Hola y gracias por usar los subtítulos en tu idioma. Antes de mostrar la traducción de la conversación en la transmisión, primero nos gustaría agradecerle, sí, usted, por ver la repetición de la transmisión en vivo. Esperamos que disfrutes de este juego, así como de los diversos temas, bromas y diversión general que tenemos con la gente en el chat en vivo. Gracias de nuevo, ahora dejaremos que los subtítulos de AI se hagan cargo. Angry Birds, así que ya pensé en el tema de hoy.Felicitaciones, ya casi estás ahí. Un saludo rápido a las personas que miran las repeticiones y escupen especialmente a la audiencia internacional.Gracias por hacer eso. Lo aprecio mucho, nos ayuda mucho y un saludo especial. por supuesto a las personas que se unen a la transmisión en vivo porque nos entretiene, así que nos encanta ese tema del día de Angry Birds si alguna vez tienes una interacción con un pájaro enojado y puedo decirles que ahora el viejo tío P dot ha tenido numerosas interacciones con Angry. Aves No sé por qué no le agrado mucho a la especie ovárica, no les muestro que me llevo bien con la mayoría de los animales, pero de vez en cuando obtendrán un pájaro gruñón gracias por presionar el botón Me gusta allí Ethernet son muy apreciados, así que como alguien tiene un pájaro enojado esa historia ahora subí a bordo de dos más oh sí, un caso, un jugador, me lo quité temporalmente porque quería hablarte sobre las responsabilidades que tienes como moderador en la última transmisión, eres profesional Bably no se dio cuenta de que aquellos que intentaban arreglar algo con un chico básicamente le prohibieron hablar y poner el tiempo fuera, lo cual fue un poco molesto para mí porque tuve que perseguirlo en privado para solucionarlo todo, así que solo sé consciente de todas las modificaciones que cuando muestra que hay un mensaje allí que está oculto, no lo abordemos de inmediato porque no tengo la oportunidad de ver lo que dijeron, así que eso es lo primero en el segundo es ser un poco paciente con poner a la gente en tiempo de espera poniéndoles un sonido de juego apestoso bebé, lo apagaste, lo hiciste Creo que Kenny es el juego que Sam también apagó , solo háznoslo saber, está bien, bueno, así que sí, solo tengo que saber que no Entiendo, jugador, era todo nuevo para ti, pero tenía que hacerlo para recordarme que te hablara de ello, así que ten en cuenta que puede afectar nuestro canal cuando haces eso, como cuando pones a las personas en tiempo de espera y mantienes escondiendo sus comentarios, podrían terminar recibiendo ann Oye con eso, así que ten en cuenta que intentamos mantener todo amigable, así que me lo volveré a poner , pero ten paciencia conmigo porque tengo algunas otras cosas que hacer primero, ahora apesta pantalones, tienes enojado Historias de pájaros o al menos una urraca ¿Cuál es la historia de las urracas en Australia durante la temporada de cría? Esa es la cama en blanco y negro, usa un casco, sí, entonces duermen en ti, sí, tómate la cabeza, sí, pica tus ojos, no es bueno decir y bueno, seamos sinceros. He tenido un montón de urracas que me atacaron cuando era más joven y, lo creas o no, solía usar un casco a veces, dependiendo de la gravedad de los ataques, dónde y cuántas urracas había alrededor, así que esa es la primera de la que no he escuchado ninguna historia. el arroyo todavía, pero me han perseguido todo tipo de cosas personalmente me ha perseguido un pollo me han perseguido los pavos lo que me han perseguido los ibis de bits ib es como un pájaro de larga historia como un flamenco pero blanco y negro pero tiene patas largas y un pico largo que se encuentra en Que ensland son, en realidad estaba tratando de ayudar a uno de estos ibis un día estaba atascado en una valla pero seguía queriendo picotearme a pesar de que estaba tratando de ayudarlo di hey sí, ¿me ayudaste si no pero él es la cosa No era lo suficientemente alto para sacarlo de la cerca y alguien que pasaba conduciendo realmente se detuvo y tenían una escalera una especie de Tralee, así que quitaron la escalera de su ute desnudo y me ayudaron a levantarme, pero luego se dieron cuenta. era un Ibis que muchos de los habitantes de Queensland los consideran plagas como roedores voladores básicamente porque se meten en mucha basura, tenían mucha basura y él me dijo que luchara, no, no, pensé que era como una kookaburra o algo así, es un Ibis, si hubiera sabido que no te habría ayudado, sabes que Mike, vamos, el pobrecito estaba atrapado en una valla, lo dejaría colgar allí y moriría, así que estaba un poco molesto porque ayudaría a negar esto. pero de todos modos, amigos, los jugadores tienen uno, está siendo perseguido por un pavo real, ese pavo real Los ks son bastante grandes, no son un pájaro pequeño e imagina que cuando levantan el abanico de la cola de esa manera, eso podría ser bastante intimidante, personalmente, trataría de sacar una de las plumas de la toalla porque son tan Lujoso sí, llévatelo a casa y úsalo como decoración. Stockton's el papá vino detrás de mí volando , casi me recoge en la parte de atrás, así que Ethan ADA dijo que cuando era más joven eran gansos. A los gansos de Angry Birds les gusta atacar a la gente y aparentemente aquí están los otra cosa, son excelentes perros guardianes, aparentemente son mejores que no, esto es de acuerdo con sí, porque la persona que estaba viendo dijo que dijo que el beso también tiene perros y dijo que los gansos tocan la bocina de inmediato si hay algo extraño continúa antes de que el perro se despierte Yo diría que terminó octavo innato su historia cuando era más joven están en mi contra son bebés en la playa de mi lago y mi padre dijo que los persiguiera, así que corrí hacia ellos los ahuyentó y mamá vino volando detrás de mí, sí, eso sería ahora mismo. Tengo otra historia de urracas que es similar a la que siempre me espera en la parte de atrás. Mac está aquí, oye, Mac, ah, pregunta rápida y estás de acuerdo con los incendios forestales en este momento. No estoy seguro de si está en el área donde están afectados, pero sé que está en el área rural de memoria si tengo eso en lo correcto, así que espero que todo esté bien para ti, así que bienvenido, hay una vista para mí, para mí, está aquí. espero que me dieron ese derecho como estas por cierto era mi cumpleaños el 14 de felices conjunto cumpleaños de nosotros y de todos en el EP de chat que hay que ir feliz cumpleaños ¿Tuvo una buena sacaste un montón de regalos dicen todos al respecto maca dice que recuerdo que era un lago oh puedo canna bolus y engendrar otra historia de gansos y un ganso se me acercó y mi mamá dijo déjalo en paz, así que lo hice Miré hacia atrás al agua y me mordí la oreja ver gansos Angry Birds que quieren y supongo que Angry Birds deberían saber que sería como el quizás debería ser el pájaro jefe, mi pregunta si son los pájaros más enojados del planeta, el sub-equipo akka juega ahí, ve sub t si no has sub al cuervo X ya le da un sub porque está muy cerca de los cien suscriptores marca, así que un par más, lo siento, no puedo hacerlo. Ya me suscribí. Ahora cada vez que mi papá ve el en el suelo, me preguntó si quería ahuyentarlos y ahora es una broma interna. pero lo curioso es que Ethan tiene ocho años. ¿Sabes que es un niño grande o un joven grande? Debería decir que los mayores pensaron que cualquier pájaro le tendría miedo, excepto tal vez un pájaro grande, ver a Jake, eso sería malo en Barrio Sésamo. Yo no. No veo que no tengo idea de la persona a la que mira mis videos, así que les mostraré eso, solo un recordatorio, chicos , intenten no mencionar demasiado sus canales o videos porque es equivalente a malo, pero lo dejaremos. una vez ahora relajante está aquí hola cómo estás es bueno verte también sub D Mac por favor lee eso ya gracias chicos así que w ¿ Qué obtuviste para tu cumpleaños? SF es bueno ver que todos están hablando entre ellos, nos encanta cuando el chat en vivo se conoce, todos son personas geniales, de verdad, lo extraño, ¿ qué extrañaste? Está tratando de explicar ¿Qué es el pío dorado de allí? Es un estado de ánimo extra o algo así, pero yo llego allí, obtén el extra, tú obtienes el extra, señor , no sé, Peter rompiendo un, sí, sí, hiciste algo bueno allí, hola, hola, hola, hola, gansos canadienses. lejos, donde dice chico jugador, sí, los animales canadienses parecen crecer bastante, hemos tenido sus alces, según él, soy un gran admirador de Survivor man Manny dice que le teme más a los alces en las eliminatorias o al correo que a los alces. pájaro, la hembra, lo que es una hembra, la llamó, hornearon alces, pero sí, son más agresivos que los osos, lo cual da miedo, así que esa es una batalla. La temporada real de Anne está disponible en línea. Oh, ¿qué colocamos la temporada ocho , supongo? he estado discutiendo cómo vamos a seguir adelante sin que nadie r Realmente respondí cuando lo mencioné en el chat antes sobre hacer tal vez una transmisión extra despierto para equilibrar el choque de clanes y las partidas repetidas, por ejemplo, porque nos piden que jueguemos juegos que hemos jugado antes, pero todavía tenemos un montón de juegos nuevos para pasar, así que háganos saber lo que piensa acerca de ese 99 increíble Felix la ¿cómo son bienvenidos a la transmisión? Es posible que ya se hayan ido, oh sí, era como cuando tenía diez años, quiero preparar cuervo ahora Cuervo X Creo que es una idea asombrosa los cuervos son excepcionalmente inteligentes. Conté su historia en la última transmisión, así que tal vez no diré otra en esta a menos que él quisiera volver a escuchar lo inteligentes que son los cuervos, pero son animales extremadamente inteligentes. no hay duda de que casi tengo un cuervo como mascota cuando un asesino de niños estaba aquí, no, solo porque estaba herido, pero terminamos llevándolo al veterinario, no podían volar, así que pensé que lo iba a llevar al veterinario y nunca lo volví a ver, no sé qué le pasó después r que, con suerte, está bien, uno de mis mejores amigos va a venir a por ella durante un año, regresando en 2021, agradable que será increíble, imagina ir a Canadá por un año, lo haría bien, dejarte en el bosque como el La gente de los bosques de Alaska fingió por cierto, y tú también sabes que en un programa de televisión de realidad pretenden ser una especie de gente que vive de la tierra, pero luego se van y se quedan en hoteles. No sé si hay en Filipinas. No estoy seguro fue en referencia a Oh, un saludo a nuestros espectadores de Filipinas, ya que están entre los cinco primeros en el momento en que en realidad están en el puesto dos, así que gracias, deberías decir gracias a los indios, los indonesios, Kazajistán, Rusia, Filipinas, si ¿Dije que ya Indonesia a los australianos no les gusta es inteligente? Oye, muy mal, muy bajo, no los obtenemos y los incluimos en los juegos aquí. Los comentarios aliados comienzan, con suerte, te quedas un poco como si nunca pudieras averiguar si el final del juego realmente puede hablar. Inglés porque no responde m uch o ella rollos de pizza rollos de pizza Oh niños , tuvimos una discusión sobre eso, ¿no? Oh, la pizza del domingo tenemos que discutir que más tarde hay dos diferencias entre Big Bird y yo. Creo que el tomate dice que es más alto, no, ¿sabes? gran apuesta, pensé que era bastante aburrido, bueno, luego dice de nuevo Ethan. Te enseñé a saber, Big Bird, que hay un gran pájaro amarillo en Barrio Sésamo y nosotros, España, yo, señor. snuffleupagus Lo veo hombre todavía Oh Alexander DM 13 aquí cómo estás cómo estás gracias por unirte al hombre misterioso obtener el fin de semana y la semana hasta ahora esto es increíble, estamos viendo muchas caras iguales, echa un vistazo a los canales de los demás si no lo has hecho. Ya casi todos los que se unen tienen canales increíbles. Espera, saliste, ¿qué dijeron sobre los rollos de pizza para mi en problemas? No, solo estaba discutiendo que podríamos comer pizza para almorzar lo que otras personas decían sobre la pizza Rollos y es bueno escuchar que eres bueno Alexander , es un poco desafortunado de vez en cuando, tenemos gente que se une a las transmisiones y no se sienten tan bien, eso pasa bastante, sucedió