo y lo honro porque no he venido a la guerra contra ti sino por ti a pedido de tu padre el lobo astuto era este el plan del que hablaba ofrezco mi apoyo con mis guerreros tu ravenclan puede tomar la fortaleza de curtway y resolver esta rivalidad para siempre esto es bueno noticias malas el rey errante inclinará nuestra fortuna ¿por qué arriesgar a sus hombres para que nos ayuden rey? ¿tiene usted un interés en esta pelea? esta guerra entre el clan de catway y el suyo se ha cimentado durante mucho tiempo en mi frontera sur . no hay paz mientras viva ketway pero hay hay mucho acuerdo entre tu padre y yo esta disputa de sangre es profunda rey harald agradecemos tu ayuda pero debo liderar el cargo ya veo es una cuestión de honor hace muchos inviernos chadvice rompió un juramento a nuestros padres traicionó una paz amistosa y masacré a muchos entiendo que sigrid yard liderará el asalto contra cutway y su clan le dará el mando total de mis barcos y mis guerreros cuando tu victoria esté en tus manos cigarrillo encuéntrame en al rextal y celebraremos juntos nuestros hombres se reunirán cerca de florida la boca del fiordo al noreste de aquí te unirás a nosotros espera el momento en que capitaneas nuestro drakkar a bordo encuéntranos allí y reclamaremos la cabeza de curtis para los dioses hermano he esperado demasiados años para este día cuando chudvi se presente ante nosotros dame el golpe final lo tendrás si te lo mereces hey vod danos una mano fuerte el viejo es generoso con sus tropas más de lo que yo sería no puedo comprender su juego es un tonto joven o engañosamente sabio cualquiera que sea la razón Tengo un buen presentimiento de que esta guerra está cerca de su fin . Hmm, oh , avor , te perdiste el acto de apertura . are well in place only give the word i will but before we strike i have a request name it the neighbor may give challenge to curt throughout the gate of his fortress a battle to the death in single combat yes is this what you want cut they rob my father of all honor and dignity i will win it back when honor is at stake let none interfere and if curtis should die before the battle begins all the better for our chances today my blade must do the work of school sharp scissors and cut short the cord of chutney's fate well said my sharp tongued warrior scout may we all live to hear that saga some avor a word bassem heithem this feud is not yours yet you fight it all the same i find that strange you find it strange because you are wrong our clan t he hidden ones have been fighting with kyoto's order for centuries you came from iglegar to kill kyoto yourself we did or rather we came so that python could kill him my apprentice has been studying this target for many months is chadway's reputation so great outside norway not his reputation alone but the order to which he belongs something of a rival clan to our own haitham i mean no disrespect to you or the hidden ones but chatway is mine my family's honor is at stake i understand all that matters is that chotway dies this day on that we are agreed uh me here now the fight is mine cured me seeger is only here to watch me feed your innates to my raven look at this once again abel wolf just appears to take a swipe at me this this is my father's shave today i take back the order he lost i call a hung gang here against the oath breaker i will make you beg as your father begged wolfgang squeen as your mother you destroyed my life i will take yours you are weak like your father was weak y ou dance better than you fight you cannot avoid your death riseable this is not your day to die why do you refuse to die we are not alone chatmay the old father watches my blade will drink your blood your flesh will be my wolves uh hi there yeah shameful trick you kissed you volume father's child uh what do you want of me i won your prize protest gloria my death second class it all means nothing no my clan will not be forgotten hard as i did to survive for i know what awaits us in the end holy darkness ravenclaw your lives are forfeit come forward if you must into the crucible of your doom your father is stat gorm his stats repaid open the gates and you'll be spared wallow it [ __ ] wolf kissed archers take aim ravens show no mercy archer up glory time here odin is with us get over that get over that wall and take down the gates uh hmm huh uh chew their hands and spill their blood to the church oh god hmm uh the flying pursuit of vengeance has made you predictable you are a shadow of y our father gorm weak and worthless and you will leave this place as ashes on the wind the coward gone fleece his father dies twice today the breath of battle rises from my brow the skulls will sing of this night we have won the day but gorham escaped he fled north to king harald's domain let that bruised piglet run where he may his father is dead his clan is no more we are the masters of riyavika a toothless cup may grow to be a dangerous one stop and listen you have reclaimed your honor enjoy the night's victory tomorrow we will celebrate you're right brother you are always right relay news of our victory to your nephew the king i have done so already sigurd you'll be more than pleased and will ensure you pride of place that is holding at all exterior tell him we will come battle floss than singing songs of glory keep company with kings and you will soon have a crown of your own if the fates have spun it so linger here and loot what you can i will bring news of our victory to father b efore he leaves for harold's alvin i know sooner another time you have just won your heart's desire aboard yet by the look on your face you've lost your will to live gorham is here with the last of his men why does that troll dare to show his face leave it for another day we are here under harold's truce and gorm is too weak to try anything bold he's a seed stain on his father's trousers i should wipe him from this world not tonight evil leave it bazin watch over this one and see that she warms herself with drink i will find my father and escort him to the longhouse as you wish is high them well he will heal but never fully recover it is fortunate that you were able to succeed when he failed my resolve was strong when you slew kyotv did you see a sigil on him silver the size of my palm bearing the symbol of an ash tree take it trade it for what you can i know where gorm is camped if