lo que pensé que estabas aquí ya no estás aquí ¿dónde estás apestoso pantalones apestosos? sigue adelante sabes que soy un idiota sí rap bateadores quiero dormir así que ese no es el punto actualizar tu página sube Tenemos anuncios importantes hoy, ¿qué es tan bueno? Espere a que un par de personas se unan. Sí, necesitamos música alta. ZX, ¿cómo estás? Tenemos un anuncio realmente importante hoy. chicos, por favor, quédense para esto. Normalmente tratamos de mantener el Se transmite ligero y entretenido, pero desafortunadamente ha sucedido algo en YouTube de lo que debemos hablar y, como señaló Caine, sí, es el problema que tenemos con los canales BOTS, así que sí, como no queremos que tengas que pagar. que sí más o menos bien, bien, así que no sé si alguno de ustedes son conscientes, pero hay un número de canales de bots que están operando en YouTube y por desgracia las noticias más recientes no sólo que la piratería en las cuentas de las personas, sino que puede hacer es si tu respondes a sus comentarios , supongo que es un supuesto dólar habiendo dicho que ya ha habido un canal que ha dicho que esto les ha sucedido y que tenían alrededor de 30.000 suscriptores, por lo que es muy real que está sucediendo en YouTube y ustedes deben estar al tanto ahora. Ninguno de nosotros ha dormido mucho. Estuve despierto casi toda la noche, solo investigando un poco sobre esto y resulta que he visto este canal en casi todos los canales de youtube que he visitado, ya sean grandes o los pequeños obscenos comentan que ya han cambiado su nombre, así que porque la gente está creando conciencia al respecto, supongo que son conscientes de que eso está sucediendo, están cambiando el nombre de su canal, ¿ dónde es que tengan paciencia conmigo? tengan paciencia conmigo chicos que tengo que encontrar, así que ahora se llama esa Z y simplemente copiaré y pegaré que ahora, por el momento, el avatar o el icono sigue siendo el mismo , todavía se ve igual, pero el nombre del canal ha cambiado voy a escribo tanto como a nosotros Llámame a Logan, esa es la clave, así que hay algunas formas en que puedes identificar estos canales de bot número uno.Dejan comentarios genéricos, algo como si quieren ser amigos de YouTube o quieren ser amigos.Pueden dejar un pequeño cumplido como un gran video amigo o algo así ahora. Lo desafortunado es que muchos canales pequeños genuinos de YouTube hacen lo mismo, por lo que se vuelve un poco más difícil de elegir y la peor parte es que al menos un par de los canales más grandes han dicho que de vez en cuando dejarán un mensaje muy específico. comentario que hace que sea casi imposible identificar en la sección de comentarios si es o no un canal legítimo con el comentario legítimo legítimo o no, por lo que algunas de las otras formas en que puede saber si va a decir que recibe un comentario de esta clave de VATS o logan y haces clic en el comentario para ir al canal que operan de la misma manera que nos habrías visto habernos hecho en el video falso del canal de youtube que subimos y es que redirige s o el comentario original, es posible que no tengan ningún video en su canal si revisa la pestaña de video, pero en su página de inicio verá que hay canales que lo vinculan a otro canal, así que sé que es muy confuso que mucha gente está recibiendo atrapado hay una estadística en este momento que en el último creo que fue dentro de las 24 horas o en la última semana 50000 canales de YouTube han sido pirateados por este tipo de vacuna Logan y están pasando por alto el sistema de autenticación de dos factores para proteger su contraseña uno de los chicos que subió un video dijo que tenían una contraseña aleatoria de 18 caracteres que en este momento, hasta donde yo sé, ninguna tecnología puede romper eso, pero simplemente la omitieron por completo, incluido el segundo paso en el que se envía un mensaje de texto a su teléfono o un mensaje enviado a su correo electrónico que también se ha omitido, por lo que cualquier persona que tenga el canal, informe a su comunidad, no responda o solicite ninguno de esos tipos de comentarios, simplemente bloquee e informe, así que j denuncielo por spam, bloqueemos al usuario de su canal y déjelo así , no intente interactuar con ellos en absoluto porque aparentemente así es como lo atrapan, sí, así que John títere, hay otra persona que ha recibido un comentario de Logan. así que si has respondido a ese comentario borrado reportado también si dejaste un comentario en mi canal bórralo, infórmalo y no te involucres con estas personas de ninguna forma o forma porque es sí Dios, eso es un buen títere de John hombre, es bueno escuchar que borraste ese comentario, los estamos viendo en todas partes 3b tú también, es genial verte, pero no estoy seguro si estás al tanto de estos canales de bot que se están infiltrando en YouTube, es muy importante que nosotros una comunidad unirse crear conciencia asegurarse de que todos los que conoces sepan que esto está sucediendo Me he ido cuando los veo en los canales de otras personas les he estado informando también he dejado saber a muchos canales en sus comentarios oye mira que Uno de Logan que, por cierto, aparentemente ahora se llaman vacci, solo tenga en cuenta que son un canal de bot y son piratas informáticos, están robando cuentas, esto se ha verificado ahora, es un problema muy grande en YouTube , íbamos a hacer un video sobre esto, el problema que tuve es que tengo más información que solo esta, pero es muy difícil rastrearlos, así que te lo contaré ahora si encuentro otro ejemplo de lo que ¿ Publicaremos ese video, pero he estado luchando por conseguirlo en este momento, así que estas son algunas de las otras cosas que encontré? Solía hacer una búsqueda en un canal en particular ahora no voy a mencionar en este momento porque no es un buen canal, no debería estar en YouTube, eso no está ni aquí ni allá, pero lo que sucedió fue cuando hice una búsqueda de filtro y verifiqué los videos que se cargaron con el nombre del canal usando la función de hoy. así que cualquier cosa que se cargue en un día, lo que encontraría es que habría una serie de canales aleatorios que suben exactamente el mismo video ahora, cuando haces clic en ese canal y vas allí, lo que están haciendo es diferente de lo que está haciendo Logan, pero lo que están haciendo también están robando cuentas de personas legítimas. y los pequeños lo secuestrarán y luego comenzarán a usar un bot para subir videos como locos, estás hablando de algo que no es humanamente posible.Pueden cargar mil videos en un día sin parar y luego, cuando YouTube se entere. el canal en sí se cancela y se cancela ahora Lo he visto de primera mano y lo he visto en vivo cuando estaba tratando de recopilar esta información Estaba en uno de estos canales y miro su pestaña de comunidad y el canal original el propietario dejó para comentarlo diciendo: `` Hola, este es mi canal, ha sido pirateado, ¿ alguien puede ayudarme? '', y luego, estúpidamente, supongo, pero no era realmente consciente de que actualicé la página y, cuando la actualicé, el canal se cerró st toda la información que les iba a presentar a ustedes, así que es muy serio que está sucediendo, la gente está perdiendo sus canales a la izquierda en el centro y todos deben crear conciencia al respecto nuevamente si reciben algún tipo de comentario de Logan. o ahora es la clave de VATS, cualquier cosa que parezca sospechosa, asegúrate de eliminar ese comentario, asegúrate de informarle a tu comunidad que esto está sucediendo. Es algo importante que cualquiera que tenga un canal lo haga porque no hay mucha gente la cantidad de veces que yo He visto a Logan comentar en todos sus canales. No creo que mucha gente se dé cuenta, para ser honesto, parece que es algo que hasta que no investigue usted mismo puede que no se dé cuenta de lo que está pasando y creo que no estoy seguro. si fue un rayo brillante o si fue aleatorio, pero publicaron un video sobre nuestra discordia que explicaba un poco de esto, luego entré en mi propia investigación y encontré otros videos que dan mucho más detalle sobre lo que está sucediendo, pero Realmente necesita ser consciente de que esto está sucediendo, así que sí, simplemente ignórelo, pero también elimine el comentario e infórmelo por correo no deseado. Cuanto más hagamos esto, más probable será que esos canales se eliminen habiendo dicho que van a volver ah, así que fue brillante, gracias, brillante por poner eso en la discordia, si alguien no ha visto ese video todavía, en nuestra discordia, por favor, así que hay otro. Creo que la persona de la que ese tipo estaba hablando. vieron su video anoche son los nombres de los canales NZ o n2 o algo así que tienen 30,000 suscriptores este es el canal que fue pirateado, así que entran en muchos más detalles es un video muy bueno a diferencia del no estoy diciendo el que Bright Uploaded no fue un buen video, pero este, en lugar de solo mostrar cosas de juegos, en realidad estaban mostrando lo que estaba pasando. Recomendaría que esto suena un poco ridículo en este punto, juguemos Reed ahora, los tres dicen que recomendaría eve. ryone también solo de forma semi-regular busca en youtube canales de bots fraudulentos o compró canales de piratería algo así porque obtendrá videos todos y también hará una búsqueda de filtro tal vez esta semana porque de lo contrario obtendrá videos de tres años hace sino hace una búsqueda filtro para hoy o esta semana y obtendrá más información que la forma en que esta es la forma en que descubrí que ya cambió de nombre del canal de Logan ¿cuál es el nombre del canal que tiene juguemos hackeado jugaron arrojar unas leyendas desaparecen conmigo Veré si puedo encontrar ese ahora, así que voy a ignorar el chat por un momento para ver si puedo encontrar ese, así que podría quedarme un poco en silencio mientras intento obtener Oh, ahí está, sí, ese es el que dice está bien, solo estoy abriendo eso también, solo ten paciencia conmigo, casi allí, esperando a que se cargue la página y, de hecho, estaba yendo allí antes de anoche.En realidad, iba a hacer otra semi. anuncio importante Lamento que normalmente intentemos un Mantendría las transmisiones muy alegres, pero quiero crear conciencia sobre algunas cosas porque sucedió algo más que está un poco más cerca de casa y me gustaría hablar sobre eso también, así que tengan paciencia mientras coloco esto el chat, así que acabo de poner el nombre del video y solo digo que ya sabes acerca de esto, casi el viejo tío Peter, no es genial donde está el copiar y pegar, y así sucesivamente, así que ese es un video en el que entraremos un poco más de detalle sobre lo que