al azar la semana pasada y no hay rayo, creo. el nombre que uno ve. Conozco al general David, que está enfermo en uno de los arroyos, sí, es que un nuevo día es tan bueno que es domingo para nosotros, si eso es lo que estás preguntando, así que supongo que es un nuevo día, pero ahora es alrededor de la una. a mitad de camino de nuestro nuevo juego, sí, así que siempre si es no es una transmisión de clash of clans, son casi todos juegos nuevos, pero este año vamos a intentar involucrar el chat en vivo y el dlg un poco más jugando en vivo con ellos porque creo que todos realmente disfrutan que nosotros sin duda lo hacemos. pero de alguna manera creo que me debe gustar poner en funcionamiento un sistema de votación, ya sea en la pestaña de la comunidad o en discordia para asegurarnos de que si elegimos uno de esos juegos, la gente estará en línea para jugar con nosotros, de lo contrario, es un desperdicio solo porque tenemos tantos juegos por recorrer y seamos sinceros, mientras más juegos nuevos jugamos, mejor exposición es para el canal y en algún momento es posible que tengamos que pedir algunas sugerencias más porque recibí tres, bastantes, estás diciendo que estoy apestando a Archer. Ya apesta a ti. Ya es KJV. Me encantan los panecillos de pizza. No creo que tenga. ¿Es como una noche de calzone? es un Cal es un yo que es como una pizza al revés si eso es lo que una pizza siempre sí, sé que tendré que hacerlo aclarar que me refiero al juego digo jugar PBG Mabel bro son algunos servidores de minecraft eso es todo lo que hago así que tenemos uno de los juegos de minecraft alineado no es el normal solo porque tienes que pagar por eso pero el otro yo tendrá que comprobar de nuevo tengo la sensación de que es un juego muy fresco muy fresco juego de Minecraft, pero sí hemos pedido jugar que un poco por lo que tendrá que hacerlo en algún momento y sí nos han pedido a jugar PBG de nuevo muchas veces, es uno de los más populares que se solicitan, así que tendremos que hacer eso en algún momento, trenzar, así que él puso ¿ todavía quieres ir a acampar en la pradera en el carro aquí en el al norte y tenga algunos perros de queso con chile, reserve su boleto, ¿se imagina que me encantaría hacerlo porque cuando puede acampar en Australia y grandes espacios abiertos, pero generalmente es en el desierto, no tenemos praderas, sabes que quiero decir nada que remotamente se vería como una pradera es probablemente tierra de cultivo ahora, mientras que tienen estos E estas increíbles colinas onduladas y esas cosas y si tienen el carro chuck, no sé por qué me gusta tanto el carro chuck, es como una casa móvil, el móvil original, podría estar metido en eso de decir que la respuesta es sí y perros de queso con chile ¿Quién no querría que todos se preguntaran bien, tal vez si no te gusta el chile, pero aún así, la edición MCPE o bedrock está rota en este momento si eso es para Minecraft? No, no es que sea ​​algo que sugirió al azar, di ah, me olvidé de hacer eso gritos que me es sólo llevan conmigo y podrían un olvidó por completo para que la discordia mío oh tengo que mirar hacia fuera aquí dijera hecho swell pidiendo la gente sub que esa suposición de que entre decir K por lo que algo estaba pasando allí no sé lo que era sucediendo en eso, el discordante está bien, así que estamos donde estamos, lo siento, después de que la puerta duerma Me voy a Regina mañana, buena suerte con la transmisión, les deseo suerte, gracias por unirse de nuevo, jugador, apreciamos su lealtad, se ha unido a cada transmisión, así que eso es increíble cosa muy pegajosa d night game boy pizza rolls es una pizza pizza rolls es una pizza pop como un helado como un poste helado ahora que no puede ser correcto más aclaraciones necesito puedo llorar me voy del teclado por un minuto está bien Peter, ¿cuál es tu personaje favorito de Angry Birds? Sé que ni siquiera lo sabe, sí, no, nada. Sé que apesta a los pantalones. Me jugaron el Angry Birds original durante un tiempo hace una década. Diré que mi favorito sería el El pájaro más enojado de lo que sea, es decir, es el más conocido, ¿verdad? Conozco los rojos y los azules. Los he visto mucho, ¿qué tal este en el uno y este boom de plataforma plana? Tal vez me guste la bomba, una bomba que explota. Eso suena bien Diría que estamos muy retrasados cuando, ¿qué pasa con todos los demás? ¿Tienen un personaje favorito de pájaros? ¿Realmente pájaros enojados para el dolor infantil? Bueno, Cana es sugerida por alguien suscriptor de MERS, una de las orgías D sugirió no fue uno que se me ocurrió con seguridad y yo Supongo que la otra cosa es extraña, menos miedo a jugar a los juegos que son para una audiencia más joven ahora que hemos sido aprobados porque todavía creo que sabes si YouTube mira nuestro canal y dice que la mayoría de estas cosas no están dirigidas a niños. y el hecho de que los pantalones apestosos lo hayan jugado antes de que ella esté en ¿qué eres un niño apestoso? ¿Me estás diciendo que un bastón? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué pasa? Ethan ayuda a nuestros boomers ahora Me refiero a que la edición de Minecraft Bedrock podría funcionar si estás conectado a Internet no, eso es bueno denegado gracias por hacernos saber que maca no sabía que uno todavía me va a llamar jibley patear tiblet patear rey algodón todavía están recibiendo las menudencias oh sí tenemos que hacer algo con el merchandising tarde o temprano que no uno comprará, es como si nadie, él es súper caluroso, súper calcomanías, pero puedo entender por qué nadie está hecho de dinero, incluyéndonos al azar aquí, ¿cómo estás hola, es decir, dijo que estaba un poco mejor desde la última vez que hablamos? es bueno Ang ry Birds to giblet patea nuestras latas, la gente también nos dice si puedes o no jugar varias veces en este juego porque pensé que vi en algún lugar donde podríamos, sí, no estoy 100% seguro, pero pensé que leí en algún lugar que puedes hacer multijugador en esto solo dejaron su nombre-o League Digo al azar dije que el Angry Birds original ya no está en la App Store realmente uso Nokia son jóvenes en un juego se está quedando él todavía está aquí increíble o nos encanta eso genial para el apoyo ojalá no lo hagamos demasiado cansado, así que ese es el que puede querer arreglar, afortunadamente, para que vuelva el oso enojado original y leí que Pizza roll es una pizza pequeña con costra por fuera con la salsa. y pepperoni en el interior sí, eso es un calzone II y tengo un dicho que pasó oh tienes que ver este sueño de nuevo tienes que avergonzarme, tengo yo diría que no soy un gran fan de kells quiero decir yo Prefiero una pizza normal He comido vacas Amiens ¿Qué es eso de Kel? Quiero decir, ese es el rollo de pizza. en ellos están hablando de que es básicamente una pizza de adentro hacia afuera, todos los ingredientes están en el interior, el pan empanado o la masa en el exterior, lo tengo, sí. Solo descubrí a Kane sobre Angry Birds Star Wars después de configurar la transmisión. Ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que había uno, así que probablemente debería haber jugado a que Dios mío, ¿qué más vale? Bueno, eso va a ser difícil de conseguir hey apestoso el juego se toma en serio, travieso, el hipo ya está comenzando, eso es rápido, el amarillo es Chuck dice que el jefe espera, tengo que dejar de tener hipo.Seth dice que el amarillo es Chuck, el pájaro bomba es Ethan, un desfavorecido, supongo, y el amarillo para Seth, rollos de pizza de esta salsa y pepperoni y queso, sí, eso es oh Dios, lo siento, estoy bastante atrasado en el chat. Me pondré al día. Ok, de nuevo, dice Alexander, es genial tenerte de vuelta. Sí. Lo volveré a poner en un segundo. Y en medio de mi paciencia. Tenía que explicarle. como tú y Kane ya han hablado sobre cómo lidiar con el chat en vivo dice el chat de paso con aleatorio, así que ten paciencia conmigo al azar es boomin que le gusta hackear otros BMS skite alized está aquí cómo estás cómo eres bienvenido a la transmisión cómo ha sido la semana hasta ahora y tu fin de semana tiene algo emocionante sucediendo ¿lo entendiste no o te estás poniendo apestoso frustrado bien no de todos modos creo que deberías probar black desert mobile es un juego Alexandre porque lo escribiré si eso es correcto suena interesante tengo que decir que soy sabio Peter adivina lo que tenía preparado para la cena es que es como si el domingo se tratara de streaming No lo haré, ningún fin de semana se trata de streaming y pizza, ¿no es así? Kane parece que sus pies están bastante listos suena como un puto adivina qué pasó hoy, qué sucede tienes una noche pirateada domina todo el camino, sí, somos grandes fanáticos de Domino's , no sé por qué, pero ahora tienen una buena pizza, es bastante agradable, domina todo el camino. El rollo de pizza es más pequeño, sí. estado / sí hemos estado muy bien gracias Scott miente, ¿qué hay de ti? Ha sido una semana un poco difícil esta semana, supongo, pero sabes que así es la vida, lo superas y sigues con el juego de Seth, nuestro misterio gional Angry Birds y los cerditos malos, alguien me recomendó también cerditos malos y no pude Para obtener una versión adecuada, es otro juego, pero los únicos que encontré parecen estafas, no se parecían a los originales, éter vecino dice por un segundo que pensé que alguien había abierto una cerveza helada a alguien más que es lo que sonaba como Epping está aquí hola a todos, bueno verte también no, bebamos todos una cerveza, espera, eres un poco joven, por eso debo admitir que compré algunas B de adentro hacia afuera porque me estaba poniendo al día con algo de la escuela viejos amigos de la escuela y que han sido sentado en la nevera desde que no lo son no grandes que tenían una cerveza por accidente así porque una vez que se abra el crack que tienes que beber todo lo que se ha perdido dónde has estado que es ella hasn derecha he estado aquí por un par de stre ams nos hemos perdido en GRT Lo siento mucho, chicos, estoy muy atrasado, pero me pondré al día más tarde por un segundo Pensé que alguien y leí que seamos todos un queso, conocemos a Stephanie, la verdad hace unos segundos, no t consigue ese ahí tienes que venir tengo que no me importa la edad que tengas, eso es cierto, oye, al azar, un bastón, he estado ocupado con las vacaciones de verano, los extrañé bien, eso es bueno, háganos saber lo que están haciendo si te sientes cómodo diciendo que ébano siempre tenemos curiosidad por saber lo que la gente pone en Minecraft no funcionó para mí, así que tengo que ir a los archivos del juego y eliminar algunas cosas, así que estás hablando del que tú nos sugirió que no puedo recordar el nombre de porque se llama Minecraft, algo que los derechos no pueden recordar que hay algo, así que tengo que ir. Leí de esa manera al azar, te lo digo , o mi configuración se había ido. ¿Adivina cuál de los mejores jugadores? en CAC se prohibió una de las cuentas. Escuché que muchos de los mejores jugadores han estado haciendo trampa y eso hace sentido porque obtienen una cantidad ridícula de trofeos que parece casi imposible para los jugadores normales con la excepción de ese tipo que escuché que como un genio de coeficiente intelectual que no puede ser derrotado como si solo tuviera tres estrellas todo siempre nunca pierdes, así que eso es un poco diferente, así que sí, no son buenos juegos de trampas para citas , es un juego de hígado severo, ¿qué es el campo de juego nivelado? Cualquier suerte en la PC Street están transmitiendo tan estilizados. Quería hablar contigo nuevamente sobre eso en privado y lamento que haya tomado un tiempo. para que te responda porque, por lo general, después de las transmisiones me tomo un descanso porque es bastante agotador, lo creas o no, ahora con el trabajo de fondo y el trabajo posterior, pero también tengo curiosidad por saber si sabes algo sobre los laboratorios de transmisión porque Sería bueno cambiar a eso en algún momento si podemos, pero eso parece muy complicado, así que en realidad no tengo ningún juego en la PC en el momento en que Sky muere solo para avisarte, pero eso es algo que estaremos viendo. en el futu