you wish to see him without anyone the wiser there is a trick i can teach you already looking for anothe r princess all right i'll bite what do i do use your cloak to obscure your face blend into the crowd divert attention hide in plain sight is this how your brotherhood operates you sneak around in the daylight stabbing your victims where they stand said like that you make me blush we are seekers of justice shepherds of man's will we work in the dark to serve the light i suppose there's no shame in using deception when honor is at stake and gorham is a stain on that honor then let's see what can be done to cleanse that stain give it a try a few things you should know before you step into his camp walking unseen through hostile territory is an exercise in subtlety a hood makes you forgettable dismissed at a distance remain far from watchful eyes and you will be invisible to them do not draw a blade or hammer for these and other sudden movements can break your disguise and in case i wasn't clear you will need to put up your hood for the trick to work home is there in the camper head oh kis sing showers shoot you archer [ __ ] take up your weapon and follow me beyond these walls let odin's favor land where it may you dare not break the king's peace here so [ __ ] you and your god talk what say you to that you are all subject to king harald's truth break his peace and you will be cast out of already start i will give you no trouble you are shedding to this world without honor gorm and you will leave as a turd dumped into hell's deepest ditch keep growing a4 you only make yourself an easier target the aldine will have started i should find cigarettes um me gorham still lives mayward it pains me to say he does thank you his day will come oh gods i hate long speeches only when you're not giving them many of you knew my father half done the black a great man who achieved great things they buried haftan's leg near our temple the crops have never grown tall they buried his arms their hours and we get nothing but a muddy river i dream of something greater a vast kingdom of warrio rs in numbers the world has never seen united under one king one rule too much blood has been spilled fighting one another today we unify and turn our blades outward to conquer new lands and who better to lead us to glory than me i was blooded before the age of 10 and i let the greatest army norway has ever seen but they say a wise king seeks honest counsel so i ask who among you rejects this new arrangement i am not your enemy king harold but i will not be your subject tomorrow we sail for greener shores and so my kingdom is yours this saddens me noble girl and does your wife agree is she not tired of limping ever westward my husband and i are as one in this lord we do not limp together we fly i'm sad to lose a woman of your spirit juvina but i hold no grudge may the fates grant you good luck my king i offer you my axe and my oath ironclad gorm kirtv you dare show your face in this hall did not king sturburn and his son sacred raid our lands of your foulness the ravenclan dishonored m e great king they poisoned my father kyotv they made a mockery of his honorable death by crowd you lie paul david let it play out this is a serious charge gone and a false one at that my uncle saw your father die ava wolf kissed you are curtway slayer this man has slandered your clan what shall i do with him i would send him to hell as i did his father understandable but a quick death is too good for a draugr like him calm i name you warm and call you exiled leave these lands by the next full moon or i will feed you to the crows myself king harold may i speak the floor is yours king stay bjorn my people have held our land since the days when odin himself walked among us my kingdom is humble but we have paid for it in blood our victory over kyoto is proof that we will not lay down without a fight all here have buried friends brothers and sisters sons and daughters and i for one have had my fill of death let those who seek war look beyond our shores if king harold brings peace then i am happy to bend my knee to him what what in hell's name are you doing father securing a lasting peace singer our days of fighting are finished you said nothing of this to me not a word and i will not yield a title that should be mined by right then war will continue men will die villages will burn you foolish boy this is our only way towards true peace you will die a thrall you'll drink a cow alone and toothless in a bed of straw forgive my son he is ruled by his emotions i take no offense stephen y'all and i thank you for your fealty it is natural to fear chains to resist it but all things change and all things end the lessons of ragnarok are clear we will speak again soon that was an ambush lord did you know of stephen's plans for some days yes i did but it was not in my urging it was his decision alone do you dream of a glorious future ava a warrior like you would be a boon to my clan my fate is tied to my brothers where sick it goes i follow i wish i understood you better for those i do not understand i do not trust and i cannot stomach a lack of trust you have nothing to fear from me king harold my loyalty lies with my brother's sickert and i bear you no ill will then know that if you stay in norway both you and your brother must serve under me take tomorrow to think on this but let us leave these matters for another time tonight we will eat and drink like gods and wake in a kingdom made new al's colors he's already marking his territory because he's spraying like a horny puppy may be young but he's clever do not underestimate him he came of age very quickly can i interest you in a game of orlog huh the english will fight back the wash will never end or they will push us into the christian ways quiet all two days ago we read this land of curtwen his dogs yet today we do not celebrate today we cower under a cloud of fear but it need not be like this we are not the heel trodden subjects of a boy king we are the raven clan our destiny is our own did you know about y our father's oath to herald i did not and for that my anger burns hotter than any man's here but i will not let that drive me into despair we cannot stay in norway not under harold's boot not without fuelling more war so we push forward to newer lands to england and there make a new home a