está sucediendo. Recomiendo encarecidamente que lo vean también, ahora hay muchos otros y creo que incluso algunos de los canales mucho más grandes se están subiendo al tren para que la gente se dé cuenta, pero este es uno de los problemas. que creo que YouTube tiene con su desconexión con los canales más pequeños , a menudo los canales más pequeños son mucho más conscientes de los problemas que hay en YouTube que los canales más grandes porque no afecta a los canales más grandes , pero los más pequeños definitivamente se ven afectados ed por él y por pequeño, quiero decir que puede tener cientos de miles de suscriptores, los canales más grandes de los que estoy hablando PewDiePie y cosas por el estilo, saben que realmente no los afectará, pero definitivamente nos afectará a todos ahora mismo si tiene alguno. más preguntas al respecto También he publicado un anuncio en la pestaña de la comunidad sobre esto, habiendo dicho que creo que mucha de la información es antigua, ya que uno de ellos ya ha cambiado los nombres de sus canales, que los íconos tienden a permanecer como mismo o avatar tiende a permanecer igual, por lo que si estás familiarizado con el aspecto del avatar, los nombres de los canales no son tan importantes, habiendo dicho que estos tipos probablemente también cambiarán sus avatares de vez en cuando, así que solo tienes que tener mucho cuidado con los comentarios que estás recibiendo cuidado al responderlos en esa nota, les responderemos porque sabemos que ustedes son todos los dlg de todos modos la mayoría de ustedes están en la discordia y nosotros estado conectando con ustedes durante bastante tiempo, pero para algunos de los otros que simplemente dejan sus comentarios de plantilla genérica de Jarett basura, ya no apoyaremos esos canales, ya no responderá a sus comentarios, sí, es un comentario espeluznante y también querrá ser amigos. y muchos canales lo están haciendo, incluso los pequeños lo están haciendo pensando que van a captar suscriptores porque eso es lo que estos canales de bots están haciendo, la diferencia es que en realidad lo están usando esos comentarios en todas partes, así que si lo estás haciendo cosas como tratar de hacer crecer tu canal acercándote a otros pequeños , solo asegúrate de dejar un comentario realmente genuino para empezar , no dejes basura, quiero decir, todavía lo hacemos. No voy a negar eso si tengo a alguien que se vaya. un comentario de plantilla de basura para nosotros. Les responderé con una plantilla y si me molesto en visitar su canal, también dejaré un comentario de plantilla allí, pero ustedes también estarán al tanto de todos los que están en el chat en vivo. saber que no no hagas eso en tus canales o incluso de manera me refiero a que creo que el baile no hace nada bien, así que mantén la conversación sobre esto.Quiero pasar a lo siguiente ahora, que es una especie de hora de cuentos, es un sueño que tuve hace unos días trataré de que sea entretenido no estoy seguro de que vaya a ser porque mi mente está por todos lados y estoy muy cansada en este momento, pero esto también es importante en el sentido de que se relaciona contigo chicos también está bien, ¿cuál fue el desagüe? Tengo que intentar pensar en esto también porque han pasado un par de días, ponte los sombreros de tu imaginación e intenta imaginarme cómo funciona todo esto, así que apestan los pantalones y yo estaba sentado en en casa y estaba tratando de convencerle di hola, salgamos hoy y ella dijo por qué, ¿ cuál es el punto que sabes con lo que está pasando en el mundo en este momento? Dije bueno, es un hermoso día, no hemos salido y en el sueño de todos modos. todas esas cosas habían terminado y la gente estaba disfrutando de la vida otra vez, así que dijiste que sabes que es un amor El día que podemos ir a buscar algo de comida es más fácil y veamos, sí, mira, ella ya está diciendo que sí y resulta que hoy es un hermoso día, di que quizás el sueño se está haciendo realidad, así que finalmente aceptó y nos subimos a un tranvía y íbamos a ir a las tiendas locales cerca de nuestra área así que lo que quiero decir con tiendas locales es que no hay un montón entero no es como bien lo llamaría usted como un centro de compras centralizadas o algo por el estilo que está hablando puede haber media docena o una docena de tiendas pequeñas, así que ahora tienes que imaginar esto, digamos que tienes las tiendas locales a un lado y luego hay una calle y al lado de esas tiendas hay un centro de atracción de animales, no es un zoológico, pero es un poco como la cosa del rey tigre si alguien sabe sobre el rey tigre es un programa de televisión muy popular, vamos a jugar bocetos de plataformas, comience ahora para tres, pero luego tienes un parque al lado del parque había una línea de tren y al lado del la línea de tren era una línea de tranvía y luego al lado de esa una carretera y luego en la otra En el lado de la carretera hay más tiendas locales, por lo que está configurando tu imagen bien, así que tomamos un tranvía para llegar allí ahora.Espero no meterme en problemas por decir esto, este juego penguin stinky podría necesitar tu ayuda porque si estoy No me equivoco uremic recomendó este juego, por lo que podría necesitar ayuda con el hecho de que no sabe lo que está pasando bien, así que con el sueño, así que estamos sentados en el tranvía, estamos a punto de bajarnos y había niños de la escuela. ahora en el tranvía escuché una conversación de uno de los niños de la escuela.Estoy planteando esto porque sucede y no es algo con lo que apesten pantalones o con lo que tenga que lidiar en nuestra infancia, pero para un público más joven, ustedes tienen que lidiar con este tipo de cosas, lo he dicho antes, sabes que no teníamos teléfonos móviles, Internet o tabletas cuando estábamos en la escuela, es una tecnología más reciente, así que de todos modos este chico de la escuela estaba bromeando con estos otros amigos de la escuela sobre enviar y recibir desnudos ahora asumo que la mayoría de o Si saben lo que eso significa, no lo hagan, diré que entiendo que las personas tienen hormonas y demás cuando son más jóvenes, pero es cómo digo esto, pero no estoy tratando de serlo. condescendiente o algo por el estilo, por favor, comprenda que no estoy hablando, sea vacío, pero la realidad es que hasta que sepa que los niños tienen 25 años o más y se convierten en hombres y para las mujeres, eso es quizás 22 o algo que su cerebro aún no ha desarrollado por lo que no es consciente de los peligros que existen o las ramificaciones de sus acciones, por lo que es ilegal hacer esto o algo y puede meterse en serios problemas por hacerlo. Ahora la gente es chantajeada por hacer este tipo de cosas . es algo muy real, así que sabes si es algo que es una tendencia en tu escuela, no te involucres en eso, no trates de solicitar estas cosas, solo mantente alejado ahora, ¿por qué estoy criando esto bien? mensaje en este acorde de uno de los días durante todo el día a pedirme ayuda porque eran bein g se acercó a alguien que estaba tratando de solicitar su información personal ahora sé que ustedes nos han dicho su edad incluso en transmisiones en vivo sabemos dónde vive la gente en países cosas como esas, me refiero a estas cosas que sí quieren probar y proteger, pero es no demasiado personal nada que sea más personal, como pedir direcciones o correos electrónicos específicos, o sabes , no creo que nunca le haya preguntado a nadie la edad que nos acaba de decir, ten en cuenta este tipo de cosas que sabes que tienes que ser tenga mucho cuidado al permitir que su información salga, así que es por eso que estoy planteando el tema de que ustedes saben en los estados de ánimo y las personas que piden información personal deben ser muy cuidadosos, así que estén conscientes de eso ahora mismo. el desagüe, así que le dije a este chico que no debería estar hablando de esto, no debería estar haciéndolo y luego llegamos a nuestra parada de tranvía y nos bajamos, así que lo primero es decir, vayamos al estacionamiento y echa un vistazo a lo que está pasando allí gente a mi alrededor y luego, de repente, comencé a reír bastante fuerte y todos simplemente se detuvieron y me miraron y vieron que estaba mirando esta mesa en esta mesa era un mono o más específicamente un babuino y ese babuino estaba afeitando a nuestro gato No sé si la hoja de afeitar de estilo antiguo que usan los barberos y el gato la disfruta por alguna razón, no lo sé, pero básicamente estaba levantando la cola y afeitando el aire de la cola y luego pasando al resto del gato. Pensé que era hilarante probablemente no en la vida real, pero se veía divertido en ese momento, además se dieron la vuelta y me miraron con expresión culpable en sus caras como si los hubieran sorprendido haciendo algo, así que de todos modos todos comenzaron a reír después de eso, así que estábamos sentados allí mirándolo y salimos. de la nada, un león saltó de las vías del tren y estaba colgado en la cerca al lado de los pantalones distintos ahora al principio quería advertirle pero no sé para los amantes de los gatos que todos hicieron esto, ya sabes cómo un gato hace una cabeza golpear a la gente para mostrar su amor y afecto apestan en la sabiduría infinita decidió hacer un golpe en la cabeza con su león no puede decir que es un animal muy peligroso no debería hacer eso pero la cabeza del león les golpeó la espalda y todo eso Parecía muy agradable y relajado y todo el mundo estaba feliz ahora, la razón por la que digo que esta es la siguiente parte de la historia que intentaré y no seré gráfica, pero la realidad es particularmente en países como Estados Unidos y creo que Rusia también algunos de el este, ¿cómo se llaman países de Arabia Saudita? Arabia ¿cómo se llama eso, como un país del Medio Oriente donde se les permite? Me refiero a estos animales peligrosos, ciertos animales no deben ser tratados como mascotas, entonces entiendo que pueden tener una relación. con él y los seres, pero nuevamente ten cuidado si vienes a visitar Australia, ten cuidado, muchas cosas pueden matarte, así que de todos modos la primera línea estaba bien y se escapó y entró en ese parque de atracciones de animales , pero luego una leona saltó sobre la cerca y apestaba. Los pantalones iban a hacerlo de nuevo lo tenían pero esta vez el león está amargado en el hombro y desafortunadamente fue un mordisco serio sin entrar en detalles no había sangre al principio pero luego de repente no es bueno diré que Se necesitaba una ambulancia, afortunadamente, un médico salió de la nada y comenzó a ayudarla. Mientras tanto, la leona también se escapó al parque, así que, ¿por qué estoy contando esta historia? No sé, es solo para crear un poco de conciencia sobre cosas que están sucediendo Probablemente he perdido la mitad de la charla conmigo cuando tengo un sueño. Me gusta hablar de eso ahora. Si ustedes tienen algún sueño que puedan recordar, también nos alegraría escucharlos ahora. Eso es, para resumir, si ustedes quieren seguir hablando de eso, está bien, estén al tanto de los canales de bot y las otras cosas que dije con el sueño, eso es todo lo que tengo al final de los comentarios, no voy a hablar más ahora se acabó. para apestar pantalones tienes cualquier cosa para quedarte viejo apestoso nada absolutamente nada Entonces, ¿ cómo están todos pintando después de toda esa perorata y delirio? Déjame, oh vaya. Olvidé que vas a tener que hacer un pequeño comentario en su segundo turno. Tengo que ir y hacer algo. Volveré. Todavía no. 