Ahora, la otra cosa es para el juego en vivo con personas, podríamos estar comenzando a alentar a las personas a unirse a nuestro twitch si pueden porque siempre podemos hacer eso y no es tan estresante como YouTube, como si no importara lo que hagamos en Twitch por el momento y si podemos organizarnos realmente en eso, lo estaríamos haciendo en YouTube, así que háganos saber lo que piensa acerca de eso, es el enlace para unirse a su discordia no me llevará a la aplicación hmmm debería, no estoy seguro de por qué no lo hace si existe el enlace de la descripción porque tendré que verificarlo nuevamente o si alguien más puede hacer clic en él y verificar si no funciona, pero lo configuré para permanentemente abierto, así que no sé qué está pasando allí chico jugador dice que los randoms no funcionan Minecrafts no funcionan en su teléfono tampoco Scylla's k lo estás haciendo Soy demasiado joven para tener barba afuera para ti Estoy tan atrás, de acuerdo Podría leer esto rápidamente porque estoy muy atrasado. Me gustarán algunos comentarios . A qué tengo que responder para que no esté cerca él estás descendiendo siete millas desde el rayo de hielo y te ejecutaré en un instante que nos convierte en instancias submarinas genuinas 23 anuncios de juegos en él también oh bien vale catorce dicen que me prohibieron ir demasiado lejos ok hicieron que todos dejaran de hablar no sé que está bien puedes seguir escribiendo Me estoy poniendo al día estaba en la playa playa increíble siempre está bien cerrada la playa durante las vacaciones escolares que solía hacer que cuando era niño y estaba el lecho de roca del Rey menudillo sí, así que ese es el que no sé acerca de las escuelas aburridas, sí, bueno, tienes que hacerlo , ellos lo hacen, lo hago, envíame un video en snapchat snapchat cock band qué está pasando por qué ser prohibido de todo lo que dije rompiendo bien alguna vez no me gustan las cosas de jailbreak bueno ahora tienen las cervezas en camino, oh, ¿cómo se arregla Minecraft como si dijera que jugar al fútbol es un buen juego para jugar? No lo vería pero me gusta jugar muy bien jugar al fútbol en la escuela un poco un poco, no de manera competitiva, pero solo sabes cuándo durante las clases de educación física y cosas ¿alguien extraña el viejo logotipo de YouTube cuando cambió? Ni siquiera me di cuenta de que vine, ¿realmente probablemente no deberías decir que no deberías estar bebiendo? joven deja de gustarme Quiero decir, seguro que lo soy Matt es ruidoso, sí, lo siento, no podemos hacer nada con los anuncios del juego, gracias por ayudar a macca, ya no funciona, sí, José José Zach. ¿Eres tú ? Revisé mi No sé lo que se dijo allí, así que sí, no anuncies probabilidades, dijo eppley, por favor, cambia a aquí el nombre del perfil una vez más, da las gracias por unirte a la corriente slacks Lee el tuyo Eppley zeppeli sus miembros carecen de él ' Me tomaré un poco de tiempo Dana como si estuvieras en el antiguo YouTube, sí, es cierto, estoy de acuerdo con los cacahuetes. También anuncié en la discordia. Nos vemos, simplemente, no hagas eso si puedes porque se considera un paso en falso. hay FOIA francesa ¿te gusta mi francés? Estoy bien, pero la escuela es un fastidio el tushy solo mira, estudia mucho, está bien, ¿ cómo te conviertes en realidad? Probablemente debería estar bien, solo ten paciencia conmigo. Agregaré ahora, chicos, una cosa que mencionaré ahora, por favor, intenten no pedirnos que obtengamos modificaciones y cosas que eventualmente agregaremos. por voluntad propia, sabes que tenemos suficiente en este momento, pero estoy feliz de agregar un par más cuando mad de mer deja otro mensaje, luego se lo agregaré, sí, probablemente debería agregar un fanático porque ha estado tan leal durante tanto tiempo y él está en el clan, así que tengan paciencia conmigo para que esté hecho, pero tenga en cuenta que no queremos tener demasiados porque entonces no se ve tan bien en el canal ahora keV gaming está aquí gracias por darle me gusta y unirte, ¿cómo has estado? Kevin también tiene un gran canal si no lo has visto, échale un vistazo, con suerte, todavía está aquí si no lo está marcando ahora. Estoy bromeando sobre que todos están bien, de acuerdo. Esa es la que hice No fui a la escuela hasta los 30 sí, eso soy yo, sí, Aziz, gracias por ir a la escuela hasta el 30 puede tener un gran descanso en este momento um, sí, ahora está bien y mientras seas consciente de que la suerte no está bien en mi cabeza no está bien mi mal no está bien la gente aprende con el tiempo todos cometo errores, cometo muchos de ellos, te dije que te fueras, sí, está bien, hombre, él arregla, está bien, me gusta ese nombre correcto, pero con suerte, cuántas personas en el chat, qué es lo que pensé, había cambiado mi foto de perfil, no demasiado. Seguro que sucedió allí. Te lo diré mañana. Bien, gracias . Dime, eso es bueno. ¿Tuviste algo emocionante durante la semana? Kip háganos saber dónde volverá a estar Ethernet mostrando las ubicaciones de SSI. Ya leí eso. cainy phonate es una especie de gorro, así que ya terminaste, así que se lo di, vino porque uno está en el clan en dos años para terminar con cada cadena con bastante lealtad y eso es lo que queremos para los mods, los que realmente se unen y quédate, así que lo ha estado haciendo todo el tiempo, así que creo que se merece que básicamente soy un do G oh Dios. Eppley ciertamente es, de hecho, casi todos en la transmisión en este momento, LGA G robusto. Solo hemos tenido un par de personas nuevas que se unieron. Creo que gracias por unirse a la transmisión. No comienzo. hasta que una cuarta parte de la quinta, así que no tengo que pone aún unas vacaciones más largas ningún otro jugador AG PBG aquí sí hay llegaron puedo decir que es un hecho porque realmente se juega con esta vida suerte por cierto ahora porque acabo de decir que Por favor, no nos lo pida en las transmisiones porque nos pone bajo presión. Mire, agregaremos muchas más personas con el tiempo. Diga que tenga paciencia con nosotros, pero tenemos que tratar de mantener el equilibrio entre los mods y no mods solo para que no parezca que conoces a personas que con nuestras transmisiones no son populares porque conoces las modificaciones de todos porque he visto eso en las transmisiones y di solo ten paciencia, agregaremos personas con el tiempo es lo que estoy diciendo y por favor trate de no pedirnos durante esta corriente sabemos que eres vamos a añadir años Ese es mi punto, jugar PA BGE, hack te ha dicho que tú AG sí, lo fueron hace dos años, es simplemente tranquilo, creo que se refiere a la inquietud, fe que es fin de semana, porque quería a alguien, Irán nos llamaba payaso americano, tengo que tener cuidado cuando leo cosas así, me gustaría hablar más sobre política y temas más importantes con el dlg, pero debes tener mucho cuidado con el clima en estos días en YouTube, sabes quién sabe qué un día podríamos sacrificar una transmisión y simplemente hablar de realmente cosas serias, pero de nuevo YouTube tiene el hábito de monetizarlo todo si se molestan contigo, lo cual no es bueno, hace dos años el lanzamiento, así que no sé para qué es eso, sí, soy un agente general, sí, es que por favor, ha estado cerca. creo que comentó sobre el primer video de los recuerdos que Eppley ha existido desde el principio tomó una captura de pantalla de todas las aplicaciones Nunca soy leal, a quien tienes claro, eso es cadenas de tiempo no leales, se unió tres cuatro veces y es un él. simplemente desaparece el bastón no puede ser eso ellos son del Klan no es una forma de ir y venir perdón por pedir un no, está bien, está bien, te agregaremos con el tiempo, eso es lo que estoy diciendo y es correcto, así que solo agregaré uno más porque hablé para el chico jugador, él entiende que tienes que asumir ese papel de moderador de manera responsable, en otras palabras, él está ahí para ayudar a las transmisiones en vivo, solo que sabes, no prohibir a las personas sin darles un poco de paciencia primero y no esconder los comentarios. de inmediato porque no puedo verlos si haces eso, eso es prácticamente todo lo que pido y sí, solo ten en cuenta que nadie ve esos comentarios a menos que tú los apruebes, oh, esa es la otra cosa que iba a decir jugador que en realidad estás aprobando los comentarios que habría ocultado, estás dejando que los comentarios de alguien que en realidad estamos anunciando su canal pasen, por lo que son el tipo de comentarios de la AMA que quieres ocultar. Realmente me encanta el hecho de que estoy tan atrás en el t he live chat don't get me wrong but I also apologize that I'm so far behind I kept says it's 2:24 am supposed to be asleep we do that too a lot of people wouldn't keep them up late sorry for that now if it solves politic speak no more it's absolutely stupid yeah Australian politics has gone kind of crazy lately the changing of our Prime Minister is just it's so wrong it doesn't make any sense but anyway that's enough of that oh yeah everybody's energy pretty much we're not a big channel yet say there's gonna be a lot more AG's added but anyone that's been loyally joining us in our infant stage we still consider jeez Gaeta follows up say that's none of that's for us I think you are yes simply I think quite correct oh nice one Gallants lay the people of New York City oh do we have anything swing the pop with Pete for what to light as in a giant pig somewhere no I'm talking about new pork city daddy they seen the news that ODEs I'm not gonna read that out loud I've seen you a lot yep that 's true with great power comes great responsibility Ethan 80 years spot-on with that I've reached 100 congratulations there Craig game make a face reveal forehead cry yet do it before us oh yay good night y'all say thanks for staying as long as you did kev seeing is how late it is actually there for him much appreciated hey good night we actually have a few Aziz in the stream so it's not too bad for them ah and is at least two of them there if not more and then the rest are either from the States or elsewhere states Canada thanks to random so yeah he did all of that help there which was good has anyone looked in the comments of a video and say they are watching it from the porcelain right I know for a fact at least one person in the house does this I don't looking at YouTube while you you know ain't doing your business you're number one or you're number two you take your iPad in there I don't she's laughing her head off did say what woody embarrassed is it the gyro not a toilet YouTube watch how can I copy the discord links I can spam it in the chat random will help you with that I'm going to bed sorry that I didn't stay now that's alright I know that our sets got to get up early sorry game the boys gotta get up early but who knows between I think gamer boys safe and a couple of others keep saying are they're gonna go now and they keep coming back so we'll wait and see with that come back or not and yes sweet dreams to everyone that he's going to bed at the moment I'm going that's alright good game boy good night I take my iPad to the toilet and I'm usually you met for a while see what ever happened to reading on the toilet I used to do that you have a book I used to have like a bookshelf in there in some places I stayed in the toilet yes so you can easily pick up a book and start reading and off you go I'd say yeah random if he can help Kane that would be good hey everyone can you call Peter boomer I told him something that he is now a cake with it I guess I've alw ays been okay with that ain't mine they're the cheekiness of it but what I don't like with what the younger Asians are doing is trying to read define words that's they they're doing it all the time now that I'm not going to say too much about the old transgender movement stuff but they're trying to reword stuff and I don't really approve of that either just because you know the language is language invent a new word if you're going to do that try and read to find an old one there you go there's my little rant do some studies say yep study comes first so please say make sure you do study hard just say