kingdom of our own the sons of ragnar lothbrok have been in england eight winters already is there any land left for a clan of our size more than enough wife of the four kingdoms of england only one is truly pacified i have no desire to wear harold's leash i like this idea a saga for the ages i agree it will take time and resources to build ourselves a new home but the richest taken from kyoto's raid would suffice no that belongs to my father has a fair compensation in england we must start a news you would start us with nothing in a land we do not know among people who hate us cut this riches would go some way to easing our passage sigurd i bested is within my rights to claim his goods our leaving m ust not be an assault to my father it is a time of renewal for us if you object i understand let your father keep judges riches england will have riches and cargo enough for us good i did not want this cloud hanging over us it is a wise leader who considers the need of others to england then before the day is out pack what you need but no more than that and tighten your lips the last thing we need is the attention of harald's troops how much did you hear enough a new path is revealed and your journey will be challenging will you not join us for my mother's sake i cannot but our threats will cross again before the final day until then farewell ever the wind favors us we should set sail without delay you made quick work of packing well done the dream of new lands is a powerful lure as is the promise of glory but the act of leaving so beloved at home there is a sadness to it having doubts no not at all a die is cast then let fate guide our journey are you ready i am ready let us take to t he water and leave unbothered while we have the chance that chance has passed look fate flies on swifter wings than we king harold's banner siegel what is this assembly what are you planning an exit father as graceful as i can for if i cannot be king in the land of my birth i will start a new salah in england nonsense your place is here son at my side there will be other victories soon other glorious my choice is made father do not hope otherwise it is easy to lose one's way on the road to glory do not let false victories blind you to what is true you talk of false victories to me old man a sad old bear who destroyed his honor with one bent knee the further i sail from this place the louder i will sing i will be his anger lord no you must be his better half may aggies bless your voyage the time for tears is over you weeping sacks of wolf put some muscle into those pools ration your strength dog we have an ocean to cross all right you lazy background see good what's our course the songs of ragnar establish the settlement near the coast we set sail for them sing a song to lift out to rose the gods inspire a mighty fart from thor to speed us on our way an ocean lies before a save and on its far side a new kingdom awaits know england well from your travels i spent the season in their kingdom of mercia a temperate land lush and wild by now the sounds of ragnar will have claimed its heart do we mean to join their army they will join ours in time all of england will know of ravenclan and the glory we brought to that fractured land so to england glory and destiny to england to england so in a lecture at the university of cambridge dr sierka told a worried audience that scientists have few answers for them since the mass coronal injection of 2012 the strength of the earth's magnetic field has increased by a factor of 50 000 this has resulted in huge disturbances in radio and satellite communications dangerous bands of radiation around the poles and as we can all see from our window an aurora borealis that never burns away unfortunately we are stumped as to why this is happening and if we cannot find an answer soon it may change the way we live the way we communicate even the way we evolve forever dr sika went on to say bought you more electrolytes oh new and improved citrus flavor thanks sean how do we fix this how are you the key to everything you're a long way from home avor um mint tea is not actually tea bex it's an infusion it's really just dirty minty water i don't care what you call it sean did you buy any of course i did love hey sorry about pulling you out the generator was sputtering that's fine i needed air how was the animus data stream comfortable felt pretty stable after a while good just give me a sec and you can jump back in another satellite came down did you see i did one of abstergos that's good well most of north america just lost its gps service so depends what you mean by good really right even when we win we lose okay we're all set whenever you're ready you can jump back in please enjoy your stay remember all the garbage must be packed out and please water the plants once a day yeah i won't remember that you gonna put this in the fridge sean of course in half a minute remember tomatoes go on the counter not the fridge i went through hell to bring you here it had better be worth it all right time to go norway to england takes about a week by long ship so i'll scrub ahead layla you okay sorry can you play the message again we have the transcript if you're looking for something i cannot i want to hear it okay i don't mean to be cryptic it's just that message led us here to this place to a norse grave in north america so those bones out there are the only lead we have our only chance at fixing this planet before it's too late here it is i lived i died and now i sleep and in my sleep i dream and in my dreams i see an end to the doom that will grip the earth once again unsettling that is that pulse in the message are y ou sure it's just coordinates nothing else nothing i can find okay i'm ready here we go there she is england our new home not a patch on norway but we'll make this land our own soon enough i'm glad to see any land at all and we'll be happy to have my feet on solid ground again we must not rush our landing all you see here is saxon territory the kingdom of mercy largely unpacified there will be eyes watching us from the trees with bows drawn and trapped set we must be wary randy have you spotted something not yet but let us go ahead to clear the path of any dangers then follow our lead when the sun brushes the horizon understood may thor bless you all on your way we will see you