't conseguir lo que estoy haciendo aquí es más como yo no sé que tipo de saber lo que tengo que hacer yo supongo que es demasiado alta sangrienta tan así lo que lo que estoy haciendo no sé lo que es esto lo que estos juegos, sí, lo sé, pero no sé qué hacer, nos apestan, oh, sí, también lo haremos, estoy tratando de convertir esto en un hábito, si hay una buena broma, así que supongo que entre nosotros, entonces también mataré a Maze ahora ¿por qué se muestra como Marvel con campeones? Dios mío, sí, en realidad no entiendo que uno no debería haber aparecido así, parece que simplemente estás caminando por allí, como el juego le dirá si usted es compañeros de tripulación o usted es el impostor y ahora estoy eres un impostor Sólo estoy pensando, pero no sé cómo matar a otro compañero de tripulación que va a lo climático oh cómo voy a sentarme huyendo yo soy el que tiene que matar a estas personas, pero no puedo indicar la pista cómo golpear la cabeza tienes armas no han dicho que no puedo conseguir el arma no puedo consigue el arma, vamos, me dijeron, así que podría haberme equivocado, pero podría haber jurado que fue pingüino el que recomendó este juego un día, uno de ellos lo hizo, no estaba hecho, que se me ocurrió este, tenemos una emergencia. reunión discutir sí bueno calentarme ahora después de eso podría terminar con esto lo estoy apagando apestoso has sido derrotado haciendo tu jardinería tratando de ser algo que quieres de nuevo eso es genial lo que quiero como impostor qué y no pude incluso ponerlo en cola porque no sé cómo hacerlo ¿ dónde están los pantalones apestosos de verdad? ¿Dónde está lo realmente apestoso? no un sí, oh Dios mío , soy una especie de charlas psíquicas muy calladas de una vez que no dicen nada, no si los perdemos se están aburriendo con mis payasadas, creo que apestoso este juego no ayuda por qué lo dices porque es algo malo como yo No sé lo que estoy haciendo, así que, ¿qué has descubierto hasta ahora nada? No hemos descubierto nada en media hora, pero eres excelente corriendo. Quiero decir, lo haces en muchos juegos y puedes leer lo que sea que esté en el lado izquierdo , tal vez eso te esté dando algunos consejos oye, ¿dónde se alejaría de mí este tipo, Eve ? Spidey está aquí, no te preocupes , dice que lo siento, es bueno verlo, tal vez era una araña que recomendó este juego, sé que los ha estado recomendando a la ligera como bueno, pero los pantalones apestosos realmente necesitan un poco de ayuda, dice que no tiene idea de lo que está pasando a pesar de que está tan avanzado en el juego, no es exactamente que parece un rompecabezas, dicen, ¿has sido Spidey? estos, ¿a qué te refieres ahora? estos rompecabezas se ve como un rompecabezas mi nombre mmm me gusta averiguar qué chico está ahí y cómo hago esto hice lo que hiciste algo no sé lo que hiciste pero lo hiciste frotar de nuevo he sido bueno cómo cacahuetes um sí bastante bien dolly tuve una perorata y no soy un despotricar de servicio público anno Inquietud al comienzo de la transmisión. Lo mencionaré rápidamente ahora. Soy SAS M y hola, ¿cómo estás? Grita a SM por ser miembro del canal. No repetiré, pero solo les haré saber. nuevamente, tenga en cuenta esos canales de bots si desea obtener más información, puede ver el inicio de la transmisión nuevamente una vez que haya terminado, donde estaba explicando todo, alternativamente, puede ir a la pestaña de nuestra comunidad donde he dejado un poco más información sobre lo que está sucediendo en YouTube en este momento, solo queremos que estén seguros y somos plenamente conscientes de que estos canales han estado pirateando otros canales y han dejado comentarios en todas partes si quieren más información al respecto ahora. 'm feliz de hablar de ello, pero sólo estarían repitiendo todos modos así que sí que estamos bien soy un poco de dolor poco hoy hemos hecho un poco de jardinería ayer, así que pellizcado mi espalda un poco cómo son ustedes va espero todo está bien en tu parte del mundo hola modo avión tu aquí también de nuevo, solo para que probablemente me repita a lo largo de la transmisión, solo tenga en cuenta que hay canales de bot en YouTube en este momento y está empeorando, están robando cuentas, así que tenga en cuenta que los diarios de videos aleatorios aquí también dicen ¿Qué dicen estos canales? Hay varias cosas diferentes que hacen, pero la peor en el momento en que se llamaban Logan hasta ayer, acabo de ver un video que se publicó hace unas 18 horas en el que aparentemente ahora se llaman a sí mismos Vasuki. Lo que está haciendo es si interactúas con ellos, por lo que si respondes a un comentario de vas key o Logan, piratearán tu cuenta solo por hacer eso se ha verificado que esto está sucediendo alrededor de cincuenta mil canales. ya hackeado, sí, así que ten mucho, mucho cuidado e incluso están pasando por alto el sistema de autenticación, nadie sabe cómo lo están haciendo en este momento porque normalmente estás protegido por el sí, así que ahí tienes videos aleatorios todos los días se arrepiente de que esté enumerando algunos de ellos. Logan es el único en este momento que está haciendo las cosas realmente malas, ahora también hacen otras cosas, así que de nuevo me repito , pero he visto esto de primera mano. lo han visto en vivo también, otro método no solo piratean tu canal, lo que harán es luego comenzar a enviar spam a videos que subirán como mil videos en un día, no humanamente posible, pero capaz de hacerlo con un bot y lo que termina sucediendo es que envía señales de alerta a YouTube y YouTube termina el canal. De hecho, lo vi suceder, sucedió solo para darle un ejemplo, um, la razón por la que me topé con una de ellas fue porque una de las transmisiones de salida se robado allí fue robado y vuelto a cargar Fui a verificar ese canal tenía algo así como, voy a estimar que probablemente mil videos que se cargaron en un día ni siquiera pude encontrar el nuestro, pero luego, cuando volví al día siguiente, ya había sido cancelado, así que gracias por r mencionando ese mid stalee aleatorio, así que sí, hay muchos de ellos y supongo que el juego se llama entre nosotros stink pants está buscando ayuda de alguien que aún no ha logrado, pero uno de los dlg recomendó este juego. Spidey dice que creo que fui pirateado, me subo a la pelea, sí, el falso señor. bestia es otro, así que ten en cuenta que los he visto comentar en muchos canales más grandes, sí, no te suscribas a ellos en absoluto, no comentes sus videos o respondas a cualquier comentario que pueda dejarte, así que es muy En serio, está sucediendo y no estoy tan seguro de que la gente lo sepa, así que gracias por contarnos sobre esta araña y al azar, mientras más personas la conozcan , más seguros estaremos todos y, por favor, intente difundir la información en su propios canales porque puedo decirles que durante la última semana, solo por hacer las cosas de apoyo mutuo, he visto estos comentarios en los canales que realmente visito en casi todos y cada uno de ellos, saben que estos tipos lo están haciendo tan pronto como ustedes subir un video y si han pirateado tu cuenta, pueden hacerlo incluso antes de que lo hayas subido allí. Hay uno de los anteriores en el chat . Ya mencioné que ese canal había dicho que estaban recibiendo comentarios sobre sus avisos privados y no listados que sabes que no puede suceder a menos que tú básicamente me han pirateado, pero no obtuve tantos videos en un día, déjame revisar mi canal para que no lo veas cuando digo que muchos videos no , no tienes el control de tu canal por parte de esa araña de escenario digo que no me preocuparía que esto sea algo que yo mismo he visto que para cuando eso suceda ya es demasiado tarde como si no hubiera nada que puedas hacer efectivamente en ese momento aparte de intentar contactar a YouTube que, como la mayoría de la gente sabe Es bastante difícil de hacer, incluso a los grandes canales les cuesta hacerlo, digamos punto, está bien si menciono el video sobre los bots que la gente puede ver, sí, ciertamente, ya mencioné un video anteriormente en la transmisión que menciona estos canales de bots que recomendaría y también he dicho esto antes, pero de vez en cuando haces una búsqueda en ellos y lo filtras para hoy o esta semana para que puedas mantenerte al día con lo que está sucediendo, sí, está bien , al azar, no tenga en cuenta cuando se está difundiendo información, ¿por qué r cambió el nombre del ícono, no volvemos a tener el mismo problema, pero hasta ahora, aunque los chats están bien, está bien y con suerte todavía hay mods aquí, se han quedado un poco tranquilos en este momento para que puedan asegurarse de que todo esté bien pero sí, quiero que difundan esta información tanto como sea posible. Vaya, ¿quiere decir que sus videos? Bueno, la gente puede ver su canal y verlo allí y decir que tal vez no pongan esos enlaces aquí, pueden ver que ya están Al escribirlo, estaba hablando de los que probablemente tengan y no estoy diciendo que no tengas información, pero todavía hay que sí, así que ese es un ejemplo de si tienes contenido como ese que probablemente sea un poco más importante porque entra en muchos más detalles si eso tiene sentido, así que sí, difundir el. Sugeriría a todos que lo pongan en la pestaña de su comunidad si tienen una o una discusión Tabb si eso ayuda por qué está sudando mucho, ¿es porque estás viendo pantalones apestosos? jugando es que la razon apestoso que haces sudar a la gente lo que ni siquiera sé cómo ser un impostor está bien, estoy en Porter y luego cómo te llamas, posten a la gente, pretendes ser otro, ponen un error en el espacio de su caja, no, ni siquiera sé cómo para ser un tonto muere, ¿qué diablos estás haciendo, hagas lo que hagas? Oh, finalmente tenemos un mod hablando - oh, oye, ¿cómo estás? Tu amigo favorito de Claire y el observador de transmisiones está aquí increíble, así que solo estamos mezclando entre hablar sobre el juego and some more serious issues at the moment ether nate is actually fine he doesn't have a channel where he's uploading videos or anything but just be aware of the bot channels that's the conversation for the most part and a Sims used one of the the channel member emojis only available to the channel members thank you for doing that Oh trains back are they're finally back in talking they went so quiet for a while laughs oh I just saw that so you know what to do to be an impostor stinky what is that booty well there's a water you know what we have to do in there we receive the the in Jake's you've got to do that yeah look spider I would not like dislike heart or reply to those comments just report them there there's I don't know if it's verified about disliking but what some of the the other channels have been saying is engaging in any way so that means like dislike heart or replied just don't do it just report the comment for spamming and block the channel or block the channel and that's just gonna hide the comments anyway so yeah keep doing that now I've done an experiment on a few small youtubers and I said somebody's things to see how they would react and when I said I want to yeah that's right so and I've seen it as well random that the the other problem is a lot of small channels are just lazy with their comments I mean they look like they're leaving BOTS channels any sorry BOTS comments anyway so yeah I'm aren't I say Athens that may have been in space too Corona and we might be plus my older brother is out with j eez yeah that's really even if the social restrictions are being lifted I wouldn't be socializing in larger groups it's too risky at the moment and don't forget about second waves and things like that it's very real it's very serious so I'm sorry to hear that Ethan ater I hope your dad is going to be ok if you can get a test get it immediately I don't know what's happening in America at the moment but pretty much Australia is now announced if you even have the slightest fear that you might have it they'll test you so try and get tested and deal with it as quickly as possible yeah there's so many serious things that are happening at the moment stinky we like having light-hearted streams but today's one is is particularly serious on so many levels so do hope everything is ok and I don't know how your social distance within your own household but that might be necessary as well you know Ethan later particularly if you've got a deficient immune system so no he didn't say that he had it it' s just that he's been exposed may have been exposed to it say yeah do that as well spider you'd see be careful about this information if you're going to to create videos about this make sure you've got your information correct this is why we still haven't posted because I have a bit more information than what's been being spread at the moment but it's very hard to prove it because yeah these things get terminated very quickly but I'm keeping my honor I on it basically now penguin you have to answer me do you play this game or not cuz stinky is struggling and I think I can't figure it out alright I was almost partly penguin was the one that that recommended this game so I was expecting him to give some great advice so let us know and he says it's too hot in California too hot why how many degrees are you probably gonna do it in Fahrenheit oh and then Stinky's like what are you complaining about it's so cold here she likes the heat not the cold well when it's over 30 then not so much ah say penguin he's the one that recommended these someplace the game what did you do what's going on stink give it again you just clicked on that stinky I want to click out get out of the ATS not say any advice my stinky would be appreciated thanks penguin and Ethan a turd is your father gonna get tested or not cuz he might be in that age bracket he might be in the age bracket where he needs to take things a bit more seriously I know that when it comes to my daddy's he's quite old now so they're being very careful isn't it I think your parents being careful too right stinky mm-hmm yeah well that's it you know if you can avoid going out just don't do it what have you done stinky says random why he's see tonight his dad's quite young I mean he might be okay then well I shouldn't say that because who knows I mean there's been young people that have that are in perfect health that have passed away as well it's a very serious issue 4.6 3 million cases confirmed and I've got to say that's not going to be an accurate figure either you are straight up it's quite well-known that they're not reporting figures from in most countries they're not reporting figures from aged care for example what's not and I suspect government's probably are gonna try and treat stink says penguin says use this code I obey G which I think gets rid of the ads from what I saw if he's got rid of the ads on his thing he can get give you something so that you don't have to have the ads on it it's thinking say aa BG sorry hey BJ I should say stupid thing pants can't read I mean because he's bossing someone and call us okay I'm sorry to hear that as well random their grandmother passed away Oh No yeah sorry sorry to hear that both my grandmother's have passed away now since it's very unfortunate gee this is a serious string today isn't it so many things will try to you know when we do go light-hearted it's just more to be entertaining than anything else but I'm sorry things are happening at the moment in p eople's personal lives that aren't great things are happening on YouTube that aren't great my goodness passed away last year at night oh wow 95 that's a long life and yeah often when you get to that age and then life's not great at that point but it depends on the individual doesn't it I've I've actually met someone in their hundreds that was sharp as a tack sharper than I am very smart they where to say penguin says no one know you on the home screen when it says to go onto online it allows you put in a private code stinky I'm already in the game so we'll have to do that later now again well that's good be here as well random I gotta be careful about what I read out loud and say sung and the best thing you can hope for is to pass away peacefully isn't it that's what I aim for then you just go to sleep one night and wake up the next day that'd be the best way to go yeah but you don't know you did yeah well that's getting into the the philosophical what happens in the afterlife is there an afterlife and I guess that depends on personal beliefs isn't it we should keep it a happy stream but I hope that people do understand that when I talk about serious things like I did at the start of this stream it is to try and help other people I mean we're all about that yeah you want to make money on YouTube you want to be successful that's all part of it too but at the end of the day there's a lot of channels that say oh you know we want to do things to make the world a better place but in reality they don't do anything not bad-mouthing them there's a lot of channels that do do that but hopefully we can prove that we do by the stuff that we talk about because it is difficult when you're doing gaming streams for the most part how do you help people when you're just playing games well this is one way to do it there you go ranting again I am say Uncle poodle's stop ranting you're an old man you sang the music these kids listen to today Oh in my day I listen to the music of my pare nts generation because the music in my day wasn't good either old parodies having his ranting yeah oh don't make me start oh I don't know what you're talking about I don't grant - do a little bit more gardening and penguin says because we are the champions there's no time for losers stinky nice one he still hasn't given you any tips here I think he's enjoying his struggle he's probably been sitting there quite quietly and to start just watching it and laughing his head off isn't it the old stink I did pay attention on my crewmate at all what color what color what color he put on I have a riddle and then get caught for something and says the King says you shall pass away and I will let you pick what did the man say he would like pass away and he said he wants to die naturally I think there's still more coming if you are the impostor you can hide in the vent plane mode knows how to play the game if you're the impostor you can hide in the vent stinky yeah I kind of know that but I'm not i mposter at the moment play maid was so quiet and penguin is so quiet I wonder why I think they enjoy watching you struggle stinky just like I watch you enjoy watching you struggle with the cat in the bed when she sleeps between your legs there and you want to move but you can't it's funny surprisingly stinky pants is actually doing really well basically yeah I'm not sure if there's more coming with that riddle either a fanatic is I'm not sure what the actual riddle is what's pathway naturally it's as far as I got well I think the word naturally is kind of tricky like you died because of disease that's natural that's true you died because of being hit by a car so what's unnatural maybe poisonous that's true radiation maybe another one you stand in front of the microwave for long enough that's gonna happen to you natural or not what I never heard that I thought you meant like an impostor of me because I'm obviously the real one so that happened in the pre I think it was a previous stream as well and it just looked like random was their channel copied I don't think it was hacked the same thing happened to us like these people bad people online yeah not good but you know if you become aware of them and it's it becomes less of an issue you just be a little bit more careful there's an instinct you wouldn't know anything about that why hang on there is more to the riddle the King said that he shall pass away and let him pick he said natural courses by passing away in his sleep I think there's still more to come with this riddle and here company cup already didn't take that long today did it sting you can create a server too for the game I don't think you'd be doing that today you Horst again you can really have you tried to do that yes well maybe maybe plane or penguin they've already got a server that they want you to join no I don't wanna join they're gonna know whether I'm crew made or imposed up yeah well that's true