they're off but they might be back who knows thanks for joining it's been in there for a while can you expand the discord so it's up to you if you wanted to do it game boy what are you waiting for okay so that's fine actually I'm gonna watch this change gamer keeps saying he's going to bet he'll still stick around we'll try to entertain him some more maybe we should be telling some bedtime stories what do you think I mean a scary once though it'll keep him up all night have you seen the guys this season on Star Wars the Mandalorian the two troopers were punching baby oh no I didn't know that I did watch the Ricky Gervais Golden Globes speech today that was hilarious they made mention of a baby Gator there I read on the bus and everyone asks how do I do it because apparently they get motion sickness yeah I'm the same maka I get motion sickness but stink pants doesn't oh yeah but you can read for a while before that happens I'm in the car yeah I can do it in the train yeah but I can do it in a train tram yeah not tram not bus not a car yeah same say it's good if you've got that ability cuz most people dying may tend to get sick either quickly or after a while say Oh remember I said with age comes we them remember that say you like the true streamers call says set thank you if you've got any tips for stinky let her in a bit and she looks like she's doing quite well there I 've got some all the Jake's pasted it here is stolen from my discord what that random stole from me this is me usually do I do homework or do I've watched more videos do homework is the answer I stayed up until 2:00 am whoa that's early I mean late early in the morning or very late at night when a year of Pizza joke Pizza joke yeah that's too cheesy I never mind I'm still construction jakey keep telling the same jokes there I was thinking of putting a chicken cross the road Jake is the the comment for this stream we'll see how it goes you a keyboard because you're my type that's great I'm so over you I'm leaving you for your best friend weekend dear week I'm so over you I'm leaving more for your best friend weekend don't try to find this for at least two days that's what stink pants had say to me right off you gave in I park in the father a spot possible at the gym for the added benefit of eating my Chris Chris sandwich without being judged by people walking by did you hear the guy he got hit where they had hit in the head with a can of soda he was lucky it was a soft drink it's hard to get a laugh out of stink pants that's that's for damn sure the only reason they can't read on the buses because they're all casuals techno blade 2090 2019 I don't know what Technic ladies what's that what has many keys but doesn't open any doors have you hooked G's for Hennings got the Jake's coming like crazy at the moment you ever made fun of someone so much you think you should thank them for all the good times we've had yes uh yeah Lisa no I'm Delia why do scientists install a knocker on his door he wanted to win the Nobel Prize NACA no betting pants why did he theta cross the road sake he kicked some kids giblets that was Keynes that's an original one I like that one legends name diam Canaan no giblets kicking from you thank you yes came wider random across the road because he wants to get his computer and start hacking Kane's got some original stuff coming now techno blades may God did the best minecraft to achiever okay there you go there's quite a few dedicated minecraft achievers are me but he said that I mean can't buy happiness you only need to know the right places last true to you know to a degree my tech nobody's looking yeah I read that did you ever get the chance to walk into Steven Hawkings to house well neither did he shouldn't be laughing at that well come on he doesn't mind the old wheelchair jokes I'm sure you well aware of them you'd be doing we at least left right and center you like that one sting silence again she says and finally I've actually caught up with all of the chat which is great sting pants no comment alright so where do we go from here this is the question what are the plans what are we going to do for the future yep Oh matter how old channels here hello how are you thank you for joining the stream it's a pleasure to see you here how's weekend Ben and do you play Angry Birds to you we don't know if we've got that many I don't c an't remember who actually suggested the game but it was it was that it's the least say someone did sometimes I can earn me my remembered if he that kind is suggested that's for sure what does Santa when he says what does Santa say when he's sick I owe no stinking I'm not gonna read that one out because that's that one might get me into trouble la white Chicago welcome to the stream how are you it's good to see you again a little spicy but you know we do meet a lot of people and so sometimes it can be hard to remember everyone but yes I do say thank you and if you haven't checked out White's channel please check it out I'm trying to remember what's on it because what I think I've been there for a little while apologies for that we've just been very busy was it a good joke baby I'm gonna have to read it again hang on soon yes now see here's the thing with those type of jokes I don't mind them and I don't think it's a big problem because when I was a kid we used to make jokes about that particular subjects but the world's gone very sensitive lately that that seems you know and we've been accused of that online which is absolutely ridiculous and people take it seriously whereas I think well it's not that big of a deal but I am from the older generation we didn't take things as seriously as people do now plus Aussies you know that market we don't take things that seriously I say thank you that's all right Holly that's fine now a pewter to send people your way if we can what we do that in every stream anyway because the good thing about joining our streams is if you get to know the other people they're all great they're all very supportive they help each other out we help them out they help us out say what that's what we're trying to build here a bit of a stronger community and on that note I do also have to apologize that now that we're being monetized it sort of had a bit of a negative effect our view suddenly dropped quite a bit and all of our statistics dropped quite a bit and so that means that we now kind of have to work even harder to to grow the channel and so if we haven't been visiting it's not because we don't want to but what we're trying to move towards has actually helped people by having them join the stream and then we can promote them that way which is much more effective than just visiting your chat say just be aware guys that that is the direction that we're heading it's not that we don't want to support you it's just that we want to try and support you in a different way that's hopefully more helpful ok so that's that one what are you waiting for join the thing behind in the chat sorry I just got a bit of catching up today read that one already yeah I agree mah carrots it's this all this political correctness has just gone a little bit too far personally I think that it's creating so much sensitivity in the modern world that it's inhibiting that's my view that if you'd stop people from having a discourse if people aren't able to co mmunicate their views good right bad ugly whatever then that actually makes us go backwards as a society you should be able to talk freely about anything but in anyway we'll see what happens in the future me yeah there's another round knock knock stinky yeah you're supposed to say who's there you're supposed to say thank you you're welcome bro I need to save your life one day yeah well hopefully we may never be in that situation but happy for you to do it should it happen ever since I took it geometry at school my life has turned 360 degrees I like that one smart jokes are good I don't have a computer or laptop joke's on you join the discord well why what really we should the dinner I was cooking for my family was going to be a surprise but the fire trucks ruined it I like that one too doc knock he's there cow cow who know cow says Moo are they're doing well at the moment and yeah you don't but I did it he matters not whether you win or lose what matters is whether I win all these yeah that's true too I've got to go out you guys have a wonderful day take that one with a grain of salt from Seth because he comes and goes as well but thank you for staying as long as you did as always you cannot play with me unless you blow me balloon oh yeah that makes sense joined a discord thanks for doing that wipe the discord is great to join because you do end up meeting some awesome people in there and it's a good way to get some help as well Gaming Plus is here again hello game in thank you for joining and liking the video I mentioned last time gaming has got an awesome gaming channel as well I had sorry I haven't been there for a little while I'll just sorry and for repeating myself but we're heading in a slightly different direction gaming where we're going to try and support you via the streams so when you join advertise a channel for you try and send some subs and people that way because we're visiting channels less and less now it's not because we don't want to we just have less time to do it so just be aware of that but we will keep helping you via the streams isn't it great to live in the 21st century we're deleting history has become more important than making it this is kind of true to that cultures through that and that looks like we're trying to do it as well if mummies are from Egypt than where daddy's come from Australia kiss Uzi daddy a lot wanna know why enemies a hacker cuz he's a menace to society he's a like having a go at each other but keep it friendly you guys which they do you then is mucking around knock-knock stinky why he's supposed to say who's there and yes but that's how you answer a knock-knock joke honey babe now you meant to say honey bee whoo honey be a dear and go and get that for me please honey be a dear and go and get that for me please in other words my pizza bid Oh later ahead my next comment and that's good warning welcome friends I realized how great the latency is like 40 years no offense ah say we've been setting it t o low latency for the past few streams as opposed to ultra-low latency because it looks like it's the best fit but is it lagging that much just let us know if we need to change a setting for other streams why are women like hang on no yeah you said don't read this out loud no my goodness Macker gee thanks for the warning on that one did you see my keys to make that's terrible knock knock is there snow snow who snow use the Jake is Aviva I understand friend awesome gaming I'm glad you do because we don't want to lose support that way but hopefully you've noticed that you did pick up some subs from the last stream and you might pick up more from this one and I have noticed that when we do this when I have visited channels that I see all the our dlg are there you know they're all leaving comments before I get the chance to say it's good to see women spend more time wondering what men are thinking than men spend thinking oh these are getting into the sexist jokes now keep the jokes coming says Kane hold on Thomas send 500 dollars no one's used this super chat yet or the emojis I do want to see if they actually work one day but can't expect down at the moment it looks like it's a younger the younger crowd we do get adults join us every stream as well but these guys are probably working too hard for their pocket money to want to give it there to us which is fair enough I wouldn't ask you for it I have I don't know I have no idea they'd are getting 500 bucks I don't know that we will have you know $1 B just to test it would be all right if you can't afford that oh sorry I just spat on stink pants say it don't spray it says stinky can we take five minutes and take stink pants how knock-knock joke works should we stinky pants he should know did you ask