soon yes i'm ready for whatever these green thumbs fairy folk have to throw at us cigarette do the sons of ragna know that we're coming they do not but they will not scoff at our visit of the four kingdoms in england the sons of ragnar have settled only one the rest is ripe for the taking do we mean to join thei r army no no we will speak with them get the lay of the land and carve this country into as many pieces as we see fit look ahead there is that what passes for a town plain brick in a single room to their timid god that rune is called a root dog the cross upon which their god was sacrificed it sits atop a monastery a place of worship that cross killed their christ and now they display it in worship bizarre we carve idols of our gods and make wishes before them like our sacrifices to odin the one-eyed but we do not worship the wolf that kills him that is the difference whatever strangeness we see in these saxons they must think the same of us the hammer now there is a symbol worthy of a god a bolt of lightning would take that cross clean off look there what are they doing ritual drowning baptism dog are the ways of christians really so unfamiliar to you not at all i simply forgot and someone has to keep the conversation up it must be priests and worshipers alone in that place we could st orm this port with ease suck it without breaking a sweat is there much in the way of treasure there always they shaped precious metals and cup jewels to their gulfs there will be a fortune there later that there will be time enough for raining once we have settled we must remove it before passing on a chain can we cut through it it's too thick for access but there must be a way to release it somewhere in that camp i will go and i will be right behind you know that you stay here should trouble come our way i want you defending the ship a good idea send out the arrow and keep your sharpest axe at hand something like that hey what are you doing we will attack on sight here people this chain is huge and poorly anchored it a piece i might be able to shoot it so the path is it should be clear now firing any surprises give those dogs a good knock around and take whatever treasures they have easy pickings not today died we press on until we reach our goal we cannot afford another surprise now pee on your guard it should not be far gods i'm ravenous i hope they have food and ale on hand when we arrive you should have sent word ahead of a cigarette to get something on the spit if i've done uber and eva ragnazone are lacking food in england then all of us will starve have no worry i can see it now a suckling pig tender and juicy and ale as gold as the treasures that we failed to steal back there a man of symbol pleasures aren't your deck and fear for it for my part i look forward to standing in the footsteps of the giants that built this land what giants the great romans and their empires giants of a forgotten age they held dominion here long ago and their ruins stopped the landscape every brick and stone tells a story of conquest and glory and now they are rubble and hash ready to be remade we will rebuild their empire brick by brick and ours will not crumble to dust all things and dog ruins are not a warning they are a testament look there just ahead for the sons of ragnar m ake their camp at last we find our feet on steady ground cigarette hold back something isn't right good eye there is too little movement for an army only tents and a few men not the army we hope to find no let us get a closer look those are not norsemen they're too ragged and soiled we should proceed unless they strike the boats dag and i will go together we all go if they are friends i wish to meet them as a yard and if they oppose then we fight them all together who are these men they speak with twisted accents english no doubt oh what's this a mess of filthy danes befowling our riverweights you there give us your name i am secretary of formberk and you are men who do not take kindly to dane invaders creeping into our camp you'd best move along pagan spare yourselves a slaughter you threaten those men with a play of shorts and expect us to cower i have been eight days at sea without a drop of blood to wet my axe so spare the chatter bucket out and draw your weapon oh let's finish the m kill these heaters you have what you wished help me ugh have a look around all of you i want no more surprises right i will check the longhouse all scraps and rubbish over here what a mess oh wait who are are you with those bricks as well cigarette dag in here those men had prisoners you there untie us let us walk and we will not hurt you quite bold in those bindings i like your spirit we are very agreeable people i promise you need not kill us peace friend we have no need or wish to hurt you what are your names yenli i'm a merchant not a bandit like those others and this is row one rowan that's right i'm a stable hand that's all i keep horses and well i did till those brigands sold them off they meant to sell us next as slaves to the nearest bidder but i let their eyes out before i let that happen and how did you find yourselves here we came to trade with the sons of ragna at hastanyas asking but they were gone when we arrived unbind them you know the sons of ragnar i sold many a ma yor and stallion to the brothers good men always paid me fair from the look of this camp they've been gone for some time where will you go now what will you do rebuilt by stocks start anew i have friends and allies across the land to aid me but it won't be easy every town and village needs a stable to keep horses fit and trim i'll find my footing again somewhere what are you thinking that we could use their skills as we get settled having access to trade and someone to tend our mounts would be a boon my thoughts as well any friend of the ragna zones is a friend of mine right doug whatever you think is best sigurd yanley rowan i am siegr of fornberg son of steelbjorn this is avor and dag both of you are free to go but more than welcome to stay if you're willing to pull your weight we'd be happy to if only to get back on our feet then let it be done the ravenclaw welcomes you from strangers into friends into family the others have arrived come i have a good feeling about this place honor ed family friends welcome to your new home so um fine work a long house to rival