too isn't it I've gone back to that stream and looke d at the chat to see what really went on when I was gone I don't think you can random because the mods were making sure that none of the comments went through hey Pete I don't need your help no worries now penguin saying he's the code now use the code now then I have to leave the game something a minute are you still in the same game or two just start another one same game oh so we kicked their impostor out alright do it again do it again because they will change the impostor you have to find impostor your I'd say he said where it says go online put in the the code out and tain't equal dead to you comment there random I was actually the the mods that were deleting the the messages they are making sure that those messages didn't get through say good job mods they did a great job and I think bright ended up blocking that person as well say you know awesome job bright as well know where so to continue with the riddle I'm gonna have to rewrite it hang on where do I put that thing online th en what and then yeah and decode the obj capital letters maybe and then only yeah yes I think you might not get ads anymore if I understand that well like just clarify my penguin is here penguins there awesome stuff now you're playing with one of the DOJ online no yes no no healthier three the guy in there oh yeah Oh what do I do of that what she now there is no more because the King let him pick how he wanted to pass why and he chose to pass away any sleep that was a riddle can you help yeah yeah just ask his street what would you like some help with I'll see what I can do I've already tried to help at the beginning of the stream there but it might not be what you were asking for and hey Sam he's done another special emoji that only the channel members can do and shout out there Sam he's already in his second month with his loyalty badge did you say that loyalty badge is next to his name he's got the next one I haven't disappointed that you chief doesn't allow the first one as well so you can let collect them in a row sorry I got kicked for an activity s jbv so you've got to put in a different code I guess this time sj bv o say threes lost his clash of clans account hmm did you have it saved on can you remember what I was called stink pants huh there's this just bear with me for a moment straight there was it's a long time ago but there was a reward for linking your and I'm just getting in the stink pants fine to try and help you okay I can't remember what that reward was or challenge or whatever it's called did you do it stinky did you link your account what to just bear with me I'm just reading through there ah keep did 3dg finish the keep your village safe say connecting your account to the supercell ID for safekeeping the other alternative is if you've got a iphone or ipad that's saved in the game center as well so that's the first thing the second thing is you can contact supercell but i have noticed the last time I tried to do it I pretty much got a bot respo nse every other time they've given me a genuine reply the way that you do that is if you go into your settings and then click on the tab help and support now it's going to give you some generic options but then if you scroll down a bit further where is a right not me oh yeah well the very first one says lost your account so that might help but there's troubleshooting and feedback I'm just clicking on a couple of things here as well oh don't tell me that they've gotten rid of it maybe there's no way to contact them these days I hope that's not the case because all of this has changed since the last time I was on there well that's not what I want one other thing that you can do is get on to their reddit subreddit people do get help that way say that I've heard mmm they have changed it so I'm not sure if that's whether it's even possible to contact them anymore or it could be the other thing is maybe I have access to it but stink pants doesn't because I've heard that's the case as well al l right say just let me know if that was enough information if not sorry I'll try to help you again yeah tonight I said super cell ID I got a band actually for no reason they said I used hacks you don't read the chat buddy hmm I haven't heard of that problem but all I know that people have used tax but no one's personally talked to me about it so they've already responded to you I take it at that point straight they have actually said this is the reason why mmm you could try the the subreddit because that's got a community there that might be able to assist you if you explain hey I wasn't using axe I don't know anything about these sorts of things say I'm probably not that much help because I don't use hacks even when they're offered to me and yeah if you can't get through on the the game itself that's what I would do it's against the Terms of Service yes say I'll make some payment via super chat if you need can I give you an account well that goes against the Terms of Service besides I've only got the one account straight you see we don't have stink pantses got our own account I've got my account and that's it I don't have a second one so sorry I wouldn't be able to to do that and 12 you're welcome to make your super chat donation you'd be the second person to do it well they keep saying this as well you're better off becoming a channel member because you get more out of it ASM gets his channel name advertised in every video that we do every stream that we do possibly shouting me out every stream whether he's here or not as long as old P dot can remember say yeah that's what I'd be suggesting there say no sorry I missed whatever that was but thanks for doing that the modding there came say yeah big three I wouldn't be asking people for their accounts cuz that's risky as well there we go what cicada Oh they've retracted their message stink pants when you're available less jbv again online stbb no I won't know if you are imported and I won't know that right penguin w ants to play like a music yeah so white cicada thank you for mentioning that as well we've been talking about Logan during the stream apparently his names changed already I put that in the I think I've already copied and pasted something else just bear with me I've lost it already but it is in there the chat from earlier in the the stream that apparently he's changed his name already - can you remember what I was saying Kozak music something like that if anyone can remember can they put it back again but thank you for raising awareness white sit cicada cuz we've been asking lots of people to do that you have an awesome girlfriend girlfriend she's my arch-nemesis that's his stinky mom line what is a day s jbv its G BB BVV for Victor right hey yang get in there and do your stuff no I don't one penguin will help you know he might not because he might be an imposter or if I'm an imposter then he will know it why do you think you'll know he's might be like you yeah and a white cicada have y ou had any experience with with the bot channels yet or is it just that you're very well aware of what's going on we're asking everyone to raise awareness about this at the moment even on their own channels or via a comment section just try and let people know because the number of times I've seen people reply and try and connect with that person is incredible impostor says cane quack is cool live stream quack is good to see you as well just a quick why we only have to oppose any we're not going to be able to play with just two yeah you are catchy no you can't all right he'll get more people I guess say we'll keep the conversation about the spam bot channels going as well because spiders also mentioned Logan Quackers if you have received a comment from Logan or might be there's so many of them Tim Tom Ted there's so many of them just report and block them there's a lot of them I think I heard someone knock on the door no no no all right oh no you stinky you don't do that they stink you 'll be right back sorry for the break-in at the gameplay she'll be back momentarily now if you if she's a nemesis than why are you playing games she's the one that's playing games and I'm the one that berate sir we we have a long-standing battle between the two of us well later be fasting pants she's got a lot of arch-nemesis Kane's another one isn't he stink pants the rat bag cap is their arch nemesis this say many she's got no friends what is the name of the game man can I join yes and yes so the name of the game is among us I suppose I'll just write that as well and penguins gonna have to be the one that sort of teaches you how to join because I don't really know how to do it but I think if you put in that code that he's got then you can I think that's how it works so it is that one that commented on my channel as a girl ever - yeah I've received those as well white cicada quite a few of them over time so again just block and report don't don't bother getting involved for those type of channels they're very easy to spot though just because you know they're straight up there be closing that kind of garbage be able to identify that fairly easily I would say we'll just get rid of those one skater yes I say penguins giving another are you already in that what do you have to do it again because he's giving another card on this one alright say the next one is KP dh YK changing I'm not sure K PDH that's the one another attractive message there but yeah I mean be aware of all of these stuff that's going on at the moment I think it's extremely important and in the meantime March nemesis my granny what happened you're gonna have to tell us what happened there penguin Oh finally yes thank you you're in what my arch nemesis has just stolen the apocalypse Jackie haven't you that's my jerky that's apakah jo1 yes on the Shelf can I have a piece of the pocket Jackie please no just one no come on Big Bertha see why she's my arch nemesis just one please pretty please I'm not a lit tle one-eyed fish around for a little one you get me a big straight to Jackie day you just said please please all right a little I don't do for now no that's some good Jackie do they get the hot sauce now save it for later so where we going for lunch up to you Brent Larry do you want Oh stinky what's happening with you guys they're still waiting for people to join I have no idea oh it will start soon anyway and everyone who know what's war okay Oh Oh your old quiet oh I don't know what makes you think that penguin knows whether or not you're an impostor oh because it will say when you get into