parents why I don't have my money yeah most of the people in their stream of breakouts is here as soon as they get any pocket money they spend it yeah it was a bit he warned me like don't read that out loud so I didn't hate wh en I'm about to hug someone really beautiful in my face hits the mirror that's a great one but you'd have to steal that one bucket I hate it when I get a hug someone really beautiful and then my face hits the mirror no response from the stinky what are you doing there this bad boy my goodness she's doing it in game research and yeah boniato have to agree with that try to keep away from the sexist jokes Santa what guys I Santa walking backwards guys think yeah that's thanks for that kinda preciate that these surpass okay I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon surpassing PewDiePie they just want it so they get the face review just giving you a heads up James Lane leanness is when you get an email but it's from the music observer I get a lot of spam emails Wi-Fi went down during family dinner tonight one kid started talking and I don't know who he was oh that's scary yeah I don't think ebony said anything good or bad I was pretty much just asking people to be respectful I don't ha ve problem with that and there you go our soundtrack that's one of the shorter ones so I'm gonna have to do it a new soundtrack saying I think mmm and it's been quite some time queue it up again and there we go and then back to gee boss if this mouse will work okay say he's gonna go well thanks for staying as long as you did white cicada much appreciated I'm gonna be well I'll leave that up to you but to try and keep them you know not too bad because we do want to keep the channel family-friendly as much as possible what do you call a fish with no eyes a fish actually I don't get that one explanation for that one a fish shout-out to a scary 909 your cat and thank you and I'm a they are first time I heard who died said sexist not sexiest his head I can't pronounce any words so that yeah well I've got to be careful when maca pays stuff the last airline I flee changed for everything for the bad service that was free I wonder or Geo's about to name an airline there that I've been not doing that why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil because it's pointless what does a baby computer call its father yeah that's what the baby computer cause he's far back I'd say that's good Macca yeah I don't know what was thanks came wih fine yeah why Mac I was talking to Omega he said some well he's usually pretty good and say I'm not too sure again I didn't even get to see that comment Oh sape legends here hello how are you good to see you as well and everybody's got the water ah we're gonna have to do that T spring stuff stinky you don't have long get a couple of those guys oh gee I'm hiccuping for the second top what is with the cups just from talking it's crazy yeah why do you call a fish with no eyes a fish two fish don't pronounce and the eye says fish ah right so I get it now what do you call a fish with no eyes fish because you don't pronounce the eye that sounds like a New Zealander pronouncing fish fuckin chops that's how they pronounce fish and chips so have you been safe it's good to see you again Wow all the do G AG's we love them we love them hopefully they'll stick around when they're adults they might outgrow us they might have known what we do have that old deal jeez see maybe that's not the case what I'm not gonna read that one out loud I don't think not season three yes thank you for that soap I noticed I think you left a comment on on the channel I haven't responded yet I'll get around to that in a moment say thanks for letting us know I didn't even know they had different seasons say you know maybe it's worthwhile doing that Derek and when a new season comes out play the game again not to Cain don't I don't even know what what happened there cuz again I didn't even get to see to that comment but I can see why it's pretty good he's always been pleasant to us or she I'm not too sure if it's a to be honest where does the general keep his armies any slave ease now what you want brah maybe don't kiss in the chat please yeah what we do ask that you don't do that think you don't swear in the chat but other than that don't really mind songs it's family friendly conversations that's all we ask isn't it we don't ask for too much I don't think we're too getting we're we're too harsh too too strict yeah I can smell myself to at the moment Oh live chat scissors no one in it and yet quite clearly they are cuz they keep talking but I've got zero watching stop good where did everybody go now there's still there how does the speed go into battle how does a sweep go into battle wait yeah more octopus I guess you can say the same thing no it's a friend squid squid different how many tentacles - they have eight you look counted that's why I'm so how does a squeak go into battle well-armed well-armed ah stinky one day we're gonna get a laugh out of it my Jake's family well that's questionable where'd you find a cow with no legs where do you find a cow with no legs stinky right where you left it my legs Oh stinky I like it oh yes pg13 please do I even not any what the rating is for general audience general audience rating thanks 8 says soap say the yay and what's all of the doj got plans for the next couple of weeks is there anything exciting happening you got any stories to regardless oh yeah I do after I was going to say the other Angry Birds magpie story I remember now there's a place so staying you know have a damag plays they bring around their little baby Magpies and you see them you know what a baby magpie looks like right it's sort of gray and white are gray and black not white and black so every season the parents will bring around the babies show them out eat and things like that and they often taught him how to eat yeah oh you know how to catch things and dig up bugs and that sort of stuff and they bring them new humans as well because a lot of humans feed them like me they say you shouldn't but I don't have a problem with it it gives them something to eat anyway when the baby magpie gets older then the parents wi ll chase them away so I was feeding these baby magpie for a few weeks and that it actually sit on me while I feed it like it got very friendly and then that time came where the parents will I get to you old now you gotta move on and so I was feeding these baby and the mother came out from nowhere and just swiped right in front of my eyes like about this far away just letting me know hey I can poke your eyes and I'm not gonna do it don't feed me kid anymore angry birds all over the place that's my Angry Birds story number 10 pg-13 why aren't koalas actual bears because they don't meet the qualifications qualifications you get that I got it stinky nothing no response at the moment nice nice such thing as koala bears only drop bears that's such an Australian joke no one gets it unless you're an Australian that has seen the ad no one understands what that means but dry see you don't know what a drop bear is either there is it was a joke in an Abbott but it was very funny yeah it was like o kay they've got to be wary of the drop bears so we know what it means the Jake really is there are no drop bears you say you're gonna be wary the drop is what a drop is because people are afraid of Australia they really are they think that it's such a dangerous country which in a way it is but you know as long as you're sensible you're not gonna don't walk in tall grass during the breeding season of snakes G don't walk in tall grass period I mean that's just silly and if a spider looks dangerous it probably is don't touch it there's quite a few things like that you called so kids what does a chicken I know I better not read that if he says don't read that eggs unfinished what's a what's a foot long and slippery a sleeper it's a foot long minute slippery piece I if you can get a response like ah at least you nice think he got the Jake chickens give you eggs I do he says have any I'm not sure what that was in reference to I'm not gonna read that one out loud huh see what's up with all th e Jake's they they love telling me Jake soap and let's face it when I read them out loud then it helps with the subtitles so if someone's you know foreign language at least hopefully they they can get the jokes as opposed to stink pants so it's keeps it keeps it entertaining and keeps the chat flowing I guess come forth and began that eternal life 1,500 space stuff so again I gotta be a little bit careful even about a religion YouTube's a sensitive these days my friend thinks he's smart and told annoying on its macro I better read it first look at that Mackie you've ruined ruined yourself get a sense every comment before I read it out loud that's alright friend things he's smart and he told me that only an onion makes you cry is the only food so through coconut at him yeah I had heard that takes somewhere before I don't that's all right euro Milo I'm too I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather did not screaming in terror like the passengers in car my response from stin ky yet again seems to happen a lot with you all the sting coughs pan sauce I mean hain't going in the game there I haven't really been checking you out it's getting harder is it but you're the master you're the master girl gamer at the moment you actually get quite a few compliments in the chat saying how good of a gamer you are did you know that no they say she's safe this is the first time she's played she's pretty awesome I said I was actually speed up playing that part of the game yep I'll take credit where credit's not dude I'll just take credit what is the tool next to the icon name say that's a moderator status soap we will add you at some point as well but we actually have more than enough mods at the moment so we do have to keep it kind of balanced because basically song is kanan random in particular they've turned up to every single stream for probably over a year now you know as long as you've got one on two and we will we'll we'll add people as time goes on but just be pati ent with that please don't ask us in the live chats to do it because it puts us under pressure but we will add people over time pretty much everyone that's been in the stream today will be added at some point isn't it steam yeah we gave Mac is gonna do another one trying keep it family-friendly Mac up I told my physical therapists that I break my arms in two places he told me to stop going to those places I told my therapist I break my arm in two places and that therapist said we'll stop going to those places you imagine doing stand-up comedy when with an audience full of stink dancers be nothing but silence and crickets crickets and silence this is what we get wait what is Maude so it gives them the ability to do things yeah as Ethan ADA said it makes sure that the chats behaving they can actually remove or delete comments they can put people in timeout and in the worst very well sate case scenario which I ask people don't do you can even ban people from from the channel I would respe ctfully ask that you just let me make that decision rather than make it for us because I really I've been quite a few people but that was during all of that period of unrest shall we say and I told stink pants the other day I actually checked on it I've been seven channels that have got our channel name in our icon I didn't think it was that many but there you go so there you know if they're doing something seriously wrong but again leave that up to us say I can binge people say yeah so just be wary it'll happen one day for everyone just be patient with it and it does turn out that I've got to sort of get to really know you and trust you like I do with Kanan and random and ether NATO because I did give mod someone more recently and they they did some stuff that had not their fault they didn't know but it wasn't very helpful so I temporarily removed it just so I could talk to them about it but David