any i've seen now come randy has found something i would like you to see avor sigurd i give you england and its four kingdoms mercia east anglia northumbria and wessex from the few plants and maps i discovered here i believe the sons of ragnar have pushed further into mercia here my scouts will soon tell me if i am correct and where are we here and these unnamed cups of trees unnamed we cannot let that stand what will we call this place i might have an idea ravenstorp the village of ravens hmm i like it the poet in you sings once again one day this name will be known throughout all of england a name is only a beginning if we want renown we must build expand agreed we should begin with a forge can you help colonel get working again we'll need cargo supplies for that our neighbors will provide whether they wish to or not scarcely arrived and now we must raid we cannot master this land merely by asking i'll g o and speak with gunner now good work my dear what else have you found short notes not a bad play saver not at all can i help you with anything wants your forge up and running as soon as possible for that we need supplies and riches ah you mean to go a viking then good good how i miss those days run sacking and pill edging blade singing and shill splintering i would ask you to join us but you're the only blacksmith we have we cannot afford your loss oh it's no butter better i forge axes than swing them my place is here not pulling on the war of a river horse though you do remind me i've found a map among the bandits rubbish marked up with the locations of saxon monk huts yes bandits know as well as we do monasteries are full of riches and loot take the map with you and put it to better use than they did man your ears and listen all for the good of our clan it is time we go our viking tomorrow we may built at last we will correct these christian monasteries like the row of anzacs the sa xons no way i heard them can't raise the sail yet well god ah by nothing more than priests and prayers i'd win more sales they can continue later should we be so lucky meet you twice find what they hide and take it and kill those uh uh give me a hand that is all we need for gunnery there is more we should claim it uh oh you're mine help me out here oh this was a good day and some fine work from all of you we should return home and unload everything are you certain there aren't a few more gold nuggets squirreled away somewhere my god tells me no what's your count my count dang i have no need to count my kills they number too many likely story wolf kissed me i killed 26 i think ah there were barely a dozen when we arrived oh no you missed them they attacked from the forest thank you what do you think you're doing hold on back so soon ah this is wonderful labor a forge bigger and hotter than my old forge back in vaughn bag come visit me anytime for weapons and gear there is no man better than me i will gunner have no doubt hello and well matt oh the saxons break their kingdoms into smaller categories in here what will you keep in this room my finest weapon for this room is yours here you may lay your head hang your axe or be alone with your thoughts do you like it it suits me well but i would be just as happy launching with the raiders on the wharf i need no special treatment this is not special treatment i want you here in the long house close at hand i may be the owl of this clan but you and i lead together as ever so get acquainted with your room and when you're ready meet me at the staples hmm a letterbox for messages and requests a bed better than many i have slept in and a good place to recover not much but it is mine so are you ready to ride at a moment's notice count on it my friend the path ahead is bright with glory at its end farewell abor but why now please this must be done yes and i can help what was that about spasm leaving us already sigurd means to lea ve as well is that true we know the sons of ragnar have camped in the north it would do us well to pay them a visit to strengthen our ties to this land is that where basim has gone bazim's motives are his own leave it at that we have more pressing plans i'm riding to let it justice shire to a town called repton ever i expect you to join me when you have finished here i can come now i only need a horse not yet first speak with randy she has more than one task for you here apart from growing this settlement you must seek out alliances as well we cannot pacify england with so few friends then i must join you sigurd for i am a fitter companion on long roads no dag you belong here with raiders and you will act as aver commands ride in safety brother i will follow as soon as i can yes and i will keep our raiders sharp do his avor commands is he testing me he may be sigurd is a wise man i would sooner take orders from a loss hi there now that you and bassam are settled what will you do we hav e work to do starting in the cities of england london jorvik winchester all three are infested by members of the same order to which kyoto belonged but their reach extends much further than this of all the lands on earth i believe england is the most overrun do they cause here the same turmoil caused in no way not just turmoil they spread a plague of delusion teaching men and women to abase and abuse themselves in exchange for power you have strong feelings about this of course this is the sole purpose of the hidden ones to liberate the body and spirit of man from any unnatural shackles but we have not operated in england for over four centuries since the fall of the roman empire the hidden ones have not had a presence here this absence has given the order of the ancients ample room to grow and thrive our task will not be an easy one but with a bureau basim and i could begin our work if you have the time and spare resources to build one we would be most grateful i will see what i can d o this will make a fine space for my work avor thank you well if your work benefits us i will see that you keep it for as long as you live among us i believe it will for we have common cause against our enemy they have dug their claws deep into england eradicate them where they are strongest and the alliances you seek will be far easier to come by in london they now operate without restraint if you were to eradicate them the city would be in your debt i will talk with