the game whether you are impostor or your crew mate so you know when streaming everyone will say impostor as well I can't see his screen the Skype game says I assume is that what it is like after escape um you have to find the impostor or you have to kind of because impostor will try to damage your spacecraft so you have to fix it before it's all destroyed and we defeat because everything is alre ady destroyed let's play race the whole world is gonna pronounce water like I do now what about box I pronounce it like I do yeah Fox 9 that's saying well I'm not too sure why is it because of their special emoji that only that channel members have access to or is it because you are an awesome game up we're an arch-nemesis probably all of the above I'll say D all of the above you're not getting ads anymore is that right stinky not yet anyway I don't know what I'm doing what is this I thought you become an expert yeah but I haven't played all of the games yet look it's a wildly popular game on omelette so good good suggestion is what I'll say with that now there's a bok choy from a SM as well where is it say is the code say spider it's penguin or I think cicada now these penguins all to count now which one is the reactor not sure so just wait for cicada to give the code because he's the one that's doing at all I think you have to wait until the game finishes to be able to join I'm not s ure but that's saying you're like oh you keep getting codes so I guess that's what what's going on we'll find out in a second random who said that the dog just passed wind which is rather stinky trying to take after you stink pants now you come in silent the deadly silent but deadly that's Houston pants I just kick penguin out and he said he he said he was imposter dang it why did you do that so we you feet yeah were you gonna have spider join me I believe yeah he's in that he got killed Oh spiders you mad nice one love it when the live chat plays with your life it's let's play rage grew up in the days when he couldn't play with people online what's going on there stink we need more people to think well I'm gonna watch this one say hey you all do why are you still getting ads I didn't think you'd get those anymore you still are mm-hmm I'm stealing me Jackie now oh we got many today whoa ten out of ten now how'd you get so many players I don't know they just join cuz penguins are popula r man no what what will a nice stinky hey the imposters well that'd be you wouldn't it there are you're funny at times not fighting with me as much today though as I was hoping and expecting do you get to chat with them you do get to chat rhythm life that's awesome well because you have toured whoo and they want me which is good I actually don't want to play as imposter online because everyone knows it how do they know oh there's more than one imposter looks like because I only kill one person we just painted that'll be right what are you doing there they're waiting for you to play is stuffing him out with Jackie I can't play I'm dead already so I can be a ghost observing alright did you die straight away there what me as an imposter so they kicked me out didn't take very long did it I must admit it's a cute looking game isn't it look at you go and what can you observe tasty ghosts you can keep watching on someone that you suspect them Oh proteins - you didn't say that right pray Princ e Baro is hello how are you I think you might be new to the stream so welcome welcome to the dld and also do you play this game because apparently we've got a few people in the live chat that are playing with us right now you be careful they're stinky I'm taking that off you you make sure I eat clothes clothes I'll do that make sure that you can't get in there so how's your weekend been so far Pro Prince and yes you're welcome to join as well if you know how or if you play this game are you are still getting ads toy penguin he's the horse oh no not again what do I do stinky among us get back in there look at the cross yeah it's so small I can't press see I've tried to press cross and then you still leave me back here he is in there toy usually there's a timer in there somewhere that says mega gate imagine me doing here with my fat fingers spidey says they can't join the game for some reason maybe the code has changed again so try again spider I think it should be able to get in if stin k you stink pants is getting Spidey can get in we still got four more spaces well it started now so oh no that's so unfair isn't it of course they know straight away that you're the impostor ah run away flee that's when you do something to destroy everyone else's chances that was a very poor explanation you do things to make it difficult you know I came after a long time and you know what and my tab break and I got to get my bc say i'm trying to interpret that i think what that means is you've been long time you're like a dlg you've been a supporter of the channel for a long time but sorry to hear that you're a tab tablet broke and i guess you're on a PC now and you find us stood all of that correctly because I do remember actually 9:00 now that I think about it I do remember the name pray Prince sorry old uncle peanuts memories not great you do have to sort of be a regular for me to remember the names a bit better I do interact with a lot of channels so apologies for that no offense i ntended and now that I think about it yes pray Prince does sound familiar but does pray prints play among us that's the other question plane modes back they come and go down they they get bored with me and they disappear and they come back so again if anyone why are you smiling you stinking Dunedin cutest guy who's this guy I don't know maybe they're too imposed her you're just destroying everyone at the moment Archie say Spidey's still alive as penguins still alive I have no idea yet you can see that that one is like these guys know you're gonna have to go after them as well hey what we say hey I thought you'd be all up in that you like getting more and more arch-nemesis II don't want to be impostor that is exposed you're inspired like this I'll say prey Prince always plays free fire we've streams that are ready it's been a long time since we've played it I'm like your restaurant - game that you've been playing non-stop is an instinct every day for every day for hours on end sorry got up and Adam disappearing earlier I'm back so brights back as well nice one you're enjoying this though look he is smiling and laughing it's just funny that imposter shouldn't any they it should be secretive shit but I'm like exposed is we must win you're live streaming they can't you can't really help it can you they can see exactly what you're doing maybe that's why penguin wanted you to play the game that's now why does for burr 4 become God you know what I correct why does food come got an autocorrect I don't get that at all bright but autocorrect can be painful at times can't it sting you know that we haven't got a joke of the day either if there's any among us jokes I'll give you credit pin your comment it's what I did for the last couple of streams I think otherwise they're gonna come up with my Ange X using a distinct you don't like any of my jokes are you an imposter again I shouldn't even be asking you that's a dead giveaway too isn't it you're not gonna answer me it looks li ke you might be the way you're tracking everyone yeah victory nice runners stinky what how come everyone should know that's hilarious extremely says bride yeah old autocorrect never seems to get it right you know all a sometimes I must admit it's helpful to save time let's be fair not this kind evil music if he's still there do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do seem to plate it or whatever so again bright if you wanted to join this game you can what did you say you had 10 members the last time that was quite a bit yeah not last time but yeah a few times before so is there a minimum and a maximum maximum up 10 minimum of 5 I believe alright I guess that's a testament to penguins organization skills isn't it mmm-hmm to be able to get say many what do you do with these wires to match the color really well it fix see when there is a taxed and there's some kind of yellow ish you just do whatever it's not that hard task but you have to do it so that the imposter won't get away with i t or we at least survive if they get away with it I want you I want you dude stop lar battle Prime speak English pride battle prime I think I write that down before I might've even downloaded it I think I did down later recently I was checking what the games are that Jesus is getting missing oh yes I can see that it's there so maybe that will be one in in the near future as well I mean I know for this one penguin was asking repeatedly for quite some times Green was killed Oh No but Spidey's still going strong oh maybe that's Spidey what the Spidey's the imposter okay I repeat the words - of spaces play battle Prime I think is what he was saying Lee enjoying yourself today aren't you stinky you're gonna go out and collect some more worms for me No what is your problem with worms they're God's gift to nature you know yeah they recycle everything back to soil yep good you got a pick one up and play around with it nope I want you dudes to play battle prime it might be coming up soon man th ere are quite a few games that we've got to get through you did it again aha what to do you slide up like that any it among us your mungus will say can we iced movie nights in the server go for it as long as it's not breaching any Terms of Service I can't do it there's any more I'll leave that up to you bright you're you're the highest-level mod use your pinky finger doesn't help I don't want to play the lead hat let's see if that finger works fat 4x yeah plain there are a lot of games that are there at the moment and that was only one screen that you saw say we get suggested a lot I mean it's gonna I'm not sure we're ever gonna get through all of the suggestions because they keep accumulating I'll announce it later maybe no worries do whatever you you think's right they're bright trust you wholeheartedly that you'll make that server more entertaining than I ever could that's for darn sure and I'm not sure if planes also recommended games or not I do try to remember who recommended wha t but it's kind of difficult because we do get that many games that are suggested to play that one looks alright it's good good graphics hmm got a you wanted for a bit afternoon nap for the old puto what do you think you got a deal with