I'm you know he's got to learn I have a time how it all works and I guess it's the same in the discordant look I have no control over that that's more the people like random that's in there that takes care of it I don't really have much to do with that in terms of making sure that one runs smoothly who don't can I instant ban people who impersonate you well again if it happens I would rather see what's going on first so don't if that happens what I'll ask you the mods is number one don't hide the comments straight away because again I don't get to see them if you hide them and it's not like anyone else concede that see them until a decision is made because I do want to see what's going on and I do need to keep tabs on it because just there are this is the other thing that I probably should have announced at the start of the stream one of the dlg I'm questioning just a little bit you know a little bit whether they're they're doing the right thing or not it's hard to tell I don't want to say too much about it but they have let us know that there's they've received some bad comments again and we thought all of that had stopped ages ago but he had said that it was only three weeks ago so maybe they are still active and now that we're in I wasn't even going to mention this in the stream but I did notice that we lost but these subs and anyone that knows get affected by it latest messages otherwise we would have had no clue that is happening so yeah please let us know if it does what do you call a bee that can't make up its mind what do you call a bee that can't make up its mind and maybe maybe Oh stinky I liked it okay now I've got to read this one first yep I'm not gonna read that one out loud all of them I'll Anthes all in my life was even more useless than it is now a via the new restaurant called Karma there's no menu you get what you deserve let's go to Karma I'd go there I'd like to see what they serve up stink pants I like that Jake our most common lies ever told I didn't do it I'm fine I have read over it read and agreed to the terms and agreements a ll very true why we should do did raid Tim's and conditions I'm never dating I won't let you play anymore really oh all right time then if you guys want to switch games to one where you want to join us in it do a vote now in the live chat cuz she's gotta wait 20 something minutes before she can play again you can't do anything ah that's a good decides inmates made you growled at the young soldier I don't see you at camouflage training this morning the soldier said thank you very much sir the only terms of service are red wizard discord ones what's the score I thought you were in discord already site where are you ready Mei discord if not can someone provide him my the link okay why I thought he was in thought he was a light travels faster than sound this is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak you like that one light travels faster than the sound that's why some people look as look bright until they speak brighten is another word for intelligent they look yeah smart bright until they speak I'm looking at you stink pads now you're the smartest woman I've ever met message sight for game is is it nap yeah send him a link if you can oh yeah of course he can are say we encourage people to join the the discord so I think someone just sent your link there so just do that what do you call the wife of a hippie a Mississippi I think these are great jokes and I just can barely crack a smile fruit from you half the time yes we've got our own server for that say join that yes it's a nap it's in your app it's an Xbox in the description there you go sit up Peter I'm gonna have a late lunch might not come back though thank you for staying as long as you did Mac and much appreciated enjoy your lunch everything says yeesh she's been very quiet in this stream she being there just listening to everything that's going on Cod mobile identity 5 identity 5 PE BG or are you guys are gonna have to tell he devotes at this point they came act made me said it identity via fiv e now I'm going identity for you ever came that's just one person repeatedly okay thanks I was addicted to say now I'm clean what does she like maybe I can tell jokes about that yeah well that's true let us know everything see what did we end up with PE BG identity five and cod mobile but it was one vote each but Maki you're saying you're going say that's probably means not not PE BG cuz if you're your game then more picky game where people are actually playing okay that's two votes identity five random we're not playing minecraft yet its identity five I guess tink night it is in there what did I put it on that one honey the skin say identity fire he said yeah that's daylight I didn't delete it granny Mar their identity fine all right we're in no they're all saying I dare maybe five and I think random saying it with a Thank You Garrett we're in we're in we're doing the identity five votes being drawn ie thermate is too late with the brawl stars yeah you can play with this that's the th e whole point therefore to have you guys in the live stream actually players stinky Oh Ronald Philly cheese here how are you how are you and he's also saying identity five say we're doing it I get you games loaded up get ready to join us you'll have to wreck can you remember how to do it the joining other people cuz I can't so we might need a little bit of help getting the group going seeing his stink pants can't remember and I can't remember I say randoms now trying this to manipulate the voting system by using all these fake accounts to vote for one game Pat we did get a clear even despite that we got the identity 5 as the number one winner and that will satiate Kane as well because he's been asking for it for weeks alright so we're just kind of waiting now for some instructions on how to get you guys into the the what do you call it like live gaming we're joining the game I'll send you my ID so you can friend me says came so we'll wait for that and I think someone else said they wan ted to play with us say yeah anyone that wants to play with us now get get yourselves ready and it's a fun game Evan he said well we've got roblox lined up as well but that one's it's another vertical game on the phone so we've been trying to avoid them that one there's a few really popular games that I do have downloaded that we might queue up yeah because we probably should should get through those games at some point play this game alright Oh created the count can you send the link again please say can you please do that I guess random is when I've got this page open it doesn't actually show me the description in it well I suppose I can do it this way hopefully someone's on Iran has done it Thank You Adam much appreciated um it is on the mobile layer random from what I saw because I've opened it a couple of times and it keeps coming up as a vertical screen but they bear in mind that we don't go past the first screen so I don't know if it changes after that but at least the initial s creen is certainly vertical but clarify that for me if you you can it's like cotton a ball P okay we'll have to check again oh it's just the logon screen well maybe that's the the next game that we'll play and we'll definitely need some help with that because my understanding is roblox is such a huge game you can do anything with it you can create your own roblox game if that makes sense so thanks for clarifying that too random so awesome so soaps in there as well I'll check out the the discord after the livestream maybe say a quick hello and we're still waiting on who came whose joy let us know he's joining us first so then we can work out when we're gonna play because at the moment stink pants is just waiting which doesn't look very entertaining on ye olde screen stink pants is in clash of clans yes you can certainly play roblox with us we might even make that the next stream if it's not a vertical game because I know I've been putting that on the back burner for a bit and we do get requested to play it a lot so it's one of the more popular ones say heads or maybe I've just done a spoiler alert for the next stream soap legend did you just make your account so you have to wait I think 10 minutes so before you can chat in the discord and I randomly clarify all of that and kind still waiting on you and anyone else but Caine's got his ID now so it's eight nine zero its mating for stinky din to get in there addfriend I think they should be like an ad friend function somewhere yeah eight nine zero eight two three one yeah does anyone else want to join give us your IDs now or we'll start just with Kane says you're not found there came eight nine zero eight two three one two three one that's money gave I couldn't find it came you've gone invisible the invisible Kane they call him now say double check your ID there and hopefully you got a runaway in the old people that's what I remember wait I think I said it wrong hold up time you are holding us up and they say the only o ne that's joining I thought there was someone else it said they wanted to play as well bet just lettuce knife waiting on Kane we're waiting on Kane he's got a gotta learn at some point livestreams got to be quick okay he's ready again and he's given a different number eight nine zero eight two eight one three Wow not found Cain what's going on every knees giving me one as well say try her first it's a shorter number as well one eight nine one zero play enough our wine yummy is the problem is stink pants doing something wrong me cuz she can't find anyone at the moment now Aventine I came and I thought we added friends in the last one alright so not sure what's going on there whether you guys are giving us the wrong numbers or she's entering them not entering in correctly but this you have that like a hash tag or something is it something missing there are Kane's giving his name now so it's a visi car I don't know if it's case sensitive so capital VI said okay not fair I'm going to is sh e going into their own place you should be looking for having friends somewhere she's trying to work out if you can look at the screen while she's doing it is she pressing the right stock look do you be getting nowhere at the moment let me check again says time and Evan he's checking as well we've been sitting in his for what 10 minutes or so we haven't gotten anywhere yet or maybe they can add you if that helps to 5 to 0 8 5 6 for these funds called identity fide site because we couldn't keep playing Angry Birds because it put stinky and a timeout I guess so yeah so there is a vote to say play this game are going to the United States server says Kane yeah remember that about the different servers equation tour time before yeah Ethan 8 is saying you have to be in the right server so we all have to be in the American one I guess y'all gotta go there that goes for you too every you'll have to join the United States server how do you join the server I'm glad they're being so patient with this because we haven't even actually started playing yet and then maybe someone join us have you found it do you want the magnifying glass say Ethernet or a kami can you tell us how to get to that server not now cane Sam you're going to the Aussie server I don't even know what server I'm joy yeah we need to know you how to do that somebody know why take a ask the senton thank you for pressing the like how are you I think this may be the first time you've joined a stream it does take me a little while to get to know the names apologies for that but yeah c'est la to take everyone check out the channel if you haven't already well I have but it's probably been in a while and just bear in mind that we'll try and help you through the stream by giving your channel a little bit of a plug their date is setting says came is this a horror game mr. glitzy man's here yeah this is identity Phibes say we started playing Angry Birds - but can't actually do anything in the game because it's basically stopped stink pants from raiding or attacking or whatever it is so we're