ranvi about your idea get her thoughts good yet before you do there is something else a gift i wish to share a gift i cannot show you here will you walk with me i will lead on i hear a heaviness to your breathing heighth does your wound still trouble you it does i'm afraid there is a pain in my chest for which i have no remedy rest easy then so long as your mind stays sharp you will recover of course though i am reluctant to displease my mentor you risk your health and your life to please pass him that i do not understand i should not expect you to when we first arrived i noted a shadow of suspicion in your eyes a doubt a weariness is that a question no only an observation are you well enough to steer this boat i am i have no worry because only prolonged stresses that exhaust me my energy runs low rather quickly and what is this gift you wish to give me it will not come from me it is a gift you must give yourself more riddles what fun you are let me say it another way my gift was not giving or taking it is a way of living still no clearer it is a thing better demonstrated than described then i will wait forgive my chest this gift we call a leap of faith it is one of our brotherhood's most sacred rights it is not a tool we use against our enemies but an act we embrace to strengthen our resolve like your meditation it centers our minds steadies our hands and purges fear from our hearts and more practically it aids our movements in flight or in stealth you call it a leap and we're climbing a rather steep hill there it is again the shadow of a doubt nearly there our destination is there i suspect you mean to throw me off this cliff is that it please tell me if i'm near the mark and spoil the surprise to perform the leap of faith you must give yourself over to something greater the gods yourself embrace the hope that death will not come before you are prepared to meet it believe this and you will fear nothing our deaths are prefigured weaved into the fabric of the world to fear this would be a waste of worry and tears good then your mind is already attuned to my lesson i will leap first on my word you must follow lean into your faith into your strength and take flight you want me to jump from here yes i would sooner grow wings and fly away thank you for the lesson wait and watch hide them hide them pig-headed fool are you injured you see my faith grew stronger than my fear and that long questioned your fall a perfect fall and how did it feel you spoke true it was madness and vicara perch ing of fear a gift i give myself i see that now thank you for showing me the way of course and thank you avor for hearing me out you called this leap of faith a sacred right do all hidden ones practice this same ritual as far as i know it is a right of initiation that dates back to just before the birth of a christian jesus are you hoping to initiate me i might try if i believed you would join but that is not my purpose in england bassam and i are hunting larger prey the aura of ancients yes you remember the medallion you took from kyoto's body that is their symbol they are a plague only like us they act in secret but their aim is to rule the world not free it from unnatural fetters the desire to rule is not unique to this order sigurd and i want the same a land to call our own and the honor that comes with it do not compare yourself to such people the order has no honor no principles no humanity yet they sit on a great many of england's thrones if you seek to pacify england for the sa fety of your clan then it may be in my interest to give you aid i understand you desire alliances we seek to rid england of its deepening rot where these hopes meet our cause does too you may think this land ruled by harmless yarls and bumbling fans yet look more closely and you will find a deeper threat the order's invisible hand touches or it shapes everything instilling its poison into every level of society from the loneliest fishmonger to the richest merchants from wealthy thanes to useless kings the order has corrupted bassam all given me one task here to locate and eliminate the order of ancients in england in whatever dark corners they reside if we work together towards this end it will benefit us both you will have greater influence over the kingdoms of england and you will have more medallions to count exactly you should begin in london i have credible reports that the order is working now to seize the city i will speak with randy about this and while you are there be on the lookout for our symbol centuries ago the hidden ones had bureaus built around england there were six i believe if you can find them search them well for documents bearing the same symbol it will greatly aid my studies i will thank you haitham for all of this raiding is the surest way to find treasures and supplies for building up a settlement ah berserkers make fierce foes but powerful allies his strength would bolster our settlement i should seek him out whatever this beast or monster defeating it would only add to my reputation i should meet this abbess wolf hilda there you are you wanted to see me as sigit has so ordered it falls to us to expand our presence in england he wants to forge alliances iron clad with every no stain and saxon here right we are the outsiders here making friends will help where do we start my scouts come and go daily with interesting news and tidings and i'm beginning to get my bearings in his fractured land as i learn more i can give you insight into each t erritory before you commit to a journey there of course once you have gained an ally in the territory return home and speak to me we'll decide your next move then i understand so where do we start you have two options just now join sigurd and let the chestershire to the north and meet with the sons of ragnar lothbrok or head south to grant the bridgeshire to meet an army of danes led by one guthrum yarl and his second soma and what's more our young friend haitham has been comparing with contacts of his own in the cities i added his information to the map if you would like to know what he has discovered i want to see the alliance map tell me about grand bridgeshire a force of danes called the summer army by the saxons is camped north of grander bridge at some ruins across the river we should curry favor with their leaders guthrum and soma if we hope to win