stinky stomach first so I'm at mate what are you thinking for lunch I don't know you know we got matters problem it's a new cluster in Australia that happened in Singapore yep my goodness what's I think is cocky burn II can't remember the name something e ya e bird mine I the place that you talking me out dead trigger says I'm won't write that one down as well because I'm not so sure I've been suggested that before so thank you for that plane made that's another one that's going on the list just keeps growing like my belly and the garden the food that you're growing me is stinky that keeps growing doesn't it we could probably watch Justice League dark apocalypse more nice one I got that if you got anything else on mind I might have it I don't know if it 's worth doing a poll in the discord to find out what people want to watch oh I'm sure they'd be happy with anything really someone's dead disgust Spidey's gone rip Spidey this is a very interactive game I must say warship battle now that one I have already downloaded so given that you've said that that might be one of the ones in the near future that looks like you're good it's got good graphics the only problem is I know I couldn't turn the game sound off at the start the DOJ knows by now that it's not always possible oh do you come many cups what's the maximum age limit for me you mean minimum age limit isn't it rather than the maximum one say keep it I guess family-friendly bright because you know that there are some younger people that are in the service you don't want to put the fear in them or maybe a a warning at the start saying whatever the age restriction is gonna kill me is he gonna kill me he's a penguin I don't know I'm pretty sure that's penguin penguins chasing you that 's my your jaw but we have to find out yeah are a Danes probably a knight that sort of things really fed alt signle and usually it has some pretty full-on themes so he's not go he went really I could have sworn he was chasing you to try and take care of business don't get close to people says plane mate say keep running away you should be an expert in this game why did he go her for himself or she is running away is your forte Oh pal gaming's here hello how are you we're well thank you everything's fine here of gonna rant about in the backache a little bit no I don't like this axe is so hard to come on eat me your big dumb fat finger here we go victory say have ye bain't peg it's paint pale gaming it's been a little while since we've seen you everything's good in your part of the world and just adds up if you happen to play this game stinkies playing online with the number of the live chat at the moment like check your the live chat is that the best that you can do for commentary how's that oh how come our friends gone now we only have three people we're friendless that's how that works yeah Kochi my goodness plain says he's gonna download that I'm not sure if you're talking about among us which is what we're playing now or a different game but yeah if you're downloading that join that server and you can end up playing with Spidey and Penguin at the very least and to sting fans maybe I should try well again Peggy if you want to try the game I think spider downloaded it during this stream and he's already playing with this life and defeating the sting pants penguins all say there so you can help you out but it will see how many people we can get in the live stream to actually play live with you and they're all gonna be better than you stinking they just keep coming go I think because they just saw that we only have small amount of people so they left am i light already who's finally yeah we're about an hour and a half into the stream a little more than that say so we are running doing a running rest here in the room waiting for other people to join and they come and they go again random if you wanted to join us live we've already got Spidey in here and penguin I think pal might join and join soon who knows could be a new record isn't it and they can won't go away look saying look we were in a livestream exciting okay everyone we know whether I'm a cruel made it did seem pretty unfair doesn't it like everyone else gets to hide except for you well it's a testament to your gaming skills to be able to win and stay alive stinking it could because a way you run away quickly I'm running away that's what you do you're an expert I'm running away even have to explain these game to me after this dream it seems to me it seems very complicated but I guess once you've got it figured it out it's not so bad these booths the cat never heard of this person before and she didn't join us after she got out who's that um take to be something I can't cater five random s aying that he was playing Minecraft he's addicted to minecraft at the moment ah well I have to play it one day just like Kane's addicted to identity five and you are addicted to restaurant - I think I'm gonna have to call a meeting what amongst you all eh what's the phrase that they use one by having a mental block intervention I'm gonna have to call an intervention for all you people yeah random beads dailies here somewhere I believe they might even be in the game for all I know at this point like you're stinky in the game run away like the little imposter that you are looky you're concentrating t biting the lower lip making sure that there's distance between your practicing your social distancing are too stinky in the game yep I thought you'd be trying to spread your disease and that looks like a map to was it I actually don't know what I'm doing after all of these time with victories under your belt no there's a victory like winning a lot a year you don't really know how you did it you just happen to win it was that right yeah pretty much nice one and does it matter whether these lights are on or off where it goes dark or not dark then when it's dark you can't get me so you can't hide in the shadows like you normally do discussing again plane says what's the code penguin the code hasn't changed in all that time right no I don't think so it should be the same can you remember what it is just bear with this plane mode because I think it shows at some point or if penguin can ring it already in day yeah find where it is where is that say the it's the last code that was posted planeman you might not be able to find it cam pd k pd h hey yay hopefully that helped well someone's trying to contact me and be scored let me just check that okay nice one bright lightning thank you for doing that yes that's the code there plane mode why is it hang on no no no no hang on plane you might have been right I might have typed that wrong if you already got the KD pH was a KD pH sorry you were KPD no you weren't no I was right k pd h i'm sure one of them are getting in there at some point look at me just doing it blind i have no idea i think mine was right plain and again who knows i might be dyslexic i'm reading everything wrong here the impostor my lab they even ask you at this point you're not gonna answer anyway i you stinky that's in training that's right you need to concentrate to be the winner chicken dinner no time for losers is you're the champion well you're chasing someone now nice one no you're not you're running away no it's what I was gonna say nice one the fact that you're still alive it's almost like pac-man now that I think about it what a little bit like pac-man like you run around not collecting things but solving your little puzzles yay good then running away from other stuff oh hey stop Johnny at least you get to turn the sound off in the games that's good hey Mads I mean alright so give it another what 15 minutes or so because unfortunately he re old Uncle Peter he's about falling asleep in his chair tried to keep the energy going for as long as he could wants to rely on stink pants to do all of the commentary that's not happening is it you with your monosyllabic responses nonsensical responses I'm a crew mate I'm a crewman I'm a crew me yeah happy for one sees it but then doesn't the imposter know the fact that you're a crew mate just because you just said it in the live stream yeah but that doesn't matter because they will know that they are the only imposter anyway how do you tell if there's more than one when one is already eliminated then oh then there's anyone there will say how many left is there a maximum or minimum no looks like at least two happen to be posted in one game before all right gee that looks a little bit like fallout shelter when you open up that screen are you watching a replay or cameras you spying on people you spy oh you died fucker you're spying on Babel I'm gonna be a goes and me I'm gonna haunt y ou this is the vindictive side who steel beds that I gotta live with on a daily basis this is what it's like oh man when you're got killed as well whoo Spidey's dominating spider the Dominator he is still chasing you now you've got two girls chasing ha how about we get another game counting yawning from the poo dock up to three or four already to the ghosts do anything where is adjusted harassment we can't just observe we can't even harassed it we can't even put anything in the chat oh really no you did already how can you speak as a ghost you can well we'll get you following him around harassing him poor fella ah spider was eliminated seeing it will say Cyril impostor so then the crew mates mean this one is it yeah no no I mean Sam the sound I did you wanted a sound oh you did stinky these old guys can't say of course you grin with me again stinky yeah oh you'd have to do a little bit of Cokie number hundred today your knee I really didn't get sleep last night trying to prepare for to day's stream and giving all those announcements about the bot channels kept me up all night it did maybe an hour's sleep say exhausted already putting up with you kicking me in the back you air last night getting frustrated about things they called and yet the where was the rat bag cat last night she was on your side she was definitely on the bed yeah around the lakes it's a worse spot I don't know why she wants to be around my legs all a dime so you can't pad yeah that's right so I can't pate but it restricts my movement I like kicking around oh dear look at you go you're still kicking it with the best of them stinky I'm a course oh and you know who kill me penguin Spidey did I don't want oppa - yeah these are your arch-nemesis are they they asked to play with your life just so they could dominate you in a game absolutely destroy your abilities to win ladies a beer no one for me