just finishing up the stream by trying to do a some live gaming with people in the chat so we're just waiting for that to actually happen but stinky can't even figure out which service she's in at the moment there's nothing that says what's ago we've already posted it there I'll do it again Thank You French now that's not a problem my you'll you'll learn over time tegu if you join and stay in the streams you'll you'll end up getting a bit of support from your channel from all of the lovely deal do G's that are actually in this stream can forget about talking to people in the chat you got to try and sort this out about how we get into the right server when you log in it should say what server also you will lose your progress or we haven't ah you'll lose your progress in the game if we switch servers I'd say yet a little bit of progress didn't you stinking with me play guess so I don't even know obey oh yeah that's a good point as well that you didn't while yet to login with Facebook or something was it to keep the progress going an ebony is completely gone soda and I mean she's probably still in the stream man can we play brawl stars together instead we might have to because this is taking way too long okay that's it seriously we've been sitting here for about 20 minutes not doing anything so we might have to switch to brawl stars or another game unless you can get a put a put a bee in your bonnet hurry up Cain hurry up there he used to say that the hurry oh no that's an Australian thing as well uh seven he says I don't know what's happening her game is glitching so she might not be able to get him and yeah we might have to change the brawl stars and you just taking way too long to get this sorted say we tried you can't tell tell us that we didn't try but you know you're on the clock yeah you probably got the code wrong says so but I think we got our code right became definitely got his code wrong because he gave us three different codes and everything gave the code that had different set of numbers data brawl stars that's it you had your chance came what roll stars what are you blind me there's no proof that I did that alright so anyone that plays brawl stars get yourselves organized now are you gonna turn on the game all really just pictures it's too light sorry we're slowly getting thank you much appreciated oh thank you stink she's in a mood tonight I've got another Angry Birds story she's sitting right next to me badger Angry Bird she's just bear with us press sign button swipe up or what booty yeah it's like what if you all my stared looks like we're doing the final touch give me a little bit of an advance all right good stuff now oh now we're waiting for people to head to joy now we haven't received any IDs along please s ee if you can find a friend request while you're there found it already okay say again we're just waiting on you guys all the stinking think he's happily waiting at the moment aren't you show us your ID well I asked before where where do you find the ID you know unanswered whose stink is that it is that I think that's what you're after it's the same as the other one who's an obscene and then does a friend request pop up do you see like a red thing a space issue let's go guys show us the ID show us the i-beam stink pants you are under it yeah the green Fonuts and mumbles what is it I have to type it in okay it's there good old stink a knotless train ok telling you that you don't listen do you think whatever you want to afterwards I'll buy your pizza and I'll put what do you like on your pizza I'll put it on there I'll make it myself what garlic yeah you like garlic on a pizza there me any things that I'd actually added that would be probably fresh tomato and garlic the rest of the ingre dients are already there waiting guys still waiting that's like it I feel like a teacher during the lunch break at school come on kids back to class come on stinky oh you are tired honest doo dodoo dodoo the the chatters and phrasing on the air and this I say is the reason why we don't do repeat games they can't get organized quick enough but I have actually done that in the discord as well like I say in the discord if you want us to do a repaid game let us know now that we can get organized and then no one responds so it does make it difficult looks like i'll ever since the streamers tossed us cane you were the one that suggested to play this game at the the very first time so ethan 8 is saying that the air ids been sent and mr. glitzy manny you're getting there quick or we'll just start a game without mr. glitz man he's taking too long you're getting there and start playing with what hang on no you got that thing you have to start a thing with him oh there you go nice one hey he's gonna carry you you'll be fine like from scratch pretty showing anything so it didn't keep the progress I think well you might be right Kane it could have been someone else but I thought I'm not talking about today like I'm talking about when we first yes well yeah that that's like clash of clans it'll let you store it in the thing well misty glutes a man who's just a tad too late all right one one round here mister glitzy man and then mullah Abdul you for the next long I think he won't carry us guys as well good we love it wouldn't me get the live stream carrying us I'd say just hide behind them and you'll be fine next one mr. glitzy man as soon as this one's over we'll we'll add you to the next one and you'll see some treat champions play I reckon whatever though I don't know what the highest ladies here like legends leg you'll see some legends play in a moment are you're already saying one legend plate and that's not you stinky I'm talking him down good all day the night off but I gotta say you are a bit of a legend he played that game very very well the first time I watched isn't it yeah you remember yeah I'm stuff and then you've got that bonus shooting then does the circle when it goes round and then lights up and use it and that does even more explosions and in this one you're supposed to pick up generous I'm though so many time I yeah well stick hanging back and be like yes cuz your product he's probably very very powerful compared to you which means everyone else is gonna be very very powerful except for you is your which annoys me I actually played this game a little bit after the first stream and y ou know you've got a few characters and levels and not and then when you switch the Sims over I lost it all of it I can't believe you can't message supercell no more at the CS oh really I didn't know that either because are you sure that you can't send them a support thing cuz I did it not that long ago there's maybe about three weeks ago I think I sent them a message they do make it hard to find face if you don't know where to look it can be a little bit hard to find the the direct message for support say yeah and I guess they're not talking about global they're talking about actually contacting supercell which I think you should have in every game yes you're adding mr. glitz man are you ready yeah VGCV see why G why it's an automated bot that deals with it now artsy's they just Parkinson's supercell got sold they they kind of went downhill um well here right I don't know for certain I just read somewhere that supercell was sold to a Chinese company and they're from Finland originally because MI told you one of the one of our clan mates actually lives just up the road from the original supercell ona say I guess he would know it's automated it's weird hair behind the streamys imagine being able to contact super selling games like PE BG yeah that's right you could actually contact them in the big games say who's trying to join mr. glitzy man say it looks like you either haven't accepted yet I've added my our ID there as well so if you want to do it that way yes supercell I'm very again disappointed in myself that random suggested to play rush Wars and you know I had full intention to play it and then the weekends that we were going to do it they actually removed it that day which was unfortunate because it's good day if we can it's good to get games that are no longer available and don't know what's going on with you mr. glitzy man but we've sent our ID twice we've tried dad you it hasn't been accepted so again I guess gonna have to wait say we're in you're gonna be digi we know awesome our wrong ID Peter that's the last game ID farty yeah you're right sorry I didn't didn't type that one we had it on the screen for quite some time so just bear with us while we get through this and I'll try again this is why honestly I think when we do live streams with people gaming in the live stream you've got to get organized beforehand because we can't sort of waste too much time just sitting around doing nothing it's probably not a good look for the replay more than anything else so we'll get through this one and hopefully Ethernet will carry us we'll get mr. glitzy man in the next one so just type your your ID there again mr. glitzy man I'll type ours as well accept it if it's there as an invite because apparently stink pantsed it's in the the invite but there is no acceptance and no acceptance speech I'd like to thank the Academy and parents for making this possible my manager see how I did that I can what's your favorite game clash of clans hands down it's the only one we play regularly oh no guys I got a story our gaming plus is still there I got a story about the last time that I forgot to tell everyone what was the last string game last day on it as soon as the stream finished stink pants stole my phone and then she played the game for days almost non-stop to the point where I had to ask for my phone back and so then she installed it on her phone and played it for days non-stop and then she deleted it she's like I can't it's too addictive well I'll just keep playing it so that last one is a very addictive game we haven't got a couple of comments saying this is a game that I could get addicted to you sa y fair warning stead that one gets a stink pants stamp of approval government all right now can you read it out to me so I can write it there I think that's right stinky you say stubborn cheese when it comes to gaming she can be persistent like if she likes the game she only ever did that with one other one really was never I don't know you've actually done it a couple of times we've played a little bit afterwards yeah but not Hayes not like that one yeah that one's another one that you got you know enjoyed that one she likes the survival games stink pants move around when you shoot and also tap the shoot button for auto aim yeah I didn't know you could do that I've got mr. glitzy man's there again if you've wanted to try okay say VG you they see why gee why already saved ah the video is buffering at the moment it's that slide nothing have actually got that message before sorry about these guys I don't know why it's buffering and sang the output slave but we've set everything up the way we always DC I'm not sure why that's happening oh we've got a moon is that right my goodness you getting there did Ueno get in there this time you got a even better player that means I'm gonna meet you why is everything dice tonight searching for players all right we're in here we go finally we might get a win now see if you hang back a bit and just snipe people you're good at that just you know when they're attacking one of your guys you just attack them because you are gonna struggle you don't have the same how can I do the other shoe thing he said move around when you shoot and also tap the sheep button for auto aim so tap it as opposed there yeah that looks like it's A uto aiming well hang back a little bit 911 my okay try and hang back but that might they must be playing at a pretty high level you know what I mean like the enemy because I've never even seen this map before say they doing well why they not ask maybe you see with and see how they're being attacked yeah it's not gonna take much to get rid of you in this game it's harder for them there yeah that's good this