their trust and allegiance my scouts did not meet them in person so i can say little for the state of their army consider this a sta rting point i will leave right away good and may the blessings of freyja follow hail what has happened here who is asking aver of the ravenclan did you and your men fail to take the village no no we had it for a time it was nothing but the cluster of water and dog huts when we came we made it lively grant bridge was a thriving hub of trade and song under the care of suma ayasguna but the saxons took it back they appeared within the city as if rising from the shadows and drove us out what about the city walls and your guards the walls were unbreached the guards unaware it was like they burst out of the center of the city itself setting aflame everything in their path shouting some nonsense about an ancient order of warriors by the time i saw the fires too many of us were killed or captured the retreat and we took refuge in the ruins but in the chaos we were separated she and the bulk of our forces fled northeast into the swamps i'd follow if we were fit to we need her iron fist i can fi nd soma be ready when we return she'll be deep in the fog of the fan lands by now find her longship that's your best bet huh survey the area sooner wrath is as grand as it is spread out together there a beached longship dane markings okay thank you now east from a long ship to tire them out and lose them in the fog let's see you old friend ah show me what lies ahead you're still in fighting [ __ ] take a walk about the cats take him to the shelter slap some moss in that gash wrap it well our first day in england all his arms nine large and fat feathers for a week yeah you'll be chasing more in a month my friend you come like a valkyrie out of the fog we have no dead to give you you must be soma let's talk elsewhere give them a chance to rest quite a hit you took how many were lost it's kind of you to ask but with so much blood in the water and death on the air i'd know your name and purpose first favor of the raven clan i came for you looking for a friend an ally i see i'm soma lord of granbridge though it seems an order of lunatics wishes to strip me of that title the order of the ancients sounds right the saxon called wigmond is one of them he robbed me of my city forced us into these swamps i've rallied some of my soldiers but my three advices are missing if we hope to retake grantbridge i'll need them at my side tell me about them they are my best my inner circle belna we may as well be of the same blood if i can reunite them and we retake your city can i call you a friend and ally if you can do all that you can call me whatever you want who is this wickman what does he want he's a flailing elderman under the old king a bitter man digging his fingernails into grant bridge just to say he can he's made many attempts to unseat me before this time he managed to trick what happened to grantsbridge the elder man wigman ceased it from us i'm not sure how he managed but he will not keep it not for long he has supporters outside the city but this attack seemed to come fr om inside the walls from the heart of grant bridge let's find your advisors agreed we'll look for signs of their longboats along the river and if we are swift we will find them before the wolves do the fog is more hindrance than hiding place now let's light the way back hmm burn long and hot bright wolf of the branch and guide soma's gilded warriors home uh i know what you what must i think that it's foolish to search the finlands for so few people you told me the soldiers you lost were your best vital to retaking the city you think it's foolish not at all then why would i you have the look of one who does well with solitude you're alone a wanderer it may be you think of soldiers as warfare and little else but these warriors are more than a blade and shield they are my family nothing short i've lost a city this week i will not lose them too i understand and if your people yet live you will find them this is yes hold up show me what lies ahead wolves they've surrounded someone must be c areful i don't deserve this leave me oh gallon you look terrible what happened here saxons chased me into the fork ran me smack into a nest of bandits but freya was on my side and i saw them before they saw me are you the only one of your crew left standing i am and hardly standing myself but with the blessings of odin and freya they'll be feasting well with the gods i've said the camp not far from here marked by a beacon go there gallon and recover ava and i will find the others i'll head back to canada as i recover i'll watch over the rest with a care that only freya knows he's a serious man gallon yes and a man of the gods he carries them around in his mind as a tree bears um guide me yes and a man of the gods tree bears branches it makes his mind heavy i must be but it keeps our spirits a group of danes held captive oh nobody brother town i've had quite today look through it follow the beacon will return the others didn't always get along but they bonded since we took groundbridge sour blood between them in a way both considered themselves my second and hated the other form but i do not rank my family like i do my horses competition can mar the love between siblings for life it can also bring out the best in people if the fire is stoked right go my eyes saxons surrounding that old hut there may be danes trapped inside go with your head so hey i feel great the beacon has drawn the last of my soldiers by tomorrow our strength will have returned and we can retake our city i have not yet spoken to leaf bernard about this after my missteps i worry what they must think of me they'll be grateful you risked your life to find them i would be by those hammer i am glad we're together in spite of our setback galin you look well worn do not grieve the men you lost they will be singing your praises in the corpse hall waiting for us thank you yours corner leaf you'd outlast any tempest it's good to be back so man all as one and know this that i will follow you through the eye of the storm if you called beer now i'm delighted you're alive i'm delighted to be living i lost so many after all this but i still have you three that makes me the most blessed warrior in midgard and avor you have more than proven your worth help us reclaim our city