to hunt of mr. Holly for the chair I thought they weren't talking in the chat they've been talking all these time oh my god how come you miss it what kind of maybe put up pg-13 movies like animations I'm leaving that up to you guys to decide what maybe shouldn't shouldn't be showing in this Gordon I expect you to be you know keep it family friendly but other than that I'm not too fast and it can be more mature as well as long as there's a bit of a warning sign there but yeah oh yeah Jake JB Oh JB our SOS is here I'm sorry it took me so long to say I lay there I just didn't realize that the chat was still going plate actually said if it's finished wait for me please I'll be waiting I'll be watching but I'll be on silent because I'm playing GTA and went free on the epic store I hope that comes to my balls one day because it's very popular funny thought says bright why can't I join wait me says plane made let plane made in guys yeah you can ah plane you have to wait until the actual is it's like two or three games within one or either five we'd like now penguin win yeah like now alright say guys just wait a moment say that plane mode can get into this one and then let let it stay once you're in there plane mode say just be patient guys and I'm not sure if Davey is still there but if you play among us and you want to join get on it quick play with your life what happened is planing there already I don't know I mean you can put another name in here so you never know right yeah oh yes that was quick you did it again penguin there is penguin rosenhan you're not supposed to say that oh thank you same I know well this is all very you know what are you supposed to do and it's a live stream I'm giving away all the secrets I'm gonna keep doing it because let's face it your secrets are being given away we gotta level the playing field what well because they know that you're gonna be an impostor or not every single dime so maybe I should be calling them out just to say here you go this is the i mpostor in this game make it just as hard for them you think so or not he's saying that ain't do that whatever what you be with you always be with me like what Q first someone's day yeah nice stinky the other survive longer than that best commentary Emma and I one day have a Auto Google Translate things gonna work with that to find any gold up stinky you give you guys commentary you should be able to practice this cuz let's face it you're not playing right now work on your entertainment skills distinct how much he seemed like it seems to win you talk like that it's like she's in the room you know you die you're gonna be Kiko best ghost voice ever save oh oh no you guys don't stay near there oh he wins again man's plane mode in this yet I still don't know you better be in now because we death finish oh Henry coins here I'll join next round under the name cliff gaming so we're gonna get another one to join the code is right up just before right I had the right code didn't II think this i s the code be and also welcome to the strain Henry I think that was a code right look at it you're gonna we might set a record for four people in the live chat joining the game although I don't need today are they able to stay in the live chat while they're playing the game that's something that I can't wrap my head around or play mage in there nevermind cheese Doug didn't quite understand that one but play maids in there we got ten people here now we got two impostor don't be the first one to die stinky said another new record lasts longer than 10 seconds while the name is cheese daddy he's saying say different name there is supposed to claice I didn't notice whether cheese dad was in there but hopefully they are what are you guys thinking kill me again oh you run away you're on with you the first again well I'm like a target I hang on Penguin's got a different code this time kale ZX oh he does that too I'm cheese daddy's in there say ed look why did the kite change penguin because it looked like all of the people are in the right one at the moment it's so exciting I find it exciting when this happens except for the fact that you die quickly and the target is how many arch-nemesis have you got this is why you shouldn't be saving victory in your life stinky there are consequences consequences for your actions I tell ya that's what happens first beta faded saying this is your opportunity today the commentary I'm following you sir you gonna ko ha your serial killer one doing the emergency meeting when they share thing and they have to ward who is the impostor so the one who got caught the most there will be kicked out into the outer space alright if it's tied and no one's got the kick I say penguin the city got kicked from the service so he needs oh really yes it's another new one k olds edex everyone fefe listening you've got to change the code name code name stink pants cocaine let's get stinky first I'm the target you have a target I have my plane leaves anymore th e target Oh what imposter got out plane mode you are the one who killed me now who else is the imposter here I wonder who kill me oh no that's the plain one who kill me but who else are you Spidey was that use body I'm watching you Spidey I'm watching you are you I will crawl you our betrayal betrayal oh can you work it out I'm following them around as a guy street you know you can try them spoiler alert and the live chat tell everybody oh you kinda have to wait until they did something or they kill something then you sure look at you guys I think it's because you're the amateur and everyone else is an expert in these game they're all quite well-versed on the how to play they does want to target me yeah let's walk that stinky first wipe out the stink don't worry about anyone else okay so I have to change my strategy yep what's your thoughts ran away I think they're just enjoying the fact that they can wipe you out you know live stream that's what's going cuz they used to protect you in the first-person shooter games oh that's because we are crew mates yeah this one they are like hey Oh someone made again who's that and not the right one doesn't happening he's still alive stinky I'm a good 8 years ago I'm die first well again I say it's just the one game but every now and again it stops they can talk when people press meeting then you can talk right but it's still the same guy you kind of have mini game there when people like the imposter they can sabotage like cut the electricity out or cut the oxygen or something like that then you have to fix it and you have got to like the minigames but it's not that hard like you saw me fix the electric before just have to match the color yeah but you have to do that within the time limit that's all and not get Q first you can fix the things they're not dying first there's another problem well follow them around lucky guys okay so I'm going to the new one KL z X but I think this might be the last game as we already hit two hours oh it's just me and penguin again so everyone else seen the live chat the the coder has changed if you have a look in the live chat you'll see what the new cadiz or stinky Kim just say it now hey LV it's zebra maybe they just enjoy that because they've got so many people there payments we are the champions again I'm using I'm using the cellphone on plane oh yeah yeah I'm using my well not my food up cellphone - yeah well that's basically yours isn't it you keep stealing it and not where Spidy Spidy you've got to get in the new room oh my ready we need five at least so still waiting if Spidey is here then we should be ready but he's gone all right still say the kite again please KL zebra it's okay LX not fun fun this is how we do meeting you just resigned to the fact that you're a target Archie this is terrible you think you'll get another ten players in this one stinky just waiting on my Spidey but I gave him there then you code there yeah you might play nice you know he's trying to g et in there I think me sees the mice plays that we've had online playing live with us compared to every other game doesn't really play interactive is good you guys straight away chasing you Dave for the easy target that of your G getting ahead now I mean it's good doesn't it why I thought if you get far enough away not going back you're gonna try and chase them is it get in there and do you have handy whack the handyman I don't care go away well that's penguin Penguins chasing you someone else is chasing you I thought you would be dominating these games thing is it's a runaway game all right you're running away looks like she's back see went the first one to go this time ah nice one stinky I think you lost you what first one is not good why is that not good that means he's surviving because you might die anyway I think that's the object of the game it's plane plane was one that got Henry coin so you gotta watch out for playing there stinky look at me I'm doing all of the spoiler lads w ait you have the champion says penguin again find my buddy senpai its plane anyway we done nice one alright guys I guess that's it for today we've surpassed the two-hour mark thank you all for joining the game live with us that was very entertaining I felt when your fat fingers not working special shout out the stinkies awesome commentary well my fat fingers not working at all well what's now all right say we hope you have a fantastic rest of the weekend final repeat of myself just to say be wary of those bot channels you know report them block them down interact with them random saying no for some reason I'm not too sure why you got any final comments they're stinky stop chasing me in the games could you stream tomorrow probably not Henry just because there's a lot of background work that I do before and after streaming and it does take me at least a day or two after the stream completes to finish the background work and then do it again we might try and do a mid stream I keep saying a midweek stream I keep saying it and that's never happened yet if it doesn't happen you've seen us again next week same time same bat-channel yeah well that's the other thing that we might try a different stream time if it is Midlake we'll see how we go say a spade he said he loved this video nice one I wasn't sure I was particularly entertaining Friday so independent killing me that's three all right say you do J you're all awesome we love you someone being a champion all the time in this game would you write penguin right penguin nighttime for losers stinky you're out of here alright take care guys bye we'll see you in the next one