game is called how often can stink pants die in a three-minute game nor less cuz I'd might be sweet all them are kind of high rank yeah they're all high rank we I'm not well-liked Gabby's quite well known like zero you getting there ain't give up you'll be alright say it's a common tree he said I remember the good old days of brawl stars when it was a vertical game ah did they change it to horizontal huh interesting cuz I thought that is well what why all of a sudden is our vertical game started to look horizontal so maybe they didn't do that the to our captain just hit yeah thanks f or letting us nice so we are at the two-hour mark say this is all boiling gander when how you guys and stink pants have had it off and I'll say when I'm gonna get my exam we'll see if that happens what do you think stinky well you do want to try and you know you want preferably to have just that game and really I mean switch games as a backup if we can't do anything like in the Angry Birds game you know you're not gonna sit there 20-something minutes doing nothing although we did manage to do that trying to get people organized looks like you're doing a bit better this time I say is you've got virtually no gems compared to the other team well actually no James compared to the other team you don't know you run away get in there and run away that's for you can you keep today do they end up being invisible in this one when they go through the grass far they just powerful enough it doesn't bother they're David's big bit lopsided ah he said I had he sent messages or they just automatic cuz he said ready as you do where's the old ratbag is she in around Dino says yalda stinking oh dear I think the first thing I'm gonna have to do is have a shit oh yes sniff this do you know where do you ever taste it I don't want to be even near you at the moment why I smell great I smell great now I can't can't start singing with our original songs can i you know to be kinda quiet with that may I come your chats there's my chat phrase it don't allow your chats behind I will say that oh you picked up a gym that's good to jack me I think that was you why he's gonna lose me nari had some fight that's some faith in your role styling abilities you're a bit of a brawl star in real life I too stinky a mighty fighter oh I don't know space can I say stuff about MMA it's not really family friendly per se but it he's a sport come on you didn't rank your channel s for kids yeah well that's true so I'm gonna talk about MMA there any mm ice find a stream where that's being shown so you can watch the o ld Conor McGregor I used to be a big fan yeah now on the same blues like love and hate he's done a few things that he's just done a lot of bad things lately it's kind of hard to have him as a fan now and the guy that he's fighting is a really good guy like I really know because he's always been really respectful the other guy that he's Fighting's that are really long career and he's always been respectful and nice towards everyone yes yeah you're right i random because we can see it on our end as well I have no idea why cuz we're using the mobile data which shouldn't make it be that laggy see I'm typing it as well so not too short my hiccups number three that's a record for a stream isn't it maybe we'll get found under that search term again what did you do stinky can we play heist game mode and stink pants yes yeah well actually I don't know you she has to get it to a higher level to do that because you can pick different types of maps didn't you did you you didn't try that this one w as the gem there's different types of campaigns that you can do so at the moment you're doing the gem campaign but you can switch it to twice are they're all locked it looks like earth mater because she's not high enough in the game to be able to do anything but this one so sorry for that I think that's right you must have seen that on the screen then say yeah sorry it's all the gem one just because she's not high enough I stink you would have been if you if it had saved because I actually not that I was high in the game but unlocked quite a few things and you know the characters were I don't know what level it was it might have been in the dozens to figures to figure level something like that definitely not free it takes a long time to get to the three level I'm sure but you've got a teammate that's doing that I don't think being a meat shield in this game is particularly helpful meat shield well slaughters here Ellie slaughter lru great to see you again another one of the day orgies joined thinking hey how's he weekend being safe i or as the wheat bang p don't do you have a pc yes I'm looking at it right now so looking at yeah cuz when we do the streams we set it up on various devices just say that we can keep an eye on things so whenever we stream yeah it's always we always have the computer open oh no that's alright a slaughter we understand people have busy lives they can always join us but we're very grateful that you do we we always get many of the same faces show up which is absolutely awesome it makes it very worthwhile plus we get to know you over time which is something that we really enjoy we love meeting good people online don't like meeting the bad people that happens every now and again but you're gonna get that and anyway we like interacting with you is the the point we're trying to make so yeah unfortunately you miss the the younger e Birds thing or maybe you're not into that game anyway so it's good watching us play live with two other people that are in the livestream and in this one you can only have three people right you can't actually add anyone else I think it's only three it was good I learned more of a cannoning day and I'm happy nice say slaughter we've had two musicians recently slaughters learning Kennedy yeah don't know we don't even she can only have the one bra like say slaughters learning Canon in D Taco Bell the moaning and who is the other guy you are not how is it you and boy I think it might have been you and as learning Blackbird on the guitar they're both great songs and hey I know how to play a boat not properly you know how I do it fake it till you make it mana which do they how did he call it stanzas you know in a classical piece what did he call a bars we didn't you say ah but that sanely when I said what about this song in your van Leland blah blah blah won the mice complicated or one of the most complicated song classical songs I said can you play that and you said I you've tried to learn the first bit I didn't think that was a weird use but fair enough say hello I was gonna say how far through the song no you slaughter cannon is a really beautiful song to win and I think it's not that difficult for a classical song compared to the ones that you can play better well I'm talking about the first part if I can play it I say it's not that difficult but I can't play the whole song play together and it's kind of produce different notes are you waiting on them waiting for you I will play 'support I thought that's what stinky was doing just to stay out of the way are you getting to play some games like fallout 4 apex legends PC games yes because we do you have did digit toys so I can't remember his name now but because I've only recently met him but yeah there's one of our subscribers sent me some discord instructions on how to do PC gaming so we will do that eventually we have played mobile legends which is basically the same as apex legends now on that night if we we're not sure if we can stream when we're going away but if we manage to work that out I might get distinct pants our sibling to play apex legends cuz she's very good at it as my understanding if we can stream from her computer then I'd do that do you know how main Kazemi a sky in play no no kind of not you laughs hey I'm saying line I love LA that's not what I meant cuz you know like you can't be expected to be a cosplayer when I suffer fine in front of you and say here play this game that you've never seen before you can't expect it to be at the top of the game doing that but clash of clans yes I get disappointed if I don't do good attacks live because I'm expected to be at a certain reasonable level of that game all right say we might do maybe one more and then that'll do it cuz we're already over the two-hour mark and think he's rolling your eyes at me saying I'm very boring she said nothing so here we go we're doing the one more and then we might have to stop it after this all right so ready up stink so yeah you might get if we can get that done you might get to see some awesome apex legends I see very good been playing it I'm pretty sure it is apex legends cuz it looks like my ball Legends needs staska next time we speak to it I don't even know you haven't got to play my keyboard in a while okay that's they didn't cut out for a sec audio cut out for a second wonder why that happened oh he with the stream health edge we've never had before that's when you guys were saying it was all laggy it's saying it's okay at the moment but not in the green so there you go and oh yeah one more thing we might be asking for some more gaming suggestions soon because we have managed to get through quite a few of them there's still a lot more to go then it's always good to get the near popular games that you can do live with people as well all of that helps it's doing it again this is random the audio cuts out for like one second I don't know if that helped because we do we've got a funny way of doing the audio at the moment but it never used to cut out I hope it's nothing wrong with the device I'd like to say speakers I mean like the feynman it's not really a microphone is it so there maybe this one's a little bit jinxed the audio cuts out just like I'm about to cut out you unless again lose the adoption for going to the toilet on the floor all the time old rap bagus alright so as we're winding down special thanks to everyone that's join that is stayed for so long we think this has been a pretty good statement but then again new days when we think we have a bad stream it tends to do quite well in terms of views that I don't get maybe YouTube just wants to parade all our worst stuff so that we don't grow at all yeah well they did for a while for two weeks we were getting more than double what we had before but then it just went right down here the whole time and it was great said Ethan ater he was there the whole time because he was talking to me in the clash of clans before and I said our awful started now alright guys say thanks Ethan ADA and mr. glitzy man for joining us for the Bronze Stars that was fantastic gameplay sorry we dragging you down dragging me down very low level unfortunately you have any parting words stinky tell them how much you love them hang on Ethan eight is saying I he said you've got a broad box for a start - J from that can you claim something collect then every time they bought for these games I think you've got a box oh no no no you have - yes - she has to get more points it looks like what I made that one at the top Oh God you look at stuff that flashes that's how you do it he's the master gamer that doesn't play any gaming you tap tap on him again yup do you power there I want to see what you get gay back PLA flashing things so you did nice one thank you very much guys now I say have a fantastic rest of the weekend and week coming up we look forward to seeing everyone in the next one have a private chat on this court if you want to might jump in there very quickly now just to say Lake is a few peopl e joined I think today and it's been a real pleasure as always interacting with everybody we love it we love seeing the D or G AG's makes our day it means that we don't have to speak to each other you're not supposed to agree with instant fancy like no I love talking to you because you're awesome alright have a good one guys we'll see you in the next one Oh should I be saying don't forget to like subscribe comment because we never do that I just did

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