and you will have an ally in me my blade is yours for grantbridge we'll rest for the night gather our strength and our wits and at the break of dawn's light we retake grand bridge past the night in our camp avoid take anything you need looks like more of soma's forces followed the beacon back to camp galen is that right that's right you are avor the infinite fighter or forever warrior it's a glorious name many thanks you are in a tight spot when we found you indeed the saxons pursued me ran me bloody through the swamps and into the lab of bandits and the wolves came we all have our one day the day we die how you greet that day is all that matters i'm proud to say that i was ready well it's good to see you breathing still l eaf soma says you're the man who built her longships that's right each has a sharp keel a stout mast and a poem etched into the hall to sing the praises of the drinker who commands her a long ship is heavy with fate just a few lengths of wood between you and a watery grab what better place to put a line of poetry agreed it's good to fight beside you leaf likewise ava thanks again for plugging me and my warriors from the meyer you are vienna and you are a worse sunbeam you cut through the fog like the sun burns through ice you're in high spirits all things considered the ambush losing your home in this moment yes but ah you feel that the moment has passed we are free to pursue the next what a gift it is good to have you in this fight bierna i like you avor you may help me here or step on me and by the look of you i'd welcome either here's the day is new and the air is bracing are you ready for the fight ahead let's take your city back that's what i like to hear meet me at the western ga te of grand bridge we've assembled there have care you do not enjoy taking orders from anyone but your yard back home i fight for sigurd none else while you're on this ship you fight for me and for so much loyalty we fight for her let's go sail castle wind can't raise the sail here hey hold on one on each side of the door move when you get the signal and not a moment before honor thief i know you're up there return grunt bridge to me wigman no more of our people need i we may talk this out lord lord what are we to talk about you have nothing i need worth by birth ethan i was born a noble you were plucked from a giants armpit i built this town from a mud hut to a thriving port and we both know your bluedose ridge is dry without my guiding hand leave go die in the muck where you belong heathens wigman wigman let's try one final time quit grantbridge and when she is mine once more i may spare your life ha i command grantbridge i am master here and i will scour you rats from this land like rot from a festering wound let me give you some advice old bear the surest way to stop a wound from festering isn't with a blade it's with fire no time for that you must be um i haven't seen whitman since we've reached a wall regroup at the longhouse we'll surely find him there death for any sucks and i'm at your breathing so much hmm yes so oh hello you cannot hide from me forever come face your death even eels we come understand he's gone dies ugh no sign of wickman here he may be hiding within the city walls shall we search no he'll be gone count on it i got coward but we've struck a bold claim today walk with me i want you to sound our battle horn to announce our victory let all the shire know that branbridge is retaken the sound of the horde means prosperity long life bounty why me why not you were the keystone to this attack you turned the tide let the wind from your lungs breathe life back into my city wow look at you all glorious handsome beautiful fading fires but tonight ton ight we feast hey ah my clan throws the best feasts i think you'll find you enjoy yourself i did but were you celebrating or mourning you looked unsure the night of the attack i heard sounds of bloodshed coming from the longhouse in moments the city was overrun with saxons so i called a retreat we all have our one day but not like that not that day i have heard this before that the sex sentence appeared as if from the shadows in all my time in branbridge this tunnel was my most careful project the best kept secret in the city now a hundred or more sections know the smell of it the only people who knew about this tunnel were me and a three in my inner circle you believe you were betrayed i know i was by whom that is where i hesitate between leaf galin and bin i cannot say but they are the three who helped me dig this in secret i hoped you might lend me your wits you are a fresh ally i could use your eyes and ears i promised you i'd help secure your city that task isn't yet done it seems good i sent garlin leaf and bildner to destroy what remains of whitman's power throughout the shire meet with them raid with them get to know them as best as you can find out which of them betrayed me a betrayal so wicked i cannot imagine yet someone willing to break an oath like that must bear some sign or defect i need clear sound judgment i need you avor you have me thank you feel free to take a look around as you wish search the city the tunnel and here a gift for retaking grantbridge with us one of the few things i have left for my blood family oh soma to understand your people well i should better know you how did you rise to the rank of yasukuna my king guthrum led the summer army through this land when he marched into wessex i volunteered to defend the city to encourage trade so that our forces would be rich and strong if called upon guthrum agreed so i grew the city up from very little and i fell in love with her it was a dagger to the heart to lose it and a bomb to have it b ack if i can find your traitor what will you do with them they will die by my hand no pain no public humiliation a traitor or no the bastard is also one of my closest people my friend my family only i will bear the burden of causing their death it will not muddy the minds of any other that is enough why do you love grand bridge so deeply i was orphaned young but old enough to remember it i feel i've been reaching for a family all my life grant bridge is more than some silver boom she's a place for me to build that family for anyone who needs one wanderers smugglers and craftsmen alike that's all you

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